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I don't know how many of you saw the post of a relatively new TV member regarding her disgust and distaste of Don's restaurant Rawai and of The Green Man Chalong. The moderators smartly enough, deleted it.

Her opinions regarding the food and service at these establishments was o.k. I completely understand her views. No problem.

Where I did have a problem was of a somewhat personal attack on Don himself, "Rocket Scientist, he couldn't get a rocket to something or another........"

Bash the man's restaurant, o.k., I'll agree it has gone down recently, but don't bash the man himself. Don has been and will always be an asset to Thailand. He does business here but he gives back. I cannot say that for myself, I'm positive the poster of that deleted post takes and does not give back. I look to Don as a mentor, he has provided me with insight as well as inspiration. He is a business whirlwind, he does twice as much as people half his age.

Did you know that his employees have an education fund for their children? With this fund, many of Don's employees kids have gone onto universities and are valuable to Thai society. How do you measure that? If what Don has done here then contributes to an educated populace, therefore creating opportunities for the kids of those kids, then it's exponential the good he has done.

As far as his NASA accomplishments, he was part of a team that landed a man on the moon 50 years after the advent of the automobile. We are clear that no one has landed a man on the moon since, yes? If it weren't for Nixon and some other bonehead politicians fighting communism (that era's "war on terror") we'd have already landed a man on Mars and maybe would have already had a space station built on the moon.

The restaurant business in Phuket is the toughest business there is. Staffing is a complete nightmare, food costs are going through the roof, so don't be surprised if a lot of your favorite places have some hiccups.

But as far as Don goes, he's one of a kind, and all of you don't fret, he'll come back to Phuket and whip some a**ss and have his restaurant back to what we all know it can be.


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I don't know how many of you saw the post of a relatively new TV member regarding her disgust and distaste of Don's restaurant Rawai and of The Green Man Chalong. The moderators smartly enough, deleted it.

Her opinions regarding the food and service at these establishments was o.k. I completely understand her views. No problem.

Where I did have a problem was of a somewhat personal attack on Don himself, "Rocket Scientist, he couldn't get a rocket to something or another........"

Bash the man's restaurant, o.k., I'll agree it has gone down recently, but don't bash the man himself. Don has been and will always be an asset to Thailand. He does business here but he gives back. I cannot say that for myself, I'm positive the poster of that deleted post takes and does not give back. I look to Don as a mentor, he has provided me with insight as well as inspiration. He is a business whirlwind, he does twice as much as people half his age.

Did you know that his employees have an education fund for their children? With this fund, many of Don's employees kids have gone onto universities and are valuable to Thai society. How do you measure that? If what Don has done here then contributes to an educated populace, therefore creating opportunities for the kids of those kids, then it's exponential the good he has done.

As far as his NASA accomplishments, he was part of a team that landed a man on the moon 50 years after the advent of the automobile. We are clear that no one has landed a man on the moon since, yes? If it weren't for Nixon and some other bonehead politicians fighting communism (that era's "war on terror") we'd have already landed a man on Mars and maybe would have already had a space station built on the moon.

The restaurant business in Phuket is the toughest business there is. Staffing is a complete nightmare, food costs are going through the roof, so don't be surprised if a lot of your favorite places have some hiccups.

But as far as Don goes, he's one of a kind, and all of you don't fret, he'll come back to Phuket and whip some a**ss and have his restaurant back to what we all know it can be.


I wouldn't hold your breath on that one Huggybear. Dons restaurant and many others on Phuket is a has been.

Sounds to me that you have a vested interest in Dons? :o


I wouldn't hold your breath on that one Huggybear. Dons restaurant and many others on Phuket is a has been.

Sounds to me that you have a vested interest in Dons? :o


Vested interest.............Hilarious.  Only vested interest would be to sit and have a cold beverage with the man when he is in town.


I think huggybear's problem was with the personal attacks made by a poster, not with the review of the restaurant itself. And as is quite clear in the forum rules, personal attacks such as that are not allowed.


Yes I realize Don and not Don's Mall Service is the point. It is always good to hear about expats making Phuket a better place. However I liked the old Don's better.

But by all means go in the shop and try that yummy hot sauce!!


