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3 Estonian men involved in violence on Pattaya Walking Street


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What's the attraction other than debortuary?

Would that be when you shag your way to the mortuary?

Possibly. Sorry about that: I'm some what dyslexic. The correct spelling is debuchery. Before I get loads off comments, yes, I shouldn't be teaching if i'm dyslexic.

Don't you mean debauchery? :o

Yes. As I said I'm dyslexic. I could write the word a dozen times and have a different spelling each time. It's wierd because I know how to spell it but when I write, and especially type, it comes out all wrong.

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I spent my late teens and early 20's in a well off town in the UK. Two guys that I knew there were both murdered in random acts of violence. Neither of them asked for it, nor stood a chance once they were set upon. Both were walking home after a night on the tiles. I have been assaulted by drunken idiots a couple of times because I walked down the wrong street.

Is this incident in Pattaya tragic? Sure it is. Is it random? No.

There is a lot of violence reported here on Thaivisa. And whilst the death of someone is always tragic and never justified, there does appear to be a trend over here that the victims were in some way complicit in fueling the incident that lead to their unforseen demise. In 5 years of drinking and revelling here I have only encountered one threat. Two drunken englishmen set upon a friend and I for no apparent reason. It happened so quickly we both thought they were pratting about. Oh what a blast of nostalgia that was!

So, yes things are as rough here as they are anywhere else in the world. But the one thing I would say is that there definately seems to be far less 'completely innocent bystanders/victims' in the terrible, brutal crimes that happen here. Ask yourself this one question. How many would die if you uprooted Walking Street and deposited it in Leeds, Birmingham, New York, Sydney or LA?

It is always better to swallow pride than blood.

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Sad story. Exacerbated by the fact that the hospital and medics couldn't save the man with the badly cut leg. I've heard of people getting saved with worse injuries than a badly cut leg.
I am sorry the man died as I am if anyone dies.
They guy died from being cut by a bottle in a bar brawl he started,

He didn't die. I guess we have to re-post that little fact at least twice on each page. Sorry, I know you can't be expected to read all 9 pages. I wouldn't.

As for "this happens everywhere", well, it DOESN'T. Do drunken guys get jumped by larger numbers and get beaten? YES. But, from my reading news on this forum the past year and tapping into the vast experience of people living here decades more than I, I can tell you that in Thailand when they jump you, you have a good chance of getting more than a beating. You stand a good chance ending up dead because the guys jumping you are likely bringing weapons and are playing for keeps. Or, at least beat to the point where everyone thinks your dead no matter how often it is posted that you in fact did not die. :o

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What's the attraction other than debortuary?

Would that be when you shag your way to the mortuary?

Possibly. Sorry about that: I'm some what dyslexic. The correct spelling is debuchery. Before I get loads off comments, yes, I shouldn't be teaching if i'm dyslexic.

Don't you mean debauchery? :o

and he's a <deleted>' teacher?

We don't need no edjacation, we don't need no fought cantrol.....................

Are you dyslexic too?

All of my life I’ve encountered small people, who are all too quick to judge, mock and criticize dyslexic people. Education doesn’t come into it. It’s a medical condition: An ailment, not a lack of smarts as I happen to have a Master’s Degree. To get where I am today I’ve had to work twice as hard as most people.

Oh, you think that because I’m dyslexic I can’t be a teacher, don’t you? Didn’t you consider that I might not be teaching English or any other subject that would involve the students reading my writing? Half of the people using this forum are dyslexic; you just need to read a few posts to see that.

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Looks like its not really appealing to compare Thailand with "other countries" and WS with "red-light districts". WS is a small area, 10 minutes of walk, overall district size is equal to the 5 big condominiums, if not less. Keeping in mind amount of profit, and status (world famous destination at international city can be hardly compared with average bar as some "usual" town) WS is a gold mine, and it make sense to expect higher level of protection and security.

Thailand provide to the guests the image of the amazing country where peoples really like you (thousand smiles). So the one who came here usually expect to see difference, but looks like its not always this way... A lot of peoples around really friendly and kind, but single act of violence, when you became target because you are foreinger, can destroy all the positive relations.

