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Here is your first update about the new location in Vientiane!

Well, I arrived in Nong Khai at 6am on Monday morning, made it to the new building at 8am. There was at least 100 people in line already. After 15 minutes in line another 50 were behind me! They opened the gate and we walked inside. It took around 2 hours to get to the front of the line! Then after you submit the application you are sent to the other building to pay your visa fee. There is a lady calling out names here, and I waited for around 30 minutes untill my name was called. I recieved a reciept and that was it.

The next day I arrived at 12pm, people had started to arrive already from the day before, and another large line started to form for pick up of passports. I was about 40-50 back in this line.

They opened the gate again and we walked to the same building that we did our payment the day before. It took about 45 minutes to get to the front and hand them my paper. I recieved my single entry tourist visa no problem and I didn't see any unhappy faces either. A Canadian next to me got a 2x entry tourist visa no problem as well.

The actual counsuler was inside this building letting around 20 people in at a time. He stated to some complaining people that over 500 people came yesterday, 'so be patient'. Another interesting thing that he stated was that they have 'ordered a numbering system from Bangkok'. It appeared that they processed every applicant that came on Monday.

The buildings themself are very beautiful. There are two buildings, one where we submitted the applications, and another for payments and pickup of passports. It looks to me that all our tourist visas have payed off and got them a pretty fancy place.

That's it for now, when I get home I will check back, so feel free to ask any questions about details I may have neglected.

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Here is your first update about the new location in Vientiane!

New? How new?

It sounds like a description of a location I went to about four years ago, after they had just moved from a crowded little downtown office (across from the day market).

Here is your first update about the new location in Vientiane!

New? How new?

It sounds like a description of a location I went to about four years ago, after they had just moved from a crowded little downtown office (across from the day market).

Yesterday was the first day.


Waiting is inside with aircon, or outside under the sun?

Did tuk-tuk/taxi drivers know about the new location? Did they (tuk-tuk) change their price compared to the old location (from the border and from the tourist area)?


I have found 2 different pdfs of the visa application form...a one page in english, and a two page with thai and english. Which one do they use?

R the line ups same everyday? I'm going on wednesday...what is the cost of a tuk-tuk from the fountain to the new embassy, and how much time does it take, will be staying near there and need to estimate how much time i will need in the morning.

I have found 2 different pdfs of the visa application form...a one page in english, and a two page with thai and english. Which one do they use?

R the line ups same everyday? I'm going on wednesday...what is the cost of a tuk-tuk from the fountain to the new embassy, and how much time does it take, will be staying near there and need to estimate how much time i will need in the morning.

This form: http://www.thaiembassy.org/vientiane/img/visa.pdf

There will always be lines everyday. But Wednesday will be the 2nd best day after Friday. It hard to say how long it will take but I would say plan on at least 2 hours.

Thanks for the info.

Was the line outside the building or inside.

The line starts outside before the gates open, when the gates open the line moves inside the gates up to the windows where you turn in the application. Your not inside of a building for this line but they do have an area with chairs and tents set up outside if people with you want to rest. (the chairs and tents are not set up along the line path however) The building that you pay and pick up your passport is inside and does have aircon, although it was not on when I was there. (It wasn't a very hot day though)

Did tuk-tuk/taxi drivers know about the new location? Did they (tuk-tuk) change their price compared to the old location (from the border and from the tourist area)?

Regarding tuk-tuk's and taxi's. I don't know about the prices from before, so I will just let you know what they charged us. From the border to the office it was 300 baht. (taxi car) Now, I of course was in a hurry, and didn't bother checking around to find a better deal, so this could be higher then normal. You will have to wait for other reports on that. They did however know where the new location was. I think that some drivers were unaware of it though because some people went to the wrong location first, guess it was hit or miss with the drivers on the first day. My fiance just checked with them before we started if they knew where the new one was. I would guess that after a few days, all the drivers will know where it is. The tuk-tuk prices from the hotel I stayed at (Mina Hotel, 700 baht a night) was about 30,000 kip to the new office. Me and my fiance went to several different malls and markets, and it was almost always 20,000 -30,000 kip.


