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Seoul ---> Chiang Mai Or Maybe Ho Chi Minh (many Questions, Please Help!)


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In the next couple of weeks I have to decide if I will renew my contract here in Seoul or move on to other pastures. Currently I work as an English teacher in a Korean public elementary school and lead a very comfortable lifestyle. I teach around 20 40 minute classes a week so it's pretty easy going (even though I have to be at the school from 9-5!). I do like it here but as this is my first time in Asia, I don't really have much to compare it to. The pay is great, the nightlife is good (apart from being mostly hip-hop) and the Koreans have generally been good to me. However, it's pretty expensive for most things here and at the end of the month I am really not saving very much. Travelling options from Korea are also not that great. I get about 4 weeks holiday a year but they are at peak travel periods and flights anywhere are rediculously expensive (no budget airlines here I am afraid!). This pretty much annihilates any savings I have made in the prior months. I have no debt and I am young (24) so saving money really isn't my priority in life at the moment. I want to enjoy my youth so if I can make enough money every month to get by then I am happy.

I went to Thailand for 2 weeks during February and the best part of the trip was Chiang Mai, followed by Krabi, then Bangkok, Phi Phi and finally Patong. Everything seemed a lot cheaper and a little less seedy in Chiang Mai. I only stayed there for 4 days but I liked what I saw.

How much do I need to live comfortably in Chiang Mai? I can easily make 300-500 pounds a month (sometimes more) doing a bit of work on the internet every day for a couple of hours. The rest of the time I would like to spend studying, exploring and generally doing whatever I like.

If I do need to get a job, what sort of opportunities are there for me? I have a degree in Accounting and Law from a British university and have my head screwed on pretty well when it comes to most things. I could do the English teacher thing again, depending on the hours/pay. I have enjoyed teaching in Korea but I am trying to get away from a 9-5 schedule.

Finally, I LOVE sport. Unfortunately, Seoul lacks any good parks or even grass for that matter. I have played cricket and hockey (field hockey :o) since I could walk and played British county level up until under 21 for both. I also love squash and enjoy a game of football every now and then. Squash is just way too expensive here and I don't think they even play cricket or hockey. Not too bothered about hockey anymore though, mainly just cricket and squash! I am just sick of not having anywhere to go for a jog, have a kick around or even just relax on some grass with friends.

Oh, one last thing - how does pollution compare between Seoul, Chiang Mai and Ho Chi Minh? I have no conditions but my throat gets phlegmy all the time from the awful air here. Would be nice if Chiang Mai is a bit cleaner!

If anyone can answer my questions or give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it. This forum seems to be the best one I can find about Chiang Mai. Still looking for a decent one for Ho Chi Minh so if you know of one, please PM me. If you have experience with all 3 places, that would be even better!

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In the next couple of weeks I have to decide if I will renew my contract here in Seoul or move on to other pastures. Currently I work as an English teacher in a Korean public elementary school and lead a very comfortable lifestyle. I teach around 20 40 minute classes a week so it's pretty easy going (even though I have to be at the school from 9-5!). I do like it here but as this is my first time in Asia, I don't really have much to compare it to. The pay is great, the nightlife is good (apart from being mostly hip-hop) and the Koreans have generally been good to me. However, it's pretty expensive for most things here and at the end of the month I am really not saving very much. Travelling options from Korea are also not that great. I get about 4 weeks holiday a year but they are at peak travel periods and flights anywhere are rediculously expensive (no budget airlines here I am afraid!). This pretty much annihilates any savings I have made in the prior months. I have no debt and I am young (24) so saving money really isn't my priority in life at the moment. I want to enjoy my youth so if I can make enough money every month to get by then I am happy.

I went to Thailand for 2 weeks during February and the best part of the trip was Chiang Mai, followed by Krabi, then Bangkok, Phi Phi and finally Patong. Everything seemed a lot cheaper and a little less seedy in Chiang Mai. I only stayed there for 4 days but I liked what I saw.

