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Underage Motorbike Drivers


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post-59607-1206541395.gifWhy is there so many underage motocy drivers on Phuket.

Recently there was an article about this "cant remember where" where the police turn a blind eye to this, saying "the kids have to get home from school somehow"

So if this is the case why so many on the roads at Weekends & after school hours?

A large percent of these underage drivers ride in the mottocy gangs around Phuket.

Kids being kids will do whatever it takes to get recognised as part of the gang.

Keep kids of the roads at weekends and evenings and see the accident figures for motorbikes fall for Phuket.


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post-59607-1206541395.gifWhy is there so many underage motocy drivers on Phuket.

Recently there was an article about this "cant remember where" where the police turn a blind eye to this, saying "the kids have to get home from school somehow"

So if this is the case why so many on the roads at Weekends & after school hours?

A large percent of these underage drivers ride in the mottocy gangs around Phuket.

Kids being kids will do whatever it takes to get recognised as part of the gang.

Keep kids of the roads at weekends and evenings and see the accident figures for motorbikes fall for Phuket.


Your answer is quite simple. There are hardly any police around at night, and the kids know this.

It will get worse, particularly if the garages continue selling them for only 2,000 baht down and 1,500 a month payments. Even the kids can afford them now out of there own pocket money ! :o

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The thing that worries me considerably, is that I've always heard that in an accident between a car and a bike, 9 times out of 10 the car will be blamed. Have no idea where the logic is there, and maybe it's not even true. If it is true, I find it a bit worrying, for two reasons. Firstly, most, (not all) of the cyclists on Phuket haven't got a clue, and secondly, when they are involved in an accident, for obvious reasons, they're normally very nasty and often fatal. One minute you're on your way home from the beach, the next you're in prison for causing death by dangerous driving, when it wasn't even remotely your fault. Incidentally, has any one got an update on, the farang arrested for the very same thing about a month back? I think it happened between Patong and Karon. Although he was over the limit I think, so he's going to be held responsible regardless of how the accident happened.

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just 2 weeks ago i was hit by a young guy on a motorbike..i dont think he was underage but he swerved out into my lane as his lane was stopped and lined up with stationary cars due to a redlight...me going in the other direction see him come right out into my lane going quite fast so i swerved but he hit my front right guard and scraped all along the side of my 3 day old vigo, smashed it up from frontheadlight to rear tail-light...i was of course blamed for this...he first of all admitted to my thai wife he was wrong..then called his dad..who arrived with his cousins and uncles and aunties..about 3 carloads in all and thats when it all went down hill...police soon arrived when things were just getting out of hand and i was told to accept the blame in order to "finish the pwobwem"

My insurance has paid for my repairs but my premium will go up because i had to say i was wrong...police on the scene didnt give a sht and just sat in his car waiting for us to "solve" the problem between ourselves...so yes i agree if ur driving a car and have an accident with a bike you WILL be blamed and if your farang you have no chance in the world of being in the "right"

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Pet peeve of mine..

Helmetless, insuranceless, licenseless, under age kids.. 2 and 3 to a bike.. screaming around the place.. all right in front of the police and not a dam_n thing done about it.. Of course the police wouldnt get any fine money stopping kids, much better to blockage the farang spots and hope thee tourists are not carrying thier license.

The only consolation is dawinism will take them out.

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...police soon arrived when things were just getting out of hand and i was told to accept the blame in order to "finish the pwobwem"

Now can you imagine how much grief you might have been in, if the kid had died!!! The words major scapegoat come to mind.

Mekka .. why did you have that discussion like that instead of just calling the insurance company? They would not have let that happen

Surely for a valid insurance claim you would need a police report, and if they're saying it's your fault then you're screwed.

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...police soon arrived when things were just getting out of hand and i was told to accept the blame in order to "finish the pwobwem"

Now can you imagine how much grief you might have been in, if the kid had died!!! The words major scapegoat come to mind.

Mekka .. why did you have that discussion like that instead of just calling the insurance company? They would not have let that happen

Surely for a valid insurance claim you would need a police report, and if they're saying it's your fault then you're screwed.

