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Isn't This Called Discrimination


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A bar near me started having ladies nights once a week. Ladies get in for free and get half price drinks, most of the guys where seriously p1ssed off about this and the majority decided to boycott it. Ladies night lasted about 2 months because the numbers attending where so low. Quite a few women at first but not many men and then leass and less women. They then decided to have happy hours instead.

Result = every body happy :D

was it a gay bar ?? :o can't please some people !!!!

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I paid the day rate once at Tony's. It is bizzaro world. They had one staff member whose only job was to stare at you in the locker room. I really don't want to be a member of a club with too many Thais. Mixing with the Thais isn't as good an idea as one might think, and the mentality of those that were there left a lot to be desired. I prefer not to socialize with Thais or Foreigners who find Tony's affordable.

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When you read the OP again you will see that I never mentioned a word about the value of the membership,but if you want to have a word about that then lets start.

As I have a functioning brain it is easy for me to see your point was very simple, that discrimination or racism is wrong. Too many here have limited functioning brains and like it that way. They find it easier to not think and will hurl invective in place of reasonable thought.

What is most disturbing, is that there are more them than me.


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A bar near me started having ladies nights once a week. Ladies get in for free and get half price drinks, most of the guys where seriously p1ssed off about this and the majority decided to boycott it. Ladies night lasted about 2 months because the numbers attending where so low. Quite a few women at first but not many men and then leass and less women. They then decided to have happy hours instead.

Result = every body happy :D

was it a gay bar ?? :D can't please some people !!!!

No it wasn't a gay bar but i don't understand your point?

Read the post again, we where ALL pleased. I said "They decided to have an happy hour instead. Result= Everybody happy" so what part of that didn't you understand :o

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Tony's fitness is a good deal in my opinion. I don't know what you people complain about so much. If you don't like it then don't join. If you don't think lifetime is a good deal, then pay per use, or per month, whatever. 20,000B lifetime is unfair, because Thais can pay even less? omg.

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I have a question for all you spineless enablers. Please, if you are not a spineless enabler do not answer this question:

Assuming that you all have young children, please explain to me as you would your own child why charging more for the White Guy (non-Thai) is ok.

Let's see how many of you have the gonads to answer the question above.








I'm waiting.

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A bar near me started having ladies nights once a week. Ladies get in for free and get half price drinks, most of the guys where seriously p1ssed off about this and the majority decided to boycott it. Ladies night lasted about 2 months because the numbers attending where so low. Quite a few women at first but not many men and then leass and less women. They then decided to have happy hours instead.

Result = every body happy :D

was it a gay bar ?? :o can't please some people !!!!

No it wasn't a gay bar but i don't understand your point?

Well a group of men having hissy fits because of a promotion where ladies get free entry and half price drinks does sounds gay!

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This is meant as an open letter to Mr Tony,who is assumed to be a member of this forum,but I invite everyone to post their opinion.

I am a member of Tony's gym for several years but my membership is due to renewal.As I see daily the advertisements through pickup's and billboards for a lifetime membership at 14.999 baht I decided to take one.So up I went to Tony's fitness,the one with the pool,with my 14.999 baht and applied for a lifetime membership.

The staff overthere told me that this price only was for thai people and that the foreigner price was 19.999 baht.I told them that I lived in Thailand for over 10 years,had a company and paid taxes and carried a thai driver licence so in my opinion was entitled to the thai price.Also told them that if I showed my thai driver licence at the entrance of national parks or at underwater world I would presumably be charged the thai price.They went up to the manager,who is Mr Tony's brother,with my reply but returned with the message that they could not serve me at that price.

Later on I had the opportunity to talk with Tony's brother personally and asked him why Tony's had this policy.He told me that this was called marketing.I never knew that discrimination was a form of marketing and told him that if someone would do this in the western world they would face legal issues at least.Again he told me that this was their marketing strategy and that less then 20 % of their customers were thai.

All of Mr Tony's businesses are aimed at foreigners so doesn't he forget that it is us who made him to what he is today?Why bite the hand that feeds you?I also know that Mr Tony and many members of his family lived in the US and Europe for a considerable time so I wonder if they ever were threated with the same attitude when abroad.