Enter Thailand with your Double Entry Tourist Visa, 60 day stamp. A few days before this expires go to Immigration and extend for 30 days.

A few days before this expires(before the 'Enter before" date) Pop over to Burma and come back. Another 60 days. Again extend this at Immigration for 30 days.

The entry is up to 60 days. You could leave after 1 day if you wanted to. When you leave your Visa has expired whether you stay 1 day or 60 days.

For some country is ONLY 60 days not double if you go alone.( for sure Italy, France)

If you go whit agency or you use the men outside offer you their service for 5000 bath is double for every country.


Here's another update about the new Thai Consulate in Vientiane.

The architect obviously NEVER spent a second in the old consulate to see the short comings of its lay out, and thus the new building is as much of a clusterfuc_k as the old one was. The layout is piss poor, the flow to maximize thru-put and efficient processing of applications is nonexistent, and the total lack of any foresight in the planning other than to build two "pretty" buildings is classic thai logic; appearance is everything. There are a bunch of useless chairs and awning which just plain wastes space, and not a single person would jump out of the queue to sit in them even if the chairs were in the shade (which they are not until well into the afternoon). They did have a copy machine near where you turn in your passport and application so that was a plus, albeit a small one.

I took a visa service which left Bangkok at 8:30PM and arrived at the border at 6:00AM the following morning. The "shepherd" (our 'tour guide') got us outta thailand, across the bridge and into Lao pretty smoothly, although we had several people on long overstays which slowed our group down a bit crossing over.

We got to the consulate at 9:00AM and it was near chaos. There were nearly 550 people in line (I walked the line and did a rough count). MANY people had left thailand before new year's eve but couldn't get processed, so they were stuck in Lao over new years, and that is why I think the line was so long. The shepherd of our visa run service said usually there are about 200-300 in line and she's there 4 days a week with the company she works for.

After standing in the baking (but thankfully winter) sun to wait to turn in your passport, application, and supporting documents, (a lengthy process made even more so by people being unprepared, as far as photos, copies, even the correct form, etc), you were directed to another building which was straight out of a bad nitemare. No rhyme or reason, no number system, no logic AT ALL was to be seen in either the way things were processed or the way people were called.

Once they had collected enough passports and applications to fill a "wash tub" they took it to the room where people were waiting to pay. They then called people's name's (thai style), with a p/a system which sounded like a bad karaoke machine. There were about 10 times the number of people waiting to pay than there were chairs, (which was an improvement over the old consulate where the chairs to people were at a ration of 1 to 100) and people were jammed into every nook and cranny of the building. Sadly if they had just told people to re-queue in their original order, after turning in their passports and applications, the line would have flowed very smoothly, except for the fact that sometimes when they brought in a 'wash tub' of passports they reversed them when they started calling names, so people further back in the original queue were called before people who had turned in their passports earlier.

I am willing to let some of the half-assed, poorly executed thai wisdom slide as it was the first day of the new building. Unfortunately that being said, it is just as bad as the old building, no rhyme, no reason, no forethought in its design.

The next day, I went with our 'shepherd' got to see if her "secret squirrel" contact in the consulate would really get us our passports BEFORE they started handing them out to the mass of humanity waiting for theirs. Low and behold, she came out with our passports just as the first person was exiting with his, so she did have a contact on the inside.

Our group raced to the border, she got us across flawlessly, never stopped at either side, just breezed thru. Stopped in Nong Khai for a buffet, then raced back to Bangkok. All in all a long trip, leaving Bangkok at 8:30PM Sunday, and arriving back here at 11:30PM Tuesday nite.

Most people I spoke to in line had never heard of either the Thai Visa Forum, or evidently the internet either as they were dumb as a box of rocks about marking X2 next to the tourist visa box, for double entry, having a copy of the fron page of their passport, or even having two photos. It was sad really, as the same thing is exhibited at Suan Plu Immigrations here in Bangkok, just a plain lack of research or just plain stupidity, I don't know which.

Here are some photos of the people waiting in line to receive their passports on Tuesday afternoon, which I snapped while I was walking around. You can see the covered chair waiting area in one pic and to the very right the two windows where you turn your passports in. The other pic is the door leading into the room where you receive your passport/visa.

