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They could use the help of some Farangs.

Why not post them near tourist sites?

An information booth that could give 'honest' information to tourists vs the current crowd, lieing to novice tourists.

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so many negativities!

Could it be that these guys/gals who volunteered actually want to help out other expats and nothing more?

There are many genuinely good hearted expats in Thailand you know.

What ? Blimey ! :o


wish they could organize better first responder teams instead. That would make more of a difference. No offense to the TPs in here, but watching some of these Thai volunteers attempt to put on a neck brace or use a backboard for a spine injury makes me cringe.


The Tourist Police volunteers have their place, and according to a thread in the Pattaya forum there are a number of varieties of police volunteers.

In Patters ther are the ones who hang out in walking street and sometimes patrol the streets with the plod. They are colourful folk who get their pictures in the paper regularly. Some of these folk have police and military backgrounds. These are Tourist Police Volunteers.

Then there are the ones who have a desk in the police station to assist people who want to interact with the police or just need directions ("Where is the nearest toilet?" is in the top 10 questions they are asked.) These are police volunteers.

They have a uniform because this is Thailand and everyone has a uniform to look like their peers and the local folk would get confused if there was no uniform, heck even the clerk in the government office has a uniform WITH ribbons for active duty. The volunteer activities are underwritten by an order from the governor, and the work of the volunteers is seen as being actively involved with the community, so a letter from the person in charge of this branch goes a long way come "immigration visit" time. (Can you really see the immigration police raiding the local police station to check on the uniformed volunteers?)

My advise to OP is, if you want to be involved with the local community it is a good start. You may want to check out the current volunteers to see if you want to spend time with them, that is a personality thing.

Chopper, if you catually do look like Chopper Reid, this could be for you, even in those uniforms no one will be giving you any lip. :o

Gravelrash, Chopper looks better than me. It must be his ears! :D

Yes phuket and patts has its hobby bobbies..

Opinion very divided.. The go around in paramilitary looking uniforms and jackboots, they have handcuffs on a belt etc, in patts they have been involved with drug busts, gogo busts (nudity) and other things.. The official line is helping tourists but the reality is theres lots of other things too.

Second thing is they have no more rights than any other person on the streets, thats the line, but they still carry handcuffs, can I just go and handcuff someone if I want ?? They have not recieved training the use of restraints etc etc etc.

I think it appeals to guys who like to do the uniform thing and tell others what to do.

What's there to bust in a gogo bar? No pun intended. Seriously, I am sure everyone would want to line up for the opportunity to handcuff some drunken Farang raving lunitic, who may be armed himself with knives, brass knuckles on up. But, on the other hand, I suppose the workman's compensation must be quite good for these volunteers, in the event they are injured on the job.

Yes phuket and patts has its hobby bobbies..

Opinion very divided.. The go around in paramilitary looking uniforms and jackboots, they have handcuffs on a belt etc, in patts they have been involved with drug busts, gogo busts (nudity) and other things.. The official line is helping tourists but the reality is theres lots of other things too.

Second thing is they have no more rights than any other person on the streets, thats the line, but they still carry handcuffs, can I just go and handcuff someone if I want ?? They have not recieved training the use of restraints etc etc etc.

I think it appeals to guys who like to do the uniform thing and tell others what to do.

Where can I get a pair of the jackboots? Are they genuine 1939-45 Waffen SS issue?


Could it be that these guys/gals who volunteered actually want to help out other expats and nothing more?

There are many genuinely good hearted expats in Thailand you know.

wish they could organize better first responder teams instead. That would make more of a difference. No offense to the TPs in here, but watching some of these Thai volunteers attempt to put on a neck brace or use a backboard for a spine injury makes me cringe.

This is a first person response because I am one. I have been a FTPA (our new name is Foreign Tourist Police Assistants). Our job is to help the regular Tourist police to a better job assisting foreigners. As many FTP's have limited language skills in English, French, German, Korean, Russian etc our group in Pattaya have member fluent in all these languages and more. We spend most of our time directing people in walking street to the bar or go go they are looking for and helping them get back to their hotels in their besotted state.

I have often seen my fellow officers take drunks home in Baht buses, and even on their own motor bikes, squeezed between 2 officers because the tourist was too drunk to sit on a motor bike or baht bus without possibly hurting themselves. The vast majority of us are not wantabe police but have a desire to help and give back to this country.

I personally took a 2 day first aid/cpr course for emergency situations but we have been instructed by our commander to leave first aid to the fully trained professionals. We often have a Thai EMT volunteer in the booth with us for such emergencies.

my intention is not to flame anyone nor to get flaming replies, only to set this post in the right direction.

PS I don't carry handcuffs, batons or mace, I do carry a 6" flashlight and a camera. I find the use of a camera frequently diffuses most situations.


