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Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

what planet are you from?

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dam_n dude, I just read this thread, it sounds like you've got WWIII going on in your tummy! :o

If the doctors don't know what the fck is going on and the resident TV experts are a bit stumped I suggest you start looking into the more 'unconventional' treatments.

Hebal remedies, acupuncture, I dunno, even having a good pray down at the church might help!



Travel abraod and get a second opinion.

I know it;s a little off topic but a friend developed a heart condition while in Thailand called Atrial Fibrilation. They gave hime all sort of medication nothing worked. Instead it got worse. After 6 months of struggle and zero progress he flew to Europe for a second opinion from a cardiologist there. He was told that an operation or what they call an ablation would stop the problem. He flew on to a famous centre in Bordeaux France. He was treated and never had a problem again. I am not trying to pull Thai doctors down but they do overworry about losing face, hence, they tend to tell their patients to continue with the medication that they promised would help, and they are very reluctant in admitting in what they're giving or doing is going nowhere and is leading to nothing. That's right, to a Thai FACE is everything.


Hairy wrote:

Colloidal silver can also turn you blue. Permanently. I'm not joking.

That's true if you use mineral water to make it with. The silver salts will build up in your system then.

But with distilled water you shouldn't have that problem. I don't think people should drink it everyday, either.

The rest of that article sounds like the usual scare tactics put forth by drug companies freaked out about the potential loss of sales if more people discover this simple, age-old infection-fighting technique.

I forgot to mention that CS is also deadly to MRSA. Remember that the next you find yourself in the hospital with an infection with this particular bug and the doctor turns to you and says,

"There's nothing more we can do. We'll have to amputate..."

Hairy wrote:

Colloidal silver can also turn you blue. Permanently. I'm not joking.

That's true if you use mineral water to make it with. The silver salts will build up in your system then.

But with distilled water you shouldn't have that problem. I don't think people should drink it everyday, either.

Oh, nonsense. It's the silver itself that turns you blue. It slowly accumulates in your tissues, and becomes noticeable over time.

Then you can go in for chelation therapy to try to get the heavy metal OUT of your system, slowly, over time, painfully.

Note that one of those articles I posted mentions that it interferes with the functioning of several families of antibiotics, too. That's really going to help when you do catch an infection. . . .

The rest of that article sounds like the usual scare tactics put forth by drug companies freaked out about the potential loss of sales if more people discover this simple, age-old infection-fighting technique.

I forgot to mention that CS is also deadly to MRSA. Remember that the next you find yourself in the hospital with an infection with this particular bug and the doctor turns to you and says,

"There's nothing more we can do. We'll have to amputate..."

The rest of your reply sounds like the usual vague promotional and scare tactics used by the conspiracy-theory types who believe the medical lobby is lying about cures for cancer, AIDS, MRSA, gout, warts, herpes, dry itchy skin, and all the rest. Ooooh, amputation. Yeah, that works wonders on stomach/intestinal problems, but is it the left or right leg that they need to saw off? Oh, wait, it's the "third leg", right?

The rest of your reply sounds like the usual vague promotional and scare tactics used by the conspiracy-theory types who believe the medical lobby is lying about cures for cancer, AIDS, MRSA, gout, warts, herpes, dry itchy skin, and all the rest.

Yep. And there's also big money being made in the snake oil racket. No need for an expensive medical degree to get in, either.

She has stopped the Salofalk, and has prescribed Pariet and Mucosata.

if the salofalk (mesalazine) was controlling the diarrhoea , then why did the doctor advise you to stop taking it?

those tablets will have no effect on the stomach , they pass right through and are designed and manufactured so that they do not release their active pharmaceutical agent until they reach the colon. maybe i am missing something , but the advice to stop taking them makes no sense.

gastritis affects the stomach , not the colon. it sounds as if you have 2 separate complaints , each of which demands its own treatment.

pariet will reduce acid production in the stomach , and coupled with the mucostata will give the inflamed stomach and duodenal lining a chance to normalise.

if you decide to get a second opinion , i can recommend prof. nusont kladcharoen , at bumrungrads digestive diseases centre. in his late fifties and uk qualified , i found him to be professional , quietly spoken and thorough.

good luck

Sorry I got my meds mixed up. It was the Ulsonic that she told me to stop, and it was the Ulsonic that was controlling the diarrhoea. I was only stopping for a few days to see iif the new meds had any beneficial effect.