How much do I need to live comfortably in Chiang Mai? I can easily make 300-500 pounds a month (sometimes more) doing a bit of work on the internet every day for a couple of hours. The rest of the time I would like to spend studying, exploring and generally doing whatever I like.

If I do need to get a job, what sort of opportunities are there for me? I have a degree in Accounting and Law from a British university and have my head screwed on pretty well when it comes to most things. I could do the English teacher thing again, depending on the hours/pay. I have enjoyed teaching in Korea but I am trying to get away from a 9-5 schedule.

Finally, I LOVE sport. Unfortunately, Seoul lacks any good parks or even grass for that matter. I have played cricket and hockey (field hockey :D) since I could walk and played British county level up until under 21 for both. I also love squash and enjoy a game of football every now and then. Squash is just way too expensive here and I don't think they even play cricket or hockey. Not too bothered about hockey anymore though, mainly just cricket and squash! I am just sick of not having anywhere to go for a jog, have a kick around or even just relax on some grass with friends.

Oh, one last thing - how does pollution compare between Seoul, Chiang Mai and Ho Chi Minh? I have no conditions but my throat gets phlegmy all the time from the awful air here. Would be nice if Chiang Mai is a bit cleaner!

If anyone can answer my questions or give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it. This forum seems to be the best one I can find about Chiang Mai. Still looking for a decent one for Ho Chi Minh so if you know of one, please PM me. If you have experience with all 3 places, that would be even better!

I'll answer a few of your questions regarding Chiang Mai, I can't answer the rest.

I'd say around 500 pounds or 32,000baht was a liveable wage for a single young man in Chiang Mai as long as you don't go to crazy.

Teaching work is available pays around 200-250 an hour at a private language school, You'd be earning more by teaching at a proper school or even more at an International school but then you'd be tied down to regular hours and yearly contracts. Other work is available but it would be more word of mouth.

There are football and cricket teams in Chiang Mai who I'm sure would be happy to sign you up. Read the rest of the forum for the huge amount of postings on pollution, if you have a few hours :o

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anonymouse Posted Today, 2008-03-05 09:59:40

Read the rest of the forum for the huge amount of postings on pollution, if you have a few hours

Don't come here.

Everyone knows that the pollution in Chiang Mai is the worst in the world - worse than Mexico City! I spend my days coughing my lungs out begging tourists in oxygen masks to buy my trinkets and nights in an oxygen chamber. :o

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anonymouse Posted Today, 2008-03-05 09:59:40

Read the rest of the forum for the huge amount of postings on pollution, if you have a few hours

Don't come here.

Everyone knows that the pollution in Chiang Mai is the worst in the world - worse than Mexico City! I spend my days coughing my lungs out begging tourists in oxygen masks to buy my trinkets and nights in an oxygen chamber. :D

I think your main obstacle to being here, medium to long term, is your visa status. There was a time -in the not too distant past -when people could indefinitely extend their tourist visa by going up to the Thai/Burmese border every month but now this has been restricted. (See elsewhere on the forum). You can find work but it's not easy as there are many 'Falangs' who live here and the pay is a lot less than in Bangkok and from where you've been. However costs are also low and you don't need that much. As for sports they have a small cricket 6's festival and football is everywhere, of course. Finally the pollution it is bad during the hot season (now) :o and not that great at other times. Good luck :D

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I think your main obstacle to being here, medium to long term, is your visa status. There was a time -in the not too distant past -when people could indefinitely extend their tourist visa by going up to the Thai/Burmese border every month but now this has been restricted. (See elsewhere on the forum). You can find work but it's not easy as there are many 'Falangs' who live here and the pay is a lot less than in Bangkok and from where you've been. However costs are also low and you don't need that much. As for sports they have a small cricket 6's festival and football is everywhere, of course. Finally the pollution it is bad during the hot season (now) :o and not that great at other times. Good luck :D

Apologies Keddy but the Chiang Mai International Cricket is not a "small cricket 6's festival" as you describe it. It has been running for 21 years and 34 teams from throughout the world attended in 2007.

