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A Horrible Smell Behind My House


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I dont see any advice in the forum as I search already, but I need help about my current situtation.

I live in a house in Korat, Land/house style village. Beside my house not part of the village are some stupid neighbours... and they polute very badly behind my home... (Not my land) but the smell is horrible they make coconut icecream and throw remains there! also the wash water and all that empties behind my home also throu a concrete pipe.

I attached a photo of the mess and layout...!

I have been to local council, and they spoke to the 'polluters' but they said the polluters are stupid and don't want to care... they play stupid music all the time... accelerate pickup all time loud... among other annoyances i dont wanna get into..

so we've complaned many times and nothing is being done...

can anyone help with possible own experiences, or any advice would be so much appriciated...


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Silly question, but have you actually talked with the people responsible in a constructive manner?

Then, there ARE actually environmental laws you could get someone to pursue.. My family had a lot of hassle regarding environmental laws, going to court, etc. Sucked. In the end we were forced to put systems in place to deal with the pollution. Was expensive, though ultimately for the better for everyone.

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Silly question, but have you actually talked with the people responsible in a constructive manner?

Then, there ARE actually environmental laws you could get someone to pursue.. My family had a lot of hassle regarding environmental laws, going to court, etc. Sucked. In the end we were forced to put systems in place to deal with the pollution. Was expensive, though ultimately for the better for everyone.

Forgive me if wrong, but in this case was it your family who were the polluters? Did the other party approach you before going to court? Your advice is interesting, as it appears that your family was only prepared to act for 'the better for everyone' after being compelled by the court.

Edited by Smithson
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I can't offer much help and probably asking the neighbour will achieve nothing as they will think there is no problem but i dont know? If of course once you've asked they will know who's complaining and then what? I see a similar site and smell except worse than this at my local 7-11 its piled high literally 7 feet of rubbish on an area of about 40m2 its been there years it must be full of rats etc etc and no one gives a dam_n. Any drive thru Thailand seems to give the same impression, "Thais love Thais" (actually I dont think they even do) but they dont care about their surroundings.

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I got the wife to speak to them.. polite speaking!! no anger! and they kind of shooshed her off..

Then they kept lighting fires in the cold season right on our fence (the land they used is actually the [footpath] councils land) where they have plenty of yard space!! my wife asked them not to light fires on the fence... they didnt care again so I went out with my high pressure water gub for my car and pretend to go commando on them, but they put it out and stopped until this year!! haha i didnt care this year, tho couldnt be bothered being upset!!

then they were prepairing for a party and playing MUSIC at the most insane volume at 5am.. the subwoofer was making all the glass in every room of the house shake.. wife went out and asked to please turn it off until 8am.. they did until 5:25am.. and left it on all day for 3 days..

another thing about the pollution.. they pretty much seem to be doing it worse now they know we dont like it.. the smell is really really bad like a toxic smell.. garbage is nothing compare to this.. trust me... think of milks / condensed milks left for months... and they other unknown liquids..

they also had 2 large PIGS fenced off to my fence.. so the smell is direct at my home and not their own home... even though they have land beside them for animals.. chickens and other crap...

these &^%Jing people are killing me... my anger is really growwng!

I've even though of tring to locate the poluted land owner, I dont think he knows. I might think of buying that land to force them to stop polluting!

it's really sad coz I cannot sit outside for relaxing beers.. the smell always travels with the wind towards my house for 9-10months every year!

these people are of the lowest class of people but with little money, i.e. having a decent set of land! it really upsets me that some humans act this way.

I can imagine the fun I will have when/if I own that land!!!.. I will first raise a fence around the area... block the concrete pipe... then they will have to fight the council to help them... see there is no undergound drain pipes it the area they live.. but the land and house area does.. and they forced me to state not to allow them to use the land and house's drains etc...

Next i will raise the land with a few tons on soil.. enzime the FARK outta it, and have the land higher than the road... coz it floods there bad... then they are stuck in the area as all the water in the poluted area will drain to the councils road!!!!

I'm pissed off I tells ya!

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Well, 'welcome to Thailand'. :D

That's why most people who do have the good sense to live in a compound don't want to live near the edges of it. :o

Forgive me if wrong, but in this case was it your family who were the polluters?


Did the other party approach you before going to court?

Well, it's a long story. Bit of a soap opera right there that I don't want to get into, but the Tambon organisation can either be very helpful, or a royal pain in the ass depending on which side of the fence you stand, literally. :D That the OP since said that it's public land would mean that there is an avenue there; the Tambon organisation is responsible for public lands.. Not saying they will just sprin into action, but given some time and persuation, you might find the necessary momentum on their side to begin to see things your way. It's a process.

Your advice is interesting, as it appears that your family was only prepared to act for 'the better for everyone' after being compelled by the court.

