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I've got maxnet, and starting on Friday night I couldn't send mail via Eudora to one of my email services, but the others were fine.

Today, they're all toast. I tried port 587 but so far that hasn't helped.

It's kind of a head scratcher. So, is maxnet blocking 587 now too?

But when I try the suggested "telnet [your mail server name] 25" I get a sense that I can reach the smtp host via that port (getting errors with 587).

So it's all bollixed up for me! :o

I guess I'll try calling TTT tomorrow.


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Ok, now I can send email via port 25 to one of my email services with Eudora...


A couple of years ago I had to call TTT about my HiNet account now and then when smtp stopped working. They would tell me to use their smtp server and I would politely tell them that that wasn't acceptable. The would put me in touch with CAT and my smtp would be unblocked. Maxnet doesn't use CAT I guess, so I hope that they can deal with this themselves.



If they would stop using private addresses in their routers that would be a start that they are improving...

Tracing route to www.l.google.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms mygateway [] <= My router so obviously this is the only private ip i should see on the traceroute

2 25 ms 24 ms 24 ms <= Gateway ip from TT&T...

3 * * * Request timed out.

4 * * * Request timed out. <= Some congestion ? or did they cut icmp from these routers ? (note that previously there were 4 routers with private ip adress here)

5 34 ms 37 ms 50 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-25.tttmaxnet.com []

6 34 ms 35 ms 38 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-50.tttmaxnet.com []

7 36 ms 39 ms 34 ms

8 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms <= is it a quick fix for the submarine cable breakout ?

9 95 ms 97 ms 101 ms

10 151 ms 150 ms 150 ms

11 153 ms 154 ms 150 ms

12 149 ms 161 ms 150 ms

13 268 ms 267 ms 264 ms

14 277 ms 266 ms 270 ms

15 257 ms 279 ms 272 ms

16 258 ms 262 ms 259 ms

17 259 ms 258 ms 276 ms

18 260 ms * 257 ms

19 * 275 ms 263 ms tw-in-f104.google.com []

Trace complete.

I still can't fathom how they can still be in business, TIT finally :o


Well I have got a Maxnet (Pitsnet!) Premier 1gb internet package.

At the moment I have download speeds of 124 and uploads of 18. I have been fobbed off with the following excuses. There is a fault with your computer, your anti virus programme (AVG) is to blame, windows firewall is interfering etc etc etc. Yes I have also had the broken cable problem with international routing excuse. Its funny though how that cable is repaired early in the morning each day and then gets broken again during the day and evening.If anyone is thinking to change there Maxnet Indy package to this dont bother save your money its terrible. Its been like this for over 3 weeks now up and down like a t---s k-----rs!


I recall seeing a post showing bandwidth increase in Thailand (both international and national) there is a total of 150gb of bandwidth nationwide for... 23gb international bandwidth.

You don't have to be a genius to figure out what's going on : There is too little international bandwidth for the overwhelming national bandwidth, it's more or less 8 times what we should be getting, this is where lies the problem in fact.

CAT is the one to blame first and foremost, they lease at ridiculously high rate, ridiculously low bandwidth. Unless cat does something about it, it's not going to change ! of course the direct consequence is the ISP that sell dirt cheap connections, so we get too many people connected and the actual pipeline is still the same.

We all blame TOT, TT&T, True etc, yes they are at fault mainly because they aren't capable of maintaining correctly their network, but the one ruling them all is the biggest at fault. Demand is very high and offer is too little.


I've been relatively happy with service from JI-Net as my ISP and a TT&T phone line for the last few years. After moving and having to install a new phone line, TT&T said that the only way they will install the new line is if I sign up for a year of MaxNet. How is that for blackmail?

Anyway, a TT&T woman said that their "Indy" packages were shared between too many users and not reliable, though their "Premier" packages were good. I opted for the 1536/512 Premier package for 1,990B. It works pretty well most of the time, and on many occasions I've seen download speeds over 220kb/s, which is more than I should be getting. It's not all good though, and I've noticed outages or extremely low speeds nearly every day.

I've been relatively happy with service from JI-Net as my ISP and a TT&T phone line for the last few years. After moving and having to install a new phone line, TT&T said that the only way they will install the new line is if I sign up for a year of MaxNet. How is that for blackmail?

Anyway, a TT&T woman said that their "Indy" packages were shared between too many users and not reliable, though their "Premier" packages were good. I opted for the 1536/512 Premier package for 1,990B. It works pretty well most of the time, and on many occasions I've seen download speeds over 220kb/s, which is more than I should be getting. It's not all good though, and I've noticed outages or extremely low speeds nearly every day.

