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if the food is good and family life is happy then you have got all you need.

Too True

Saying that tho, I still need the occasional few days letting my hair down in places such as Pattaya. Low costs up country means I can have a good blow out now and again. (I said blow OUT)

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I'll back Loong up on this as well, he seams to be living in a simular enviroment to me.

If we all eat together its about 150 bht a day, thats for 5 people and not scimping, decent meat, usually fish, veg rice ect.

Strangly here the only meat thats more expensive is pork, cos no one wants to eat the chicken :D

I have no idea what you are drinking to get drunk on "less than 5 bht a person", but I'd stop it :o Even Lao chao is 75 bht a bottle.

I too need my "civilisation breaks" :D

I have no idea what you are drinking to get drunk on "less than 5 bht a person", but I'd stop it  Even Lao chao is 75 bht a bottle.

Lao Kow ( or Chao however you spell it) is distilled in this group of villages. If you go to one of the makers with an empty 1.25 Liter coke bottle, They will fill it for you for 20 Baht. Might be that they don't include tax in this price. This stuff is also stronger than the bottled stuff they ship around the country.


its all relative...innit :o

Last week we (2 of us ) went for a bit of a Chinese meal (change from Thai) and the bill including a couple of beers worked out at @ £100 plus the usual service charge of 12.5 %.

However what I dont like is when they bring the credit card bill and they leave it blank for you to put in the "final-final" amount plus maybe a wee tip "fora" staff :D

Normally if the service is good,I like most considerate punters would probabally round it up anyway to anything between £120-£150...but only if very good service.

(no soggy kao or hard ba-mee)

On the way home the old mini cab might be a £30-35 quid trip so I suppose in the finest farang tradition a round up to £40 or ever £50 would be OK.(depends how many Sings @£4 a go I have had and the overall ambience of the evening. :D

The basic national min wage here is only around £5-00 an hour so suppose a £20 tip is about right for waitresses or taxi drivers :D

...as said relative :D

Well, I'm Thai actually and don't feel it's excessive. I should say the avg. check is 1,000 (Thonglor/Rang Nam/Ratchada Soi 4, etc.) - 10,000 (Orbit, Forte, Penthouse, etc.) so really a few hundred for the server is quite reasonable percentage wise.
If you think that the average check is 1000 to 10,000 Baht, then I do not frequent these type of bars. I would usually have a few beers and then move on, normal tab less than 500.

When I am in Thailand, I do not tend to convert money back to English currency, so to me 100 Baht is quite a lot of money. 200 Baht is 20% of my daily budget.

200Baht will feed a family of 4 for at least 2 days. If in England, I would not dream of tipping bar staff the equivalent money to feed a family for 2 days, so why should I do it here.

Yeah, I heard you the first time. Actually, I'd say my tipping is quite the going rate (or at best slightly higher) in the establishments (as mentioned) I patronize.

I didn't say your avg. bill was such. I was referring to my own personal experiences. Wasn't saying what anyone should or shouldn't do. Just sharing another point of view.


At my regular bar in Pattaya,I don't buy the girls drinks,but if I sit there a few hours I always leave B100 at the end.Its well appreciated.

It must be hard going for you. Do you eke the hundred out baht by baht over the course of the visit, or do you shock 'em by dropping it in one B I G bang ? They must wait patiently and in a heightened state of excitement in anticipation of your next visit. :o


I have to say I almost always tip (unless I was treated rudely). It has more to do with understanding the service industry. I don't tip nearly as much as I would in USA where the standard is 15% and minimum wage laws allow wait staff to be paid half the rate of a floor sweeper for example. Wait staff are paid low wages as well and not tipping isn't going to change that. I give the tip as a gesture, and in almost all cases it is greatly (apparently) appreciated. When you consider a typical wait staffer may get as little as 135 baht per day that extra 20-40 baht (OUCH!!!) is a significant boost.

:o Coffee!!! :D

It must be hard going for you. Do you eke the hundred out baht by baht over the course of the visit, or do you shock 'em by dropping it in one B I G bang ? They must wait patiently and in a heightened state of excitement in anticipation of your next visit.

This sort of sarcastic comment is uncalled for.

The whole point of tipping is that it's up2U

Your comment indicates that you consider 100 Baht tip insignificant and that the giver is Kii Niaow.