Also positive or just neutral local peoples expected just stop the fighters in all such cases and call police to help and sort out the things. Why peoples at WS cant be neutral or positive? Too much money to reject, too much jealousy to not hate foreigners? Then violence will eventually come from silent confirmation from society and, therefore, police. Yes, sex tourists can hardly expect that anyone will really like em, but if someone want have a fun from being cut with a broken bottle, why buy tickets and fly to here, if you can get same at home?!?! Difference expected, but not found ;-) For me it was a dream to find a place where peoples can handle conflicts in other ways than crushing each other's skulls. And looks like this dream not come true here... sad... it seemed to be so possible to achieve ;-) If its same as everywhere, well, everybody can judge for yourself, but probably it not worth to invest into property and live here ;-) All "Thailand expatriation" concept may be questioned...

Also keep in mind that foreing peoples already considered socially as lowest-class from the point of view of the local culture. OK, I can take the fact that for local peoples around I am not better than homeless person who earn funds for living by checking stuff inside the garbage cans. But if violence added to that, things became too hard to accept ;-) All foreing peoples here have some level of freedom to choose, so "if you pick up a side, pick the right one" ;-)

Thanks everybody for your comments, helped a lot to create a picture and make useful conclusions ;-)

Picture of the paradise, where the one from outside may be accepted, even loved a bit (and disrespected meanwhile) broken to pieces... Efforts made to stay here bring the experience, but not existence ;-)

Good buy, Thailand, no bad feelings, no regrets, I will keep illusionary picture of your paradise in my heart! Will try implement it in different reality ;-)

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The incident, which is now a murder investigation, occurred only meters away from the Tourist Police Unit.

So the guys didn't want to go in the bar, the Thais got hostile, the guys make a complaint and are told to take it to the police station.

Basically a big FO.

The guys get angry and return to sort it out themselves as they see that the authorities aren't interested.

They are outnumbered 5 to 1, viciously beaten and one murdered within metres of the Tourist police point and no one is held responsible.

What a f@cking sick country Thailand has turned into.

You can try and rationalise it or compare it with other countries problems, but this is an all time low.

Thats a bit strong. We dont know all the facts. It can and does happen in any country. Thailand is a great country and if you dont think so go back to where you came from for a few months and you will see that.

Jesus I hate posters like that, how long have you been here, a week? :o

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What's the attraction other than debortuary?

Would that be when you shag your way to the mortuary?

Possibly. Sorry about that: I'm some what dyslexic. The correct spelling is debuchery. Before I get loads off comments, yes, I shouldn't be teaching if i'm dyslexic.

Don't you mean debauchery? :o

and he's a <deleted>' teacher?

We don't need no edjacation, we don't need no fought cantrol.....................

Are you dyslexic too?

All of my life I've encountered small people, who are all too quick to judge, mock and criticize dyslexic people. Education doesn't come into it. It's a medical condition: An ailment, not a lack of smarts as I happen to have a Master's Degree. To get where I am today I've had to work twice as hard as most people.

Oh, you think that because I'm dyslexic I can't be a teacher, don't you? Didn't you consider that I might not be teaching English or any other subject that would involve the students reading my writing? Half of the people using this forum are dyslexic; you just need to read a few posts to see that.


well said, but I have to admit, Harries post did make me laugh.

Don't despair, there are a lot of keyboard warriors here, and that's all they are.

Don't give up posting, we need good posters & welcome to the forum.

This reminds me of a message scrawled on the Southport to Liverpool train, over 30 years ago.

It read "Eksikute ilitrits" :D

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I said FOREIGN country - that usually means one you don't live in :o

No sh*t, however if you'd care to read and quote my entire post, you wouldn't have missed the all important point about basic moral principles and concept of right and wrong being little different from culture to culture would you have now??

And please... Spare me the politically correct, do-gooder, lefty bullsh*t about Thais being so different that concepts of "Right and Wrong" don't come into it... I've heard it all before! :D

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And also, you probably dont see thousands of asian guys with loads of money compared to you, usually very drunk, not seldom also loud and obnoxious, thinkin they own your local pub, grabbing the "local" girls in front of your nose.

If you saw this year after year, i am sure some uneducated local farangs would start to get pissed at these rich, drunken, obnoxious know-it-all-asians too.

Yep, they call them red-necks in the United States and bogans in this country.

