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Light Or Dark Coloured Skin

chiang mai

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...Big b00bs & a firm a$$ should be the main priority....


At least one got it all right!

But "innocent danger" & "dangerous innocence" was also quite good... the rest (I think) is a waste of time and sheer rubbish!

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I am grateful that in my circle of friends throughout my entire life, I have never known such shallowness in people. It's pretty sad to read a thread like this and see that so many people truly do grade others purely on physicality. I'm sure your relationships with partners and 'friends' must be very deep.

You don't consider physical apperance in a partner. So a witty 70 year old 150kg woman with false teeth and a wig would get you going just as much as a 25year old model?

Plenty of 70 year old 150kg foreign men with false teeth and a wig are living under the delusion they have got got a 25year old Thai female model 'going'.

And then get upset when they find out she's got at least one younger version on the back burner.

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Seriously though, its not the colour of the girls skin that im attracted to, its the look of the girl im attracted to.

I love good looking females. That study is a load of crap IMO

I didn't look at the study, but I agreed with you.

Pick one over another , which one would you choose good looking white girl or good looking very dark skinned girl. Or you would take both.

In my opinion a thai guy would choose good looking white girl over good looking very dark skinned girl.


Edited by Aries74
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Seriously though, its not the colour of the girls skin that im attracted to, its the look of the girl im attracted to.

I love good looking females. That study is a load of crap IMO

I didn't look at the study, but I agreed with you.

Pick one over another , which one would you choose good looking white girl or good looking very dark skinned girl. Or you would take both.

In my opinion a thai guy would choose good looking white girl over good looking very dark skinned girl.


Well for me, Im going through an asian stage at the moment and I would pick any toned asian, but ask me in a year and I may change my mind, aslo a couple years later I may change back. Depends on my mood

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I've dated two polar opposites...one quite light-skinned woman of Polish descent who had blond hair and...

a Native of my home country whose ancestry was African and French mixed...she was black.

For Thai women, I don't really have a preference...I like all...dark, light and in between. It's something about her features that makes the chemistry work.

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Seriously though, its not the colour of the girls skin that im attracted to, its the look of the girl im attracted to.

I love good looking females. That study is a load of crap IMO

I didn't look at the study, but I agreed with you.

Pick one over another , which one would you choose good looking white girl or good looking very dark skinned girl. Or you would take both.

In my opinion a thai guy would choose good looking white girl over good looking very dark skinned girl.


Well for me, Im going through an asian stage at the moment and I would pick any toned asian, but ask me in a year and I may change my mind, aslo a couple years later I may change back. Depends on my mood

LOL, ha ha depends on your mood.

sound like a typical guy aren't you, with mood for both. Anything just bring it.

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In Thailand, in the Philippines and in Indonesia the locals share the same perception...that if you are a fairskinned Asian, you are wealthy (read: Chinese stock). In these countries, the Chinese stock is the minority but has majority share of the wealth. Wealth usually results in health, education and self-esteem.

How often do you get to meet a fairskinned girl in Thailand? Seldom.

How many fairskinned girls, outside of the hospitality industry, have you dated? Few, probably.

Most farangs are left with the common populace who are of the darkskinned variety.

And let's face it, the majority of the farangs in Thailand are different from their countrymen who get to work/live in Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore!

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How often do you get to meet a fairskinned girl in Thailand? Seldom.

if selftalking - yes, if talking in general - sounds like you haven't been to Bangkok... or any other place in "Hi-So" circles...

How many fairskinned girls, outside of the hospitality industry, have you dated? Few, probably.

see above...

Most farangs are left with the common populace who are of the darkskinned variety.

generalization by the square root!

And let's face it, the majority of the farangs in Thailand are different from their countrymen who get to work/live in Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore!

Can you explain why, is there a special "Thai-Farang" breed? :o

Let's get real.... it's all about appearance, just like with any other thing, take food... if it doesn't turn you on with it's looks, would you eat it? take clothing, cars.... name it... (Sorry and apologies to the feminists-scene, but girlz function just the same way)....it does have to do a lot with "optics", if not, why then there are so many Designer Clothes, Parfums, Watches, Cars... name it!

