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Marrying A Thai Lady

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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

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Having no money will not stop you marrying if she and her family are willing.

It will stop you getting your 1 year visa for marriage and will probably stop your own country letting her in if you want to go there until you earn more though.

With your current position can you afford to keep you both where you are in Thailand?

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Guest Property
Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor?

You don't mention your nationality but if you're English then it'll cost you more than 2k just to obtain the necessary paperwork from the British Embassy to permit an Ampur weddding.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA

Why haven't your school provided a work visa? Working illegally in Thailand carries relatively heavy penalties.

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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

A prime example of the kind of farang Thailand doesn't want. :o

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I don't wish this thread to continue along the lines of "all thai women marry farangs for their money" but, it is also possible that although you have no money and have told your women this fact, she could well be thinking you have a secret stash somewhere. When i met my wife i was going through a divorce, (to a farang woman), and had no money other than my current income. She was shocked when she eventually realised i wasn't lying because "all" farangs have loads of money somewhere.

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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

A prime example of the kind of farang Thailand doesn't want. :o

They wanted him to help after the Tsunami

They want him to teach at their schools

Who are you to say who Thailand does not want - are you Thai?

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Lets get this right. You are unqualified, brassic (& lint - skint - broke), working illegally, you don't say it but probably in Thailand illegally (no valid visa) and you want to get married? I am assuming you did not miss the 'k' off your bank balance (k = 000's). This girls wants to marry you? Either you are taking the p1ss (aka trolling) or you are terminally niaive.

Assuming you come from Europe, USA or Australia/NZ you don't even have the funds to return home and you want to take on the responsibility for supporting another person?

No, this aint true.

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hi jonny .

I dont want to be too negative but ,love is blind for you and her , unless you have a lot more than what your telling us here on your op you will both have a lot of heartbreak . but you are only young and will make a lot of problems for yourself in the name of love . i would just go home get yourself a good job , secure your future that will put you in control , and then go for it . believe me been there and done that .


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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

How about some contstructive criticism instead of just pounding the crap out of the guy ,,,maybe he is naive ,,,, doesn't anyone remember what it was like to be young and in love (brains go out the window),,, if he can speak Thai and read a little he is a long way further down the track than me ,,,and l assume he is helping some young Thai kids to learn about the english language

He is asking for some help ,,, give him a break


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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

How about some contstructive criticism instead of just pounding the crap out of the guy ,,,maybe he is naive ,,,, doesn't anyone remember what it was like to be young and in love (brains go out the window),,, if he can speak Thai and read a little he is a long way further down the track than me ,,,and l assume he is helping some young Thai kids to learn about the english language

He is asking for some help ,,, give him a break


He`s also breaking the law and faces deportation. What use is he to a wife?

Assuming he does not live under a bridge.

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why everyone so darn negative.. let his sweetheart take care of financial part :o IF it is real lurve :D ..

than maybe he prove something none of foreigners ever could ... that unselfish love does exists in this country..

unless it is a troll .. we're patiently waiting for an update !!!!!!!!!!!! hey would the sme situation happened in ANY other country, it would be deemed normal & he'd owe to be congradulated .. if things are as peachy as they are ..keep posting Johny :D prove.. that there are unmaterialistic gurls in this country !!!

are there ..

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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

the thais seem to manage it ok, id assume you could too ! :o
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Jonny, if you want to live peacefuly and legally in Thailand without having to look over your shoulder everyday, you really need to head home, collect some money and basic skills so that you can return to Thailand and get a legitimate job with contract which will allow you apply for a work permit and visa - If your girl truly cares / loves you she will wait until you sort yourself out. If she can't wait and supoport you in this then you know the truth regarding here intentions.

Believe me, this is a great country to be in legally - although sometimes it might seem that it is not so easy - but you learn to live with it and to adapt to the problems.

Return home, collect some money, look into getting some teaching certificate - return to see you g/f if you have some spare cash and when ready come back and get a legitimate job - get married and settle down, it will save a lot of heartache in the long run.

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Ahhh…Puppy love

I know it’s nice to be in love. But young, in love, and broke? Often times it brings all kind of troubles. Normally you can't think logically with the reality and especially with who you are and who she is at the moment. Don’t throw your own future away at this age. Go back for more schooling and try to set yourself up first, then you will be able to better care for yourself and your family in a long run. If true love between you does indeed exist, she will wait for you once you have set up first. If you don’t do this you will brings all kind of headaches to yourself and her later on when you find out that love doesn’t bring foods to the table. It will end up with disappointment and suicidal attempt may follow. So it is better to throw the idea away of marrying her for now and think about your own precious future first. This is the time of your life you shouldn’t be wasting away – it is your prime time for schooling, money making, learning along what do you really want out of your life and future.