The difference, of course, compared to Thailand is that when these individuals here get all worked up from seeing rich, yuppie, foreign tourists getting loud, obnoxius and grabbing local girls and consequently start throwing their weight around and try to pick a fight with the tourists, no decent law-abiding male in the same establishment will help them and will in-fact treat them with the same contempt that the rich foreign tourists would treat them with.

In fact their fellow countrymen here would be most embarrassed by their actions and would more often than not, be the first to call for Police assistance in the above scenario.

Edited by jimlad
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Its tools, broken bottles, metal poles etc. <deleted>!!!

What kind of a looser male population is this??? Is it really not more strength in a thai soul than this! Put up your f...... fists and take a real fight cowards!

Its no wonder you thai men dont earn more respect around the world than you do. For those of you thai men that really doesnt know. Yes .. we look down on you lazy, drunkin cowards!

Your style like this all over the country and it sure aint building bridges with people around the world.

To the ones of you thai men with this thinking, you should all have been beaten up slowly by real fists!

This is f..... not acceptable under any circumstance!

Hope you all get caught and rot in thai prison

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This is very standard behavior for displeased Thais these days. If they rip you off or in this case attempt to and you do or say anything you will end up beaten, maybe to death.

What do we have...

A scam went sour, so much so that the tourists wanted to make a complaint



They went back to sort it out themselves - obviously they did not know that for this you can get killed here and the police standard louts and tourist police ballet squad will do NOTHING

We all think....oh, well I'll just go here and avoid it or I never do this/that. One day the crime will flare in your face and you will be the victim.

This city has a total methamphetamine addiction and 3 people die each week!!

I cant recall when a captain of Pattaya police has lasted more than a year. Pattaya is more dangerous than any American city, incl Washington DC on a per capita murder basis.

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Its tools, broken bottles, metal poles etc. <deleted>!!!

What kind of a looser male population is this??? Is it really not more strength in a thai soul than this! Put up your f...... fists and take a real fight cowards!

Its no wonder you thai men dont earn more respect around the world than you do. For those of you thai men that really doesnt know. Yes .. we look down on you lazy, drunkin cowards!

Your style like this all over the country and it sure aint building bridges with people around the world.

To the ones of you thai men with this thinking, you should all have been beaten up slowly by real fists!

This is f..... not acceptable under any circumstance!

Hope you all get caught and rot in thai prison

Wow, is this a way of saying you've had a confrontation with a few Thais bearing broken bottles and steel poles? Seems like it, by the way, did you win? :o

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And also, you probably dont see thousands of asian guys with loads of money compared to you, usually very drunk, not seldom also loud and obnoxious, thinkin they own your local pub, grabbing the "local" girls in front of your nose.

If you saw this year after year, i am sure some uneducated local farangs would start to get pissed at these rich, drunken, obnoxious know-it-all-asians too.

Yep, they call them red-necks in the United States and bogans in this country.

The difference, of course, compared to Thailand is that when these individuals here get all worked up from seeing rich, yuppie, foreign tourists getting loud, obnoxius and grabbing local girls and consequently start throwing their weight around and try to pick a fight with the tourists, no decent law-abiding male in the same establishment will help them and will in-fact treat them with the same contempt that the rich foreign tourists would treat them with.

This is a total myth. They may not like it but you are feeding them via their bar-girlfriend. They are quite happy to share the slut. Hopefully, you will make a stupid move and drop some big cash on her and they will be back in the provs where he can sit under a tree, minding a buffalo and drinking all day. Bar-girls are 'write-offs' dude...the only hope the bar girl has even beefore she comes to Pattaya is basically marrying these losers upcountry. So, after they work in Pattaya for a few years - they have no hoep of marrying a decent man. So, they hook up with farang and if no farang the go alone or with a motomonkey. but these guys care not a wit about the women, they are trash in Thai society even for them. Th ekhmer say - man are gold, women are cloth (they absord the stain).

I will concede though what they may be jealous about as many Thais is not the woman, its the money.

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The most ignorant thing I've ever heard!!!

How is it Ignorant? I've been to Thailand many times and have even come close to marrying a Thai. They're one of the most xenophobic races on planet earth!

They are not, but you won't understand it anyway :o

Moderators: I think this thread now really goes out of bounds with many stupid and racist postings! CLOSE!

Edited by moo9
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The most ignorant thing I've ever heard!!!

How is it Ignorant? I've been to Thailand many times and have even come close to marrying a Thai. They're one of the most xenophobic races on planet earth!

