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Hi all,

Sorry but my head is spinning :o

I am still not clear on all of this after reading many posts so I thought I would just ask.....

My situation is this..... I am getting married in January to my Thai GF who is here in USA now.

Later this year we will go back to Thailand & get married there as well.

My question is at that time I will be able to get a OA or marriage visa yes? Or can I actually apply for it here in US right after our USA marriage?

As for the marriage visa it is good for 12 months? Then I need to reapply each year?

Next the banking..... I know I need to put 800k THB in a bank to qualify as retired there right? Is this the same when I am married? It is not a problem but I wondered.

Last but not least does the 800k need to be in a Thai bank or can I use a Singapore bank for safety & have a certificate shown or something like that?

If I may sneak in one last bank question.....Do most here recommend a Singapore bank over a Thai bank? Seems safer from what I have read plus the tax break on interest for US citizens looks good too.

Thanks for any help given as always

Hi all,

Sorry but my head is spinning :o

I am still not clear on all of this after reading many posts so I thought I would just ask.....

My situation is this..... I am getting married in January to my Thai GF who is here in USA now.

Later this year we will go back to Thailand & get married there as well.

My question is at that time I will be able to get a OA or marriage visa yes? Or can I actually apply for it here in US right after our USA marriage?

As for the marriage visa it is good for 12 months? Then I need to reapply each year?

Next the banking..... I know I need to put 800k THB in a bank to qualify as retired there right? Is this the same when I am married? It is not a problem but I wondered.

Last but not least does the 800k need to be in a Thai bank or can I use a Singapore bank for safety & have a certificate shown or something like that?

If I may sneak in one last bank question.....Do most here recommend a Singapore bank over a Thai bank? Seems safer from what I have read plus the tax break on interest for US citizens looks good too.

Thanks for any help given as always

I believe your talking about two diff. visa's, the OA is based upon retirement and the other on marrige to get the OA you either need 65k (baht) per month penison or 800k in the bank . I am sure Lop will give ya all the right info. Good Luck

Hi all,

Sorry but my head is spinning :o

I am still not clear on all of this after reading many posts so I thought I would just ask.....

My situation is this..... I am getting married in January to my Thai GF who is here in USA now.

Later this year we will go back to Thailand & get married there as well.

My question is at that time I will be able to get a OA or marriage visa yes? Or can I actually apply for it here in US right after our USA marriage?

As for the marriage visa it is good for 12 months? Then I need to reapply each year?

Next the banking..... I know I need to put 800k THB in a bank to qualify as retired there right? Is this the same when I am married? It is not a problem but I wondered.

Last but not least does the 800k need to be in a Thai bank or can I use a Singapore bank for safety & have a certificate shown or something like that?

If I may sneak in one last bank question.....Do most here recommend a Singapore bank over a Thai bank? Seems safer from what I have read plus the tax break on interest for US citizens looks good too.

Thanks for any help given as always

Hi Flying

I'll try to answer your many questions in the same order as you

1. Thai Visa's are available OUTSIDE thailand and if over 50 you can apply for an 'OA' retirement visa or an 'O' Visa, as married to a Thai citizen.

2. Once you have a 12 month Visa and before expiry you can apply IN THAILAND for a 12month extension of stay for further years.

3. 'OA' retirement visa - upon renewal you have to provide proof of 800k in a Thai Bank for previous 3 month period or 65k per month income or 'income' letter from embassy if in reciept of foriegn pension OR combination of the methods. 800k figure applies whichever method you use.

4.'O' visa as married to a Thai - upon renewal you must provide evidence of 40k monthly income by either Thai paid Tax certificate or Embassy income letter as above. No requirements for sum in bank only MONTHLY INCOME.

5. Sorry cannot comment on Singapore Banks or best consilate/embassy to go to in your home country.

Happy new year 2051



Thanks for the replies

Dave on that O visa for a married to a Thai person....... If I have no monthly income while I am there???

Do I still do the x amount in the bank to cover it?

I was worried when you said "ONLY MONTHLY INCOME"


Thanks for the replies

Dave on that O visa for a married to a Thai person....... If I have no monthly income while I am there???

Do I still do the x amount in the bank to cover it?

I was worried when you said "ONLY MONTHLY INCOME"


To extend the Non O Visa based on marriage you need to prove a monthly income of 40,000 Baht. You cannot use money in the bank.