Wait a minute you get a sticker I'm up for that :o:D:D:D

Actually there is a unit here in Udon I've met some the farrang who assist they are just waht was mentioned good hearted guys that want to help. The do have a unform but it does not look like a Police uniform.

The intentions may be great, but just look at some of the repsonse on here. ( nothing personal to anyone) Would you really like to discuss this with some of these guys after they have been drinking all day. Cuae even if you donlt meet someone who posted here you go out ewnough you will return into people who don't want to talk at all, just want to tear your head off for the sheer thrill of it. That what happen when nice guys drink far to much everything that pissed them off for the last year comes out. Remeber I said uniforms attract atttentioon well it atttracts this kind as well. It simply is not worth the risk.

If you feel obligated to help or would enjoy helping then go teach english to the Thai volunteers that don't speak english. But don't put on a uniform a go riding with the coppers.

Nice mid ground that will allow you to stay in one piece.


Go give it a shot Mosha and ignore the sarcastic and jealous comments posted elsewhere in this thread - you'ld probably enjoy it and certainly you would do a great job.


Wait a minute you get a sticker I'm up for that ohmy.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

You also get a plastic badge/id card that is respected by most traffic police.

In one year I cannot recall any of our Farang's getting assulted, while some people detest uniforms, the majority of the drunks respect them and the fact that we are usually accompanied by Thai tourist police on any trouble call the drunks usually appreciate someone who speaks their language.

Could it be that these guys/gals who volunteered actually want to help out other expats and nothing more?

There are many genuinely good hearted expats in Thailand you know.

wish they could organize better first responder teams instead. That would make more of a difference. No offense to the TPs in here, but watching some of these Thai volunteers attempt to put on a neck brace or use a backboard for a spine injury makes me cringe.

This is a first person response because I am one. I have been a FTPA (our new name is Foreign Tourist Police Assistants). Our job is to help the regular Tourist police to a better job assisting foreigners. As many FTP's have limited language skills in English, French, German, Korean, Russian etc our group in Pattaya have member fluent in all these languages and more. We spend most of our time directing people in walking street to the bar or go go they are looking for and helping them get back to their hotels in their besotted state.

I have often seen my fellow officers take drunks home in Baht buses, and even on their own motor bikes, squeezed between 2 officers because the tourist was too drunk to sit on a motor bike or baht bus without possibly hurting themselves. The vast majority of us are not wantabe police but have a desire to help and give back to this country.

I personally took a 2 day first aid/cpr course for emergency situations but we have been instructed by our commander to leave first aid to the fully trained professionals. We often have a Thai EMT volunteer in the booth with us for such emergencies.

my intention is not to flame anyone nor to get flaming replies, only to set this post in the right direction.

PS I don't carry handcuffs, batons or mace, I do carry a 6" flashlight and a camera. I find the use of a camera frequently diffuses most situations.

Good job. Not all of us in Thai visa are whiners. Instead of sitting around the tube and complain about how bad Thailand is, may be they should get their asses out and do some good. May be it'll give them a better perspective of LOS.


It's late. If I wasn't so tired i would tell you all about the meetings i had with the chief of the tourist police. I could tell you what a shambles it was.

But, it's late.


I bet the Tourist Police really love these guys. Not only do they not have to learn english, they also have free workers who they don't have to split their "takings" with. I wonder how it feels to work for one of the most corrupt group of scumbags on the face of the planet.

Opinions needed please. I have just had the tourist police up trying to recruit me. It was them car/badges etc, so discount a wind up. They are looking for Farangs with English language skills to join the police in assisting tourists. They implied it was voluntary work. Now I understand that volunteers in Phuket at the time of the tsunami had problems because they had the wrong visa. The guys they have shown me from Chumpon appear to be living here on the same basis as me, that is 12 month extension based on a Thai family. I told them before I commited myself to this I would want to hear immigrations opinion. They implied that it was not a visa issue, but they would wouldn't they. If this is is the wrong forum please move it, but I did not know where to post it, as I feel it is just seeking opinions.

You want to hear from the Labor Ministry, not Immigrations, as they are the ones in charge of work permits.

Despite repeated requests, not once have Farang Volunteer Police produced either the required Work Permit or Work Permit Exemption Letter.

This is a first person response because I am one. I have been a FTPA (our new name is Foreign Tourist Police Assistants).

I suppose it's worth yet another try... Do you possess either the required Work Permit or Work Permit Exemption Letter?

Wait a minute you get a sticker I'm up for that ohmy.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

You also get a plastic badge/id card that is respected by most traffic police.

In one year I cannot recall any of our Farang's getting assulted, while some people detest uniforms, the majority of the drunks respect them and the fact that we are usually accompanied by Thai tourist police on any trouble call the drunks usually appreciate someone who speaks their language.

Do you guys also take bribes ?


BadThaiGuy, everyone entitled to own opinion, I and many others we have helped don't share yours.

sriracha john No need to get into a pissing match with you or anyone else, I urge you to come down, fill out application and if you can meet the standards Paul or John will answer all of your questions, I am not authorized.