I am very sorry for what I said in my post.

I had just brought 2 Colombian friends, a Chef from KL, a Chef from Phuket, and my best friend and his mother there and we were treated unfairly.

I had said that morning that we would try the place since he was on the banner on the TV page. We were treated rudely, had the wrong order brought to us, food was cooked wrong, and then the bill was messed up.

Again, I am very sorry for the attack, but I actually thought it would be different.

To Huggy: I am sorry I attacked your friend. I was a bit grouchy during the post, and had no right to say such things.



Don't know Don and never eaten at his place. One thing I do know is that restos on Phuket are hit and miss.This is an expensive island to do business with a shortage of skilled reliable hospitality service labour. Everyone of us has been in a place that's great one week and when you show up 2 weeks later you say <deleted> happened.

I depend upon Molly Malone's for my takeaway satay. For 155 baht I'm a happy fellow and consider the place my little oasis of stomach safety. Some will complain about the price, but I think it's a good deal, some will complain about the service, but that's because the place is busy. Ask me how I feel about the 100 baht breakfast and I will hurl expletives and call it crap. The point being, that you can't please everyone and it's a nightmare to try and keep a decent restaurant up and running that offers good food at decent prices. I couldn't do it, and suggest people take that into account. Phuket isn't Melbourne or London etc.


Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you upped your pay scale and offered benefits. So many people complain about the service being directly related to the staff. I believe it is the owner/s. I have seen great service from so many restaurants here on the island, and food prices are about the same as anywhere.

Ask yourself this: Would you or anyone you know from home tolerate the current rates and salaries (comparatively speaking ofcourse)?

We move here and think we can capitalize on the cheaper labor and costs, but in reality, you wouldn't work there for that rate anyway. I never knew Don's had educational benefits for his staff. That is a fantastic way to give back.

I know we can't mention names of restaurants here but there is one that comes to mind. (RJ) in Rawai. This is what other restaurants should strive to be.

I think the major problem with the "service industry" here is not with the staff or the level of food, but it is the lack of care and concern with the business by the owner. Many open places thinking they will get rich. This is very foolish. Many feel they can just occasionally grace the establishment with their presence and food/liquor sales will increase. But by not being there, IMHO, you pretty much say that you don't care, and it shows in the attitude of your staff.

A person drives a 18-Wheeler for 35 years, gets a divorce and moves to Phuket to open a restaurant. Using recipes downloaded off the internet, and staff so under paid they have to steal to makes ends meet. Owner never around, staff could give a S*** about quality and service. This is just an example of what I have seen in other resort locations in other countries.

But a person works as a Exec. Chef for 15 years in a 5 Star spot in downtown London, moves to Phuket and opens up a spot of his/her own. Manages the place, over sees its daily operation, ensures that his staff are happy, well trained, and have a good attitude... Child Care, Medical Benefits, Holidays...Priceless.

I hold a MBA from Rice University and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M (as my education has come into question here) and I have experience in small start-up businesses and business development. Mainly in small retail, Environmental Clean-up, and ofcourse the restaurant business. Many will say "oh, well you have never done it here". I can assure you that Phuket is PRIME for restaurants with service and quality and is SCREAMING out for new, innovative ideas. Nothing complicated, just simple and consistant. I have been around, and I have seen the lay of the land. As far as food prices, they are only expensive when you don't sell anything.

My philosophy is BREAK EVEN. Make sure everyone is well compensated. Sell what you can and eat the rest.

When a Manager has to yell, or fire someone, he/she, as a Manager is the failure. Not the individual, regardless of the occurance.

Lead from the front, not from the rear. - Gen. Patton USArmy (ret.) :o



phuket has some good restaurants but many more just average ones. finding good staff in thailand, phuket in particular, is very difficult for a few reasons.