Hi TT@T fitted a new line in my new house less than 2 months ago. I opted to go with the Maxnet Premier 1GB service because I was also told it was good. All I can say to that is that if you are contented with using the internet between 1am to 7am then its great but if you want to use outside these hours then you would be better off using a internet cafe in my experince. At the moment I have got download speeds of 110 and upload of 8. Each time I ring 1003 about it I get the same speil that the technical department are working on the problem and a engineer will contact me. Needless to say I am still waiting for the engineer to fix it and have been waiting over three weeks now. The last time I spoke with someone on 1003 I asked them that seeing I was only getting less than a quarter of the connection speed I was paying them for is it ok when I pay my bill if I just pay them a quarter of the amount. The answer yes you guessed it "a technician is working on the problem and will contact you shortly and we are sorry for the inconvenience sir.. Ye Gods I have never had such poor service in my life.


Wow, just read this thread and you don't know how much you guys have just cheered me up. Up until a week ago my Maxnet was running sweet, well as good as you would expect really in the circumstances. However in the last 6 to 7 days Web pages not loading properly (if at all) skype not connecting, virtually impossible to receive or send anything from outlook etc etc etc......... Called I Don't care Helpline and they were so apologetic, basically apologised that their service was cr#p but if I wanted better then I would have to pay more. Just glad to know it's not just me. Guess I'll just have to ride the peaks and troughs and wait for it to get better????????????

Wow, just read this thread and you don't know how much you guys have just cheered me up. Up until a week ago my Maxnet was running sweet, well as good as you would expect really in the circumstances. However in the last 6 to 7 days Web pages not loading properly (if at all) skype not connecting, virtually impossible to receive or send anything from outlook etc etc etc......... Called I Don't care Helpline and they were so apologetic, basically apologised that their service was cr#p but if I wanted better then I would have to pay more. Just glad to know it's not just me. Guess I'll just have to ride the peaks and troughs and wait for it to get better????????????

Glad it cheered you up. I have had the opposite of your experince with Maxnet. Since they installed it has been up and down like a t---s k-----s and I am still waiting for the :o engineer to fix it!


I was also getting the "cable broken in the Mediterranean" excuse last week. How stupid do they think we are?

Currently I am in Singapore where for some reason the Mediterranean cables do not seems to be slowing down speeds at all. I have a 3 meg line which is currently running almost at maximum speeds. From the TV speedtest:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 2708 kbps (338.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 271 kbps (33.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

You are welcome to quote this if helpdesks start babbling about broken cables.

  • 4 weeks later...

Reading some of the posts has made me feel sorry for this company's and Thailand ability as a whole to suport there infrastructure.

I am amazed that the ex PM. Who is able to carry out publicity stunts even while back in Thailand excepts no responsibilty for the situation he and his previouse party have caused.

Lets hope maybe a devine Intervention may take place that this situation is improved.

Me If I pay for a service I expect to recieve at least something, but we must except, the ISP's across the world not just Thailand do the same.

I read some posts and I am amazed yes sometimes I get fantasic speeds maybe for Two or Three minutes then international back to non existent. Never mind.

If you want them to take note its not just us who have the problem speak to your Thai friends and neighbours they are just as disatisfied.

If you want action you stop subscibing in bulk or start a petiton.

Thats what I think and I have been here a number of years now and unless you get good support from Thai people they will not do anything.

At the moment my connection is quite good let me try again in five minutes.

Up and down like WhorXX DraXX.

Sorry for that we live in Thailand dont forget ISP are the same across the globe.


@JetSetBKK.. Which package is that ?? Price etc.

I am moving to a new pad and there is not TOT line (and forget about a good CAT Line).. So TT&T is my only option (and 15k install charge to get a line and run new cable !!!).. I have opted for the premier packages but those look to be awful too from the above.

@JetSetBKK.. Which package is that ?? Price etc.

I think they call it "Maxnet 4 Home" - 1070 baht / month. It was 1mbps, then they upgraded it two times to 2.5mbps.

A few weeks ago international access was appalling, but I think they were working on it full-time. Now, it stops (international access stops) sometimes from 3 - 6 am. But it's getting better...

Or maybe not. Here are today's numbers. Apart from Bangkok and Singapore (where Thaivisa is hosted), the numbers are pretty bad!!:








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