My Doc is Poungpen, also at the digestive diseases centre at Bumrungrad. Do you think it would be wise to seek a second opinion from the same department? I suppose the new Doc would have total access to my medical records, although Thais being Thais, he may be reluctant to question his colleague's diagnosis/treatment.


1. Have you stopped all alcohol? A definitie causative factor in many cases of erosive gastritis.

2. Irritating effects of medications are another common culprit, can you list all that you take (inlcuding any that you take occasionally such as pain killers etc)? Be sure to especially avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Stress is also a possibility, how are your stress levels?

4. Eating habits? (Regular? Avoid taking meds on empty stomach?)

5. Have you been tested (or empirically treated) for heliobacter?

6. Consumption of coffee or colas? (both very irritating to stomach)?

It is not uncommon to have remissions and exacerbations with erosive gastritis. Best bet is to identify and address the cause(s).

1. No I haven't stopped drinking - in fact I am drinking too much. I asked the doc if this could be the cause of my problems, and she told me that while excessive alcohol might aggravate my problems, it definitely is not the cause.

2. I am taking Ulsonic, Salofalk, Mucosta, and Pariet for my stomach problems. In addition, I take Atenolol, Amlodipine, Ramipril, Aspirin (Cardiprin),Indapamide, Simvastatin, Doxazosin, Harnal, and Niaspan for my Blood pressure/angina/diabetes/prostate problems, and I inject insulin, 4 times daily, and use Betaxolol eye drops for my glaucoma, and also take Sertraline for depression.I don't see how I can cut any of these out though, as they treat my various other conditions.

3. My stress levels are high, not least due to my ongoing medical problems.

4. All the stomach meds are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach. The rest are taken last thing at night or first thing in the morning - so also on an empty stomach I guess. I never feel hungry in the mornings due to my stomach feeling gassy, so I rarely eat a light breakfast before midday. But then I have two more meals during the day/evening and eat quite well. I have even put on weight over the past 6 months - maybe 2 kilos.

5. Yes I have been tested twice for heliobacter and both times were negative.

6. No colas but usually two large mugs of coffee a day, in the morning, before breakfast. No dairy products either, except for the occasional ham and cheese sandwich.

Well I stopped the Ulsonic and the diarreoh returned within 24 hours. On Monday I went back to see the Doc. She confessed that she had no idea what was causing my problems as she had exhausted every possibility.

She told me to resume the Ulsonic and continue with the other 3 meds she has prescribed.

She said she would like to do a CT scan of my stomach to rule out the possibility of a tumour somewhere which could be causing the problem. She said it wasn't urgent, and we agreed to do it in 2 months time, after we see if there is any improvement in my condition. She also told me to stop all meds, one week before I came, and then collect all my stools during a 24 hour period and weigh them!!!

So I have had one virtual endoscopy, one real one, and two gastrocopies, and I have the videos to prove it. They have taken two sets of biobsies from inside my stomach and have carried out numerous blood tests. The Ulsonic keeps my condition under control but is not curing it.

I really don't know what to do next, and am not sure if I want to do the CT scan, which will cost 25K and will probably reveal nothing.


Forms a complex by binding with positively charged proteins in exudates, forming a viscous paste-like, adhesive substance. This selectively forms a protective coating that protects the lining against peptic acid, pepsin, and bile salts.

The above is a quote from the site on the mechanism of action of sucralfate (Ulsanic); the key to the diarrhoea may be in the fact that this medication improves the situation. It forms a protective layer over the whole of the GI tract, preventing anything from irritating ulcers (from mouth ulcers to duodenal ulcers). So it seems that this medication actually blocks the irritating effect of "something" on the gut.