1. there is such a bad public transport system that staff have to use their own motorbikes to get to work

2. smaller establishments cant afford a car to bring staff to work

3. staff want service charge on top of their basic salary, and many want a guaranteed service charge

4. restaurant hours are erratic and many staff dont want to do shifts

5. english isnt a big thing in the thai school curriculum. there are a few thais that speak english well but often these people are too qualified to work in a restaurant

6. lack of training. restaurant owners do not train their staff well enough, and when it comes to wine knowledge, forget it

im sure that there are many more things but thats what i came up with off the top of my head. please bear in mind that if a place has had good reviews and suddenly gets bad reviews, there is usually a reason for it. change of management? change of chef? a bad day perhaps? who knows. constructive criticism is always welcome but remember that praise given where due is also welcome.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you upped your pay scale and offered benefits. So many people complain about the service being directly related to the staff. I believe it is the owner/s. I have seen great service from so many restaurants here on the island, and food prices are about the same as anywhere.

Ask yourself this: Would you or anyone you know from home tolerate the current rates and salaries (comparatively speaking ofcourse)?

We move here and think we can capitalize on the cheaper labor and costs, but in reality, you wouldn't work there for that rate anyway. I never knew Don's had educational benefits for his staff. That is a fantastic way to give back.

I know we can't mention names of restaurants here but there is one that comes to mind. (RJ) in Rawai. This is what other restaurants should strive to be.

I think the major problem with the "service industry" here is not with the staff or the level of food, but it is the lack of care and concern with the business by the owner. Many open places thinking they will get rich. This is very foolish. Many feel they can just occasionally grace the establishment with their presence and food/liquor sales will increase. But by not being there, IMHO, you pretty much say that you don't care, and it shows in the attitude of your staff.

A person drives a 18-Wheeler for 35 years, gets a divorce and moves to Phuket to open a restaurant. Using recipes downloaded off the internet, and staff so under paid they have to steal to makes ends meet. Owner never around, staff could give a S*** about quality and service. This is just an example of what I have seen in other resort locations in other countries.

But a person works as a Exec. Chef for 15 years in a 5 Star spot in downtown London, moves to Phuket and opens up a spot of his/her own. Manages the place, over sees its daily operation, ensures that his staff are happy, well trained, and have a good attitude... Child Care, Medical Benefits, Holidays...Priceless.

I hold a MBA from Rice University and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M (as my education has come into question here) and I have experience in small start-up businesses and business development. Mainly in small retail, Environmental Clean-up, and ofcourse the restaurant business. Many will say "oh, well you have never done it here". I can assure you that Phuket is PRIME for restaurants with service and quality and is SCREAMING out for new, innovative ideas. Nothing complicated, just simple and consistant. I have been around, and I have seen the lay of the land. As far as food prices, they are only expensive when you don't sell anything.

My philosophy is BREAK EVEN. Make sure everyone is well compensated. Sell what you can and eat the rest.

When a Manager has to yell, or fire someone, he/she, as a Manager is the failure. Not the individual, regardless of the occurance.

Lead from the front, not from the rear. - Gen. Patton USArmy (ret.) :D


Blimey....what i tend to do if i dont like the food somewhere is just eat elsewhere not post an essay on my dislike of the place making personal flaming attacks on a mans character...but then i suppose we are all diferent :o:D:D


2008bangkok, you've just nailed it.

if you find a restaurant or a drinking establishment not to your liking, then avoid going there. i am sure that all of us have had terrible dining experiences in phuket, but that doesn't mean that every restaurant on the island is awful and full of "crappy" staff...and that doesn't mean it is right to attack the owner and/or manager because phuket is a small place and there are a lot of different yet intertwined social circles. you are bound to offend someone, most times, everywhere.

over the 14 months that i have lived here, i have blacklisted three restaurants. but for those three i have found five more that are worth going to. if you'd like a name list, pm me.


Maybe I have low standards, but whether I'm eating khanom jeen on the street, pasta at La Gaetana, steak at Rivet Grill, kao man gai tord at Central, Indian at Kama Sutra, noodles at the side of the road or pizza at P Pizza, I always enjoy my meals. I've only lived here about eight months, but I would never complain about the food here. If somewhere sucks, I won't go there again, but I won't give it much thought afterwards unless I'm supposed to be writing a review of the place.

Perhaps some of you are just fussy eaters.

