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It never ceases to amaze me that folks can come to Thailand and do as they please and stay as long as they like and then believe that they can waltz out the door as if nothing was wrong. Maybe if some of these overstayers were made guests of the Bangkok (monkey house) Hilton and charged for the stay plus fine and deportation it might send a message. I doubt it would be heeded though.

Oh come off it. Do you really think overstaying a visa is a serious crime when compared to really serious crimes? In my view, it is a technical violation, on a moral par with not paying parking tickets. Yes, in Thailand, it is a law to be respected as it can mean jail time here. But that doesn't mean jail time is ever really deserved for such a triviality. I think the fact that Thailand does dole out such over the top penalties for these minor violations is much more a bad reflection on Thailand than on the violators. Correct me if I'm wrong but most civilized nations do not jail people for overstaying visas. They might incarcerate during a processing time, but only to wait until deportation.

Good luck OP, on getting out of Dodge!

Edited by Jingthing
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As far as I know, visa over stayers are charged 500 baht per day that is almost 200000 baht per annum. I think there is a ceiling of 20000 baht for someone who can give a good excuse for overstay, (ill health etc) but this is discretionary and Immigration could charge the full 500 baht for each day here illegally.

Wrong. The legal ceiling is 20,000 Baht at present, but it can also be up to two years in jail if the case goes to court, but I have seen no reports of a jail sentence for overstaying. See Section 81 of the Immigration Act.



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Maestro, I have the understanding that if you end up at immigration prison and you can't come up with the fine money and an air ticket out, you are indeed stuck there in jail. Isn't that correct? So if this is true, there are people in jail for overstaying, yes or no?

Edited by Jingthing
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OK guys

I am at the moment on and 11 month overstay, if I get to Bangkok airport with a ticket and 20k will I be alowed to leave ok, as have heared some strange stores,

Please I know I have been a prat so no telling how stupid I have been


It is my understanding that the current policy for overstays exceding 2 weeks is that the fine must be paid at IDC headquarters (adjacent to thier holding facilty) in Bangkok. Arriving at the airport even prepared to pay the fine you run the risk of being held and taken there anyhow. I do know that they are supposed to harvest your information, including fingerprints an digital photo's into thier system, whether they can do this all at the new airport I have no idea and I suspect its up to the immigration officer in charge....

Good luck

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Yes, but not because a judge gave them a prison sentence. They are detained, awaiting deportation. To the detained person it may make no big difference, but legally it does. There is a difference, I believe, in that the detained person is kept in a different place (immigration detention centre) than a sentenced prisoner.



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It never ceases to amaze me that folks can come to Thailand and do as they please and stay as long as they like and then believe that they can waltz out the door as if nothing was wrong. Maybe if some of these overstayers were made guests of the Bangkok (monkey house) Hilton and charged for the stay plus fine and deportation it might send a message. I doubt it would be heeded though.

Oh come off it. Do you really think overstaying a visa is a serious crime when compared to really serious crimes? In my view, it is a technical violation, on a moral par with not paying parking tickets. Yes, in Thailand, it is a law to be respected as it can mean jail time here. But that doesn't mean jail time is ever really deserved for such a triviality. I think the fact that Thailand does dole out such over the top penalties for these minor violations is much more a bad reflection on Thailand than on the violators. Correct me if I'm wrong but most civilized nations do not jail people for overstaying visas. They might incarcerate during a processing time, but only to wait until deportation.

Good luck OP, on getting out of Dodge!

I absolutely stand with your thoughts here !

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...I absolutely stand with your thoughts here !

tijnebijn, the problem with your last post is that nobody will know which of the two contrary opinions voiced in the two nested posts you quote you are agreeing with.

You should limit a quote to the text to which you reply.



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My understanding is that the person is effectively surrendering to the immigration police at the airport, and the decision to process there and then, or to require formal checks rest with the officer in charge. I've been advised that Caucasian and 'major Asian nationalities' are most likely to be waived through, but those from the sub-continent, or surrounding locales may have more of a problem.


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...I absolutely stand with your thoughts here !
tijnebijn, the problem with your last post is that nobody will know which of the two contrary opinions voiced in the two nested posts you quote you are agreeing with.

You should limit a quote to the text to which you reply.



Allright , sorry .

I agreed with Jingthing on this matter.

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I don't know where you do your visa runs, but the police don't seem to check passports on the minibus visa run to the Burma Border at Mae Sai in the North. The police regularily stop the minibus, but they basically just quickly check that all the faces are falang, then wave the bus through. I have done this many times, as my friends also have, and I have never seen a passport come out till the border. And I have had friends who paid the 20,000b overstay fine at that same border without much hassle.

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interesting thread, I am aware of a few people doing this for long periods, it seems to be an alternative but limiting way to long stay in Thailand, 10 months and you're quids in but run the risk of being caught by the locals, you really need to keep your nose clean

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I overstayed 7 days last year due to sickness (Bangkok Belly) and was duly fined 3500 baht at airport by friendly and attractive female police officer of around 30 :o ----no fingerprints or mug shot but lots of police type forms( only in Thai) I had to sign admitting guilt etc.

I must say it came as a surprise as I would have thought the Thais would have been happy for the extra tourist baht---the attitude is far different from the "Welcome welcome "of the bar girls!

Perhaps the Brits should take a lesson from the Thais on how to manage the overstayers. If they did the UK would again be a wealthy country in which to live instead of resembling a sewer.

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OK guys

I am at the moment on and 11 month overstay, if I get to Bangkok airport with a ticket and 20k will I be alowed to leave ok, as have heared some strange stores,

Please I know I have been a prat so no telling how stupid I have been


my friend had 5 months overstay last year .

he said he lost his pasport and got new one from the embasy and a new up to day visa .

left the country no problems

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Here my 2 cents.

