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Is Your Thai Partner Going To Vote This Time?

Daffy D

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Hi All

At the last election the whole of the Thai nation seemed to be on the move to go home to vote. I remember renting a car and together with wife her brother and mother drove up to their home province for them to vote. The roads were like Bank Holiday week end.

It was a big deal for them and they all wanted to go and cast their vote.

I asked wife if she was going home again to vote this time but she said no she was not going to bother because it’s not serious anymore. Why bother to vote if in a few months they may force another change of government.

Is this a general trend of thought? Are people not bothering to vote anymore? What is your partner doing, vote or not?

Just really curious.



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My Thai partner votes in every election. Is registered in the local Ampur/Tambon, so long distance travel is not required.

No vote, no right to complain! True not only of Thai but ALL, including expats that do not bother to vote absentee in their native countries.

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My Thai partner .......is registered in the local Ampur/Tambon, so long distance travel is not required.

So is mine now. I went to Pattaya City Hall to collect her voting paper myself. But I'm not clear what party she's voting for. She's an Isaan girl and an ardent Thaksin supporter but hates Samak.

Anyone know how to say "People Power Party" in Thai so I can ask her?

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There is no need to return home to vote as long as your partner votes early at your local amphur.

And yes, he will be voting, he votes every single time, and doesn't need my encouragement to do so. I don't know for sure who he is voting for but most likely the Democrat party.

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I was just thinking today, that people seem very uninterested to vote. I know my wife is going to vote, but I can't say I know anyone else who is planning on it. It seems there is a real feeling that the system is fixed and to devote any energy towards it is foolish. Sadly, I tend to agree. But still if you don't vote you have no right to complain either.

I think the voter turnout will be a record low. Many illusions of voter relevance were washed away when the tanks rolled into Bangkok and the people's rights were flushed down the Chao Praya.

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The mood in Chiang Mai so far as I can ascertain , is one of lethargy and distrust of the political system.

My husband will vote as all that is required is a walk down to the local temple of about 100m

If it required major effort I have a feeling he might not.

There is a feeling that it is a bit of a staged show and affiliations seem to have changed accordingly.

Large gatherings are I believe still banned in a lot of provinces so how would you have a political rally.

I have seen a couple of loud speaker vans and maybe 2 lots of leaflet distributors. One of them didn't even know which party he was distributing for!

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Yep she voted, so did her sister, father, his meanoy and a couple more friends from up country as well, I can vouch for them voting as I spent three hours driving them through the voting traffic jam to get there.

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SWMBO hasn't said, she voted for TRT first time around then regretted it. Last time I think she voted Democrat. All I do is ask her to think about her vote. The last Puy Yai/Gamnan election. Her sister came round to tell her to vote for a certain guy. He was involved in a killing of a Nai Yok Or Bor Dor in a nearby Tambon. I just said if you want to vote because your sister says so do so, but I would like you to think what you are doing. She voted for the other guy, well he did give her 100 Baht :o

Edited by Mosha
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Wife has rounded everyone one she knows and got them to hit the embassy with their votes..........also her lot in LOS ....and no secret that she ....and according to HER the whole Thai nation wants Khun T back...via PPP.....

as for me....mai mee......any good Commis standing... :o ......Hey Godeon did ye sigh that treaty yet?

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Wife has rounded everyone one she knows and got them to hit the embassy with their votes..........also her lot in LOS ....and no secret that she ....and according to HER the whole Thai nation wants Khun T back...via PPP.....

as for me....mai mee......any good Commis standing... :o ......Hey Godeon did ye sigh that treaty yet?


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My Thai partner votes in every election. Is registered in the local Ampur/Tambon, so long distance travel is not required.

No vote, no right to complain! True not only of Thai but ALL, including expats that do not bother to vote absentee in their native countries.

Spot on! If you don't take the time to do something (vote) that is your right, don't come back and bitch and moan later! Some would give almost anything for the honor.

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My Thai partner votes in every election. Is registered in the local Ampur/Tambon, so long distance travel is not required.

No vote, no right to complain! True not only of Thai but ALL, including expats that do not bother to vote absentee in their native countries.

The wife says she is going to vote, but have not made up her mind on what crook to vote for yet.

As for not voting and no right to complain. I have never voted. With one exception. The referendum on Norways application to join the EU.

Anyway, not voting does not suspend your human rights, thus freedom of expression still aply to those who do not.

That said, not voting for any of the idiots and the parties they represent that runs my country is a concious decition on my part. Give me a party to vote for, that understand that the politians are supposed to work for the people, and not the other way around...and I'll cast my vote too...unfortunately such a party does not exist in my country

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