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am heading back to the states after 8 months of living in thailand and after suffering several ailments here,discovered a lot of drugs that are prescription only in the us are available otc here.so have bought several boxes of anadol for pain relief,several tubes of clobet ,a clobex/clobetasol ointment,for my scalp psoriasis/excema,and a few boxes of cialis for fun.

what other useful/essential drugs would one buy here to take back home i.e. flu pills like tamiflu,antibiotics,sedatives,etc.?

also had a foreign object fall into my eye last week and my eye and that side of the face became all red and swollen.after a hospital visit and antibiotics it is better but the skin is all red with dried blood callouses/patches.couldn't find neosporin here and googled for alternatives and would fucidin be an alternative or are there other creams available for speeding up healing of skin infections?

am heading back to the states after 8 months of living in thailand and after suffering several ailments here,discovered a lot of drugs that are prescription only in the us are available otc here.so have bought several boxes of anadol for pain relief,several tubes of clobet ,a clobex/clobetasol ointment,for my scalp psoriasis/excema,and a few boxes of cialis for fun.

what other useful/essential drugs would one buy here to take back home i.e. flu pills like tamiflu,antibiotics,sedatives,etc.?

also had a foreign object fall into my eye last week and my eye and that side of the face became all red and swollen.after a hospital visit and antibiotics it is better but the skin is all red with dried blood callouses/patches.couldn't find neosporin here and googled for alternatives and would fucidin be an alternative or are there other creams available for speeding up healing of skin infections?

I bought some Viagra 100 in a pharmacy in bkk, and the pills are larger than my script from US. They may be bogus, but I really haven't put them to the test. I stay with one gf, soon to be wife.

I found Retin A for my face, $5 in bkk, $40 in US. Toprol for blood pressure is not too much cheaper in Bkk.

What is Anadol? Is it controlled pain releiver? If so, could be trouble bringing them back to the US, if caught.

Sorry about your eye.. I have no advice there. Was the foreign object maybe the fist of an Aussie when you dissed his beloved rugby?

I'm very allergic to knuckles myself. :o:D:D

am heading back to the states after 8 months of living in thailand and after suffering several ailments here,discovered a lot of drugs that are prescription only in the us are available otc here.so have bought several boxes of anadol for pain relief,several tubes of clobet ,a clobex/clobetasol ointment,for my scalp psoriasis/excema,and a few boxes of cialis for fun.

what other useful/essential drugs would one buy here to take back home i.e. flu pills like tamiflu,antibiotics,sedatives,etc.?

also had a foreign object fall into my eye last week and my eye and that side of the face became all red and swollen.after a hospital visit and antibiotics it is better but the skin is all red with dried blood callouses/patches.couldn't find neosporin here and googled for alternatives and would fucidin be an alternative or are there other creams available for speeding up healing of skin infections?

I bought some Viagra 100 in a pharmacy in bkk, and the pills are larger than my script from US. They may be bogus, but I really haven't put them to the test. I stay with one gf, soon to be wife.

I found Retin A for my face, $5 in bkk, $40 in US. Toprol for blood pressure is not too much cheaper in Bkk.

What is Anadol? Is it controlled pain releiver? If so, could be trouble bringing them back to the US, if caught.

Sorry about your eye.. I have no advice there. Was the foreign object maybe the fist of an Aussie when you dissed his beloved rugby?

I'm very allergic to knuckles myself. :o:D:D

almost wish it had been an angry aussie's fist as a cold steak over the eye would have healed faster than a metal sliver falling from the skytrain on sukhumvit.i felt it fall in and the hospital confirmed it.

anadol is the thai equivalent to tramadol and according to wilkpedia is

"an atypical novel narcotic analgesic which is a centrally acting analgesic, used for treating moderate to severe pain. It is a synthetic agent, as a 4-

phenyl-piperidine analogue of codeine"

"Tramadol is not considered a controlled substance in many countries (the U.S. and Australia, among others), and is available with a normal prescription. Tramadol is also available over-the-counter without prescription in a few countries."