Is overstay a cavalier’s delict? Yes, I think so when I interpret some of the posts. And it is insomuch a highly discussed subject as 25 messages in just a short period prove it. And max. THB 20K overstay fee is in my opinion an absolutely ridiculous figure (I have spent far more than that already) and what is even worse, to just get away with it may even invite those who do it right.

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Maestro, I have the understanding that if you end up at immigration prison and you can't come up with the fine money and an air ticket out, you are indeed stuck there in jail. Isn't that correct? So if this is true, there are people in jail for overstaying, yes or no?

In addition to the money for the fine and a ticket out, you also need a place to go to.

Example, a Hmong guy I know is in the IDC, will be three years come April 2008.  He came from Laos with his family in 1978, to the U.S. about 1986.  Got in an argument with his wife in 1996 and came back to Thailand, entered on a 30-day airport chop.  Lived mostly up C. Rai way teaching English.  Caught in 2004 for his eight (8) year overstay, moved to the IDC after jail time upcountry and court processing.

What sort of complicates his case is that he'd not become a U.S. citizen when he was in the U.S., had a "green card," which has expired.  Thus, no easy way to get back to the U.S.  Trying the Immigrant Visa route via his AmCit wife, and INS/CIS in their infinate wisdom, has rejected the IV petition as no "documented proof of marriage by a civil authority."  Civil authority in post-1975 upcountry commie Laos??  BTW, he also had five sons & daughters in the U.S.  Appeal in process now.


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I fully agree Steve, these are the people that come here have a good job and roll in money. I wonder if it was the other way around if they would say the same. Obviously they give a shit about anyone else that loves this country and would like to stay long term.

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Oh come off it. Do you really think overstaying a visa is a serious crime when compared to really serious crimes? In my view, it is a technical violation, on a moral par with not paying parking tickets. Yes, in Thailand, it is a law to be respected as it can mean jail time here. But that doesn't mean jail time is ever really deserved for such a triviality. I think the fact that Thailand does dole out such over the top penalties for these minor violations is much more a bad reflection on Thailand than on the violators. Correct me if I'm wrong but most civilized nations do not jail people for overstaying visas. They might incarcerate during a processing time, but only to wait until deportation.

Good luck OP, on getting out of Dodge!

Jingthing, it seems like you don't subscribe to the wisdom of the Farang crowds. Straight to the gallows with overstayers, I say :o Without double checking those stamps! Oh, and their apologists as well!

On an unrelated note, once I get ahold of my multiple-entry visa (any day now!), I will strongly support limiting all visa free and tourist-visa entries to 15 days per calendar year.

Compassion is for wusses, stomp your neighbor!

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Compassion is for wusses, stomp your neighbor!

Many Western cultures see compassion as a weakness, that it somehow means you are not striving hard enough for success or that you haven't "got what it takes". If you have grown up in a family that does not value compassion, the chances are that you will have a very harsh internal judge that tells you that you are weak and stupid for feeling emotional. Yet the reality is that it is compassion that makes us emotionally strong, when we or others we love are suffering.

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my friend had 5 months overstay last year .

he said he lost his pasport and got new one from the embasy and a new up to day visa .

left the country no problems

This is not strictly the case, when you have reported losing your passport your Embassy will give you the new one, and you have to goto Suan Phlu, where your details and the details of the alleged visa are looked into on the computer, then you are given a new visa if details of your old one do not exist, but be very careful as the Arrival - Departure card details are also held on this database (using your name and surname they will try and find it). If you travelled across the land borders then fine as most of the time the databases between Bangkok and the Crossing points are not mirrored, some crossings do not bother entering details on the computers.

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A friend left just before Christmas after overstaying for over 2 years. He had a letter from his embassy asking that he be allowed to go home without any hassle but didn't have to show it. Just paid the 20,000 Baht and apologised. The imigration officers are not out to give people returning home a hard time so just smile, apologise and pay up - no problem :o

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Hey Mr. Overstayer.

Can you perhaps shed some light as to exactly WHY you overstayed your visa by 11 MONTHS? I, and I'm sure many TV members would like to know how someone could possibly overstay by such a length of time!

Please, please give us something!

Was it a case of the love of a Thai lady? Or was it a case of just being too lazy to do border-runs?

Please enlighten us !

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Hey Mr. Overstayer.

Can you perhaps shed some light as to exactly WHY you overstayed your visa by 11 MONTHS? I, and I'm sure many TV members would like to know how someone could possibly overstay by such a length of time!

Please, please give us something!

Was it a case of the love of a Thai lady? Or was it a case of just being too lazy to do border-runs?

Please enlighten us !

He is asking for help, mind your own business and if you can't help, don't post. Who are you to judge?

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Hey Mr. Overstayer.

Can you perhaps shed some light as to exactly WHY you overstayed your visa by 11 MONTHS? I, and I'm sure many TV members would like to know how someone could possibly overstay by such a length of time!

Please, please give us something!

Was it a case of the love of a Thai lady? Or was it a case of just being too lazy to do border-runs?

Please enlighten us !

He is asking for help, mind your own business and if you can't help, don't post. Who are you to judge?

Do you really believe that he deserves any help? Because I do not.

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Overstayers beware Just take Lopburi3 advice and all will be fine.

Dont come here ask for advice then argue this site is to help.

IDC getting very full at the moment.

Why overstay easy to get new extension or visa.

Maybe you earn some special stars for it.

Hope it works out OK for him but what ever you break the law take the punishment.

Thai Imigration is like Playing poker one minute you think you are winning and then my God did you lose big time.

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