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Do All Thais Believe In Ghosts ?


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I am interested to find out whether any of the Thaivisa forum readers/members know of any Thai person, whether family, friend or acquaintance that does NOT believe in ghosts? Stupid forum question, maybe, but I am keen to find out--any feedback gratefully appreciated.

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My wife was a nurse and she just told me that when a patient dies all the nurses have no problems with entering the room to clean the body and pack belongings etc., but after doing this and the body has been removed All of them feel very scared to reenter the room again for a long time after, because they believe the spirit is still in there

So yes most if not all thais believe in Ghosts.

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Every S.E. Asian including Thais I have run into believe in ghosts. I'm a believer myself, too many inexplicable things have happened in my household especially after my sister passed. Nothing like getting a chill and having all of your hairs stand on end to convince you. Spooky. :o

It is a wide practice to visit your ancestors and await their visit at least once a year around these parts.

Edited by gunnyd
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I would also add that 'ghosts' are a part of Thai/Buddhist religion. For a Thai not to believe in ghosts is essentially the equivalent of a Westerner not believing in God. "Ghosts" are the natural part of Buddhist beliefs, that upon death, the spirit leaves the body and may wander the earth before being reborn. In the West, ghosts are not a part of the religion as they are in Thailand. In Christianity, you die, you believe in Jesus, you go to heaven. The bible doesn't say your soul lingers on the Earth. The bible has no mention of ghosts.

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I would also add that 'ghosts' are a part of Thai/Buddhist religion. For a Thai not to believe in ghosts is essentially the equivalent of a Westerner not believing in God. "Ghosts" are the natural part of Buddhist beliefs, that upon death, the spirit leaves the body and may wander the earth before being reborn. In the West, ghosts are not a part of the religion as they are in Thailand. In Christianity, you die, you believe in Jesus, you go to heaven. The bible doesn't say your soul lingers on the Earth. The bible has no mention of ghosts.

Thanks for the insight--I really hadn't thought of it like that--that explains a lot and puts a whole new perspective on it for me.

Thanks again.

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I would also add that 'ghosts' are a part of Thai/Buddhist religion

Yup. Really. Think about it. Have you ever been to a Thai funeral, or the funeral rites after someone has died. Think about the King's sister. What did they do? They had religious rites for a long period of time. Monks are chanting and praying, offerings are made. What the Thai's believe is that when a person dies, their soul leaves their body and lingers around before going on to be reborn. This is a traumatic time for the spirit, and it is confused. The Thais believe that when someone dies, the sould still lingers around its old surroundings, homes, because it is comfortable for the spirit to be around familiar surroundings.

The offerings are designed to appease the spirit. The chanting and praying is to help guide the spirit onto the next world, and for rebirth. If a spirit is not prayed for, and no offerings made, the spirit can become lost and remain on this world in its old familiar locales. Thais don't want that, and that's why they do the religious ceremonies.

The belief of the spirit leaving the body is a part of Thai religious beliefs. And if your religion says the spirit leaves the body and may linger around, then believing in 'ghosts' is not a stretch at all, but a tenet of the religion.

In the West, Christianity mentions nothing about ghosts, and the spirit leaving the body. That is why it is harder for people to believe in ghosts.

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If a spirit is not prayed for, and no offerings made, the spirit can become lost and remain on this world in its old familiar locales.

do you have any scientific proof to back up that what you are saying , or are you just repeating something that you have heard so many times without questioning it that you automatically assume it to be a fact.

"peacefully they will die , peacefully they will expire in your name , and beyond the grave they will find only death.

but we will keep the secret , and for their own happiness we will entice them with a heavenly and eternal reward "

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In the West, Christianity mentions nothing about ghosts, and the spirit leaving the body. That is why it is harder for people to believe in ghosts.

Not entirely true. If you check the Christian Handbook, the Apostle Paul clearly talks about his spirit leaving his body at the end of this life. Also King Saul had a very spectacular run-in with a ghost when he went to visit the Witch of Endor. And, what about The Holy Ghost? :-)

Actually, while the old King James Version only refers to the "Holy Ghost" translated in later versions as "Holy Spirit.", there are many other words that could substitute for "ghosts" in that version and more modern versions--and indeed have many similar characteristics to Asian varieties of ghosts. For example, cross-check the scriptural descriptions of "demons" and "evil spirits."

Following that, you'll get a pretty good feeling that "ghosts" are believed in by human beings worldwide, regardless of their local names and diverse manifestations.

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Green Sash Renders Woman Unconscious, Spirit Flees.

Sawang Boriboon Rescue volunteers are involved in many kinds of activities from road accidents, assaults, drownings and the like, but in the very early hours of Friday morning they were called to a rented apartment in Soi Sukhumvit 43 in Naklua to deal with a woman who was believed to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Arriving at the room they found a 24-year-old female who was clearly disturbed and acting in a most unusual fashion: throwing things around her apartment and screaming at all and sundry.

Neighbours said the lady was generally a quiet person who lived alone, but she had suddenly become violent earlier in the evening and some suspected she had been taken over by an evil spirit.

A search of the room failed to uncover any alcoholic spirits, be it lao khao or Sang Som, and her neighbours assured the rescue volunteers she was known to be a woman of sober habits.

Instead, the rescue workers held the struggling woman down and then wrapped her in a green sash which suddenly seemed to render her unconscious.

She was then taken to hospital for further observation and psychiatric evaluation.

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where can I get one of these green sashes...maybe Tesco? have a certain ladyfriend who could occasionally use a sashing

Green Sash Renders Woman Unconscious, Spirit Flees.

