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Motorcycle Theft


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This is probably part of a larger crackdown on motorbike theft.

A lot of motorbikes gone missing and apparently being taken and sold in Burma.

In a lot of the villages police have been visiting the small motorbike "garages" and checking vehicles/licenses and carting off anyone they have suspicions about as well as taking bikes without proper papers.

For anyone having a vehicle without the proper papers how are they going to prove ownership?

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We have been stolen one of those unregistered motorbikes .

The little japanese scooters that is , with no registration papers , only

the purchase papers with the number of engine on it .

I confirm that there is a lot of theft in Chiangmai right now , so its a good thing to

pressure those who do .

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One of the funniest stories I heard about a motorbike theft was a couple of years ago. Happened behind a market in a small town south of Chiang Mai. It was an area where many people parked and they had some kind of special function so that evening it was packed.

There also happened to be a police box right nearby - safe parking :o

Later that evening a guy walked up to a brand new motobike that was parked close to the policeman, got on it and fumbled in his pockets. Muttered to himself and pliceman; darn it lost the keys , must have dropped them. Went off eyes to the ground and came back not with keys but with friend and his pick up truck. Said to the policeman, can't find the keys anywhere so Somchai is going to give us a lift on his pick up truck. Unfortunately motorbike a little bit heavy for Somchai and Daeng, so asked the policeman for a little help. Policeman dutifully helps them load the motorbike on the back of the pick up and off they go.

.................... half an hour later a person comes over and looks left and right etc , horrified look on face. Then says to the policeman, where's my motorbike! The brand new one , I parked it right there (pointing close to where the policeman was standing).

Rest of story I will leave to your imagination. But this was a true story.

I have a feeling policeman got transferred to safer office duties.

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Rode a Bike in London for years - until I had a misshap with a double decker bus! - the bike theft rate is rediculous there.

Someone, I think it was MCN (Motorcycle News) started a compagn where by all bikers would place a small sticker on the wheel hub stating the allowance of chained erm chaining. This is where you chain your bike to the chain of the bike next door - and at least one bike is chained to something immoveable (lamppost etc). As you are only chained to your neighbours' chains, undoing you chain frees you. A decent chain makes it hard for the theives as bolt cutters can't cut them (you can also get padlocks that can't be cut) - it would take a pnumatic cutter ot thermite to get through the b*ggers.

Anyway, seems to work - very noisy and slow cutting through decent chains and the cop would definitely be suspicious then. The risk of getting caught is increased with the time taken to get through the chains.

Edited by wolf5370
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I had just bought a brand new Yamaha Nouvo. After riding it for all of about 2 weeks it had a staggering 250kms on it. Parked it at my place one night at about 3:30am (this is when i was young) I remember because I had to be quiet sneaking back to my room. I had something to do the next morning so woke up early at about 9am. I went to get on my bike and it was gone. I am sure some of you can relate to not remembering where you parked after a good session of drinking. Well I began to retrace my steps from the previous night before and came to the conclusion that I did park it here and now it is gone!

Called the cops filled out a report and about 6 months later I read in the paper of a gang who was busted stealing bikes from in and around the Somphet area and then selling them over the border in Burma. 6 months to find these guys who admitted to stealing around 50-60 bikes. Great work.

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i ride a Old honda dream which is about my ages. maybe 30 plus years old ..

i enjoy watching movie and is alway trying to park some where , used to go to the KSK Vitsa movie .. and had a hard time finding a good place to park so i alway park on the walk path to save 10b ..

anyway being a forgetful guy .

i leave my Keys on my bike for more then a few time .

never did it get lost .. so one find day i rideit to the workshop and told them the story ..

the workshop guys . look at my bike and say to me .

Max . anyone who steal your bike might end up spending more money to repair it then earn from it .

whahahhahahaha he was joking .. i am just lucky

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