You can extend it based on retirement if you are over 50. You will need 800,000 Baht in the bank.

As said you can do this in USA before you come or in Thailand.

If you can do neither of these you should be able to get a Multi Imm O Visa in USA which will give you 15 months but would need you to hop over the border and come back every 90 days.


Ok thanks Lite beer

So do you mean that since I am 50 it is ok to do the 800k way right?

Also on that 800k it does have to be a Thai bank?

If so that is hard from what I read you need to be there & even then not so easy to open a account?

Does anyone know if I say buy a condo would that qualify too as proof of assets or does it need to be cash?


PS: the way I am reading all this is I have no problem since I am married right? TO get a O visa I mean....

Only to extend it I need deal with all this other stuff right?

If so say I go for 6 months or so & leave.....When can I return & again for how long the next time?

Ok thanks Lite beer

So do you mean that since I am 50 it is ok to do the 800k way right?

Also on that 800k it does have to be a Thai bank?

If so that is hard from what I read you need to be there & even then not so easy to open a account?

Does anyone know if I say buy a condo would that qualify too as proof of assets or does it need to be cash?


PS: the way I am reading all this is I have no problem since I am married right? TO get a O visa I mean....

Only to extend it I need deal with all this other stuff right?

If so say I go for 6 months or so & leave.....When can I return & again for how long the next time?

No problem to get a O Visa for you.

To extend it the 800,000 Baht has to be in a Thai bank 3 months before you apply for the extension.

No problem to get a O Visa for you.

To extend it the 800,000 Baht has to be in a Thai bank 3 months before you apply for the extension.

I see !

Great & good to know thanks

Ok thanks Lite beer

So do you mean that since I am 50 it is ok to do the 800k way right?

Also on that 800k it does have to be a Thai bank?

If so that is hard from what I read you need to be there & even then not so easy to open a account?

Does anyone know if I say buy a condo would that qualify too as proof of assets or does it need to be cash?


PS: the way I am reading all this is I have no problem since I am married right? TO get a O visa I mean....

Only to extend it I need deal with all this other stuff right?

If so say I go for 6 months or so & leave.....When can I return & again for how long the next time?

The Married Visa is available at the USA Thai Consulates or Embassy... every one has their own issuing standards, but I've heard that getting longer stay Visas may be more easy to obtain at consulates, rather than the Embassy... I know that the Florida consulate in Coral Gables is a good place to go.

Your Choices are a 3-month or 12 month Multi-Entry.. There should be no limits on obtaining a new visa in the future if you leave and come back at a later date.

There is no need to marry again in Thailand, unless it's the Thai traditional Ceremony your GF wants... The Thai government will recognize your USA marriage. You may choose to register it in Thailand, and it may be necessary if you apply for Married "Extension of Stay" visa.

There is no Thai "Buddhist" marriage ceremony... Marriage is not part of the Buddhist religion as we know it to be in Christian/Jewish/Muslim religions.. No Monk presides at the ceremony (They are only in attendance in the morning before the ceremony to bless the Happy house and pending nuptials.. but they DON'T perform the Marriage.).. it is only family and friends.... the main reason for a Thai traditional marriage ceremony is to celebrate the union, show off the new Farang husband and to collect the Dowry... which may or may not be returned to you (Negotiate this with your GF.)

The actual "O" Visa doesn't require any income or money in bank at all.

For a married "O" Visa "extension of stay", it's 40,000 Baht COMBINED Monthly income.. You and your Wife.. so you can use her income if you don't have any and she makes 40K or more.

OR.. It's 400,000 Baht in bank, not 800K. Retirement Visa is 800.. married Visa is 400k in bank only or 40k/month income, Tax paid.

Also.. Only THAI banks are acceptable for Thai Visa. Proof of Tax paid income or Deposit in Thai bank will be required... A letter from the USA Embassy May be acceptable to show proof of Foreign income or bank deposit, but this I'm not sure about. Confusing info on the acceptability of this.

Also... a 12 Month Married "O" Visa is really only a series of "3" month visas (or one-year Multi-entry good for 12 months)... you need to do Visa Runs to a border to get a new stamp every 3 months... so if you go the day before your Visa "Expiry Date" you get another 3 months.. meaning total time in Thailand before Visa renewal is 15 months...