They are not, but you won't understand it anyway :o

Moderators: I think this thread now really goes out of bounds with many stupid and racist postings! CLOSE!

come on, it's getting intresting, unless you can start another thread that gets as many visitors?

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What's the attraction other than debortuary?

Would that be when you shag your way to the mortuary?

Possibly. Sorry about that: I'm some what dyslexic. The correct spelling is debuchery. Before I get loads off comments, yes, I shouldn't be teaching if i'm dyslexic.

Don't you mean debauchery? :o

and he's a <deleted>' teacher?

We don't need no edjacation, we don't need no fought cantrol.....................

Are you dyslexic too?

All of my life I've encountered small people, who are all too quick to judge, mock and criticize dyslexic people. Education doesn't come into it. It's a medical condition: An ailment, not a lack of smarts as I happen to have a Master's Degree. To get where I am today I've had to work twice as hard as most people.

Oh, you think that because I'm dyslexic I can't be a teacher, don't you? Didn't you consider that I might not be teaching English or any other subject that would involve the students reading my writing? Half of the people using this forum are dyslexic; you just need to read a few posts to see that.

Hey, Mr. Karr,

when did you get back?

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The most ignorant thing I've ever heard!!!

How is it Ignorant? I've been to Thailand many times and have even come close to marrying a Thai. They're one of the most xenophobic races on planet earth!

They are not, but you won't understand it anyway :o

Moderators: I think this thread now really goes out of bounds with many stupid and racist postings! CLOSE!

Have to agree.

Instead of keeping the thread on the subject, its degenerated into a slanging contest between many posters and their own views on Thailand, Thai men, Thai women, bargirls and folk from Issan.

Not saying what happened to these men was right or wrong. But, when I have friends visiting Pattaya from overseas tell them some rules. They say "Thats all mate, its simple then". I leave the GF in the house and go to these 'bars' and 'go-go bars' have a few beers in every bar, my mates do their thing, I go home.

Never had a problem, seen many?

Usually traced to an excess of drink, spilling same etc.

Obnoxious behaviour that drives away other customers.

Inappropiate fondling (in public) of the girls without barfining them.

I and a lot of others that live in Pattaya may, be turning a blind eye. But with the other eye I can see things quite plainly and how they will pan out/develop?

As an earlier post put "Pimps have been beating up sailors since the day of sail"

If they come by jet, go to P4P areas, cause or be involved in trouble then they are either.

1) So immature so should not be allowed out

2) So arrogant so should not be allowed out.

3) So full of themselves, so should not be allowed out.

I am not an apologist for Thai men, being ex navy drinking in waterfront bars around the world, the golden rule is if you cannot speak the lingo, keep quiet?

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The most ignorant thing I've ever heard!!!

How is it Ignorant? I've been to Thailand many times and have even come close to marrying a Thai. They're one of the most xenophobic races on planet earth!

Ahhh yes, the fact that you have been on holiday to Thailand a few times now means you are a qualified analyst of Thai culture, what a joke. And as for nearly marrying a Thai, would this person happen to be the girl you spent 4 days with and then decided you would like to marry? Again, what a joke.

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Britmaveric beat me to it on this one. I don't understand why everybody is slagging the Thais.

This was NOT an unprovoked attack, these idiots decided to go back to take them on, and got what any reasonable person over here would expect.

This is very uncharacteristic of ethnic Estonians. I lived there 10 years and they aren't an aggressive bunch. When they release names I wouldn't be surprised if they were ethnic Russians who are Estonian citizens (over 30% of the total population). Russians don't like to take crap off of anyone. Either way it's always a tragedy when something like this happens. When I first went to Bangkok ten years ago we had read not to cause trouble at any of the bars because a door will open and a dozen little guys with machetes will come out. Apparetly that advice was close enough to the truth.

Well, Eesti men, when drunk, are like any drunk man: agressive, stupid, you name it.

As you state that Eesti men are normally not agressive, please ask some Suomi Farang, living in Helsinki, if he agrees with you.

When you are a guest in any country, please behave like a guest.

We. me including, sometime forget in our enthusiastic mood, to behave!

I am sorry for the man, but if you pick a fight as a foreigner in nearly every country, expect the locals to gang up on you, so better pull up your socks and underwear, and off you go!