I think, by this time, you may assume that it is not infective (amoeba or giardia) but something else. Maybe fungal? With underlying diabetes there is always the possibility of Candida..

To evaluate the function of the gut, it would be good to do a stool analysis to determine the undigested food residues in there; this may be an indication of a general malabsorption syndrome (due to a previous inflammatory process, infectious or otherwise).

Apologies, by no means closer to a diagnosis but a point to keep in mind..

Remember also to take other oral medications at least 2 hours after sucralfate or it may interfere with the absorption.

Hairy wrote: Colloidal silver can also turn you blue. Permanently. I'm not joking. That's true if you use mineral water to make it with. The silver salts will build up in your system then. But with distilled water you shouldn't have that problem. I don't think people should drink it everyday, either.
Oh, nonsense. It's the silver itself that turns you blue. It slowly accumulates in your tissues, and becomes noticeable over time. Then you can go in for chelation therapy to try to get the heavy metal OUT of your system, slowly, over time, painfully. Note that one of those articles I posted mentions that it interferes with the functioning of several families of antibiotics, too. That's really going to help when you do catch an infection. . . .
The rest of that article sounds like the usual scare tactics put forth by drug companies freaked out about the potential loss of sales if more people discover this simple, age-old infection-fighting technique. I forgot to mention that CS is also deadly to MRSA. Remember that the next you find yourself in the hospital with an infection with this particular bug and the doctor turns to you and says, "There's nothing more we can do. We'll have to amputate..."
The rest of your reply sounds like the usual vague promotional and scare tactics used by the conspiracy-theory types who believe the medical lobby is lying about cures for cancer, AIDS, MRSA, gout, warts, herpes, dry itchy skin, and all the rest. Ooooh, amputation. Yeah, that works wonders on stomach/intestinal problems, but is it the left or right leg that they need to saw off? Oh, wait, it's the "third leg", right?

Dude, you have a problem.

Good luck.



All I can say after reading the list of drugs you're taking (including all the alcohol) is that if your condition doesn't improve soon, maybe you should heed the advice of others here and go see a specialist in your home country -- before your current treatment kills you...

Good luck.

My Doc is Poungpen, also at the digestive diseases centre at Bumrungrad. Do you think it would be wise to seek a second opinion from the same department? I suppose the new Doc would have total access to my medical records, although Thais being Thais, he may be reluctant to question his colleague's diagnosis/treatment.

i wouldnt seek another opinion in the same departement without discussing with dr. poungpen first , perhaps ask her if it would be possible for her (dr.poungpen) to discuss your case with one of her colleagues there , although i dont know if the docs. there , when confronted with difficult cases , have brainstorming sessions with colleagues , as they do in the uk.

if she poo poos that idea (sorry!), then i would have no hesitation in seeking advice from another doctor , be it in the same hospital or another one.



1. For sure alcohol and the taking of the meds you mention (referring here to those not for the GI problem) on an empty stomach are aggravating the erosive gastritis and delaying/preventing healing. Niaspan is known to cause gastritis and should always be taken with or after a snack. Ditto aspirin. The other meds also cause gastric irritation in some people altho not as frequently as those first two mentioned. And this is looking at each drug individually; as a "cocktail" taken altogether you can expect the irritant effects to be much magnified.

Alcohol is definitely contraindicated in erosive gastrtis, I am not sure why the doctor seemed to give it so little weight as a factor especially since you are drinking too much. Ideally should refrain altogether until your stomach lining is back to normal; at a minimum should keep it to very moderate intake and always with food.

2. As others have mentioned it is possible that the gastritis and the chronic diarrhea are 2 separate problems. Erosive gastritis takes time to heal and the combination of alcohol and all those meds on an empty stomach is surely getting in the way of it.

Continue to take your GI meds as instructed with regard to food but adjust the others so that they are all taken after food. This may require adding a bedtime snack.