I sincerely hope this topic is read by Mr Tony or is forwarded to him and that he will personaly respond at it on this open forum.In the mean time please post your opinions. :o

If you think that's bad it's worse in the nightclub. There's a drinks price for Foreigners and one for Thais. I stopped going a long time ago.

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Hey folks, lets call a truce, we are Foreigners in a Foreign country. It would be nice to think we can support each other without resorting to namecalling and being antagonistic.

Everyone has an opinion, maybe the other person opinion is not the same as yours, and vice versa, accept that and stop with the agro.

Having said that IT's WRONG, sorry just my opinion.

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A bar near me started having ladies nights once a week. Ladies get in for free and get half price drinks, most of the guys where seriously p1ssed off about this and the majority decided to boycott it. Ladies night lasted about 2 months because the numbers attending where so low. Quite a few women at first but not many men and then leass and less women. They then decided to have happy hours instead.

Result = every body happy :D

was it a gay bar ?? :o can't please some people !!!!

No it wasn't a gay bar but i don't understand your point?

Well a group of men having hissy fits because of a promotion where ladies get free entry and half price drinks does sounds gay!

Hissy fit, <deleted> are you on about, all i said was we boycotted it. What are you, some soft ar5e sheep who doesn't like to speak up for yourself and just follow the crowd.

It's a local pub (not a town centre one) we drink in there all the time and took exception to the fact that they wanted to give the girls special treatment and not the blokes. By sticking together, another pub benefitted from our trade and it didn't take long for the first pub to realise this. To get us back into the pub they put on happy hour (which is actually 3 hours). So we (the blokes) ended up better off and all the girls still came. Have you ever heard of the expression "win-win" or are you happy to go along with "win-lose". Upto you but i don't :D

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If you think that's bad it's worse in the nightclub. There's a drinks price for Foreigners and one for Thais. I stopped going a long time ago.

Oh you can't do that, you know. Or according to the poster 'enyaw' you're throwing an hissy fit and sounding gay :o

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This is meant as an open letter to Mr Tony,who is assumed to be a member of this forum,but I invite everyone to post their opinion.

I am a member of Tony's gym for several years but my membership is due to renewal.As I see daily the advertisements through pickup's and billboards for a lifetime membership at 14.999 baht I decided to take one.So up I went to Tony's fitness,the one with the pool,with my 14.999 baht and applied for a lifetime membership.

The staff overthere told me that this price only was for thai people and that the foreigner price was 19.999 baht.I told them that I lived in Thailand for over 10 years,had a company and paid taxes and carried a thai driver licence so in my opinion was entitled to the thai price.Also told them that if I showed my thai driver licence at the entrance of national parks or at underwater world I would presumably be charged the thai price.They went up to the manager,who is Mr Tony's brother,with my reply but returned with the message that they could not serve me at that price.

Later on I had the opportunity to talk with Tony's brother personally and asked him why Tony's had this policy.He told me that this was called marketing.I never knew that discrimination was a form of marketing and told him that if someone would do this in the western world they would face legal issues at least.Again he told me that this was their marketing strategy and that less then 20 % of their customers were thai.

All of Mr Tony's businesses are aimed at foreigners so doesn't he forget that it is us who made him to what he is today?Why bite the hand that feeds you?I also know that Mr Tony and many members of his family lived in the US and Europe for a considerable time so I wonder if they ever were threated with the same attitude when abroad.

I sincerely hope this topic is read by Mr Tony or is forwarded to him and that he will personaly respond at it on this open forum.In the mean time please post your opinions. :o

If you think that's bad it's worse in the nightclub. There's a drinks price for Foreigners and one for Thais. I stopped going a long time ago.

Guess that is just marketing as well.

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Being corcasion (white) we get this crap home and away. My son applied to join the UK Fire service but was told they are only employing Blacks and Women because theres too many white guy firefighters. You come here and you get this crap too.

Quotes like this from jbaldwin sicken me, what a waster.!!!!!!!

