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i know who took it ,so what,whats bs about it,,he was my friend if the jerk off gets off easy ill head out after im,happened before

the shooter and gary ,,, http://kgmb9.com/main/content/view/5000/40/
Does anyone have a URL for pics of the people involved. I think I might know them or know of them anyway. And for those in CM, where is Koi restaurant?

WHO THE hel_l TOOK THIS PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I mean really.....more questions need to be asked.!!

As a fully qualified firearms instructor and S&W accredited gunsmith of some 40 years, I feel I have some insight into these things.

I might also add that I have never heard anybody refer to a Colt .45 as an 11mm except by some uneducated people in Thailand. I suppose now you are going to tell me that the M1896 is a 96mm just because of it's model number. :o

Outside of the states, I've heard many times the .45 ACP round being referred to as 11.25mm, especially in Latin America. Apparently, both the Argentinians and Norwegians have produced their versions of the M1911 with 11.25mm stamped on the slides, as well. I've seen some of these versions for sale at gun shows in the states, and while the sellers might have been uneducated, they weren't in Thailand. :D


I PERSONALY KNOW THE DECEASED and none of this story is right,

Gary has never been to thailand, before The woman witnessed there was his tour guide

and I have come to believe that, the Tour Guide had something to do with the demise of Gary Poretsky,

You should have Gary's tour guide investigated, Why did she think it was a good idea for them to

speak.... Gary's a kind soul and had a reasonable amount of Currency with him i have reason

to believe that the Tour Guide and William Douglas were in on something together whether to rob him

or something, but now he his dead.....In Hawaii if a Tour Guide was to take a tourist to a restaurant

brought someone for them to meet and they killed their client....i do believe they would at least no have

a job as a tour guide also perhaps the Tour Company that she works for might need investigating

You should see if any murders/missing persons/Bar Incidents in Chiang Mai have charted through their company...

I'm going to be messaging the United Nations also to do a inquiry on the matter

Sad story, but I wouldn't assume that his 'tour guide' was actually a tour guide.

and of the person who took the picture that night.... is there more pictures of the evening like...people around or other pictures of gary?

note -- the picture of Gary does not appear to have been taken that night ... or even in Thailand

k if its not from that event then never mind!! sigh anyone with information about his "Guide"s whereabouts

could u let me know

Dude ... let the police etc do their job. I am sure the US Consul general in Chiang Mai is keeping tabs of this. Be aware though that Tour Guides do not work all night long etc etc. The term Tour Guide in this situation may be a euphemism for some other profession.

sadly all im left to do is leave it up to Thailands Police.......need i worry any less?

what would you think? will we ever get his body back? hrrm?

Will his remains be expatriated to the US? I would assume that even if he did not have travel insurance that covered that; his estate shoud be able to do so.

anyway if any of you were to meet gary, he would be to you like a brother, he played the saxaphone , flute

and keyboard...musician in soul awsome guy..... anyway its well known that if william is let off easily then

the hawaiian mafia is gona have 2 take care of some buisness

So the dead guy was tied up with the mafia? No wonder he's dead. You've let the cat out of the bag now 2 dogs. It's not only us members reading this forum you know.


2 dogs, many of us understand and share your pain over the loss of your friend. The Embassy, I am sure will do the best it can in the matter. It has limited jurisdiction, but it will put pressure on the Thai police to get to the bottom of the case. The police and the embassy are not known for their speed in getting things done, though.

As far as the 'tour guide' is concerned, her idea is not out of bounds. I've had similar things happen when locals have decided that since I am a foreigner, surely I want to talk to other foreigners, even though we have absolutely nothing in common.

The fact is that the perpetrator of this crime sounds very unstable and I doubt that he would be 'colluding' with someone to rob your friend. There are a lot of ways of setting up a robbery in which the person is relieved of his cash without ever getting hurt.

I am also the perpetrator has a very long list of people he doesn't like--and probably especially any foreigner entering his territory. The guy sounds delusional.

You have mine and I'm sure many people's deepest sympathies on your loss.

anyway if any of you were to meet gary, he would be to you like a brother, he played the saxaphone , flute

and keyboard...musician in soul awsome guy..... anyway its well known that if william is let off easily then

the hawaiian some ppl gona take care of some buisness

I've never had a brother let alone a dead one. You have a big mouth 2dogs. Perhaps you should tone down a little.

awsome scott, thank you for you regards...

but garys not the kind to alow himself to be robed

he can see through a bad situation better than

anyone else things could have went sour when he

discoverd to himself he was being set up....

you would have to know the guy.....everyone

gets along with gary....even if u hated everything

about him you could talk to him and in minutes

you were best of friends

Sadly, that obviously was not the case.

Nothing is going to happen at 10am local time. If you are so concerned perhaps you should be writing to the US Consul General in Chiang Mai and not making a scene that reflects poorly on your friend on here.


this thread will be closed & only updated with news articles if the flaming doesn't stop.

twodogs I am sorry for your loss & my sympathies are with garys family & freinds but tbh the thai police are hardly going to conduct much more of an investigation when they have the person who committed the crime behind bars & with a signed confession. What else do you expect them to do? They have a confession & motive which ties in with witness testimony.

If you beleive the tour guide was in some way involved then the embassy may be able to provide you a list of private detectives who could trace her & ask for her statement but imo the correct way to get more action is for you & Garys family to get onto your embassy & hound them to investigate further & take more interest.