Maybe I have low standards, but whether I'm eating khanom jeen on the street, pasta at La Gaetana, steak at Rivet Grill, kao man gai tord at Central, Indian at Kama Sutra, noodles at the side of the road or pizza at P Pizza, I always enjoy my meals. I've only lived here about eight months, but I would never complain about the food here. If somewhere sucks, I won't go there again, but I won't give it much thought afterwards unless I'm supposed to be writing a review of the place.

Perhaps some of you are just fussy eaters.

WHEN you get food food poisoning you might change your tune.

Its just a matter of time.



I do believe it's training of the staff that makes the difference.

I've eaten in 5 star resorts with terrible staff and I've eaten in small mom & pop places with great service and smiles.

If you find a place with good people, it seems to be at all levels, from the guy's (or gal's) smile opening the door, to the cooks, waitresses, bartenders, and especially the manager.

But I don't see how you could bad-mouth the man himself (Don)

1. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you upped your pay scale and offered benefits. So many people complain about the service being directly related to the staff.

2.I believe it is the owner/s. I have seen great service from so many restaurants here on the island, and food prices are about the same as anywhere.

3.Ask yourself this: Would you or anyone you know from home tolerate the current rates and salaries (comparatively speaking ofcourse)?

4. We move here and think we can capitalize on the cheaper labor and costs, but in reality, you wouldn't work there for that rate anyway. I never knew Don's had educational benefits for his staff. That is a fantastic way to give back.

I know we can't mention names of restaurants here but there is one that comes to mind. (RJ) in Rawai. This is what other restaurants should strive to be.

5. I think the major problem with the "service industry" here is not with the staff or the level of food, but it is the lack of care and concern with the business by the owner. Many open places thinking they will get rich. This is very foolish. Many feel they can just occasionally grace the establishment with their presence and food/liquor sales will increase. But by not being there, IMHO, you pretty much say that you don't care, and it shows in the attitude of your staff.

6.A person drives a 18-Wheeler for 35 years, gets a divorce and moves to Phuket to open a restaurant. Using recipes downloaded off the internet, and staff so under paid they have to steal to makes ends meet. Owner never around, staff could give a S*** about quality and service. This is just an example of what I have seen in other resort locations in other countries.

7. But a person works as a Exec. Chef for 15 years in a 5 Star spot in downtown London, moves to Phuket and opens up a spot of his/her own. Manages the place, over sees its daily operation, ensures that his staff are happy, well trained, and have a good attitude... Child Care, Medical Benefits, Holidays...Priceless.

8. I hold a MBA from Rice University and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M (as my education has come into question here) and I have experience in small start-up businesses and business development. Mainly in small retail, Environmental Clean-up, and ofcourse the restaurant business. Many will say "oh, well you have never done it here". I can assure you that Phuket is PRIME for restaurants with service and quality and is SCREAMING out for new, innovative ideas. Nothing complicated, just simple and consistant. I have been around, and I have seen the lay of the land. As far as food prices, they are only expensive when you don't sell anything.

9. My philosophy is BREAK EVEN. Make sure everyone is well compensated. Sell what you can and eat the rest.

10. When a Manager has to yell, or fire someone, he/she, as a Manager is the failure. Not the individual, regardless of the occurance.

11. Lead from the front, not from the rear. - Gen. Patton USArmy (ret.) :D


Reading your post, I see some valid points, but empty rhetoric in respect to other items;

1. If they "up the pay", then that has to be reflected in the prices charged. The resident consumers that patronize most restaurants here are price conscious. Some can be called cheap and others like me prefer to receive value for the baht. Iused to feel for alot of these workers, then I got to know many of them. I won't bore you with a lecture on the work ethic, but you are making a big assumption about it when you start on this.

Suggest you read the thread on tipping in the general topics.

2. Understood. If you want to be successful here, you have to do it yourself. Unfortunately, that's why people burn out.

3. No. But my rent on a comparable condo with beach access and daily maid service elsewhere would be 3X what I pay in Toilettong. It's all relative.

4. I don't "capitalize" on anyone's cheap labour as I pay more than the going rate for services rendered. I also know that a great many of these farang transplants are quite generous with their time and money. (Have a look at some of the charities and you'll see farangs that are being exploited and capitalized upon. Better yet, what do you think is happening everytime a tourist is ripped off by the tuktuks?)