DickGently, The Thai Regular police do love us assisting the tourist as it makes their job easier. Most of them speak better English than I or the others speak Thai but their understanding of Farang mentality and difference between Farang and Thai laws are very limited. Many cases tourists expect the same protection under the law here in Thailand as in their own country and we counsel them that it just ain't so.

YoungFarang13 I assume the 13 refers to your age, if so you are too young to join us, although we have had some 18 y/o Thai Volunteers who help us patrol walking street and keep the touts and louts and scammers to a minimum.

DirkGently The police in any 3rd world country is rife with corruption but I think the Tourist Police is one of the more honest ones, our previous chief was replace because of inability to account properly to his superiors, the new one seems to have a better handle on things and not in your pocket.

LivinLOS if we are ever undercover in go go bars it is to stop Pedophilia and drug dealing not to crack down on nudity. Undercover work is strictly on a voluntary basis with warning that it can be dangerous, I am 64, never been in military or police and want to live another 30 years here in LOS so I am not into danger, just helping people.

Opinions needed please. I have just had the tourist police up trying to recruit me. It was them car/badges etc, so discount a wind up. They are looking for Farangs with English language skills to join the police in assisting tourists. They implied it was voluntary work. Now I understand that volunteers in Phuket at the time of the tsunami had problems because they had the wrong visa. The guys they have shown me from Chumpon appear to be living here on the same basis as me, that is 12 month extension based on a Thai family. I told them before I committed myself to this I would want to hear immigrations opinion. They implied that it was not a visa issue, but they would wouldn't they. If this is is the wrong forum please move it, but I did not know where to post it, as I feel it is just seeking opinions.

You want to hear from the Labor Ministry, not Immigrations, as they are the ones in charge of work permits.

Despite repeated requests, not once have Farang Volunteer Police produced either the required Work Permit or Work Permit Exemption Letter.

This is a first person response because I am one. I have been a FTPA (our new name is Foreign Tourist Police Assistants).

I suppose it's worth yet another try... Do you possess either the required Work Permit or Work Permit Exemption Letter?

sriracha john No need to get into a pissing match with you or anyone else, I urge you to come down, fill out application and if you can meet the standards Paul or John will answer all of your questions, I am not authorized.

It's certainly not my intention to be contentious... simply asking a "Yes/No" answerable question because of the far-reaching implications. If you elect not to answer, that's ok... as noted previously, it seems to be in accordance with the standard operating procedure for this organization.

Why that is for such a straight-forward and important question continues to totally escape me.

Thailand has to be one of the greatest places on earth for acting out fantasies and living lives of delusion. You can even be a pretend cop and live out fantasies of controlling others. What a bunch of tools these wannabe coppers are.

I always wanted to play copper so I could get drunk and shoot tourists at point blank range, then disappear to Burma for a while, then show back up and stand "trial"... then get off scott free. :o:D

SJ. obviously many things escape you "I am not authorized to answer".

Is that you in your avatar photo? ... Lovely plumage. Norwegian Blue?

SJ. obviously many things escape you "I am not authorized to answer".

Fair enough you're not authorized... that's been the standard reply from other farang volunteer cops. What escapes me is WHY such a simple question is so difficult for ANYONE to answer it. To unnecessarily shroud such seemingly open questions doesn't do much for much for recruitment, but so be it.


I question the integrity of the Tourist Police since full time scammers operate at the gates to Thailands major attractions.

There is a group at the Erawan Shrine everyday..all day...scamming tourists.

Not just some random scumbags but 20-30 well dressed Thais pretending to be friendly strangers to lost tourists.


The T.P. know this but refuse or are incapable or afraid of doing anything about it.

I sent them these photos last June.

These groups of scammers ruin thousands of holidays every year.

It's a huge black eye to Thai Tourism but nothing is done.

How difficult would it be post Tourist Police at the major tourist sites?

SJ. obviously many things escape you "I am not authorized to answer".

Fair enough you're not authorized... that's been the standard reply from other farang volunteer cops. What escapes me is WHY such a simple question is so difficult for ANYONE to answer it. To unnecessarily shroud such seemingly open questions doesn't do much for much for recruitment, but so be it.

It's probably the standard reply, as in reality they do not have the work permit or exemption letter for tourist police work. Correct me if I am wrong?


SJ. obviously many things escape you "I am not authorized to answer".

Fair enough you're not authorized... that's been the standard reply from other farang volunteer cops. What escapes me is WHY such a simple question is so difficult for ANYONE to answer it. To unnecessarily shroud such seemingly open questions doesn't do much for much for recruitment, but so be it.

It's probably the standard reply, as in reality they do not have the work permit or exemption letter for tourist police work. Correct me if I am wrong?


I doubt that anybody is authorized to correct you. :D

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