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Spear Fishing On Scuba


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What's the whole point of killing these magnificent creatures? So some fuc_king idiot can collect his 15 minutes of fame. What a sacrifice!

As divers, we should be protecting the ocean so future generations may enjoy it as do we now. What legacy to the ocean do these fuc_kers leave?

Sorry about the tone, but this isn't sport, it's sick.

(Not aimed at you Smarts in any way)

Edited by Etrigan
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What's the whole point of killing these magnificent creatures? So some fuc_king idiot can collect his 15 minutes of fame. What a sacrifice!

As divers, we should be protecting the ocean so future generations may enjoy it as do we now. What legacy to the ocean do these fuc_kers leave?

Sorry about the tone, but this isn't sport, it's sick.

(Not aimed at you Smarts in any way)

I agree, IMO it is a complete contradiction to the whole ethics of diving.

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well thats what i thought when i first read the article - well actually i would put down what i thought but you would just get some ***** :o

anyway of you read the whole article you will see that these guys are actually commercial spear fisherman - so they probably have zero by catch as opposed to long line etc etc

like i said not PC but interesting none the less if you look past that aspect of it

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What's the whole point of killing these magnificent creatures? So some fuc_king idiot can collect his 15 minutes of fame. What a sacrifice!

As divers, we should be protecting the ocean so future generations may enjoy it as do we now. What legacy to the ocean do these fuc_kers leave?

Sorry about the tone, but this isn't sport, it's sick.

(Not aimed at you Smarts in any way)


I am please to say I never have dived with anyone using a spear gun.

Once I was on a weekend dive trip here in the UK, when a number of divers collected a few scallops, crabs and fish, the club rules were you eat what you catch.

I wonder if those guys eat those fish? if I had my way I would make them eat every last bit.


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The Warsaw grouper or Epinephelus nigritus is a critically endangered species and spearfishing/killing them whilst diving with scuba equipment is criminal. :o .

These beautiful creatures are no harm to human beings and it should be forbidden to shoot them just for their own pleasure and macho show-off. Mind you, these fish are older than their killers.....WHY ? It's disgusting. :D

But most of these stupid divers, diving below 400 feet, will die young and/or many of them die a horrible death and they deserve it.


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like i said not PC

interesting that something like this gets peoples backs up though

I mean the fact that this year the Japanses government gave "permission" to their whaling fleet to take 1000 whales for "research" purposes passes with hardly a comment even though some of the ones that they will be eating, sorry I mean researching, are on endangered / critically depleted lists yet two guys who are commercial spear fisherman take one fish and its news

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I have dived quite a bit. I think we need to bring this into context. I dont like spear fishers, not would i want to dive with one,but..............

..........to be practical, i doubt that all the spear fishers in the world would make any impact on our natural resources. ( except for some nuts killing rare fish ).

Most people been on live aboards, know the boat will pull up at times near fishing boats, and buy fish for the evenings meals. So whats the diff ? If it was not a rare animal, have no big issues with it so long as its eaten / not thrown away.

As for these guys at 425 feet, many of them end up as fish food anyway. (murpheys law has an interesting application at such depths )

Edited by skippybangkok
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Purists feelings about the use of tanks aside, and whether the particular species is endangered, I wonder what is the difference really whether they are caught with nets, or rod and reel, or speared? Except that spearing requires alot more effort.

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Purists feelings about the use of tanks aside, and whether the particular species is endangered, I wonder what is the difference really whether they are caught with nets, or rod and reel, or speared? Except that spearing requires alot more effort.

You are mistaken here.

The fish they 'spear' with tanks (!) are hiding in caves and shot, they're not swimming in open water...if they would, a man, diving at a depth of 100+ meters* (!!) would NEVER catch a (large) fish.

I know, because I knew the (Spanish/Mallorquin) Mediterranean Champion diving on his own lungs for 8 hours or so with just a spear, buoy, some food/water and his flippers. This chap dived 30-40 and deeper, meters without tanks. This guy could stay down for more than 6 to 7 minutes at a single dive. And he dived the whole day.

The sea bass (Mero) he was catching were hiding in caves/under rocks. This guy was a professional fisherman, but, without a boat.

Spearing/killing fish using tanks, just for your own fun, is disgusting....telling your friends how brave you were :o

Experienced and intelligent divers KNOW that diving beyond 50-60 meters is insane. I've lost 2 good friends who were also into very deep diving. They both died young, too young.

One of them put a gun in his mouth :D

Intensive studies have proved that a lot of divers die too young or get crazy/weird because minuscule air bubbles 'nest' in the brain and braincells.....count your blessings.

But, I know...the challenge....


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I am always amazed at the hypocrisy involved with the collection of animal protein.

Cows are large and perhaps they feel they are magnificent, but they have no life at all, penned up all day, marched to a slaughter house when they reach the right proportions. They never even get the chance to wander about free for a day, let alone for 50 years like these big fish here. But there is not much buzz about that. Now if you take something pretty or cute, or in this case big but ugly, then it becomes murder. Simply because the animal fits a certain aesthetic. As far as I'm concerned it makes no difference at all, as long as it is a managed resource and not heading for extinction. Everday in Thailand live shrimp are burned to death over hot coals. where's their human guardians? I know, fetching the shrimp cocktail sauce.

Edited by canuckamuck
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I am always amazed at the hypocrisy involved with the collection of animal protein.