Anyeong, with your cricketing skills you'll have no trouble finding a team. The UN Irish Pub could certainly use your talent as they presently have none.

Check out this site for the sixes.

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I think your main obstacle to being here, medium to long term, is your visa status. There was a time -in the not too distant past -when people could indefinitely extend their tourist visa by going up to the Thai/Burmese border every month but now this has been restricted. (See elsewhere on the forum). You can find work but it's not easy as there are many 'Falangs' who live here and the pay is a lot less than in Bangkok and from where you've been. However costs are also low and you don't need that much. As for sports they have a small cricket 6's festival and football is everywhere, of course. Finally the pollution it is bad during the hot season (now) :o and not that great at other times. Good luck :D

Apologies Keddy but the Chiang Mai International Cricket is not a "small cricket 6's festival" as you describe it. It has been running for 21 years and 34 teams from throughout the world attended in 2007.

Anyeong, with your cricketing skills you'll have no trouble finding a team. The UN Irish Pub could certainly use your talent as they presently have none.

Check out this site for the sixes.

The cricket looks interesting. Don't see many young players though :D . Fine with me, spent the summers home from uni playing for the local village team. Anyway I wouldn't really need a job as I can quite comfortable earn around 500 pounds a month working on the internet. The visa thing doesn't sound good. I was under the impression you could just pop up to the border to renew it :D . The pollution really worse then Seoul? I didn't think it could get much worse then here - especially with the yellow dust at the moment.

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[...] The pollution really worse then Seoul? I didn't think it could get much worse then here - especially with the yellow dust at the moment.

Actually, the yearly average pollution levels are pretty much the same between Seoul and Chiang Mai. However, Chiang Mai's high average depends a lot on very high levels in wintertime, particularly during March. Later in the year (i.e. April/May to December) the air is generally very pleasant. If you'll be working on the Internet, it might be a good idea to give CM a miss during March and then I think you'd be all right :D

Some places to really avoid would be Chongqing and Tianjin (in China), Cairo, Delhi or Jakarta, with pollution levels 2 to 3 times higher than Seoul or Chiang Mai :o

/ Priceless

Edited by Priceless
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I think your main obstacle to being here, medium to long term, is your visa status. There was a time -in the not too distant past -when people could indefinitely extend their tourist visa by going up to the Thai/Burmese border every month but now this has been restricted. (See elsewhere on the forum). You can find work but it's not easy as there are many 'Falangs' who live here and the pay is a lot less than in Bangkok and from where you've been. However costs are also low and you don't need that much. As for sports they have a small cricket 6's festival and football is everywhere, of course. Finally the pollution it is bad during the hot season (now) :o and not that great at other times. Good luck :D

Apologies Keddy but the Chiang Mai International Cricket is not a "small cricket 6's festival" as you describe it. It has been running for 21 years and 34 teams from throughout the world attended in 2007.

Anyeong, with your cricketing skills you'll have no trouble finding a team. The UN Irish Pub could certainly use your talent as they presently have none.

Check out this site for the sixes.

Thanks for putting me right BB. I'll try to come along to the next one. :D

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If you're really not feeling ambitious about your career, Chiang mai is a good place.

With your educational background I'd recommend looking for a position outside of the public educational system. The "big thing" right now in the Korean finance industry is developing English language skills. The local firms are looking to improve their competitiveness in the "global economy". There must be a number of language schools catering to this market, probably a shortage of teachers and you might find a part-time job that pays as well as a full time job in a public school.

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Don't come here.

Everyone knows that the pollution in Chiang Mai is the worst in the world - worse than Mexico City! I spend my days coughing my lungs out begging tourists in oxygen masks to buy my trinkets and nights in an oxygen chamber. :o

Wow! That's funny.

So, I guess pollution in CM is not serious?

I wonder why people with commercial interests here don't try to dispell those malicious lies about air quality. :D

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I thought that the weather and air quality lately has been really good so I could afford to kid about it, however, on another thread, someone is saying that the statistics prove that it has been really terrible.

It's getting where I have to read Thai Visa to know if it is pleasant outside, or not. :o

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