Finally a one-year "extension of stay " is granted on your Visa only if you meet the financial requirements... the only difference is that you won't need to do Border Runs.. Only 3-Month reporting to immigration. And your "O" and your "Extension" must still be renewed every Year.

Also.. Work Permits are available for Married "O".. Not for Retired"O-A".

If you plan to stay only 6 months a year maximum.. I see no need for an Extension of Stay or any financial requirements... Just get a Multi Entry Visa (or six month Visa if available.. I think not) and then do a quick one-day visa run after 3 months to activate the next 3 month segment of your visa. Easy.

Hope this helps clear things up.



Thanks CS !!

That was a great post with a lot of info.

I really appreciate it.


PS: My GF & I had a good laugh at the Thai wedding info :o We knew that stuff but it was funny how you put it :D


Believe you have the information but will outline one more time:

1. OA visa if multi entry and obtained in US allows almost two years stay in Thailand before any bank account is required. You use money in US bank/police report/medical to obtain. It will be valid for one year. Each entry receives a one year permitted to stay stamp. So an entry just before that year ends gives you a one year from that date more in Thailand (although re-entry permits would then have to be used for travel). So money in a Thai bank account would not be required until about month 21 (for first in country extension of stay).

2. There is no provision for condo ownership to count for the 800k in bank. It must be a bank located in Thailand.

3. You get married one time only - if you have a legal US marriage it is a legal marriage in Thailand.

4. Marriage extension of stay requires 40k monthly family income.

5. Tax break for US Citizens using a Singapore bank? Have no idea what that is about.

6. You also have the option to obtain a non immigrant O visa and then extend your stay on a yearly basis once in Thailand. That would require the money in Thailand for 3 months prior to application.

7. Once the 3 month holding period is met you are free to use the funds to support your stay or whatever.

Believe you have the information but will outline one more time:

1. OA visa if multi entry and obtained in US allows almost two years stay in Thailand before any bank account is required. You use money in US bank/police report/medical to obtain. It will be valid for one year. Each entry receives a one year permitted to stay stamp. So an entry just before that year ends gives you a one year from that date more in Thailand (although re-entry permits would then have to be used for travel). So money in a Thai bank account would not be required until about month 21 (for first in country extension of stay).

2. There is no provision for condo ownership to count for the 800k in bank. It must be a bank located in Thailand.

3. You get married one time only - if you have a legal US marriage it is a legal marriage in Thailand.

4. Marriage extension of stay requires 40k monthly family income.

5. Tax break for US Citizens using a Singapore bank? Have no idea what that is about.

6. You also have the option to obtain a non immigrant O visa and then extend your stay on a yearly basis once in Thailand. That would require the money in Thailand for 3 months prior to application.

7. Once the 3 month holding period is met you are free to use the funds to support your stay or whatever.

Hi Lopburi

Is it correct that the O-A can also be obtained within Thailand as long as you have obtained the police report from your home country.



I have never heard of it being issued inside Thailand. Immigration can issue non immigrant O single entry visas and extend them for retirement but they do not require any police report.

Believe you have the information but will outline one more time:

3. You get married one time only - if you have a legal US marriage it is a legal marriage in Thailand.

PS: What if anything needs to be done for it to be recognized in Thailand?

Thanks again


For a married "O" Visa "extension of stay", it's 40,000 Baht COMBINED Monthly income.. You and your Wife.. so you can use her income if you don't have any and she makes 40K or more.

OR.. It's 400,000 Baht in bank, not 800K. Retirement Visa is 800.. married Visa is 400k in bank only or 40k/month income, Tax paid.


Wrong. The requirement is only 40,000 a month income. Since October 2006 the money in the bank is no longer an option for new applicants. So if he has no income then his only option would be 800,000 for retirement as he is over 50.

I have never heard of it being issued inside Thailand. Immigration can issue non immigrant O single entry visas and extend them for retirement but they do not require any police report.

Happy New Year Lop. The unquestionable rule about Q-A visa's is that they are only obtainable in your home country.

Is it correct that the O-A can also be obtained within Thailand as long as you have obtained the police report from your home country.

I have never heard of it being issued inside Thailand. Immigration can issue non immigrant O single entry visas and extend them for retirement but they do not require any police report.

Confusion over this issue is not helped by misinformation on the Thai Consulate, Hull website, saying you can, indeed, get an O-A within Thailand. Their confusion is a result of further misinformation from MFA.

See this link from a few months back: O-A Visa In-country

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