Cows are large and perhaps they feel they are magnificent, but they have no life at all, penned up all day, marched to a slaughter house when they reach the right proportions. They never even get the chance to wander about free for a day, let alone for 50 years like these big fish here. But there is not much buzz about that. Now if you take something pretty or cute, or in this case big but ugly, then it becomes murder. Simply because the animal fits a certain aesthetic. As far as I'm concerned it makes no difference at all, as long as it is a managed resource and not heading for extinction. Everday in Thailand live shrimp are burned to death over hot coals. where's their human guardians? I know, fetching the shrimp cocktail sauce.


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I am always amazed at the hypocrisy involved with the collection of animal protein.

Cows are large and perhaps they feel they are magnificent, but they have no life at all, penned up all day, marched to a slaughter house when they reach the right proportions. They never even get the chance to wander about free for a day, let alone for 50 years like these big fish here. But there is not much buzz about that. Now if you take something pretty or cute, or in this case big but ugly, then it becomes murder. Simply because the animal fits a certain aesthetic. As far as I'm concerned it makes no difference at all, as long as it is a managed resource and not heading for extinction. Everday in Thailand live shrimp are burned to death over hot coals. where's their human guardians? I know, fetching the shrimp cocktail sauce.

You are comparing farmed animals with wild exotic animals. Do you really think that fish populations in the region are a "managed resource"?

The ethical debate on animal welfare and treatment is another topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You are comparing farmed animals with wild exotic animals. Do you really think that fish populations in the region are a "managed resource"?

The ethical debate on animal welfare and treatment is another topic.

Yes I compared farm animals to wild exotic animals. Why do you see a difference in who can be killed for food. Being free for a while is better then being penned up, it seems to me it is unfair to kill a cow. They have a crappy life and die crappy. A big old fish has had lots of experiences, probably made lots of babies too. Gotta die sometime eh?

No I do not think anything in the region is a managed resource. But I don't like it when rare animals are killed. If these big fish are rare, then hunting them is ignorant. I do however like like to eat animals that are not endangered. It doesn't matter to me how cute or majestic they may have been, that is a ridiculous sentiment based on irrelevant human values. Maybe slugs think rats are majestic.

I do think that the pictures of those massive fish beside the humans is amazing. And the ridiculous lengths these guys go to get them is equally astonishing. I think that that was the intention of the OP, to say wow look at this, isn't this bizarre?

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Yes I compared farm animals to wild exotic animals. Why do you see a difference in who can be killed for food

Wow. Farmed animals are managed, the animals are bred and reared. Their numbers are controlled. Wild animals are a finite resource. Indiscriminately killing these creatures a various stages in their reproductive life will affect their ability to reproduce as a species. Therefore unregulated killing can desimate their numbers.

Wild animals have their place within a highly complex ecosystem, even a slight disruption to this system can have huge consequences for many species. Farmed animals live on a farm.

Edited by ashacat
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Yes I compared farm animals to wild exotic animals. Why do you see a difference in who can be killed for food

Wow. Farmed animals are managed, the animals are bred and reared. Their numbers are controlled. Wild animals are a finite resource. Indiscriminately killing these creatures a various stages in their reproductive life will affect their ability to reproduce as a species. Therefore unregulated killing can desimate their numbers.

Wild animals have their place within a highly complex ecosystem, even a slight disruption to this system can have huge consequences for many species. Farmed animals live on a farm.

I think if you really read my post you would see I mostly agree with what you are saying.

I think it is wrong to endanger a species. My main beef, which obviously passed you by is the sentimental attachements we put on some creatures and not others. Cod VS dolphins for an example. Some people would throw themselves in front of a bus to save a dolphin or a seal, but have no problem with the fish and chips.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cod VS dolphins for an example. Some people would throw themselves in front of a bus to save a dolphin or a seal, but have no problem with the fish and chips.

You're completely right there.

We humans are bizarre and often seem to forget that we're just a small part of the natural world and not standing above it. We're doing more things wrong than any other living creature on our planet has ever done and we really like to believe we're "doing the right thing". We kill for fun and we kill for money, we kill for oil and for democracy, we kill to save lives and we kill to make a better world, we kill out of ignorance and we kill because we think it's the only good thing left to do. We also do quite a bit of killing for progress and to create a better society. We're very good at killing other living creatures and we're also very good at killing one-another and it seems to rule the world.

In the end though it all doesn't matter. If we're stupid enough to kill and destroy every living thing on this world, big or small, cute or ugly, there will very likely be no place for us in the end too and we'll die with the rest.

Earth will have a nice cosy time without us and may eventually re-create some better life forms that will take better care of the natural world.


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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 months later...

My opinion is spearing on gas is a real cowardly way to spear fish.

I have tried it twice, I wouldn't feel it fair to comment unless i had tried it.

Apnea is the only way to spear IMO,

One Breath, One Chance, One Shot

Pelaj just held the country's first spearfishing comp in Trang 2 weeks ago, anyone interested can P.M me and I'll send pics and info. We will be holding our second comp in feb, so watch this space!

Pelaj, So much Ocean, So Little Time.





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  • 1 month later...
My opinion is spearing on gas is a real cowardly way to spear fish.

I have tried it twice, I wouldn't feel it fair to comment unless i had tried it.

Apnea is the only way to spear IMO,

One Breath, One Chance, One Shot

Spearing on gas has same end result & the one breath, one chance, one shot applies to scuba too! I just wonder how many freedivers shoot down there and shoot the first thing they see? Spearing on scuba in my opinion is far more selective and requires better stalking skills (unless you are on a rebreather!)

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