This is Thailand. If you do not like their policy go somewhere else...jbaldwin (tosser mac mac)

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I agree 100% Dual pricing is a form of discrimation!!!!!!! I would like to propose that from now on, all farangs should only pay the Thai price!! Also all farangs who work here should be paid the same pay scale as Thais!!!!!!! :D:D:o

Well aren't you the clever one. Many Farangs are paid on the same scale as Thais, but you didn't know that did you?

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A very valid point was made that the "poor" Thais who are used as a rationale for dual pricing just cannot afford or justify gym membership. They hardly need it either as they are likely in manual jobs. In effect it is not a discount for the Thais but a surcharge for the westerners which takes no account of the income or wealth of the westerner. In this context, all westerners are tarred with the "rich " brush who must be fleeced.

If you are going to have some form of discrimination then separate the local expat population from the tourists. Sorry, I forgot, they do that already because you have annual and lifetime deals which would not be much good to tourists who can pay the daily or perhaps monthly rate.

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I agree 100% Dual pricing is a form of discrimation!!!!!!! I would like to propose that from now on, all farangs should only pay the Thai price!! Also all farangs who work here should be paid the same pay scale as Thais!!!!!!! :D:D:o

Well aren't you the clever one. Many Farangs are paid on the same scale as Thais, but you didn't know that did you?

Oh no!!!!!!!! we have a miss know it all y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor lil' thang you!

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A very valid point was made that the "poor" Thais who are used as a rationale for dual pricing just cannot afford or justify gym membership. They hardly need it either as they are likely in manual jobs. In effect it is not a discount for the Thais but a surcharge for the westerners which takes no account of the income or wealth of the westerner. In this context, all westerners are tarred with the "rich " brush who must be fleeced.

If you are going to have some form of discrimination then separate the local expat population from the tourists. Sorry, I forgot, they do that already because you have annual and lifetime deals which would not be much good to tourists who can pay the daily or perhaps monthly rate.

Thanks Torrenova this is in my opinion the best description possible of what is going on. :o

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But if the question is raised; "everywhere else in the world practices forms of discrimination so why should Thailand be different?"

Nobody is able to answer it. Thailand is far from being a utopia so why do you expect to be treated differently or even fairly.

Also this is being touted as 'another example of dual pricing', please tell me where else you have encountered dual pricing.

In most other areas you will pay the same price as Thais.

Edited by Robski
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But if the question is raised; "everywhere else in the world practices forms of discrimination so why should Thailand be different?"

Nobody is able to answer it. Thailand is far from being a utopia so why do you expect to be treated differently or even fairly.

Also this is being touted as 'another example of dual pricing', please tell me where else you have encountered dual pricing.

In most other areas you will pay the same price as Thais.

You are joking now aren't you.

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I guess I have to put it in big letters and post again since you all ignored the question. If you are all so moral and so correct and we stupid farangs should just roll over and stick our asses in the air for the Thais to fleece, then kindly answer my question below. No takers? I wonder why.

I have a question for all you spineless enablers. Please, if you are not a spineless enabler do not answer this question:

Assuming that you all have young children, please explain to me as you would your own child why charging more for the White Guy (non-Thai) is ok.

Let's see how many of you have the gonads to answer the question above.

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But if the question is raised; "everywhere else in the world practices forms of discrimination so why should Thailand be different?"

Nobody is able to answer it. Thailand is far from being a utopia so why do you expect to be treated differently or even fairly.

Also this is being touted as 'another example of dual pricing', please tell me where else you have encountered dual pricing.

In most other areas you will pay the same price as Thais.

You are joking now aren't you.

No I'm being perfectly serious I think if we were to make lists it would become apparant that although dual pricing does occur,

it is in the minority of cases and not as some would make out a common occurrence that proves foreigners are being discriminated against.

I pay the same price as Thais would for all these things for example, and I do have a better income than a large proportion of Thai society.

An Apartment



Cable TV

Broadband internet

Food from supermarkets and shops

Food from restaurants




White goods

Electrical goods





These are the essentials for life and I pay the same on all of them,

perhaps I have the money to choose a better product, but none of these essentials incur dual pricing.