Sawang Boriboon Rescue volunteers are involved in many kinds of activities from road accidents, assaults, drownings and the like, but in the very early hours of Friday morning they were called to a rented apartment in Soi Sukhumvit 43 in Naklua to deal with a woman who was believed to be possessed by an evil spirit.

Arriving at the room they found a 24-year-old female who was clearly disturbed and acting in a most unusual fashion: throwing things around her apartment and screaming at all and sundry.

Neighbours said the lady was generally a quiet person who lived alone, but she had suddenly become violent earlier in the evening and some suspected she had been taken over by an evil spirit.

A search of the room failed to uncover any alcoholic spirits, be it lao khao or Sang Som, and her neighbours assured the rescue volunteers she was known to be a woman of sober habits.

Instead, the rescue workers held the struggling woman down and then wrapped her in a green sash which suddenly seemed to render her unconscious.

She was then taken to hospital for further observation and psychiatric evaluation.

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I am interested to find out whether any of the Thaivisa forum readers/members know of any Thai person, whether family, friend or acquaintance that does NOT believe in ghosts? Stupid forum question, maybe, but I am keen to find out--any feedback gratefully appreciated.

I have been told by some Thais that they beleave that when a farang dies there spirit goes home. So there are no Farang Ghosts in Thailand?

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I am interested to find out whether any of the Thaivisa forum readers/members know of any Thai person, whether family, friend or acquaintance that does NOT believe in ghosts? Stupid forum question, maybe, but I am keen to find out--any feedback gratefully appreciated.

I have been told by some Thais that they beleave that when a farang dies there spirit goes home. So there are no Farang Ghosts in Thailand?

WhaT if their home is in Thailand?

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I am interested to find out whether any of the Thaivisa forum readers/members know of any Thai person, whether family, friend or acquaintance that does NOT believe in ghosts? Stupid forum question, maybe, but I am keen to find out--any feedback gratefully appreciated.

I think the Muslims don't believe in it. They basically believe in heaven and hel_l with nothing in between.

It's pretty standard in any non Judeo-Christian-Muslim religion to believe in earthly spirits of some kind.

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My wife was a nurse and she just told me that when a patient dies all the nurses have no problems with entering the room to clean the body and pack belongings etc., but after doing this and the body has been removed All of them feel very scared to reenter the room again for a long time after, because they believe the spirit is still in there

So yes most if not all thais believe in Ghosts.

So why is it that people are scared of them? Even I am, and I don't even believe in them!

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I have been told by some Thais that they beleave that when a farang dies there spirit goes home. So there are no Farang Ghosts in Thailand?

Well you see Farangs have no soul. That's why you don't see Farang ghosts in Thailand. (And also explains why they do not know how to dance....)

...Just joking of course.

Actually there have been sightings of Farang ghosts following the Tsunami:


Edited by submaniac
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Muslim do belive in them kind of but they are called jinn

,The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb 'Janna' which means to hide or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied their existence. However, (as will be seen) the affect which the world of the Jinn has upon our world, is enough to refute this modern denial of one of Allah's creation. The origins of the Jinn can be traced from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Allah says:

"Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire"

[surah Al-Hijr 15:26-27]

Thus the Jinn were created before man. As for their physical origin, then the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) has confirmed the above verse when he said: "The Angels were created from light and the Jinn from smokeless fire" [1]. It is this description of the Jinn which tells us so much about them. Because they were created from fire, their nature has generally been fiery and thus their relationship with man has been built upon this. Like humans, they too are required to worship Allah and follow Islam. Their purpose in life is exactly the same as ours, as Allah says

Edited by deon
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I would also add that 'ghosts' are a part of Thai/Buddhist religion. For a Thai not to believe in ghosts is essentially the equivalent of a Westerner not believing in God. "Ghosts" are the natural part of Buddhist beliefs, that upon death, the spirit leaves the body and may wander the earth before being reborn. In the West, ghosts are not a part of the religion as they are in Thailand. In Christianity, you die, you believe in Jesus, you go to heaven. The bible doesn't say your soul lingers on the Earth. The bible has no mention of ghosts.


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I would also add that 'ghosts' are a part of Thai/Buddhist religion

Yup. Really. Think about it. Have you ever been to a Thai funeral, or the funeral rites after someone has died. Think about the King's sister. What did they do? They had religious rites for a long period of time. Monks are chanting and praying, offerings are made. What the Thai's believe is that when a person dies, their soul leaves their body and lingers around before going on to be reborn. This is a traumatic time for the spirit, and it is confused. The Thais believe that when someone dies, the sould still lingers around its old surroundings, homes, because it is comfortable for the spirit to be around familiar surroundings.

The offerings are designed to appease the spirit. The chanting and praying is to help guide the spirit onto the next world, and for rebirth. If a spirit is not prayed for, and no offerings made, the spirit can become lost and remain on this world in its old familiar locales. Thais don't want that, and that's why they do the religious ceremonies.

The belief of the spirit leaving the body is a part of Thai religious beliefs. And if your religion says the spirit leaves the body and may linger around, then believing in 'ghosts' is not a stretch at all, but a tenet of the religion.

In the West, Christianity mentions nothing about ghosts, and the spirit leaving the body. That is why it is harder for people to believe in ghosts.

the belief in ghosts is more animist than budhist

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It's pretty standard in any non Judeo-Christian-Muslim religion to believe in earthly spirits of some kind.

Britain with all their haunted castles and tendency to see a ghost in every vacant house window?

North American Puritan colonists with the Headless Horseman running amuck all over the townspeople?

Surely you jest! :o

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