RIP Gary.


we will be there soon enough,im conthai enough,my reletives will get to the bottom of this,she was probly just a bargirl,im sure and the shooter just went off like they do often enough,gary could set folk off fast especially when they are obvious a hole,kill the guy,torture first,we will soon

anyone willing to go down to the Koi Restraunt and ask around for the girl?

nah, it was just the guy was sick as most them ole drunken farangs of that age are there,the girl was just a simple bar girl.no soap operas for ya here

I PERSONALY KNOW THE DECEASED and none of this story is right,

Gary has never been to thailand, before The woman witnessed there was his tour guide

and I have come to believe that, the Tour Guide had something to do with the demise of Gary Poretsky,

You should have Gary's tour guide investigated, Why did she think it was a good idea for them to

speak.... Gary's a kind soul and had a reasonable amount of Currency with him i have reason

to believe that the Tour Guide and William Douglas were in on something together whether to rob him

or something, but now he his dead.....In Hawaii if a Tour Guide was to take a tourist to a restaurant

brought someone for them to meet and they killed their client....i do believe they would at least no have

a job as a tour guide also perhaps the Tour Company that she works for might need investigating

You should see if any murders/missing persons/Bar Incidents in Chiang Mai have charted through their company...

I'm going to be messaging the United Nations also to do a inquiry on the matter

we will be there soon enough,im conthai enough,my reletives will get to the bottom of this,she was probly just a bargirl,im sure and the shooter just went off like they do often enough,gary could set folk off fast especially when they are obvious a hole,kill the guy,torture first,we will soon
anyone willing to go down to the Koi Restraunt and ask around for the girl?

Congrats on being 'conthai' -sic- as in the past you were a poor English teacher in Thailand trying to get your Thai wife to the USA.


it was taken 4 nites before in my friends room in c mai,duh are you info man

and of the person who took the picture that night.... is there more pictures of the evening like...people around or other pictures of gary?

note -- the picture of Gary does not appear to have been taken that night ... or even in Thailand


The confessor...


Australian William Douglas talks to a Thai police investigator, not seen, on how he shot an American Gary Poretsky at a police station in Chiang Mai province, northern Thailand Saturday, March 22, 2008. Douglas, 65, confessed to the fatal shooting of Poretsky during a quarrel at a restaurant in this northern Thailand city, police said.

Associated Press

I can honestly say alot of hawaii residents are nolonger going to come to thailand because of this

good job William

umm, I don't think that many go anyway. Once one is in paradise, no need to go elsewhere............

So is it just me or have I entered the twilight zone with some of these posts??

If this is a joke, it's not very original.

The only good thing to come to this is that the presumed pistol packing nutjob will be off the streets as I hit CMX for Songkran

The confessor...


Australian William Douglas talks to a Thai police investigator, not seen, on how he shot an American Gary Poretsky at a police station in Chiang Mai province, northern Thailand Saturday, March 22, 2008. Douglas, 65, confessed to the fatal shooting of Poretsky during a quarrel at a restaurant in this northern Thailand city, police said.

Associated Press

Sorry, but it's beyond me that a 65 year old walks around with a loaded gun...08.00 AM in the morning... :o:D

Weird, very weird, odd, crazy, nuts.....any more words to describe ?



The problem is that Thailand`s lax Immigration laws are allowing in violent dross, nuts, undesirables and criminals from the Western world.

Thailand should vet these people better, ban visa runs, and include police criminal record verification for all non-immigrant visa applicants.

Beware, there maybe some undesirable coming your way soon.

What is the name of the restaurant?

The problem is that Thailand`s lax Immigration laws are allowing in violent dross, nuts, undesirables and criminals from the Western world.

Thailand should vet these people better, ban visa runs, and include police criminal record verification for all non-immigrant visa applicants.

Beware, there maybe some undesirable coming your way soon.

What is the name of the restaurant?


Care to explain that? The guy had been here for 28 years .......... was a former policeman .. and from what little is currently known had no record of insanity etc. (Though after living here 28 years he may have had residency etc!) or were you referring to the victim? (I hope not!) Ban visa runs? ---- where did it say this guy was making visa runs?

Maybe they could just kick out every foriegner but you; distorted :o

Your Right LaoPo i cant blame "Thailand" but that doesnt change the fact that my friend Gary, personaly knew over half of the State of hawaii citizens and the fact that theres murderous drunken a#$%! 'es

being racist...and the shear number of anti-american hate crimes have gone up in the past months

doesnt quite leave us wanting to come see the beautiful beaces of thailand..... I have a friend over here

from thailand, he knows of the koi restraunt...and is ashamed of how a community could go so bad....

anyway....all of hawaii weeps in the loss of Gary.......i hope he gets Hanged Sadam style

Now calm down TwoDogs. Don't be dragging the "community" through the mud. This was an isolated incident. The "community" had nothing to do with it. Sorry for your loss.

So is it just me or have I entered the twilight zone with some of these posts??

You are not alone. Just another reason why I so rarely bother to read fiction anymore.


I can confirm that Douglas did serve with the 5th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment in Vietnam in 1969 and with another battalion in 1967.

The name of the restaurant for the earlier poster is Keari Chiang Mai – not Koi as widely reported by AP and Thai journalists.

The name of the girl who took Gary Poretsky to Keari Chiang Mai is Jirewadee (first name) and she refuses to talk to foreign press about the events.

I'll be posting updated stories as they become available on my blog page:

At the same time it wouldn't be fair to blame 'Australia' for this murder. Just one man is to be blamed, the murderer.

Firearms in hands of dumb_a_ss have to be blamed, and anybody who claim the right to carry a firearm in public. The weapons should be banned from rhis "civilized world".

BTW rest in peace poor wictim of a nobrainer.

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