It's ALL about optics... don't tell me anything about the fairy tales of "good heart, character"... and the lot, it's history, if it ever was...the center of the "mating-dating-process".....it's a peacock's dance NONE ELSE!

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How often do you get to meet a fairskinned girl in Thailand? Seldom.

if selftalking - yes, if talking in general - sounds like you haven't been to Bangkok... or any other place in "Hi-So" circles...

How many fairskinned girls, outside of the hospitality industry, have you dated? Few, probably.

see above...

Most farangs are left with the common populace who are of the darkskinned variety.

generalization by the square root!

And let's face it, the majority of the farangs in Thailand are different from their countrymen who get to work/live in Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore!

Can you explain why, is there a special "Thai-Farang" breed? :o

Let's get real.... it's all about appearance, just like with any other thing, take food... if it doesn't turn you on with it's looks, would you eat it? take clothing, cars.... name it... (Sorry and apologies to the feminists-scene, but girlz function just the same way)....it does have to do a lot with "optics", if not, why then there are so many Designer Clothes, Parfums, Watches, Cars... name it!

It's ALL about optics... don't tell me anything about the fairy tales of "good heart, character"... and the lot, it's history, if it ever was...the center of the "mating-dating-process".....it's a peacock's dance NONE ELSE!

As long as theres people like you we will have something to judge our "goodness" by..

I pity you and all those like you in complete delusion.

You will attract your own type, so you should be happy enough.

It's all magnetic.

Take a look at your current relationship for the answers.

Good luck, you're gonna need it. :D

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i agree that lighter skin asias tend to have nicer faces. the reason is because their ancestors came from an area with a cold climate, thus lighter skin and longer noses (to breath easier). darkies have short flat noses (xxxxxxxxxx) and dark skin due to their ancestors living in a warm climate.

Edited by camerata
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One of each, in a sandwich mmmm

thats my man.. what else to look for, cant realy say there are/is much difference between the thai anyway, unless i,m colour blind, work in the sun you darken. work in the shade you lighten. same same all over the world.

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:o And just really dam_n hot in the rest :D

But no, compared to an Asian or some Italians, he is not dark complected.

i see a couple of posters have used complected, is this a americanisme. for sure he is not caucasion, luk something or other.

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One of each, in a sandwich mmmm

thats my man.. what else to look for, cant realy say there are/is much difference between the thai anyway, unless i,m colour blind, work in the sun you darken. work in the shade you lighten. same same all over the world.

I agreed, but thais think a little different. They think whiter skin are more educated, because they are office worker sit in the office with air con. Less educated, laborer work outside. It's kind of dumb.

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Initial attraction is obviously part of it but I was more so commenting about people that make lists of their preferences! Not to be taken too seriously though :D

And yes, I would leave my husband for Johnny Depp if he wanted to whisk me away from all this!! :o

i could whisk you away from all of this if i,ve got the right poster.

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Plenty of 70 year old 150kg foreign men with false teeth and a wig are living under the delusion they have got got a 25year old Thai female model 'going'.

And then get upset when they find out she's got at least one younger version on the back burner.

gh you are awful, to be read in a camp voice... ging ging

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i agree that lighter skin asias tend to have nicer faces. the reason is because their ancestors came from an area with a cold climate, thus lighter skin and longer noses (to breath easier). darkies have short flat noses (xxxxxxxxxx) and dark skin due to their ancestors living in a warm climate.

Darkies ?? Are you from the deep south ?? Bible belt region perhaps ??

Oh my my. You have a long road ahead of you..................................

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Ok GH, You've denied everything, (well of course I have denied saying what I have not said) but let's have a look at your post and see if your denial pans out. - Yes let's do jus that.

Indeed there are and it is an oft noted point that Foreigners in the vast majority of cases wind up with the darker skinned women. The oft noted point is encapsulated in the question many Thais are keen to ask 'Why do Farangmen prefer dark skinned Thai women'.

The answer is not as simplistic (or even as vaguely racist) as the Daily Mail's reasoning - It's all down to the fact that foreign men on the whole don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women, this on account of where the majority of foreign men in Thailand meet Thai women.