5. Partially correct. However, I suggest you study or work in the hospitality trade here first before you make such a comment. The market is different than what you may have seen elsewhere.

6. Valid, but it doesn't usually happen that way. Those people go into the bar business and lose their shirt in a matetr of months and that's the end of them.

7. not too many 5 star chefs relocate to Phuket. Market is not wealthy or big enough for them. Like I said upstairs, this amrket has specific consumer demographics.

8. They are only expensive when you don't sell something? Is that a catchphrase from a marketing textbook? I have enough diplomas to provide TP for the island and that's what they were good for as that education did not prepare me for the working conditiosn here. What saved me was my experience as a grunt worker and the experience of some older folks. If you do not understand me on this, crack open your International Business textbook and read up on the impact of local culture and economics on the business environment.

9. Break Even? These people are not running a charity. They are a for profit business. How do you propose they support their families and pay such mundane expenses as the electricity bill on the home if they are only breaking even?

10. If you define the termination of an employee as a management failure, then that suggests you have zero experience in a management or executive or an entrepreneurial position. Do you propose that business owners keep thieves or dangerous idiots, or incompetents or staff that are bad for worker morale on the payroll? With the shortage of labour on Phuket, most managers and owners try to avoid terminating staff.

You say you know the lay of the land, then perhaps you need to talk to some of the hotel operators about how hard it is to attract and retain good staff. It costs more to churn staff than it does to keep them.

11. Using Patton as an endquote contradicts everything you have written. Georgie was an insubordinate bully that abused enlisted men. His famous physical attack on a patient was the last straw for Eisenhower who had to sack him. Maybe you should read up on that as Patton as portrayed in the movies was not the Patton that was given to ruthless politics to further his career.


1. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you upped your pay scale and offered benefits. So many people complain about the service being directly related to the staff.

2.I believe it is the owner/s. I have seen great service from so many restaurants here on the island, and food prices are about the same as anywhere.

3.Ask yourself this: Would you or anyone you know from home tolerate the current rates and salaries (comparatively speaking ofcourse)?

4. We move here and think we can capitalize on the cheaper labor and costs, but in reality, you wouldn't work there for that rate anyway. I never knew Don's had educational benefits for his staff. That is a fantastic way to give back.

I know we can't mention names of restaurants here but there is one that comes to mind. (RJ) in Rawai. This is what other restaurants should strive to be.

5. I think the major problem with the "service industry" here is not with the staff or the level of food, but it is the lack of care and concern with the business by the owner. Many open places thinking they will get rich. This is very foolish. Many feel they can just occasionally grace the establishment with their presence and food/liquor sales will increase. But by not being there, IMHO, you pretty much say that you don't care, and it shows in the attitude of your staff.

6.A person drives a 18-Wheeler for 35 years, gets a divorce and moves to Phuket to open a restaurant. Using recipes downloaded off the internet, and staff so under paid they have to steal to makes ends meet. Owner never around, staff could give a S*** about quality and service. This is just an example of what I have seen in other resort locations in other countries.

7. But a person works as a Exec. Chef for 15 years in a 5 Star spot in downtown London, moves to Phuket and opens up a spot of his/her own. Manages the place, over sees its daily operation, ensures that his staff are happy, well trained, and have a good attitude... Child Care, Medical Benefits, Holidays...Priceless.

8. I hold a MBA from Rice University and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering from Texas A&M (as my education has come into question here) and I have experience in small start-up businesses and business development. Mainly in small retail, Environmental Clean-up, and ofcourse the restaurant business. Many will say "oh, well you have never done it here". I can assure you that Phuket is PRIME for restaurants with service and quality and is SCREAMING out for new, innovative ideas. Nothing complicated, just simple and consistant. I have been around, and I have seen the lay of the land. As far as food prices, they are only expensive when you don't sell anything.

9. My philosophy is BREAK EVEN. Make sure everyone is well compensated. Sell what you can and eat the rest.

10. When a Manager has to yell, or fire someone, he/she, as a Manager is the failure. Not the individual, regardless of the occurance.