Nope ... You call your insurance company. They send a guy out to the site right then. They do NOT want to pay for something they are not responsible for.

...police on the scene didnt give a sht and just sat in his car waiting for us to "solve" the problem between ourselves..

It is a common newbie mistake to let this happen .. sit in your car, call the insurance company, wait. That is all you need to do.

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My insurance guy was there within 15minutes of the crash...he was present while all this went on...he basically advised me to "let it slide"

The car is in now getting fixed and ill be carless for 10 days...pain in the butt...

As for the police report the insurance guy sorted it out and i didnt have to pay a cent...although my premium will go up next year by about 1000-2000 baht..not a great deal but its just the way it was all handled that pssed me off...lucky my wife was with me as the insurance hotline didnt even speak english and neither did the insurance guy who attended the scene..nor did the police....what would happen in a situation like that...say i was alone....im guessing id get rammed from every angle possible and out would come the baht

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It is a common newbie mistake to let this happen .. sit in your car, call the insurance company, wait. That is all you need to do.

Thank god TV's got a spell check. I wouldn't have had a clue how to spell sanctimonious.

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It is a common newbie mistake to let this happen .. sit in your car, call the insurance company, wait. That is all you need to do.

Thank god TV's got a spell check. I wouldn't have had a clue how to spell sanctimonious.

Sanctimonious? How so? It is good advice, I have had several minor accidents over the years and now if it happens I refuse to discuss anything with anybody until the insurance guys show up. They are normally very good.

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post-59607-1206592758.gif Seen so many cars on Phuket driving around with no number plate on the back ?

So it gets me thinking, that these cars do not have insurance or at sometime in the past they have had an accident with a motorbike, so in order not to make the same mistake again in paying for an accident, they just drive off leaving the motorbike driver laying in the road.

Police arrive asking for witnesses for details, ( sorry officer did not get a number but it was a Nissan pickup if that helps), "officer replies oh well early lunch ."

I f the police was to enforce a few laws regarding traffic violations then I think it would generate more money and at the same time would pay for more needed policing on the island and bring down more crime. Same old story police saying "Thais do not have money".... So why so many red plates?post-59607-1206592599.gif

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No only on Phuket but country wide, it's away of life in the land of smiles. Once in a great while you will a cop pull one over at a check point and levy a fine, mom or pop pick up the motorbike, end of story. This a rear event. If you car hit one the law favor you to pay them COMP, yes it's sad but true, the think is you can afford a car you can afford to help the accident victim, you figure it. :o:D:D:D:D

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It is a common newbie mistake to let this happen .. sit in your car, call the insurance company, wait. That is all you need to do.

Thank god TV's got a spell check. I wouldn't have had a clue how to spell sanctimonious.

Sanctimonious? How so? It is good advice, I have had several minor accidents over the years and now if it happens I refuse to discuss anything with anybody until the insurance guys show up. They are normally very good.

The advice was probably sound. It was the use of the word 'newbie' I found strange. Especially as the poster it was aimed at wasn't even a newbie. Just calling it a 'common mistake' would have sufficed.

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It is a common newbie mistake to let this happen .. sit in your car, call the insurance company, wait. That is all you need to do.

Thank god TV's got a spell check. I wouldn't have had a clue how to spell sanctimonious.

Sanctimonious? How so? It is good advice, I have had several minor accidents over the years and now if it happens I refuse to discuss anything with anybody until the insurance guys show up. They are normally very good.

The advice was probably sound. It was the use of the word 'newbie' I found strange. Especially as the poster it was aimed at wasn't even a newbie. Just calling it a 'common mistake' would have sufficed.

Just because someone is a newbie on this forum it does not make him new to Phuket.

I have been living in phuket for some years now and have not had an accident at all, call it luck or good driving? so if I was to have an accident, i would be a newbie bad driver, call it what you may? Anyway back to the topic. Phuket driving....

Modest Ted.

Newbie to this forum.


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If you had an accident and didn't call your insurance company and was then railroaded (or did not insist that your insurance company protected you as a customer) it would be the newbie mistake. It would only be a 'common mistake' if people other than newbies made it.