There are the same drink sellers outside selling Pepsi, Fanta, Beer Lao, etc like before, as well as Laotians who have the correct forms which they will sell to you. (and yes the touts are still there selling "same day" service illegally)

They still lock you out in the morning until the gates open and then again lock the gate at 12:00 until 1:00 to get ready to let in the people from the previous day at that time to pick up their passports.

I got my 90 day single entry Non-Immigrant Type O visa based on retirement even though I don't turn 50 until next month, but at least I can convert it to a year stay at Suan Plu after that.

Sorry if I sound critical, I am, and even just a tiny bit of design work could have made that a much better working system for both the thais employed there and the foreigners who use the consulate.

Any questions, P/M me. .. ..

(edited for most of the spelling mistakes, lol)





The head of the touts/tuk-tuk racketeer business was still there? Coz for double the normal price he could process the visa for you and you got it back before everybody else the day after.

For some country is ONLY 60 days not double if you go alone.( for sure Italy, France)

If you go whit agency or you use the men outside offer you their service for 5000 bath is double for every country.

Are they discriminating against France (and Italy) in Laos. Interesting!

I really doubt that the "men outside" will be able to get a double entry for countries which are only allowed single entries.

For some country is ONLY 60 days not double if you go alone.( for sure Italy, France)

If you go whit agency or you use the men outside offer you their service for 5000 bath is double for every country.

Are they discriminating against France (and Italy) in Laos. Interesting!

I really doubt that the "men outside" will be able to get a double entry for countries which are only allowed single entries.

I'm French and got double entry visas in Vientiane everytime I asked for it (in person).

I believe the "men outside" can get anything u want if you're ready to pay.

For some country is ONLY 60 days not double if you go alone.( for sure Italy, France)

If you go whit agency or you use the men outside offer you their service for 5000 bath is double for every country.

Are they discriminating against France (and Italy) in Laos. Interesting!

I really doubt that the "men outside" will be able to get a double entry for countries which are only allowed single entries.

I'm French and got double entry visas in Vientiane everytime I asked for it (in person).

I believe the "men outside" can get anything u want if you're ready to pay.

This what they said 10 days ago when i ask ( at the pupmui lady that take the money in the second building)why me and others cannot have a double visa from them.

Then im sorry but i dont know which kind of rules they follows.

Other people that i ask why they use agency ( 2 hours in line can help to talk to much whit others) they said the same, because they come before and they got only single and whit the agency double.

I know laos is a france ex paradise but 2 man from france they got only single.

I dont think they look if you do many visa run or not, my passport was new whit only a previous visa at the airpot in bangkok, the american man in front of me him had the passport semifull whit visa run in cambodia and him got double.

Other people i read in other forum they get only double whit the men standing outside for 5000 bath.

Sorry i dont know what said to you this is what happens last time i stay there.

I dont like this kind of things and i dont write about for make worry to someone.


I believe the "men outside" can get anything u want if you're ready to pay.

I'm ready to pay. Can I get a one year non-immigrant "0" or "B" from the "men outside"? How about a 3 entry 6-month tourist visa?

For some country is ONLY 60 days not double if you go alone.( for sure Italy, France)

If you go whit agency or you use the men outside offer you their service for 5000 bath is double for every country.

Are they discriminating against France (and Italy) in Laos. Interesting!

I really doubt that the "men outside" will be able to get a double entry for countries which are only allowed single entries.

I'm French and got double entry visas in Vientiane everytime I asked for it (in person).

I believe the "men outside" can get anything u want if you're ready to pay.

This what they said 10 days ago when i ask ( at the pupmui lady that take the money in the second building)why me and others cannot have a double visa from them.

Then im sorry but i dont know which kind of rules they follows.

When Vientiane consulate began to give double entry tourist visas there were reports they were not giving those on Mondays. Maybe that's the same story.

I believe the "men outside" can get anything u want if you're ready to pay.

I'm ready to pay. Can I get a one year non-immigrant "0" or "B" from the "men outside"? How about a 3 entry 6-month tourist visa?