Obviously 100 Baht is nothing to you, but is all relative to your budget.

If every drinker at a bar handed over a 100 Baht tip, the girls would be more than happy.

But of course you know better.

It must be hard going for you. Do you eke the hundred out baht by baht over the course of the visit, or do you shock 'em by dropping it in one B I G bang ? They must wait patiently and in a heightened state of excitement in anticipation of your next visit.

This sort of sarcastic comment is uncalled for.

The whole point of tipping is that it's up2U

Your comment indicates that you consider 100 Baht tip insignificant and that the giver is Kii Niaow.

Obviously 100 Baht is nothing to you, but is all relative to your budget.

If every drinker at a bar handed over a 100 Baht tip, the girls would be more than happy.

But of course you know better.

Have it any way you like. This KeeNeo sadass never even buys a drink for the girl/s.


Interesting, but at the same time scaring to see that so many people support a system which is based on low wages to the employee and high profit to the employer. With other words keep the capitalists going, and the average Somchai down.

If the employee had a sufficient salary and the employer generally had to pay higher income tax I guess most people who used their service had been happy to only have to pay the bill and no tipping.

That would be one small step together with many other necessary steps to get this place on the way to a better place to live for the average Somchai which today have a daily minimum wage lower than what it seems many people here occasionally give in tip!



The sad country of Bush where 15-20% tip is an hidden cost everywhere, where waiters are taxed on tips even if they don't get any ...

Wrong! being tax on tips they do not get. Where did you ever here something as silly as that. If you want to throw your digs at America, at least do it about something that might have a shred of truth.

Just say no to drugs, they are bad for you. :o

The US I.R.S. increases the turnover of all the restaurants by a flat %.

This means that if the Turnover for food and drinks + flat % is below the one declared by the restaurant, what declared by the restaurant is the taxable one, if viceversa the restaurant has to apply and justify this.

For this reason also the waiters have to pay tax not on their official minimum hourly wage, but on an higher amount.

If they get tipped they anyway pay less taxes (when compared with a full declared salary), but if they don't get any tip for 1 month (school example) they have to pay tax on an income higher than their actual one.


Don't get pissed off, this is how things work in USA.

Read also the article above linked, in NYC 18% is the minimum, the standard is 25% ind on a meal with some friends this amount is terrific, no sense.

Please keep LOS unspoiled by this sub-culture

Yes indeed drugs are bad for me, but if you tell me which one do you take to think like you do, I will change my puscher with yours!!!! :D


How much is the average fixed salary for an waiteress/waiter in New York City, US 2k,3k or 4K, and how much are the the tax 30,40,50% or higher?

How much is the average fixed salary for an waiteress/waiter in New York City, US 2k,3k or 4K, and how much are the the tax 30,40,50% or higher?

salary for a waiter (wherever in the US) is crap. The restaurants owner make big buck underpaying employees and giving this extra shit to the clients .....

this is no sense an totally unfair, I go to a restaurant to eat a Steak, not to pay the salary of the waiter. On the menu the price of the steak must include everything!!!

In LOS we are bringing some employers to do the same and cut the wages of the waiters giving them expectations of huge tips.


No Hate for the US, they do not deserve my time. I leave them playing the "good and bad" games, I'm neither good nor bad, simply normal

At my regular bar in Pattaya,I don't buy the girls drinks,but if I sit there a few hours I always leave B100 at the end.Its well appreciated.

It must be hard going for you. Do you eke the hundred out baht by baht over the course of the visit, or do you shock 'em by dropping it in one B I G bang ? They must wait patiently and in a heightened state of excitement in anticipation of your next visit. :o

They do.

And I also see plenty of charlie's,who sit their,give the girls grieve,don't buy them drinks,and leave sod all.

Maybe you are in that categorie.

Personally, I don't like it when it is assumed or asked for, I tip if I feel I have had exceptional service, otherwise don't because I've already paid a standard fee for a standard service.

You fussy tight git, give the peasant his 50 Baht.


Personally, I don't like it when it is assumed or asked for, I tip if I feel I have had exceptional service, otherwise don't because I've already paid a standard fee for a standard service.

You fussy tight git, give the peasant his 50 Baht.

No wonder no thais talk to you Mr DJ if you call them all peasents are you any better ??

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