3. Stool test as suggested by FBN a good idea if it has not already been done. (This is not the same as test for parasites or culture which know have been done This is checking for malabsorption by measuring the content of undigested fat etc in your stool. )

4. Probiotics if you can get them can't hurt and may help.

5. In my experience it will indeed be awkward to try to get a second opinion at the same hospital and I suggest you get all the records and go see Assoc. Prof. Dr. Varocha Mahachai at Bangkok Hospital with them, she is an extremely well qualified specialist abd I have gotten positive feedback from others i have referred to her with complicated problems. The slow healing of the gastritis, given the abuse your stomach mucosa has been taking, may be understandable but chronic diarrhea of such long duration warrants further investigation IMO.

Good luck.

P.S. It's a long shot, but ramipril does cause diarrhea in some people; did you by any chance start it more recently than the other meds?

Forms a complex by binding with positively charged proteins in exudates, forming a viscous paste-like, adhesive substance. This selectively forms a protective coating that protects the lining against peptic acid, pepsin, and bile salts.

The above is a quote from the site on the mechanism of action of sucralfate (Ulsanic); the key to the diarrhoea may be in the fact that this medication improves the situation. It forms a protective layer over the whole of the GI tract, preventing anything from irritating ulcers (from mouth ulcers to duodenal ulcers). So it seems that this medication actually blocks the irritating effect of "something" on the gut.

I think, by this time, you may assume that it is not infective (amoeba or giardia) but something else. Maybe fungal? With underlying diabetes there is always the possibility of Candida..

To evaluate the function of the gut, it would be good to do a stool analysis to determine the undigested food residues in there; this may be an indication of a general malabsorption syndrome (due to a previous inflammatory process, infectious or otherwise).

Apologies, by no means closer to a diagnosis but a point to keep in mind..

Remember also to take other oral medications at least 2 hours after sucralfate or it may interfere with the absorption.

Yes, the Doc used the expression "blocking" as well. The trouble is we don't know the cause, so it isn't a cure.

They have ruled out giardia -I took a course of meds for that (twice) and it didn't help.

Thanks for the info though :o

Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

That's the answer - there's alien or two in my gut :D


1. For sure alcohol and the taking of the meds you mention (referring here to those not for the GI problem) on an empty stomach are aggravating the erosive gastritis and delaying/preventing healing. Niaspan is known to cause gastritis and should always be taken with or after a snack. Ditto aspirin. The other meds also cause gastric irritation in some people altho not as frequently as those first two mentioned. And this is looking at each drug individually; as a "cocktail" taken altogether you can expect the irritant effects to be much magnified.

Alcohol is definitely contraindicated in erosive gastrtis, I am not sure why the doctor seemed to give it so little weight as a factor especially since you are drinking too much. Ideally should refrain altogether until your stomach lining is back to normal; at a minimum should keep it to very moderate intake and always with food.

2. As others have mentioned it is possible that the gastritis and the chronic diarrhea are 2 separate problems. Erosive gastritis takes time to heal and the combination of alcohol and all those meds on an empty stomach is surely getting in the way of it.

Continue to take your GI meds as instructed with regard to food but adjust the others so that they are all taken after food. This may require adding a bedtime snack.

3. Stool test as suggested by FBN a good idea if it has not already been done. (This is not the same as test for parasites or culture which know have been done This is checking for malabsorption by measuring the content of undigested fat etc in your stool. )

4. Probiotics if you can get them can't hurt and may help.

5. In my experience it will indeed be awkward to try to get a second opinion at the same hospital and I suggest you get all the records and go see Assoc. Prof. Dr. Varocha Mahachai at Bangkok Hospital with them, she is an extremely well qualified specialist abd I have gotten positive feedback from others i have referred to her with complicated problems. The slow healing of the gastritis, given the abuse your stomach mucosa has been taking, may be understandable but chronic diarrhea of such long duration warrants further investigation IMO.

Good luck.

P.S. It's a long shot, but ramipril does cause diarrhea in some people; did you by any chance start it more recently than the other meds?