You'll have to ask him, I'm now sitting in front of my computer, not outside of the embassy :o.

The mafia guy outside seemed to be well connected, but he can only probably get you what the embassy staff normally gives, except you don't have to worry about what time you arrive (no problem if you arrive after 12:00), the documents you give are probably checked less thoroughly and you get your passport back before everybody else.

Most people I spoke to in line had never heard of either the Thai Visa Forum, or evidently the internet either as they were dumb as a box of rocks about marking X2 next to the tourist visa box, for double entry, having a copy of the fron page of their passport, or even having two photos. It was sad really, as the same thing is exhibited at Suan Plu Immigrations here in Bangkok, just a plain lack of research or just plain stupidity, I don't know which.

This is so true, people were getting into line with just there passport, paying 100 baht to have some tout fill out there form, only to make several mistakes on it because they are filling it out over there knee and they hardly speak english. I felt like a fricking nerd with my nice folder of paperwork all paper cliped together and a whole months worth of reading locked in my brain.

Those photos send chills down my spine, 500 people on those two days was seriously horrible. Funny thing is, I recognize a few of those people...

Those photos send chills down my spine, 500 people on those two days was seriously horrible. Funny thing is, I recognize a few of those people...

If people plan to get to the consulate by 7am on busy days (Mondays and days after public holidays) they should have no problems getting through quickly once the doors open. Most people not reading this forum don't have a clue what to expect, so Thaivisa readers can easily stay one step ahead.

The problem I see with many people going to Vientiane for visas is that they want to arrive on the day they make the application in order to limit the trip to just one night away. This means getting to the border at peak time and having to cope with long queues at the Laos border when applying for their entry visa and then getting to the consulate at a time when the queues are already long...along with a lot of stress that this rush process creates.

IMO the best way is to arrive on an afternoon flight to Udon the day before and get to the border after 6pm when no one is waiting. Check into a hotel and relax. Get up early the following morning and get to the consulate early enough to be one of the first in line. I just cannot see any advantage of trying to do it in one night.

The idea of busing all the way from Bangkok (and back) also seems too much to bare. I'm amazed at what people will do just to stay in Thailand. I'm also amazed at what people will do just to save a little cash.

If people plan to get to the consulate by 7am on busy days (Mondays and days after public holidays) they should have no problems getting through quickly once the doors open. Most people not reading this forum don't have a clue what to expect, so Thaivisa readers can easily stay one step ahead.

The problem I see with many people going to Vientiane for visas is that they want to arrive on the day they make the application in order to limit the trip to just one night away. This means getting to the border at peak time and having to cope with long queues at the Laos border when applying for their entry visa and then getting to the consulate at a time when the queues are already long...along with a lot of stress that this rush process creates.

IMO the best way is to arrive on an afternoon flight to Udon the day before and get to the border after 6pm when no one is waiting. Check into a hotel and relax. Get up early the following morning and get to the consulate early enough to be one of the first in line. I just cannot see any advantage of trying to do it in one night.

The idea of busing all the way from Bangkok (and back) also seems too much to bare. I'm amazed at what people will do just to stay in Thailand. I'm also amazed at what people will do just to save a little cash.

I agree with you. It is much better to travel one day early and spend the night. No rush to get across the bridge and to the consulate that way.

There are even trains and buses that will get you to Nong Kai in plenty of time to cross the bridge before 10 PM the night before. Or even if you travel overnight when you get to Nong Kai have some breakfast and relax a bit and get to the bridge about 9 AM or later and the crowds should be less. Then have a nice easy day having some good food and few Beer Lao's in Vientiane.


Thanks for the trip report, Tod. It's a good one.

I echo your sentiments on the lack of any organisation and forethought and for that reason I have vowed never to get a visa from Vientiane again. I sometimes suspect they make the visa applicants stand in the sun for hours and push and shove like animals on purpose to reinforce their own authority and egos.

P.S. Be careful with your first name. When the Thai word for 'fart' is transliterated into Roman letters, it comes out as Tod. I would take a Thai name if I were you. Hope this helps.