If you are so stupid not to do that, expect to be treated like shit.

Indeed a high proportion of the workforce in Pattaya is from Isan, but is goes too far to state that this particular brand of Thai is more agressive.

The Isan is a very poor region, and people from here go to Bangkok and the other tourist towns to gain a living.

Maybe they are more agressive, but would you like to see your neighbour girl, your sister, your ex-girlfriend being "handled" by people from abroad?

I guess you would not like that and start to dislike the farang, and when there is an opening for ventilating your frustations, well, here we go, or maybe I should say there you go!

Forget the Isaan theory !!!!!

We moved to Isaan country 9 years ago and can count on one hand the number of times i,ve witnessed the sort of behaviour you get in the Pattaya ect.

The times that i have, they are usually Thai on Thai and mostly domestic stuff.

Leave Isaan out of it and concentrate on the fact that the Thai that are involved in this low life behaviour are the dregs of their local society, who are well known in their place of origin as criminals and are attracted to the tourist areas to do all the things that are constantly reported on and in most cases factual, relating to a whole spectrum of illegal, criminal, activities they are able to get away with.

Of course you can find trouble here if you go out of your way to do so and in fact we had a spate of muggings some months ago, but the local police did their job well and nipped the majority of it in the bud.

Incidently the muggers came from another area and like Pattaya ect. thought the tourists ( and locals by the way ) would be easy pickings.

Being non racist and unbiased to country of origin i wish to add.......................

There have unfortunately been more problems with the Non Thai relating to violence, but again this doesn,t happen on a regular basis.

Then again, i am not a bar person, but to take it a step further, the Non Thai i see on a daily basis do not encounter many problems either.



For those of you who enjoy the Walking Street type of environment and are happy with it, please don,t be tempted to come here and influence the local area with your chosen life style.

You are welcome to it, by the way, but it will not be appreciated here, especially among the family orentiated Non Thai population you readily instruct to pack their bags and go back to their country of origin.

As for the Isaan people, they are more respectable than you give them credit for and deserve due respect and support for being so.

It is, if we need to use this kind of language on bag packing, it is you who should do so and just maybe it will encourage the authorities to clamp down on the low lifes and follow what they advertise to attract the many foreigners, who are drawn by it via the TAT and the tourist brochures !!!!!

They do here and do so swiftly, i can assure of that :D

Sadly on your part, you can no longer expect the lifestyle you prefer even back in Amsterdam of all places, well known and more so as a free spirited city, of famous renown for the seedier side of entertainment, has decided to go respectable in most of the areas you crave for.

The message, using this as an example, is clear.

You are the minority Not the majority of foreigners visiting / living here in Thailand, i,m pleased also to say :o

Edited by marshbags
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Its tools, broken bottles, metal poles etc. <deleted>!!!

What kind of a looser male population is this??? Is it really not more strength in a thai soul than this! Put up your f...... fists and take a real fight cowards!

Its no wonder you thai men dont earn more respect around the world than you do. For those of you thai men that really doesnt know. Yes .. we look down on you lazy, drunkin cowards!

Your style like this all over the country and it sure aint building bridges with people around the world.

To the ones of you thai men with this thinking, you should all have been beaten up slowly by real fists!

This is f..... not acceptable under any circumstance!

Hope you all get caught and rot in thai prison

How I love those soaring flights of intellect! :o

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Estonian man dies following attack on Walking Street

PATTAYA: -- A disturbing incident occurred on Walking Street in the early hours of Sunday Morning which was initially dealt with by the Tourist Police based on the street. Three men from Estonia made a complaint at the Tourist Police Mobile Unit regarding a confrontation with three Thai Men in Soi 15. It is thought the men were being ushered into a Show Bar but decided at the last minute that they did not want to go.

The Thai men became angry and a fight ensued. The men were told to make their way to Pattaya Police Station to make a report, however they decided to take matters into their own hands and went back to confront the Thai men. It is thought that more than 15 men set-upon the three Estonian Men.

One managed to run away, a second was hit over the head with a steal pole and a third man was stabbed in the leg with a broken bottle. A major artery in his leg was severed and he was rushed to Hospital. Later on Sunday he died from the injury according to medical staff at the Pattaya Memorial Hospital.