11. Lead from the front, not from the rear. - Gen. Patton USArmy (ret.) :D


Reading your post, I see some valid points, but empty rhetoric in respect to other items;

1. If they "up the pay", then that has to be reflected in the prices charged. The resident consumers that patronize most restaurants here are price conscious. Some can be called cheap and others like me prefer to receive value for the baht. Iused to feel for alot of these workers, then I got to know many of them. I won't bore you with a lecture on the work ethic, but you are making a big assumption about it when you start on this.

Suggest you read the thread on tipping in the general topics.

2. Understood. If you want to be successful here, you have to do it yourself. Unfortunately, that's why people burn out.

3. No. But my rent on a comparable condo with beach access and daily maid service elsewhere would be 3X what I pay in Toilettong. It's all relative.

4. I don't "capitalize" on anyone's cheap labour as I pay more than the going rate for services rendered. I also know that a great many of these farang transplants are quite generous with their time and money. (Have a look at some of the charities and you'll see farangs that are being exploited and capitalized upon. Better yet, what do you think is happening everytime a tourist is ripped off by the tuktuks?)

5. Partially correct. However, I suggest you study or work in the hospitality trade here first before you make such a comment. The market is different than what you may have seen elsewhere.

6. Valid, but it doesn't usually happen that way. Those people go into the bar business and lose their shirt in a matetr of months and that's the end of them.

7. not too many 5 star chefs relocate to Phuket. Market is not wealthy or big enough for them. Like I said upstairs, this amrket has specific consumer demographics.

8. They are only expensive when you don't sell something? Is that a catchphrase from a marketing textbook? I have enough diplomas to provide TP for the island and that's what they were good for as that education did not prepare me for the working conditiosn here. What saved me was my experience as a grunt worker and the experience of some older folks. If you do not understand me on this, crack open your International Business textbook and read up on the impact of local culture and economics on the business environment.

9. Break Even? These people are not running a charity. They are a for profit business. How do you propose they support their families and pay such mundane expenses as the electricity bill on the home if they are only breaking even?

10. If you define the termination of an employee as a management failure, then that suggests you have zero experience in a management or executive or an entrepreneurial position. Do you propose that business owners keep thieves or dangerous idiots, or incompetents or staff that are bad for worker morale on the payroll? With the shortage of labour on Phuket, most managers and owners try to avoid terminating staff.

You say you know the lay of the land, then perhaps you need to talk to some of the hotel operators about how hard it is to attract and retain good staff. It costs more to churn staff than it does to keep them.

11. Using Patton as an endquote contradicts everything you have written. Georgie was an insubordinate bully that abused enlisted men. His famous physical attack on a patient was the last straw for Eisenhower who had to sack him. Maybe you should read up on that as Patton as portrayed in the movies was not the Patton that was given to ruthless politics to further his career.


Spot on man, thank you.

Regarding staffing at Don's, I doubt Amanda knows of the embezzelment and death threats Don has dealt with recently.

Maybe I have low standards, but whether I'm eating khanom jeen on the street, pasta at La Gaetana, steak at Rivet Grill, kao man gai tord at Central, Indian at Kama Sutra, noodles at the side of the road or pizza at P Pizza, I always enjoy my meals. I've only lived here about eight months, but I would never complain about the food here. If somewhere sucks, I won't go there again, but I won't give it much thought afterwards unless I'm supposed to be writing a review of the place.

Perhaps some of you are just fussy eaters.

WHEN you get food food poisoning you might change your tune.

Its just a matter of time.


I've had it from two Phuket restaurants. It sucked. I didn't dwell on it.



I'll just put my foot in my mouth. I appreciate your insight, and thank you for the time you spent writing it. I am not the smartest person here, but I would like to say that I am not the meanest either.

I think I am just going to stick to posting swimming threads, and leave the business section to those who are currently in it.

My Uncle and 2nd Cousin just moved here a few days back and they are really into dining out, (neither of them can cook). They have both been asking me where to go and where to eat.

I am currently in Mumbai for business, but would love to try more places when I return as I can't cook either. Any recommendations would be appreciated and passed on.




I'll just put my foot in my mouth. I appreciate your insight, and thank you for the time you spent writing it. I am not the smartest person here, but I would like to say that I am not the meanest either.

I think I am just going to stick to posting swimming threads, and leave the business section to those who are currently in it.