Edited by teacup
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he was sponsored by church so therefore i think that maybe he is slightly more naive then most of us as in the churchy types seem to be....

but really, no matter where u are located, to be with a few bucks in your pocket and thinking of marriage; GET A GRIP...

money: >>>paper work, visas (u are working illegally ) transportation back and forth to complete paper work, etc.how do u expect to afford that. and really, double check that she is for real since thai women even those that arent money hungry still prefer to have a husband with means of support (so sayeth my thai husband) unless she is the one supporting... and how long have u known her?

depending on what country u are from also can make a difference i suppose...

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Ah. True love is blind to the practicalities of life.

As Maestro says, you are already living on knife edge with no work permit

and no proper visa. Leaving aside marriage, how do you propose to carry on

living in Thailand...... The old regular 30day visa run is a thing of the past.

You need to sort out your personal situation before you add to it.

What does the lady do to earn her living?

The requirement for a marriage based visa extension is 40K of "family" income,

yours and hers.

I suggest a long engagement whilst you both get on with your lives and earn some money.

Then you can live comfortably and legally after you tie the knot.

I know it is a really old fashioned idea, but I do not see any other options.

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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

Don't ask here ... Ask the lady's dad !

Get back to us and tell us how it all went.


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Hello everybody,

my first time on this forum and I wanted to get your insight and opinions on a matter I am facing right now.

I am a young man. 24 years old actually. I originally had come to Thailand as a volunteer after the Tsunami and had received support from family, church, and friends to live in Thailand for a total 2 1/2 years. I took a 6 month hiatus when my Grandfather was sick and passing away and returned to continue living in this country that I love.

Right now I am working at a Private School. I no longer receive support and am responsible for my own income. I do not have a work VISA nor do I have anything higher than a high school equivalent GED diploma. I have approximately 2000 baht in my wallet and 200 baht in a bank account.

My problem is that I am in love. No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick and cant even talk to her beyond hello. I am conversationally fluent in Thai and am becoming fairly literate. I have a full-fledged meaningful relationship with this woman.

Is it possible to marry even though I am dirt poor? I do not have anything approaching 100k baht and in no time soon will I be able to procure it. I make nowhere near 40k a month and neither will I be making that amount anytime soon.

so any suggestions or insight?

It seems that Jonny has not posted any reply so I will make a few of comments.

From age 25 to 50 are usually one's best earning years and often well beyond. Jonny should be hard at work making his nest egg.

Jonny's post, assuming he isn't fishing, is one of the most honest or naive posts I have read in a long time.

He says he's working at a private school yet makes nowhere near 40K a month? Oh! Why not?

He's not at all embarrassed about working illegally and hasn't considered the consequences if he's ever caught.

His fluency or at least ability with the Thai language could open doors in his home country.

He then makes the extremely disparaging comment "No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick'. What the hel_l is that supposed to mean. Does this make Jonny superior?

With all due respect, many farangs have met, married and made successful lives with "bar chicks". Yes,and a lot have gone very badly wrong, and by all accounts are not recommended, but I am sure that many of these farangs marrying 'bar chicks" had a vessel in which to urinate. Jonny doesn't!

If he is bent on a relationship with a middle/upper class Thai girl, there is virtually no way that any family will accept a pauper in their midst on a long term basis. Face is everything here and this guy hasn't got enough for an evening out with the family.

Further comment is superfluous. :o

Edited by ratcatcher
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He then makes the extremely disparaging comment "No, not like the average farang who falls for some bar chick'. What the hel_l is that supposed to mean. Does this make Jonny superior?

With all due respect, many farangs have met, married and made successful lives with "bar chicks". Yes,and a lot have gone very badly wrong, and by all accounts are not recommended, but I am sure that many of these farangs marrying 'bar chicks" had a vessel in which to urinate. Jonny doesn't!

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.

Jonny is broke and by all accounts a total loser, yet he insults the "average farang" and then asks them for advice.

Jonny, go home!

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What a croc !

If you have only Bt2000 left, why are you in an internet cafe wasting money asking complete strangers what to do instead of keeping your money and getting a ticket back home ?

Earn some money, come back and see her, then marry and live happily ever after.

Now get back under the bridge.

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