I had to to a trip on a short notice to restart my non immigrant "B" in Vientiane on 6.January and can confirm the latest info. Crossed the border in the afternoon without any queues, early bird at the new immigration office next morning at around 7.15 and approx. 5 people ahead of me in the queue. Handed in my passport with all required documents (be aware that the require the Laos entry stamp as a copy, i wasn't, but someone told me there and for 20B I had it done my a guy with a motorcycle). Next to the indoor place where my name had been called very soon afterwards and had a second breakfast downtown around 9.15. Next day early again, rushed to the border and crossed without queues back to Thailand.

I had to to a trip on a short notice to restart my non immigrant "B" in Vientiane on 6.January and can confirm the latest info. Crossed the border in the afternoon without any queues, early bird at the new immigration office next morning at around 7.15 and approx. 5 people ahead of me in the queue. Handed in my passport with all required documents (be aware that the require the Laos entry stamp as a copy, i wasn't, but someone told me there and for 20B I had it done my a guy with a motorcycle). Next to the indoor place where my name had been called very soon afterwards and had a second breakfast downtown around 9.15. Next day early again, rushed to the border and crossed without queues back to Thailand.

A copy of the Laos entry stamp has not been required for a tourist visa application.

If people plan to get to the consulate by 7am on busy days (Mondays and days after public holidays) they should have no problems getting through quickly once the doors open. Most people not reading this forum don't have a clue what to expect, so Thaivisa readers can easily stay one step ahead.

The problem I see with many people going to Vientiane for visas is that they want to arrive on the day they make the application in order to limit the trip to just one night away. This means getting to the border at peak time and having to cope with long queues at the Laos border when applying for their entry visa and then getting to the consulate at a time when the queues are already long...along with a lot of stress that this rush process creates.

IMO the best way is to arrive on an afternoon flight to Udon the day before and get to the border after 6pm when no one is waiting. Check into a hotel and relax. Get up early the following morning and get to the consulate early enough to be one of the first in line. I just cannot see any advantage of trying to do it in one night.

The idea of busing all the way from Bangkok (and back) also seems too much to bare. I'm amazed at what people will do just to stay in Thailand. I'm also amazed at what people will do just to save a little cash.

Never used the Thai Consulate in Vientiane for a Visa,but remember the old place in Lane Xang road from years ago,went with a friend,was a nightmare,hot and cramped,the last one not much better,reading the reports,at least since they give easy Visas.

Agree with Tropo(the first time?)that making the trip,by bus,in two days,is masochism!

If you are on a shoestring,train(better) or bus from Krungthep,arrive late afternoon,a cheap GH,not on the river front,a dinner on the river with lot of Beerlao.

The following morning,early to the Thai Consulate,you can make a leisurely walk too.it isn't soo far.The next day,after retrieving your PP,International bus to NongKhai or Udon,evening train,bus if you like,to Bangkok.

Train,bus,to and from Bangkok=1500,2 nights,dinner,breakfast and lunch in Vientiane=!500,cheap methinks,beer intake excluded.

All your paperwork should be ready,but every seasoned Visarunner knows that. :o


Just filling out the Visa application form for the Thai embassy in Laos. At the top where it says tourist visa, how do you indicate that you want a double?

How about "Countries for which PP is valid": All?

I been here for 1 year, what do you write in "date of previous visits to Thailand"?

Who can you write as a local guarantor for Laos?

I will be getting my visa on 22nd Jan. and my passport runs out June 23rd 2009, that gives me the 6 months validity, but how do I work it to renew my passport? (Canada)

I am flying into Vientiane 20th Jan, apply visa 21st, pickup 22nd, fly out from Vientiane 22nd 10pm. Anyone recommend to stay until 23rd in case of delays? I've never heard of any hang ups, and I don't anticipate any.