My Uncle and 2nd Cousin just moved here a few days back and they are really into dining out, (neither of them can cook). They have both been asking me where to go and where to eat.

I am currently in Mumbai for business, but would love to try more places when I return as I can't cook either. Any recommendations would be appreciated and passed on.



amanda76 you can put anything you want on this forum, just like the guy said if you don't like the restaurant then leave and if they don't like this thread they can leave to.

About Thai restaurants serving foreign food is this: most Thai's preparing the food don't like it or eat it and don't understand how to make it taste good. For example Thai food is tasted often while cooking it. They never have a recipe to make their own food so that is why some Thai restaurants are better than others.

About Thai employees, most of them want to have fun in the job and if they work for a foreigner they generally want more than the average wage in the beginning and in Phuket most are working to make extra cash to by phone cards and makeup not feed their kids if any have them.

The main thing you said is so true: If there is a problem with service or quality of food it's the managements fault and that is why Don is responsible. Remember if a fish is rotten it is rotten from the head.



1. yes, the manager is ultimately responsible for the morale, attitude of his staff, but

2. in a turbulent, immature labour market like patong, training and keeping good staff is difficult so

3. never judge an eats place by just one visit

Maybe I have low standards, but whether I'm eating khanom jeen on the street, pasta at La Gaetana, steak at Rivet Grill, kao man gai tord at Central, Indian at Kama Sutra, noodles at the side of the road or pizza at P Pizza, I always enjoy my meals. I've only lived here about eight months, but I would never complain about the food here. If somewhere sucks, I won't go there again, but I won't give it much thought afterwards unless I'm supposed to be writing a review of the place.

Perhaps some of you are just fussy eaters.

WHEN you get food food poisoning you might change your tune.

Its just a matter of time.


Ted`you genius were not talking about street food in Bombay :o

Maybe I have low standards, but whether I'm eating khanom jeen on the street, pasta at La Gaetana, steak at Rivet Grill, kao man gai tord at Central, Indian at Kama Sutra, noodles at the side of the road or pizza at P Pizza, I always enjoy my meals. I've only lived here about eight months, but I would never complain about the food here. If somewhere sucks, I won't go there again, but I won't give it much thought afterwards unless I'm supposed to be writing a review of the place.

Perhaps some of you are just fussy eaters.

WHEN you get food food poisoning you might change your tune.

Its just a matter of time.


Ted`you genius were not talking about street food in Bombay :o

I've read where 50% of food poisonings are self inflicted. Not washing your hands after using the toilet the main culprit.

Buttons off the ATM where someone who has not washed hands, shaking hands with someone with bad bathroom habits can get fecal on your hands which you accidentally ingest.

This is why grandma always insisted you wash up before eating............

I've read where 50% of food poisonings are self inflicted. Not washing your hands after using the toilet the main culprit.

Buttons off the ATM where someone who has not washed hands, shaking hands with someone with bad bathroom habits can get fecal on your hands which you accidentally ingest.

This is why grandma always insisted you wash up before eating............

Self inflicted? 50%? Oh my God. I would love to read where you read this. You would have to be a total fool to think that 50% of food poisonings come from .... I am not even going to repeat it.

Maybe 50% of YOUR food poisonings are from what you said. And what does this have to do with the topic. This is another example of someone reading something and then going overboard with something totally off topic. (Example: Wing Sun Topic, Post #3 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=176547 ) I am the relatively New User, and I am the one that made the comments...blah blah blah...

This forum exists to inform people, regardless of your personal interests in the topic, and regardless of how it makes you feel. I think that people should be aware of what they are in for, especially if they seek out information about it. If they are here reading, they must be looking to be informed, or they would just go, and never mind the <deleted>. I have seen many things discussed here, and often times, there is someone who takes it the wrong way, or gets offended, or says something we all wish we could or would have said. (geriatrikid)sp

There are plenty of Mods that are watching everything we say, and they have the ability to delete any post they do not feel is proper. I watched one get deleted before my very eyes.

I brought up the topic, which was deleted, but somehow, someone got offended, (which was not the person it was intended for...) and rehashed it with this topic, and then tells us how to get food poisoning. Some people really belong posting here rather than speaking out loud. At least here, someone can moderate it.