The only area dual pricing does occur is in entertainment and leisure and then not always as it would quite possible to frequent Thai establishments.

So although dual pricing does occur it's hardly a general conspiricy against Farangs is it?

As with Tonys where you do find dual pricing the majority of Thais are priced out anyway, is that discrimination? Or regulating the clientelle through price policy? Isn't that what he is doing to you and all the others that complain? After all lets face it, if you are prepared to complain over such a small amount what else are you likely to complain about.

Point is though dual pricing hardly affects your life or that of most Foreigners, yet when one instance occurs it is touted as yet another example of discrimination against us.

I do feel occasional xenophobia or discrimination, but the freedom and privilege being a Farang give me far outweigh the negatives.

Try being rural Thai or Burmese, you might have an axe to grind then.

But over to you, I'm interested to hear how many instances of discrimination you encounter that affect your daily existence.

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A bar near me started having ladies nights once a week. Ladies get in for free and get half price drinks, most of the guys where seriously p1ssed off about this and the majority decided to boycott it. Ladies night lasted about 2 months because the numbers attending where so low. Quite a few women at first but not many men and then leass and less women. They then decided to have happy hours instead.

Result = every body happy :D

was it a gay bar ?? :o can't please some people !!!!

No it wasn't a gay bar but i don't understand your point?

Well a group of men having hissy fits because of a promotion where ladies get free entry and half price drinks does sounds gay!

Hissy fit, <deleted> are you on about, all i said was we boycotted it. What are you, some soft ar5e sheep who doesn't like to speak up for yourself and just follow the crowd.

It's a local pub (not a town centre one) we drink in there all the time and took exception to the fact that they wanted to give the girls special treatment and not the blokes. By sticking together, another pub benefitted from our trade and it didn't take long for the first pub to realise this. To get us back into the pub they put on happy hour (which is actually 3 hours). So we (the blokes) ended up better off and all the girls still came. Have you ever heard of the expression "win-win" or are you happy to go along with "win-lose". Upto you but i don't :D

Ok so it's a local bar and your a regular, management have for 1 night a week a ladies night and

in your post you say more women turned up on this night, at this point you go drinking at another bar.

Obviously all this sensual lingerie knocking about the place was putting you off your pool game as assuming they hadn't turned up in the first instance you would of carried on drinking there as normal?

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I am looking for a townhouse to move into and the prices I was given were in the 6000 to 8000 baht per month range. When I told my Thai friends they were up in arms. Too much, too much. So one of my friends went to the same places and the range was from 3500 to 5000 baht per month range. No dual pricing, indeed. Then there is the local night market do I need to tell you about pricing there? You are correct though that there are things such as utilities and large chain stores that do not have dual pricing but for you to say it doesn't affect my daily life is wrong.

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I am looking for a townhouse to move into and the prices I was given were in the 6000 to 8000 baht per month range. When I told my Thai friends they were up in arms. Too much, too much. So one of my friends went to the same places and the range was from 3500 to 5000 baht per month range. No dual pricing, indeed. Then there is the local night market do I need to tell you about pricing there? You are correct though that there are things such as utilities and large chain stores that do not have dual pricing but for you to say it doesn't affect my daily life is wrong.
Point is though dual pricing hardly affects your life or that of most Foreigners...

I'm interested to hear how many instances of discrimination you encounter that affect your daily existence.

Well I don't expect you get much of an apartment for 4000 bath a month, but I never paid more than the advertised price which Thais also paid.

I think I've made my point and I'm sure in most cases you would find it hard to disagree, just as I am able to agree that there is dual pricing.

So I'll leave it at that although I would be interested in basjke response to my post,

as he did ask wether I was serious in my claim that in most areas we do pay the same price as Thais.

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An Apartment

Food from restaurants




White goods

Electrical goods





Sorry chief but your list was shortened to everything that isn't so black and white, rather grey.

Petrol? Sure, if you are not getting scammed at one of the fine filling stations here.

What are white goods?

Clothes? As in the open market?

Your list is innacurate. Almost three thousand posts huh, you should have plenty of time to fix it - you've had plenty of time to waste here that's for sure.

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