Just filling out the Visa application form for the Thai embassy in Laos. At the top where it says tourist visa, how do you indicate that you want a double?
Write 2 entry beside Tourist
How about "Countries for which PP is valid": All?
Yes write all.
I been here for 1 year, what do you write in "date of previous visits to Thailand"?
Your last entry.
Who can you write as a local guarantor for Laos?
Leave blank
I will be getting my visa on 22nd Jan. and my passport runs out June 23rd 2009, that gives me the 6 months validity, but how do I work it to renew my passport? (Canada)
Get your new passport before you need to do your 2nd entry. After getting your new passport go to immigration and have your entry and permit to stay stamps moved to your new passport. They will not move the visa so you will need to use your old passport to show them your visa when you make your 2nd entry.
I am flying into Vientiane 20th Jan, apply visa 21st, pickup 22nd, fly out from Vientiane 22nd 10pm. Anyone recommend to stay until 23rd in case of delays? I've never heard of any hang ups, and I don't anticipate any.
You should not have a problem. You have picked the best day of the week to go so it should not be as busy as other days. Just be there early and you should avoid most of the line.
Just filling out the Visa application form for the Thai embassy in Laos. At the top where it says tourist visa, how do you indicate that you want a double?

How about "Countries for which PP is valid": All?

I been here for 1 year, what do you write in "date of previous visits to Thailand"?

Who can you write as a local guarantor for Laos?

I will be getting my visa on 22nd Jan. and my passport runs out June 23rd 2009, that gives me the 6 months validity, but how do I work it to renew my passport? (Canada)

I am flying into Vientiane 20th Jan, apply visa 21st, pickup 22nd, fly out from Vientiane 22nd 10pm. Anyone recommend to stay until 23rd in case of delays? I've never heard of any hang ups, and I don't anticipate any.

Number of entries. x2

Countries. All

Previous Visits. I would put the date of my last entry.

Guarantor. I would leave it blank.

Get a new passport from your Embassy. Entry stamps will be transfered to the new one by Immigration, but not the Visa. So you have to carry 2 passports for a while.

Personally I would have renewed the passport before getting the Visa but you are a bit pushed for time now.

Thx. Opening is 730 or 830? Getting there early means 630am or 7am...?

Gates open at 8:30am. Getting there early means before 7:30am.

You need to keep a close eye on public holidays at the Thai Consulate.

Here's the list for 2009 from the official website:

Official Holidays 2009 (2552)

February 9


Makha Bucha Day


March 9


Women’s Day


April 6


Chakri Memorial Day


April 13


Songkran Festival Day


April 14


Songkran Festival Day

Thai & Lao

April 15


Songkran Festival Day

Thai & Lao

April 16


Songkran Festival Day


May 1


National Labour Day


May 5


Coronation Day


May 8


Visakha Bucha Day

Thai & Lao

July 7


Asalha Bucha Day


July 8


Buddhist Lent Day

Thai & Lao

August 12


H.M. the Queen’s Birthday


October 5


Boath Racing Festival


October 23


King Chulalongkorn Day


December 2


Lao National Day


December 7


Substitute for H.M. the King’s Birthday


December 10


Constitution Day


December 31


New Year’s Eve


Just my luck. I'll need to go there in the first week of May. That's a tricky week because there is only one good day to apply that week: Wednesday.


Went there this morning (Monday - so thought it would be busy). Nice half an hour walk in the morning chill to get there. Got there 7.15 - there were 10 people in the queue. By 7.30 about 40. At 8.30 I counted 100 people. The tout told us our downloaded forms wouldn't be accepted. (Our downloaded forms printed on 2 sheets whereas the one he had was printed on one sheet - front and back)

I along with most others around me bought new application forms for 20 baht each with the threat that we may lose our places in the queue. But I did see one bloke successfully hand in a downloaded form so...

At 8.30 gates opened promptly. One queue formed then there was a bit of a shuffle around when someone said '2 queues' since there were 2 serving hatches.

I queued 10 mins at the hatch. Then waited sat down in the next building about 5 minutes till my name was called to pay. At 8.45 the queue outside to hand in the forms was down to 80. I then waited 30 mins for my mate who had been asked to redo his form cos he'd written half of his address in the right box and half at the very bottom of the sheet (muppet). He did however manage to get back to the front of the queue and hand it in. By the time he had waited in the next building, then paid, it was 9.15 and the queue count outside was still about 80.

How come Beer Laos tastes so much better in Laos....

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