Huggs, you need to be moderated, sweetie!

Wise man say: Don't scratch arse and then chew fingernails.


I've read where 50% of food poisonings are self inflicted. Not washing your hands after using the toilet the main culprit.

Buttons off the ATM where someone who has not washed hands, shaking hands with someone with bad bathroom habits can get fecal on your hands which you accidentally ingest.

This is why grandma always insisted you wash up before eating............

Self inflicted? 50%? Oh my God. I would love to read where you read this. You would have to be a total fool to think that 50% of food poisonings come from .... I am not even going to repeat it.

Maybe 50% of YOUR food poisonings are from what you said. And what does this have to do with the topic. This is another example of someone reading something and then going overboard with something totally off topic. (Example: Wing Sun Topic, Post #3 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=176547 ) I am the relatively New User, and I am the one that made the comments...blah blah blah...

This forum exists to inform people, regardless of your personal interests in the topic, and regardless of how it makes you feel. I think that people should be aware of what they are in for, especially if they seek out information about it. If they are here reading, they must be looking to be informed, or they would just go, and never mind the <deleted>. I have seen many things discussed here, and often times, there is someone who takes it the wrong way, or gets offended, or says something we all wish we could or would have said. (geriatrikid)sp

There are plenty of Mods that are watching everything we say, and they have the ability to delete any post they do not feel is proper. I watched one get deleted before my very eyes.

I brought up the topic, which was deleted, but somehow, someone got offended, (which was not the person it was intended for...) and rehashed it with this topic, and then tells us how to get food poisoning. Some people really belong posting here rather than speaking out loud. At least here, someone can moderate it.

Huggs, you need to be moderated, sweetie!

Wise man say: Don't scratch arse and then chew fingernails.


Here... Here





Gerd, as a chef for Thai Airways, I am sure you would like to hear about your food from Phuket to wherever flights. Some will enjoy them and some will not. Deal with the criticisms when they come.

I have eaten at Dons for years and his food has gone down hill. Dark brown keylime pie, cold mash potatoes, old pot roast.

But Don is an incredible human being and he tries to do everything himself and he just cannot. From his farms up north to his restaurant here, he is stretched too thin and the quality has suffered. The service is one of the worst on the island.

But I have to say his bbqs on Saturday nights are heaven on earth. I will always go there, but I cannot take my guests there.

I've read where 50% of food poisonings are self inflicted. Not washing your hands after using the toilet the main culprit.

Buttons off the ATM where someone who has not washed hands, shaking hands with someone with bad bathroom habits can get fecal on your hands which you accidentally ingest.

This is why grandma always insisted you wash up before eating............

Self inflicted? 50%? Oh my God. I would love to read where you read this. You would have to be a total fool to think that 50% of food poisonings come from .... I am not even going to repeat it.

Maybe 50% of YOUR food poisonings are from what you said. And what does this have to do with the topic. This is another example of someone reading something and then going overboard with something totally off topic. (Example: Wing Sun Topic, Post #3 http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=176547 ) I am the relatively New User, and I am the one that made the comments...blah blah blah...

This forum exists to inform people, regardless of your personal interests in the topic, and regardless of how it makes you feel. I think that people should be aware of what they are in for, especially if they seek out information about it. If they are here reading, they must be looking to be informed, or they would just go, and never mind the <deleted>. I have seen many things discussed here, and often times, there is someone who takes it the wrong way, or gets offended, or says something we all wish we could or would have said. (geriatrikid)sp

There are plenty of Mods that are watching everything we say, and they have the ability to delete any post they do not feel is proper. I watched one get deleted before my very eyes.

I brought up the topic, which was deleted, but somehow, someone got offended, (which was not the person it was intended for...) and rehashed it with this topic, and then tells us how to get food poisoning. Some people really belong posting here rather than speaking out loud. At least here, someone can moderate it.

Huggs, you need to be moderated, sweetie!

Wise man say: Don't scratch arse and then chew fingernails.


Here... Here

I've never gotten food poisoning here Amanda and Ted.

Don't appreciate being called a fool Amanda, again, par for the course on your postings........

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