Well, it was not like they were doing anything that anyone else didn't do, but essentially the answer is yes. (Also it wasn't a residential area, so not completely comparable to the situation here, but did involve polluting public lands/streams.) Even jail time was for a while a possiblility, so don't dismiss environmental laws too lightly. (though again, mileage varies all over the place)

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Difficult situation. The land office should be able to put you in contact with the owner of the polluted land. If you were able to buy it and fence off the area as you suggest you are setting yourself up for a war of attrition - just be aware of that.

The loud music will also affect your good neigbours - what is their feeling?

Does anyone nearby draw water from a well - if so the ground water being polluted is a case in itself.

Are you on good terms with the local police? Meet with the local station's top cop - discuss the options open to you with regard to filing compaints about pollution and noise. If the police say there is no laws broken and no action to be taken - ask if they will also take no action when you play music 24/7 as well.

To whom do they sell the ice cream? Consider taking pictures of the enviroment where they make the ice cream and printing off copies - sending to local government offices - file report with police.

I am sure there are laws being broken in this situation - gather evidence - see a local law firm - follow through with large claims for damages.

The threat of legal action is nothing - do not tell them that you are seeing a lawyer - just do it. Get the lawyer to file a case with a judge/court. Only at that stage consider allowing them to settle out of court.

Pictures and video (time/date stamped) are useful. Get witnesses (village head or policemen are ideal) to visit and comment on the smell - write a simple witness statement and get them to sign it while visiting you - that can be used as evidence of the smell.

The idea of flooding the area would probably work - but spread the polluted water over a larger area and so increase the smell. Legal action would resolve the problem.

Final thought: Although these people (?) are really p1ssing you off - mantain a detachment do not be drawn in to allow this to be a personal attack (although you being farang is probably part of their 'fun') criticize their actions and the facts - refering to them and their music as 'silly' is not helpful and does not give you an advantage.

Best of luck.

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If you have a village association, let your village association Pooyai do the talking with the Village headman of your mooban. If you try to take care of things yourself, nothing will happen because (1) you are a foreigner and (2) you are a foreigner.

You have to learn how to work within the system. You should try to become a bit more Thai and participate in Thai activities - Ngan Tamboon - thod phapa etc...

Would be good if your village had an association. If it does, it would also be good if you participated in activities of your village association.


I dont see any advice in the forum as I search already, but I need help about my current situtation.

I live in a house in Korat, Land/house style village. Beside my house not part of the village are some stupid neighbours... and they polute very badly behind my home... (Not my land) but the smell is horrible they make coconut icecream and throw remains there! also the wash water and all that empties behind my home also throu a concrete pipe.

I attached a photo of the mess and layout...!

I have been to local council, and they spoke to the 'polluters' but they said the polluters are stupid and don't want to care... they play stupid music all the time... accelerate pickup all time loud... among other annoyances i dont wanna get into..

so we've complaned many times and nothing is being done...

can anyone help with possible own experiences, or any advice would be so much appriciated...

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And if you were to buy or rent another property in a gated community, try to find a house that is located away from the fence.

Another reason not to buy your own house in Thailand.

If you are renting the best option is to up and move.

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When you are dealing with people who cannot reason or have no ethics, then do it the Thai way!...With money, you can buy many services to make those people dissappear out of your life......... Talk to some police friends if you have any .....they would know how to help.

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See if a farmer will take the stuff they don't use for his pigs away from your house. it might also be good for fertilizer if possible. As for the music find out about that mosquito high frequency sound that they use agsint teenagers. There are higher frequecies that you could use on older people. Turn it on everytime they turn their music on or when they are sleeping(They won't sleep) Check out the youtube vids on this. It will kick their azzes if you can broadcast it over your speaker system.

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See if a farmer will take the stuff they don't use for his pigs away from your house. it might also be good for fertilizer if possible. As for the music find out about that mosquito high frequency sound that they use agsint teenagers. There are higher frequecies that you could use on older people. Turn it on everytime they turn their music on or when they are sleeping(They won't sleep) Check out the youtube vids on this. It will kick their azzes if you can broadcast it over your speaker system.

There have been some horrible comments here in these posts on this subject (not in the Thai spirit of thought or customs or way of life). Suggest talking with a local monk to try to intercede. Some of these other suggestions could led to violence and loss of face on both sides. Human nature is human nature but the person of the original post is not Thai and needs to remember that. :o

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^I'm not Thai and the people playing the music aren't doing things "in the Thai spirit of thought or customs or way of life" either. But you're idea isn't a bad idea.

BTW Please don't be so condescending. Are you Thai? If you are, are you talking to all the foreigners who post here? If you aren't Thai, then how would you know what the Thai spirit, etc is?

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I dont see any advice in the forum as I search already, but I need help about my current situtation.

I live in a house in Korat, Land/house style village. Beside my house not part of the village are some stupid neighbours... and they polute very badly behind my home... (Not my land) but the smell is horrible they make coconut icecream and throw remains there! also the wash water and all that empties behind my home also throu a concrete pipe.

I attached a photo of the mess and layout...!