Thanks Sheryl.

Where is Bangkok Hospital?

Where should I look for probiotics ? In a pharmacy or a supermarket?

I'm planning to go and see our mate Tony in Cambo, so maybe he'll help me with the booze.

I've been taking ramipril for many years. However I've also had diarrhoea problems on and off for many years, but I used to put it down to irritable bowel syndrome and stress.

But it's only since early this year that it has become permanent. Oddly enough, immediately after my motor accident, but there doesn't seem to be a connection.


Bangkok Hospital is on Petchburi Road near Thonglor. Website www.bangkokhospital.com.

For probiotics: if any of the markets around you (Villa etc) sell homemade, unsweetened yogurt that may work. Otherwise you may have to try to get hold of the lactobacillus itself and I don't know a commercial source, maybe others can advise. The various detox spas like Health Oasis all have it and you might email them and see if you can buy from them. They have it as both rectal instillations and oral form, if you can arrange to get it I'd go both ends for good measure.

If you think there is a possibility that the diarrhea first became a problem after you started ramipril then it may be worth looking into alternatives, when I have a chance I'll do some research on it for you.

And yes, do go see Tony and let him take you in hand. With all your medical problems and the wide range of drugs you have to take for them -- each with side effects and each requiring the liveer to detoxify -- the last thing you shoukld be doing is taking in additional unnecessary toxins like alcohol.

The body gets a lot less forgiving about these things as we age.

Take care



If you go to Bangkok Hospital, try to see Dr. Kanwar Singh; he is head of the International Medical Department. He's a good clinician and can do proper referrals within the system to appropriate physicians if need be.

Please check out Tropical Sprue at this link: http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic2162.htm

The only treatment for this is Tetracycline for an extended period.. The malabsorption from this can lead to malnutrition, anaemia over the longer term and may cause your diabetes to become unstable or more difficult to control.


I can't believe you haven't taken probiotics first....

Definitely stop drinking and if you are drinking beer that is just adding to your problems big time....as it is adding to the acidity in your system along with all the meds that are supposed to be helping you.

You have nothing to lose by dumping all the meds because they are not doing you any good anyway.

Get lactobiliuos and bifidius into your system and eat a very alkaline diet and i would include fresh raw veggie juices every day and see how you go.


Much as I sympathize (having gone through a similar medical nightmare myself), there's simply no way we can know all of Mobi's symptoms -- even he might not recognize that some things are symptoms. This is part of why physicians go through years of training. Suggesting random treatments and diseases based on the limited information he's given is more likely to do harm than to provide a cure.

Mobi, I'd strongly recommend that you go to multiple physicians, try to get several different trained and qualified people thinking about your case and suggesting possible causes and treatments, and then research the illnesses yourself to try to see if anything looks more likely or unlikely.

Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

That's the answer - there's alien or two in my gut :D

Now you are starting to make sense. All those drugs you are taking are alien to your body and on top of that your drinking?

Sounds like you have a death wish..

Get off the drugs, get of the alcohol, wake the hel_l up and get yourself to your own country and to a DR or better yet a naturapath or homeopath. The way your going, you aint got long left..

When there is enogh "aliens" blocking healing as you clearly have in your body, the body shuts down.. simple.. clean out or die Mobi..

I wish you well and clarity in thought.

Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

That's the answer - there's alien or two in my gut :D

Now you are starting to make sense. All those drugs you are taking are alien to your body and on top of that your drinking?

Sounds like you have a death wish..

Get off the drugs, get of the alcohol, wake the hel_l up and get yourself to your own country and to a DR or better yet a naturapath or homeopath. The way your going, you aint got long left..

When there is enogh "aliens" blocking healing as you clearly have in your body, the body shuts down.. simple.. clean out or die Mobi..

I wish you well and clarity in thought.

Thank you for your advice.