The incident, which is now a murder investigation, occurred only meters away from the Tourist Police Unit and is now being investigated by Pattaya Police and the Tourist Police as the hunt for the attackers continues. We understand that as of Monday Afternoon, no arrests had been made in connection with the attack.



Pattaya city News

monday 21st January 2008

Ive just come back from Pattaya and not 3 weeks ago a very drunk Danish boy was kicked to death in soi diamond,off walking street by the doormen and taxi boys.New Years eve i was in a niteclub called Insommnia in marine plaza when a fight between 3 farlang and every thai man in the place erupted ensuing over the top violence with hundreds off bottles being smashed on there heads and everyone elses,no one could get out ov the way because the place was so packed so at least 6 people ended up hospital with glass cuts including my friend and his Thai girlfriend who took one in the face resulting in 23 stitches to her now scared for life face.These idiots are employed by the venues to keep the peace not to murder and maim the paying customers it is a disgrace.The thing that makes me laugh is these little muppets couldnt fight there way out ov a paper bag on there own thats why they alwaya gang beat you,i would love them to try these tactics back here in the uk they would more than likely get a taste ov there own medicine.One more thing why was the murder ov the Danish boy in soi diamond not reported in the news,i saw nothing maybe Howard was to busy being robo cop down walking street and did not notice that we the paying customer are getting murdered on are holidays.

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For the record..

It may appear to some that i am a typical Pattaya basher..

Let me say that i am not, visit for a few days twice a year and enjoy the change of environment.

I do not go into the bar areas and still find it a pleasant break and i enjoy all the positives it has to offer.

While i would not recommend it as a family destination, it obviously has many attractions for the single and more open minded couples.

It is a vibrant city at night and many come to enjoy it for the vast array of entertainment it has to offer.

The ones from back home who are in the above group of visitors, do on the whole enjoy themselves and usually go home well satisfied with their holiday stay and keep coming back.

They are all well informed vis this network of friends as to what to expect and in turn are aware of the downside and are street wise in the survival of staying safe and avoiding any potential trouble.

If you adopt this sort of awareness and fit into the above group of people, then you to can appreciate what it has to offer, while staying clear of the incidents this thread is about.

I look forward as always to my next break in late March as i always do and that is a fact.

marshbags :o

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And also, you probably dont see thousands of asian guys with loads of money compared to you, usually very drunk, not seldom also loud and obnoxious, thinkin they own your local pub, grabbing the "local" girls in front of your nose.

If you saw this year after year, i am sure some uneducated local farangs would start to get pissed at these rich, drunken, obnoxious know-it-all-asians too.

Yep, they call them red-necks in the United States and bogans in this country.

The difference, of course, compared to Thailand is that when these individuals here get all worked up from seeing rich, yuppie, foreign tourists getting loud, obnoxius and grabbing local girls and consequently start throwing their weight around and try to pick a fight with the tourists, no decent law-abiding male in the same establishment will help them and will in-fact treat them with the same contempt that the rich foreign tourists would treat them with.

This is a total myth. They may not like it but you are feeding them via their bar-girlfriend. They are quite happy to share the slut. Hopefully, you will make a stupid move and drop some big cash on her and they will be back in the provs where he can sit under a tree, minding a buffalo and drinking all day. Bar-girls are 'write-offs' dude...the only hope the bar girl has even beefore she comes to Pattaya is basically marrying these losers upcountry. So, after they work in Pattaya for a few years - they have no hoep of marrying a decent man. So, they hook up with farang and if no farang the go alone or with a motomonkey. but these guys care not a wit about the women, they are trash in Thai society even for them. Th ekhmer say - man are gold, women are cloth (they absord the stain).

I will concede though what they may be jealous about as many Thais is not the woman, its the money.

Also farangs don't hang around in the Thai men's "local pub". Even if they were allowed in they'd get a severe beating if they behaved how some of them behave in Pattaya bars.

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Ive just come back from Pattaya and not 3 weeks ago a very drunk Danish boy was kicked to death in soi diamond,off walking street by the doormen and taxi boys.

One more thing why was the murder ov the Danish boy in soi diamond not reported in the news,i saw nothing maybe Howard was to busy being robo cop down walking street and did not notice that we the paying customer are getting murdered on are holidays.

Funny. I can't find any reference to a Danish (or even a Dutch) tourist being killed, at least not in the last couple of years.