It isn't about length of stay or particularly length of membership to ThaiVisa :D I would reasonable suggest that people driving in Thailand should be able to speak Thai and read some Thai as well just for those little problems like straeet signs on Phuket telling you not to stop etc at a traffic light when in the left lane that are not in English and there are no International symbols for :o

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I called my insurance company within minutes of the accident...he even heard the guy admit he was wring and he did indeed come out into my lane...it wasnt until the father and the whole village came that stories changed and the insurance guy was a little intimidated i think and didnt say a word...end of the day it cost me nothing so no big deal, i just thought id comment on how things happened for me.

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If you had an accident and didn't call your insurance company and was then railroaded (or did not insist that your insurance company protected you as a customer) it would be the newbie mistake.


I am only continuing this conversation in a friendly banter fashion, so please take it that way. For it to be a newbie mistake, it would have to be a mistake made by a newbie, because he was a newbie. I am neither a newbie to Phuket and certainly not a newbie to driving. But I am happy to admit, I had no idea an insurance representative, would be on site in 15 minutes. It has never been that way in any of the few accidents I have been involved in, and I have never been involved in one in Thailand. So I would be more than capable of making this mistake, but a newbie mistake, it would not be. Although You are quite clearly an intelligent, articulate man, I have to say, you are very much a, been there, done that, wrote the book, bought the T-shirt, kind of person, and seem to have problems communicating in a friendly way, being more often than not, negative, rude, aggressive, and unfriendly to anyone who would dare have an opinion that varies from yours (especially newbies). It was as a result of reading several such posts, by yourself, that lead me to make the (tongue in cheek) 'sanctimonious' remark.

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just to quote you :o

But I am glad to see that not knowing how things work, yet driving in a foriegn land seems appropriate to you :D

edit ---- and just for your information, I ride my motorcycle every day in Thailand. I do not, however, enjoy driving the car here unless I am out on the open road. Why? I have the type of mind that sees the potential for killing a motorcyclist while driving, even though I would be 'in the right', that kind of image is not something I want to see come to fruition. I happily let my partner do all the in town driving (of the car).

but as far as being a 'been there, done that' person, you have it wrong. I am a "learned how it worked prior to making a stupid mistake person". Being proactive is the only way to go IMnotsoHO!

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But I am glad to see that not knowing how things work, yet driving in a foriegn land seems appropriate to you :o

It's a fair point. Although it makes me sound a lot more irrisponsible than I am. I would never be a danger to myself, family, or anyone else on the road, through my lack of local knowledge.

I am a "learned how it worked prior to making a stupid mistake person".

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. ~Elbert Hubbard, The Note Book, 1927

If you don't make mistakes, you're not working on hard enough problems. And that's a big mistake. ~F. Wikzek

An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field. ~Niels Bohr

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. ~John Powell

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything. ~Edward Phelps

As long as the world is turning and spinning, we're gonna be dizzy and we're gonna make mistakes. ~Mel Brooks

When you realize you've made a mistake, make amends immediately. It's easier to eat crow while it's still warm. ~Dan Heist

From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own. ~Syrus

chill out a bit mate! ~ WOOHOO 2008.

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It’s the tourists that I feel sorry for. Come to Thailand and hire a car or motorbike and the owners always say "have FIRST CLASS INSURANCE."

A lot of tourists save all year to come to Phuket and are clearly on a budget, most have never driven on the left hand side of the road before and never had to deal with so many motorbikes.

So it’s a bit of a shock if they have an accident and find out that they have to pay, thinking that the insurance will sort it out, so for the remainder of the holiday have to watch what they spend.

Not much to do but sit on a beach counting the days before their departure.

See you next year, NOT.post-59607-1206675901.gifpost-59607-1206675901.gif

I think that all hire company's should be registered and provide full accident insurance for all the customers. No insurance no hire company.

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It's the tourists that I feel sorry for. Come to Thailand and hire a car or motorbike and the owners always say "have FIRST CLASS INSURANCE."

I completely agree with that. One of my guests just had a bad motor bike accident with another Farang driving a rented car. His lady passenger had severe head injuries, but will be Ok after multiple (expensive) operations. Neither party's insurance wants to pay her hospital bills, my guest eventually wound up in court, and was propmtly banged in Phuket Central prison for 3 days until his friends found the money to bail him out. Now he's stuck here, no passport (taken by court), little money, and worries like crazy. He just wants to escape back home.