And that choice in itself tells us not so much what their 'complexion' preferences are and a whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth.

You first paragraph just states a question; "Why are most foreign men in Thailand with dark skinned women?"

Your second and third paragraphs offer your answer to the question - (Correct, I have expressed an opinion on this 'Forum') clearly talking about foreign men picking up prostitutes. (An incorrect and assumption you make yourself, I do not mention Prostitutes - though I am pleased to see you have stepped down from your previous use of the word 'Whores' - and I don't mention them either) You are very literally saying that foreign men only get to meet dark skinned Issan prostitues. (No I am not, and to be precise if I 'LITTERALLY' say something then I would have to do just that - Say those exact words - I have not - but you have)

You're reinforcing your stereotypes (that can easily be seen I agree) by saying that bad foreign men go to bad places and meet bad Thai women:

I'm doing nothing of the sort - I have not called foreign men bad, I have not called any places bad, I have not called any Thai women bad - these are terms you have chose to use.

It's all down to the fact that foreign men on the whole don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women,

And that choice in itself tells us not so much what their 'complexion' preferences are and a whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth.

If you want to be dishonest now, and change the meaning of your words then that's your chice, but please tell me why foreign men on the whole don't get to meet fairer skinned women, and where are the places that the majority of foreign men in Thailand meet Thai women?

Currious that you should say I am changing the meaning of the words I have used - I am not - You are, it is you yourself that has added a derogatory context (and might I add offense terms and language in YOUR posts, claiming that these are my statements) - They are not, they are yours.

As for justifying why foreign men don't get to meet fairer skinned Thai women - Why should I justify what is clearly true? I'm making an observation (often shared by many Thais), I'm not dictating other people's choices.

As for where the Majority of Foreigners meet Thai women? Quite logically in the tourist service industries of the Hotels, Restaurants, Bars etc and predominately in the areas where the Majority of Foreigners visit and stay. That is a neutral obsevation and is not a judgement of comment on whether these are good or bad places to meet women. Like I say, I am making an observation, I am not dictating other people's choices.

Whilst your answering questions, please answer me another; what does the foreign mens choice of meeting place tell us about their 'options' and their own self worth?

It says a lot. A newly arrived foreigner who may lack any prior knowledge of Thailand, Culture, Language or have any pre-existing contacts within Thai society is going to have limited options of where and when he can interact with Thais (and particularly of the oposite sex). Personality, intelect, age, physical attractiveness and of course disposable wealth also impact on the options any individual has (anywhere on the planet). But clearly options are not wide open and hence limited.

That is not to say there are not options, of course there are, and it is in the choices from those options we may see 'self worth'. Some will choose to make an effort to integrate, learn the language, join social groups or activities where they have a chance to meet local people on an equitible basis. Others will choose to purchase companionship/friendship either by direct payment or perhaps as often with their largesse. I think such behavior is an indication of self worth.

You can deny it all you like. (Well I will deny saying things I did not say) You can backtrack and attempt to use nice words (as opposed to offensive terms of your own choosing) to hide your orginal meaning (a meaning that you assume but is not there in what I have said) , but it's still very clear (only if you add your own assumptions) . You are saying that bad foreign men go to bad places and meet bad Thai women. (Again I have not said anyone is bad - You have) Your use of pretty English words does not hide your thinly veiled stereotyping. (please - Your stereotyping - it is you that has added the missing offensive and stereotipical terms)

Now, I don't care about all of that too much beacase it is a truth that a lot of foreign men come here to meet Thai prostitues (Self worth issues I wonder?) that are, in the majority, darker skinned Isaan 'types'.

What I do care about is the way that you suggest that the white / Chinese women are better than the dark Issan women. Another denial is coming from you no doubt, (Well of course it is because I have never said such a thing - You have) so I'll show you a couple of ways that I read it:- Please do.