I have been to local council, and they spoke to the 'polluters' but they said the polluters are stupid and don't want to care... they play stupid music all the time... accelerate pickup all time loud... among other annoyances i dont wanna get into..

so we've complaned many times and nothing is being done...

can anyone help with possible own experiences, or any advice would be so much appriciated...

Advice..OK. You are fukced. Good luck. :o

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I dont see any advice in the forum as I search already, but I need help about my current situtation.

I live in a house in Korat, Land/house style village. Beside my house not part of the village are some stupid neighbours... and they polute very badly behind my home... (Not my land) but the smell is horrible they make coconut icecream and throw remains there! also the wash water and all that empties behind my home also throu a concrete pipe.

I attached a photo of the mess and layout...!

I have been to local council, and they spoke to the 'polluters' but they said the polluters are stupid and don't want to care... they play stupid music all the time... accelerate pickup all time loud... among other annoyances i dont wanna get into..

so we've complaned many times and nothing is being done...

can anyone help with possible own experiences, or any advice would be so much appriciated...

Advice..OK. You are fukced. Good luck. :D

Perhaps the OP should have been more specific ie he was looking for intelligent advice.

In that case, would you be capable of contributing anything? :o

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If it was me I would consider building a very high wall on that side of the property. Another option would be to find a method of buying the land from them.

I had a small problem with noise a few years ago from a man who repaired motorbikes over the road from us. I simply got the wife to offer to purchase his land ( via a friend ) got it for a good price and now no problems with motorbikes racing up and down the street.

Edited by Asia4Play
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If it was me I would consider building a very high wall on that side of the property...

That was going to be my suggestion too. And possibly buy some industrial strength chlorine bleach that you can drip feed into the smelly area...

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It is the polite and friendly matter of asking if they would be so kind to stop that is the problem. Once you or your wife is out of sight they laugh their a$$ off

Grow some balls and RAISE your voice and threaten with lawsuits.

If not then go stand in front of the mirror and say 'mai pen rai' for a few thousand times. And while doing that bow deeply and practice a wai.

'Omelet du fromage'!

Edited by Khun Jean
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sex pistols, ha... well I use chimara, devil driver.. thats pretty much as rough as it gets... over my bose/yamaha system... sounds loud and clear... but thats for me... love my metals!

Fence... thats my next option.. infact I already spoke to a bloke to fill in the air vents in my fence. that way it will not goto my house as much... also if no good.. maybe from 2 meters to 3 meters with a slotted angle at the top for wind turbulance! make the wind follow around the fence and not over the top!!! that way channeling the bad smell to the no gooders, might make them think better!

lastly.. it's not really in me to start a war with someone but these people are retarded.. angry at everything coz they have less then other people.. this house is my father in laws house and I want to try to solve the problem for when they want to one day sell the house, be able to get more bahts!!!

I am not going to do anything.. I've asked him to try to locate the owner of the bad land.. and make him persue everything..

P.S. we are good people... the land and house village kind of f'ed them.. not us... they sooking about the land they are on being lower then ours and worry about flooding.. so apparently my wife said to me last night that her family gave them 7,000baht for soil for raising the land.. and they still treat us really bad...

my father in law has also made a foot path for them as they had no drive way and that was built as past as the fwence side of my house... I feel that we have done a lot to help them, and when we asked nicly to please try to find other methods for no moree polluting behind our house they started yelling at us and him

plus my father in law is very well respected by so many Korat people.. he owns a very large electronic shop and have many many police friends and friends in high places.. he is 100% thai, not thai/chinese and started with nothing.. and now have everything.. but he doesn't act like the way most thai's get when they start earning some serious money.. they are always up them selves!

I just dont want to stress anymore.. so I am going to leave it alone... I understand that I am a outsider here.. i've always been welcomed by thais.. but some people take what farangs say too deep to the heart! and take offence!! like the comments before that upset a thai person...

I love this country to heart, and defend this country more than my own home country on certain subjets.. but This is how I speak with my thai friends and they never get offended because when I do say an offencive thing that will tell me you should say that.. because I always tell friends to be honist with me and what i say.. some poeple are too ... dunno the word

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As for the music find out about that mosquito high frequency sound that they use agsint teenagers. There are higher frequecies that you could use on older people.
Human hearing fails with increasing age - higher frequencies would only affect local dogs and low flying bats! The Mosquito (I understand that is a brand name) is effective because it does not affect adults.
Turn it on everytime they turn their music on or when they are sleeping(They won't sleep) Check out the youtube vids on this. It will kick their azzes if you can broadcast it over your speaker system.
Domestic speakers do not reproduce frequencies above about 20-22 kHz, adult hearing will tail off from 16kHz or so - if they have been exposed to loud music for a duration during their lives (likely with Thais) then it is probably even lower.

What would be possible with domestic equipment (with good bass bins) is a low frequency signal, of the range 6-8 Hz. This is a frequency (experiment for best effect) could make people feel uneasy without knowing the exact cause - hide the speakers. But is is worth the bother?

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