I would find it quite odd that the death of a farang, especially in a busy area like soi Diamond, wouldn't be reported anywhere. I'm sure even if a Thai had been killed there we would have heard about it.

I did find a couple other interesting stories though:

Thai Man seriously hurt as 10 men assault him in South Pattaya

Caught-on-tape – vicious fight on Pattaya Third Road

Just goes to show, it's not just farangs getting beaten up by mobs of Thais.

With something like 5 million tourists visitng Pattaya every year (TAT estimates), you're always going to have a (large) percentage of them that have very little common sense to begin with, coupled with ignorant attitues and copious amounts of alcohol = trouble looking for a place to happen.

I've found that a little common sense, a good attitude and copious amounts of alcohol = oodles and oodles of fun and frolic. It's worked for me over the last couple of years.

My biggest worry is being too close to britmaveric and kurgen when they get drunk (I don't want them trying to drag me up on stage at Jenny's with them) !

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Ive just come back from Pattaya and not 3 weeks ago a very drunk Danish boy was kicked to death in soi diamond,off walking street by the doormen and taxi boys.

One more thing why was the murder ov the Danish boy in soi diamond not reported in the news,i saw nothing maybe Howard was to busy being robo cop down walking street and did not notice that we the paying customer are getting murdered on are holidays.

Funny. I can't find any reference to a Danish (or even a Dutch) tourist being killed, at least not in the last couple of years.

I would find it quite odd that the death of a farang, especially in a busy area like soi Diamond, wouldn't be reported anywhere. I'm sure even if a Thai had been killed there we would have heard about it.

I did find a couple other interesting stories though:

Thai Man seriously hurt as 10 men assault him in South Pattaya

Caught-on-tape – vicious fight on Pattaya Third Road

Just goes to show, it's not just farangs getting beaten up by mobs of Thais.

With something like 5 million tourists visitng Pattaya every year (TAT estimates), you're always going to have a (large) percentage of them that have very little common sense to begin with, coupled with ignorant attitues and copious amounts of alcohol = trouble looking for a place to happen.

I've found that a little common sense, a good attitude and copious amounts of alcohol = oodles and oodles of fun and frolic. It's worked for me over the last couple of years.

My biggest worry is being too close to britmaveric and kurgen when they get drunk (I don't want them trying to drag me up on stage at Jenny's with them) !

Take it from me my friend that boy was kicked around soi diamond like a football and about 4 ov my mates see it from the top ov the stairs from heaven above a go go so if you think murder is funny then f..k you and as for your little news from pattaya city news its thais kicking the crap out ov one thai,nothing new.I wil search the net for more proof and get back to you

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Ive just come back from Pattaya and not 3 weeks ago a very drunk Danish boy was kicked to death in soi diamond,off walking street by the doormen and taxi boys.New Years eve i was in a niteclub called Insommnia in marine plaza when a fight between 3 farlang and every thai man in the place erupted ensuing over the top violence with hundreds off bottles being smashed on there heads and everyone elses,no one could get out ov the way because the place was so packed so at least 6 people ended up hospital with glass cuts including my friend and his Thai girlfriend who took one in the face resulting in 23 stitches to her now scared for life face.These idiots are employed by the venues to keep the peace not to murder and maim the paying customers it is a disgrace.The thing that makes me laugh is these little muppets couldnt fight there way out ov a paper bag on there own thats why they alwaya gang beat you,i would love them to try these tactics back here in the uk they would more than likely get a taste ov there own medicine.One more thing why was the murder ov the Danish boy in soi diamond not reported in the news,i saw nothing maybe Howard was to busy being robo cop down walking street and did not notice that we the paying customer are getting murdered on are holidays.

Bottles should be outlawed in Pattaya. Pattaya dwellers are too immature to handle bottles. Give them plastic baby bottles to suck on.

All the Thai punks associated with those bars where people get assaulted should be rounded up and put in detention for 6 months. The bars in question should be shut for 6 months. Tourist police and the brown shirts should be compelled to do their jobs - at least to some degree.

Good the hear the Estonian didn't die from his wound. I'd like to hear on this forum from the guys who were beaten up.

As for Thai police doing the right thing and handing out heavy justice to the gang fighters. It's about as likely as Thaksin getting elected Pope. Even if there were mobile phone videos with recognizable faces, Thai authorities wouldn't give it any credence.

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