Much as I appreciate what you are saying, it seems to make no sense to stop meds that have been quite successful at controlling blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol/ lipid levels etc, and keeping my enlarged prostate under control, so that I may have half way decent night's sleep. Most of these drugs were originally prescribed by Harley Street specialists in the UK some years ago, and the Thai doctors have mainly just tinkered with dosages; as all my drugs seem to work.

If you are referring to the meds that I am taking for my stomach complaint, I would willingly ditch 3 of them but Ulsonic is the only drug that successfully controls my diarrhoea, and if I stopped that, then I would be condemned to a life of extremely unpleasant bowel movements.

Sheryl, I have contacted Bangkok hospital for an appointment with Dr Varacha, and am awaiting a reply. I'm hoping for an appointment for the week of 24th November, and in the meantime I might as well carry on with my current medication.

In the meantime I will look for the yoghurt, and quit the beer.


just a thought ...

... but if the ulsonic provides a protective coating to the lining of the gi tract including the colon , then the absorption of salofalk (mesalazine) would be hindered. mesalazine is used to reduce inflammation , specifically in the colon. (the active ingredients of this tablet are not released until the tablet reaches the colon).

so although the ulsonic is reducing the diarhhoea , it may also be preventing the salofalk from reducing the inflammation that is (may be) a cause of the diarrhoea.

if my understanding of how ulsonic works is correct , and my only knowledge is from a previous poster , it would seem that the ulsonic is working antagonistically to the salofalk.

confused ??? join the club.

just a thought ...

... but if the ulsonic provides a protective coating to the lining of the gi tract including the colon , then the absorption of salofalk (mesalazine) would be hindered. mesalazine is used to reduce inflammation , specifically in the colon. (the active ingredients of this tablet are not released until the tablet reaches the colon).

so although the ulsonic is reducing the diarhhoea , it may also be preventing the salofalk from reducing the inflammation that is (may be) a cause of the diarrhoea.

if my understanding of how ulsonic works is correct , and my only knowledge is from a previous poster , it would seem that the ulsonic is working antagonistically to the salofalk.

confused ??? join the club.

Well the doc did tell me to stop the Ulsonic for a few days and carry on with the Salofalk, but the diarrhoea came back and she told me to resume the Salofalk. She has now increased the Salofalk from 6 per day to 8 per day. Maybe she is thinking along the same lines as you - who knows?

I have a standby appointment at Banbgkok hospital for the 27th November, and I have contacted Bumrungrad to get a copy of my records. I wonder how much hassle I will have?

Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

That's the answer - there's alien or two in my gut :D

dàmmit Mobi :D whenever i read this thread my open-heart surgery next week looks like a walk in the park on a mild spring afternoon in Southern France. get rid of them aliens and get well soon. this is an order!

Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

That's the answer - there's alien or two in my gut :D

dàmmit Mobi :D whenever i read this thread my open-heart surgery next week looks like a walk in the park on a mild spring afternoon in Southern France. get rid of them aliens and get well soon. this is an order!

The very best of luck for next week, Naam.

I trust all goes well, and you make a quick recovery, and don't let those nurses get you too excited :D


Mobi, I worry about you. Just heard of a teacher who drank himself to death in China, like my ex-brother in law once did. That shit will kill you, which is why it's called a toxin. But you know that. Best of luck.


Alcohol can and often does cause diarrhoea. Note that it might not have done so all of your life but people change over time.

I hate to quote Wikipedia but I will anyway :

Chronic diarrhea can be caused by chronic ethanol ingestion.[7] Consumption of alcohol affects the body's capability to absorb water - this is often a symptom that accompanies a hangover after a heavy drinking session. The alcohol itself is absorbed in the intestines and as the intestinal cells absorb it, the toxicity causes these cells to lose their ability to absorb water. This leads to an outpouring of fluid from the intestinal lining, which is in turn poorly absorbed. The diarrhea usually lasts for several hours until the alcohol is detoxified and removed from the digestive system. Symptoms range from person to person and are influenced by both the amount consumed as well as physiological differences.

I'm assuming you've already tried a few days 'on the trot' with no alcohol at all :o

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