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Lemon Tree Garage


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Why do people make a big deal out of trivial things? Pull in ask what you want and wind your window down to check the pump is zeroed, you don't have to get off your arse to do it.

Get your thousand or two baht of fuel and give them 10 or 20 baht tip, next time you go you are a vip.

Rocket science or what.

And if the filler cap is on the nearside of the vehicle at the rear? And if the gas jockey stands to block your view?

Two thousand baht for fuel? Are you one of those insecure people who just HAVE to drive a Humbee er um SUV?

Although mindful of the needs of those less fortunate than myself, a gas jockey will only get a tip from me if he/she offers to clean my windscreen, check tyre pressures and oil levels. Going the extra yard helps pay the bills. A smile on their faces as they perform the services rendered tends to make me more benelovent.

BTW I find that the bigger things in life can be handled, it is the little things that get peoples backs up.

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The Esso across from Tesco does the same thing. There are two butch lesbians doing it. They look to see if you are watching, then they do not clear the last sale. I complained to the so called manager and nothing was done. They still are there and they continue to do it to other farangs.

Now, I get out of the pick up and watch them as they fill my car. They know I know and I always get that stupid Thai grin when they get caught lying or thieving.

Still working there and still stealing... :o

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2 things.. Often checking the pump at completion is not a guarantee they are not making a minor slice off you.. they often dont zero the pump before you fill up, so it starts from the last customers amount and then ends at what you ask for, once you have left they pocket the last customers amount (what they didnt put in your).. I am sure you can see this but just mentioning.

Secondly the much larger point about thai integrity.. I have no intention of turning this into an anti Thai rant, and I am sure there are a great number of honest Thais. However I do feel that in general Thais place honesty at a much lower premium than I am used to. Consider how much Thais will happily lie to cover 'face' and that not be socially wrong by their measure. That in turn teaches that 'truth' is less important than other factors. I tend to think that leads in turn to a lack of fundamental honesty which is the building block of integrity. Not just in the low class tourist scamming fast buck merchants (which again I agree Phuket probably has higher than its fair share) but look into business dealings at all levels, look into how competition will rip off your ideas, look at how competitors will grass up anything they can, look even at how legit business operates (the nissan thread is a prime example). Lie, over promise, and under deliver, seem the norm rather than the exception, to me thats fundamentally lacking in integrity and very much a Thai trait.

hear hear , but this is the land of smiles and they are all "so nice people"

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here in bali, it is common practice to not zero the pump before they start filling. they make you drive forward so that you cant see the led display, and im surprised that the staff can even see it at times. they commonly charge you for the previous customers fill too.

i usually get out of the car and check that the pump is zero'd before they start filling it.

little buggers they are.

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haha (she says with a half grin).

my point is that it happens everywhere, not only in phuket.

there are a couple of forums around for bali, but they consist of tourists mainly who are only interested in the cheapest place to plait your hair and the price of a bintang these days.

i think i will hang around here a while longer.

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  • 7 months later...

Rawai Lemon Gas station beware of !

I asked for 500 baht of 91 gasohol which on the nozzle said 25 baht per liter. He picked that nozzle but when the pump was running it registerred 29 bath per liter.

If I understand this right the gasohol is 25 baht and the gasoline is 29 baht.

I clearly paid the higher price one. Both of the nozzles said 91 but he clearly asked me gas or gasohol. I belive I paid 29 baht for Gasohol.

I let him know I was displeased and wanted to speak to a manager and could tell they knew I was onto them. I feel I was cheated out a few baht per liter but maybe not. Either way, until I understand how the fuel works and what I am buying I am not going to them again. I drove away but if this is a scam they are doing it to many people.

Maybe they are honest and I don't understand after a year of living here.

CAn someone please tell me how the price of fuel works at the Rawai Lemon Gas?

Thank you

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Rawai Lemon Gas station beware of !

I asked for 500 baht of 91 gasohol which on the nozzle said 25 baht per liter. He picked that nozzle but when the pump was running it registerred 29 bath per liter.

If I understand this right the gasohol is 25 baht and the gasoline is 29 baht.

I clearly paid the higher price one. Both of the nozzles said 91 but he clearly asked me gas or gasohol. I belive I paid 29 baht for Gasohol.

I let him know I was displeased and wanted to speak to a manager and could tell they knew I was onto them. I feel I was cheated out a few baht per liter but maybe not. Either way, until I understand how the fuel works and what I am buying I am not going to them again. I drove away but if this is a scam they are doing it to many people.

Maybe they are honest and I don't understand after a year of living here.

CAn someone please tell me how the price of fuel works at the Rawai Lemon Gas?

Thank you

Sounds to me like its possibly a mistake, and that they just pumped the wrong gas. If you're suggesting that they can have the pump display 25 baht but when it begins pumping, it changes to 29 baht, well that would take quite a bit of tinkering around with the pump. It's doubtful.

They are very good at doing the 'stand in front of the display so you cant see if it's zeroed or not' thing though.

Luckily i ride a motorbike. Its kinda hard to charge me 200 baht when it only takes 100 baht of gas from pit dry to brim full and everyone knows that. I think they only try it on with cars.

A car driver asking for 1000 baht cannot tell by using his petrol gauge if they only pumped 900 baht.

The key is, have a good look at the display - particularly if you've just followed a motorbike in.

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I don't see what the big deal is and why anybody would actually get out of their car to watch it being filled. Is it so hard to turn your head slightly and look over at the pump??

Never had them try to block my view and anyway kinda hard to stand directly blocking the driver's view while pumping gas. If they did happen to stand so I couldn't see I would just shoo them away, out of my line of sight...no need to get out and stand over them while they pump the gas.

As for Lemon Tree...one look at the place tells me all I need to know. Would never stop there seeing as there are several other gas stations around.

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