1) don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women. Fairer skinned is an interesting choice of words. I would say lighter or darker skinned, you're saying fairer, as in better. (you think to mut)

2) whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth. You are saying firstly that it is a bad option to choose a darker skinned woman, and secondly that their own self worth must be low to choose a darker skinned woman - because lighter (sorry fairer) skinned women are better? (I'm saying nothing of the sort - You are - It is YOU who has said these things - perhaps it is you who believes these things - or perhaps you have a need to think that other people believe these things?)

Your email has two main areas:-

1) Insult foreign 'Pattaya Man' types. (No the meanings and words you have added to what I have said - identifiable as the things I actually did not say - are an insult to 'Pattaya Man' - Who ever he is?!)And

2) Insinuate that white / Chinese Thai women are better than dark skinned Issan 'type' women.

To remind you - I never mentioned White Chinese Thai Women, Nor did I mention "Dark Skinned Issan 'Type' Women! - Once again - these are terms YOU used in YOUR post - They are YOUR WORDS and presumably express YOUR THINKING

The first point I could care less about. The second point is insulting and common amongst rich Bangkok Thais, but I wouldn't expect from your good self.

Well you didn't get it from me did you?! - You dreamed it up all by yourself.

If I've misread between the lines then please accept my appology. Appology Accepted

However, I tend to think that you're unwilling to have the strength of your convictions. My Convictions are many, my thoughts on this topic are in the posts I have made above IN THE WORDS I HAVE USED (not in the words and terms you chose to add)

Don't worry Heng and ThaiGoon will come to support you soon...

I don't need support and I certainly do not need offensive words and terms adding to my posts - but I have accepted your appology on that so I'll let it go ... for now... just don't do it again.


You deny saying anything... does your original post have a point at all?

Your using your argumentative skills rather than honestly supporting your view point. Easy to do, but serves no purpose. I still belive that my comments are correct and that you have made a couple of very thinly veiled attacks.

Thanks for your lengthy reply.

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Ok GH, You've denied everything, (well of course I have denied saying what I have not said) but let's have a look at your post and see if your denial pans out. - Yes let's do jus that.

Indeed there are and it is an oft noted point that Foreigners in the vast majority of cases wind up with the darker skinned women. The oft noted point is encapsulated in the question many Thais are keen to ask 'Why do Farangmen prefer dark skinned Thai women'.

The answer is not as simplistic (or even as vaguely racist) as the Daily Mail's reasoning - It's all down to the fact that foreign men on the whole don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women, this on account of where the majority of foreign men in Thailand meet Thai women.

And that choice in itself tells us not so much what their 'complexion' preferences are and a whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth.

You first paragraph just states a question; "Why are most foreign men in Thailand with dark skinned women?"

Your second and third paragraphs offer your answer to the question - (Correct, I have expressed an opinion on this 'Forum') clearly talking about foreign men picking up prostitutes. (An incorrect and assumption you make yourself, I do not mention Prostitutes - though I am pleased to see you have stepped down from your previous use of the word 'Whores' - and I don't mention them either) You are very literally saying that foreign men only get to meet dark skinned Issan prostitues. (No I am not, and to be precise if I 'LITTERALLY' say something then I would have to do just that - Say those exact words - I have not - but you have)

You're reinforcing your stereotypes (that can easily be seen I agree) by saying that bad foreign men go to bad places and meet bad Thai women:

I'm doing nothing of the sort - I have not called foreign men bad, I have not called any places bad, I have not called any Thai women bad - these are terms you have chose to use.

It's all down to the fact that foreign men on the whole don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women,

And that choice in itself tells us not so much what their 'complexion' preferences are and a whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth.

If you want to be dishonest now, and change the meaning of your words then that's your chice, but please tell me why foreign men on the whole don't get to meet fairer skinned women, and where are the places that the majority of foreign men in Thailand meet Thai women?

Currious that you should say I am changing the meaning of the words I have used - I am not - You are, it is you yourself that has added a derogatory context (and might I add offense terms and language in YOUR posts, claiming that these are my statements) - They are not, they are yours.

As for justifying why foreign men don't get to meet fairer skinned Thai women - Why should I justify what is clearly true? I'm making an observation (often shared by many Thais), I'm not dictating other people's choices.