will try to determine if it is ok to fly home with it.my cialis are in sealed boxes with 2 2-pill blister packs and look geniune and definitely worked for me.maybe will also look into getting some tamiflu just in case remembering the hysteria and unavailabilty of it a couple years back.

am heading back to the states after 8 months of living in thailand and after suffering several ailments here,discovered a lot of drugs that are prescription only in the us are available otc here.so have bought several boxes of anadol for pain relief,several tubes of clobet ,a clobex/clobetasol ointment,for my scalp psoriasis/excema,and a few boxes of cialis for fun.

what other useful/essential drugs would one buy here to take back home i.e. flu pills like tamiflu,antibiotics,sedatives,etc.?

also had a foreign object fall into my eye last week and my eye and that side of the face became all red and swollen.after a hospital visit and antibiotics it is better but the skin is all red with dried blood callouses/patches.couldn't find neosporin here and googled for alternatives and would fucidin be an alternative or are there other creams available for speeding up healing of skin infections?

Heck! buy the whole pharmacy why don't you :o Come on think about this, really you need to see a doctor before taking precription medicine.




Rule of thumb: When you go abroad, take the medicines you will need, no more, no less.

Narcotics and certain other drugs with a high potential for abuse—Rohypnol, GHB, and Fen-Phen, to name a few — may not be brought into the United States, and there are severe penalties for trying to do so. If you need medicines that contain potentially addictive drugs or narcotics (e.g., some cough medicines, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antidepressants, or stimulants), do the following:

* Declare all drugs, medicinals, and similar products to the appropriate CBP official.

* Carry such substances in their original containers.

* Carry only the quantity of such substances that a person with that condition (e.g., chronic pain) would normally carry for his/her personal use.

* Carry a prescription or written statement from your physician that the substances are being used under a doctor's supervision and that they are necessary for your physical well being while traveling.

U.S. residents entering the United States at international land borders, who are carrying a validly obtained controlled substance (other than narcotics such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or LSD), are subject to certain additional requirements. If a U.S. resident wants to bring in a controlled substance (other than narcotics such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, or LSD) but does not have a prescription for the substance issued by a U.S.-licensed practitioner (e.g., physician, dentist, etc.) who is registered with, and authorized by, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to prescribe the medication, the individual may not import more than 50 dosage units of the medication into the United States. If the U.S. resident has a prescription for the controlled substance issued by a DEA registrant, more than 50 dosage units may be imported by that person, provided all other legal requirements are met.

Please note that only medications that can be legally prescribed in the United States may be imported for personal use. Be aware that possession of certain substances may also violate state laws. As a general rule, the FDA does not allow the importation of prescription drugs that were purchased outside the United States. Please see their Website for information about the enforcement policy for personal use quantities.

Warning: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits the importation, by mail or in person, of fraudulent prescription and nonprescription drugs and medical devices. These include unorthodox “cures” for such medical conditions as cancer, AIDS, arthritis, or multiple sclerosis. Although such drugs or devices may be legal elsewhere, if the FDA has not approved them for use in the United States, they may not legally enter the country and will be confiscated, even if they were obtained under a foreign physician’s prescription.

For specifics about importing controlled substances, call (202) 307-9932. For additional information about traveling with medication, contact your nearest FDA office or write to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Division of Import Operations and Policy, Room 12-8 (HFC-170), 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.

  • 2 weeks later...

You should only buy prescription drugs once they have been prescribed by a doctor.

There are too many "self prescriber's" in this day and age of "google my ailment". It's just plain unsafe.


I bought a few doses of Cipro. In the U.S., it's used for Anthrax. But it's also about the strongest antibiotic available for lower-intestinal, bacterial problems. So I used it in Thailand a few times to cure stomach problems from bad pork (or whatever it was). Certainly better than going to the doctor.

I recall paying about US$40 for a single prescription in the U.S. In Thailand, it might have been 160 Baht.


I wonder if the people that pop the drugs intended for ED ever read the product monograph? A close read might make some people that don't need really need it, think twice.

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