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It's the tourists that I feel sorry for. Come to Thailand and hire a car or motorbike and the owners always say "have FIRST CLASS INSURANCE."

I completely agree with that. One of my guests just had a bad motor bike accident with another Farang driving a rented car. His lady passenger had severe head injuries, but will be Ok after multiple (expensive) operations. Neither party's insurance wants to pay her hospital bills, my guest eventually wound up in court, and was propmtly banged in Phuket Central prison for 3 days until his friends found the money to bail him out. Now he's stuck here, no passport (taken by court), little money, and worries like crazy. He just wants to escape back home.

Go to the Embassy and get a new one sorted out quick as.

I'am sure they would help to sort out this mess, which way he desides to play it is up to him.


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No embassy would supply a replacement passport or temporary document in the case of passport being held by the legal country authorities in a criminal case. He would have to lie and say he lost his passport, but would need a police report to endorse the lose. He's in enough trouble as it it is without compounding his problem back to his own country.

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Don’t get me wrong I would never tell anyone to break the law in any country.post-59607-1206702517.gif

I just suggested he goes to the Embassy to sort it out and get a new passport, I never said what Embassy. If he was facing a prison sentence I’m sure he would have skipped the country by now.

Simple answer to his problem is, pay up. You seem like a nice bloke, why don’t you lend him the money?Joking aside, I wish him all the luck when he goes to court it can’t be easy for him stuck over here.

Back on topic:

If you go past the monument roundabout after 10 am and look how many bikes the police have held because of the no insurance sticker on there bikes, they cannot pay the fine so there bike gets impounded until they do, Police let them take the bike and know full well that they donot have insurance.

My question is, why let them take these bikes until they get insurance for theme?


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"Thais do not have money".... So why so many red plates?

Thai's have Good Credit.

I love this topic. I have enjoyed reading what people's views are on this. If some (person) on a hopped up crotch rocket slams into me, I have to say I would just stop the car, put it in park, call my Lawyer/Insurance Company and wait. I would never get out of the car, first of all, and I would never engage the other driver in any sort of conversation until someone on my side arrived. I would make them serve me from my window, and if at any point, I thought I was getting screwed, I would go to the Police Station.

We all know what will happen. So and So will call the village elder, and he will have been school master to the cop and it will end up in your face. As far as greasing palms? That only makes it worse. I have my Insurance Agent, and my Consulate Rep on my speed dial.

Some of you may say I am stupid, but we are all stupid for expecting anything less. This is a situation that will never see resolution, unless we stop greasing people, and start making the guilty suffer. :o

I drove to Bangkok a few weeks back for a meeting and Phuket isn't even close to that place. I got a ticket for having my front wheels in the red/white curb area, but kids racing buy with super bikes and loud exhaust, no helmets, and speeding went unnoticed.

It is simply the price we pay to play. You will know when you have had enough when you are on your way out.

Until then, live at your own risk.


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It's the tourists that I feel sorry for. Come to Thailand and hire a car or motorbike and the owners always say "have FIRST CLASS INSURANCE."

I completely agree with that. One of my guests just had a bad motor bike accident with another Farang driving a rented car. His lady passenger had severe head injuries, but will be Ok after multiple (expensive) operations. Neither party's insurance wants to pay her hospital bills, my guest eventually wound up in court, and was propmtly banged in Phuket Central prison for 3 days until his friends found the money to bail him out. Now he's stuck here, no passport (taken by court), little money, and worries like crazy. He just wants to escape back home.

Can they hold his passport? Keep him from returning home? There are ways around that. Especially here.

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"Thais do not have money".... So why so many red plates?

Thai's have Good Credit.

You will also find, Thais that have brand spanking new pick-ups, which must cost at least 10/12k a month on tick, come home to a 1 room place that costs 2k per month. If you applied the same ratio in the West, every other car would be a brand new, Ferrari, Porcher or Aston Martin. Mind you, that sounds like fun!!

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