As for where the Majority of Foreigners meet Thai women? Quite logically in the tourist service industries of the Hotels, Restaurants, Bars etc and predominately in the areas where the Majority of Foreigners visit and stay. That is a neutral obsevation and is not a judgement of comment on whether these are good or bad places to meet women. Like I say, I am making an observation, I am not dictating other people's choices.

Whilst your answering questions, please answer me another; what does the foreign mens choice of meeting place tell us about their 'options' and their own self worth?

It says a lot. A newly arrived foreigner who may lack any prior knowledge of Thailand, Culture, Language or have any pre-existing contacts within Thai society is going to have limited options of where and when he can interact with Thais (and particularly of the oposite sex). Personality, intelect, age, physical attractiveness and of course disposable wealth also impact on the options any individual has (anywhere on the planet). But clearly options are not wide open and hence limited.

That is not to say there are not options, of course there are, and it is in the choices from those options we may see 'self worth'. Some will choose to make an effort to integrate, learn the language, join social groups or activities where they have a chance to meet local people on an equitible basis. Others will choose to purchase companionship/friendship either by direct payment or perhaps as often with their largesse. I think such behavior is an indication of self worth.

You can deny it all you like. (Well I will deny saying things I did not say) You can backtrack and attempt to use nice words (as opposed to offensive terms of your own choosing) to hide your orginal meaning (a meaning that you assume but is not there in what I have said) , but it's still very clear (only if you add your own assumptions) . You are saying that bad foreign men go to bad places and meet bad Thai women. (Again I have not said anyone is bad - You have) Your use of pretty English words does not hide your thinly veiled stereotyping. (please - Your stereotyping - it is you that has added the missing offensive and stereotipical terms)

Now, I don't care about all of that too much beacase it is a truth that a lot of foreign men come here to meet Thai prostitues (Self worth issues I wonder?) that are, in the majority, darker skinned Isaan 'types'.

What I do care about is the way that you suggest that the white / Chinese women are better than the dark Issan women. Another denial is coming from you no doubt, (Well of course it is because I have never said such a thing - You have) so I'll show you a couple of ways that I read it:- Please do.

1) don't get to meet the fairer skinned Thai women. Fairer skinned is an interesting choice of words. I would say lighter or darker skinned, you're saying fairer, as in better. (you think to mut)

2) whole lot about their 'options' and their own self worth. You are saying firstly that it is a bad option to choose a darker skinned woman, and secondly that their own self worth must be low to choose a darker skinned woman - because lighter (sorry fairer) skinned women are better? (I'm saying nothing of the sort - You are - It is YOU who has said these things - perhaps it is you who believes these things - or perhaps you have a need to think that other people believe these things?)

Your email has two main areas:-

1) Insult foreign 'Pattaya Man' types. (No the meanings and words you have added to what I have said - identifiable as the things I actually did not say - are an insult to 'Pattaya Man' - Who ever he is?!)And

2) Insinuate that white / Chinese Thai women are better than dark skinned Issan 'type' women.

To remind you - I never mentioned White Chinese Thai Women, Nor did I mention "Dark Skinned Issan 'Type' Women! - Once again - these are terms YOU used in YOUR post - They are YOUR WORDS and presumably express YOUR THINKING

The first point I could care less about. The second point is insulting and common amongst rich Bangkok Thais, but I wouldn't expect from your good self.

Well you didn't get it from me did you?! - You dreamed it up all by yourself.

If I've misread between the lines then please accept my appology. Appology Accepted

However, I tend to think that you're unwilling to have the strength of your convictions. My Convictions are many, my thoughts on this topic are in the posts I have made above IN THE WORDS I HAVE USED (not in the words and terms you chose to add)

Don't worry Heng and ThaiGoon will come to support you soon...

I don't need support and I certainly do not need offensive words and terms adding to my posts - but I have accepted your appology on that so I'll let it go ... for now... just don't do it again.


You deny saying anything... does your original post have a point at all?

Your using your argumentative skills rather than honestly supporting your view point. Easy to do, but serves no purpose. I still belive that my comments are correct and that you have made a couple of very thinly veiled attacks.

Totally agree.

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