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I Recognize The Fugitive

Ulysses G.

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Have a good look at those photos again and try and meet the guy to have a look. See if the distinguishing features on the photos match up. If they do then you must report it.

I say this only because your gut instinct doubt it is actually him. And so you need to check before making a move.

Bad idea

If it really is him he will be on the move or going into hiding sharpish. He needs to be reported ASAP.

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On the second pic (Interpol website) there's an interesting detail. The bad guy has a very visible crown.

I spotted that too, has to be the clincher.

Up to you now UG, we all know you'll do the right thing!

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Why don't you imagine yourself as one of those kids Dads.

How would you feel about this individual still on the street then and maybe molesting yet another kid while you could have done something about it.

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Why don't you imagine yourself as one of those kids Dads.

or an innocent man thrown in the hands of the Thai police (Interpol doesn't arrest anyone. They just gather information) + the tabloids + the TV crews. What a nightmare for an innocent man, maybe a father himself.

Pedophiles are bad but witchhunters are equally bad

UG, the crown is a very interesting detail. Get some kind of confirmation first and then do what you think is right.

Edited by adjan jb
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I remember reading a thread on here about a guy who got bitten by a venomous snake, and he posted a topic asking other posters whether he should go the doctor or not.

I thought that was the stupidest question I've ever read on here.

Now it seems people have to rely on other posters to decide whether they turn in a suspected peadophile. :o

It might also be worth remembering that if the guy is reading this thread he will up and dissappear whilst you are still twiddling your thumbs UG.

Turn him in, if he's innocent and you cause him an inconvenience then I would say it's worth the risk.

Of course be as sure as you possibly can be first and do it anonymously.

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UG, I wouldn't like to be in your shoes right now.

what, the chance to protect a bunch of innocent children in the future and help your fellow man doesn't appeal?

If he is innocent, no doubt it will become immediately clear upon arrest; the odds of being from the same area with the same distinguishing marks are fairly unlikely with the same travel record - balance of probability and all that.

We are talking about many kids. Not to mention the reality that these pictures of the guy are being distributed to like minded individuals as a way to promote Thailand not at all similar to what TAT has in mind.

I'd be man enough to do it to my name if i knew the guy i the resemblance is that uncanny. Why this has to be anonymous goodness knows.

Edited by steveromagnino
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UG, I wouldn't like to be in your shoes right now.

what, the chance to protect a bunch of innocent children in the future and help your fellow man doesn't appeal?

Throwing an innocent man in a Thai jail doesn't appeal much. My advice (for what it's worth) is to get some kind of confirmation (the crown for instance) before turning the guy in.

I don't like pedophiles (I'm the father of a 6 years old boy) but I don't like witch-hunters either

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I remember reading a thread on here about a guy who got bitten by a venomous snake, and he posted a topic asking other posters whether he should go the doctor or not.

I thought that was the stupidest question I've ever read on here.

Now it seems people have to rely on other posters to decide whether they turn in a suspected peadophile. :o

It might also be worth remembering that if the guy is reading this thread he will up and dissappear whilst you are still twiddling your thumbs UG.

Turn him in, if he's innocent and you cause him an inconvenience then I would say it's worth the risk.

Of course be as sure as you possibly can be first and do it anonymously.

Pity it is such a serious topic but congrats on 400 posts...see you in one more

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Why this has to be anonymous goodness knows.

Might as well advise him to do it anonymously. Unlikely he will do it otherwise.

And really, why not anonymously? There is still a chance he is wrong.

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Why don't you imagine yourself as one of those kids Dads.

or an innocent man thrown in the hands of the Thai police (Interpol doesn't arrest anyone. They just gather information) + the tabloids + the TV crews. What a nightmare for an innocent man, maybe a father himself.

Pedophiles are bad but witchhunters are equally bad

UG, the crown is a very interesting detail. Get some kind of confirmation first and then do what you think is right.

II saw a picture of a wanted guy on the internet that is the spitting image of an acquaintance. I showed the picture to my staff and they all think it is him too.

This was the original quote adjan jb! I agree with you, he may be an innocent man, but, he may not be too! He may also be a father too. At the moment they don't even know his name.

However, if he is innocent and can prove he was elsewhere at the time of the offences then he has nothing to worry about. If it is him then the original poster will have done a great service in letting the authorities know of his whereabouts. Paedophiles destroy young lives, they are not just BAD!

Take it from someone who has had first hand experience with this and all those years ago when it was reported to the authorities I was told "Well, he's your Dad, he can do what he likes with you"

Frankly, if he were in the same area as me and others like me, he would be far better off under the protection of the Police.

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Why this has to be anonymous goodness knows.

Might as well advise him to do it anonymously. Unlikely he will do it otherwise.

And really, why not anonymously? There is still a chance he is wrong.

There are so many people, understandably, who really dont want to 'get involved" that to take on an anomymous identity isnt such a bad thing, UG...weigh it all up, make you call inside your head and just do it either way or hand it over to someone who will.

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By posting what information he has on one of the widest read web forums in Thailand the OP has already reduced his options regarding doing his own private detective work and getting further confirmation on the identity of this man.

There is not time for a poll, or pages of moral dilemma, it would not surprise me if the information on this topic is not already on it's way to him. And if it isn't today, then it will be with him tomorrow.

The OP has forced himself into making a quick decision, and it needs to be taken with some immediacy.

Edited by burman
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However, if he is innocent and can prove he was elsewhere at the time of the offences then he has nothing to worry about.

As Crossy said (post #14), suspects make headlines upon arrest but innocent people never make headlines when they are released. their lives are destroyed.

Traveller5000 pointed out to the fact that a lot of people look like the man on the pics.

I just called for caution.

Yes, the crown should be the clincher.

Edited by adjan jb
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Guest Reimar

What about the crown.

As someone posted, the crown on his tooth could be the clincher.


Finally the Crown means nothing. It's just a matter of minutes to get one in an tooth and that could be done after UG had meet that guy! Ok, UG think he meet the guy and his stuff think same. So many wrong?

The best advice to handle facts like this. is not to go public, even not anonymous, just do what have to be done. But this advice is to late already.

As UG could see on the answer post's, the majority (nearly all) say what should be done. If it's true what UG has posted, there isn't any other way now: submit the info!


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And with the story posted all over the web, if it is him, it is only a short time before he goes into hiding. Reporting him should be something that was done immediately if you thought the pictures looked just like him.

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And with the story posted all over the web, if it is him, it is only a short time before he goes into hiding. Reporting him should be something that was done immediately if you thought the pictures looked just like him.

He wasn't sure if the children were willing or not. :o

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I agree with the above.

UG - It would certainly be a terrible burden to know that you wrongfully accused an acquaintance of this, of all crimes.

The flip side to this is carrying the burden of knowing you may have let a paedophile who has destroyed 100's of young lives, walk free, which will surely weigh heavier on your conscience in times to come.

Balance these and you will know the right thing to do.

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With children that young, there is no grey area on the point of consent. Yes they could consent but they are children who don't know any better. I would turn him in. Now if the objects of his attentions were 16 or 17, frankly I wouldn't.

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A good friend of mine works for Interpol and has recently been involved in the arrests of a number of morally unfit international citizens. I hear some pretty good stories. I also believe that Interpol would not act directly on information provided by an informant. Based on the things that I have heard, I’m sure they would use the tip and make a correct identification first before any arrests were made.

With this in mind, I think it that making the correct decision and informing Interpol of your suspicions would morally be the best direction to move in.

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If you have a look at the Interpol website you can find this information :

“While these images were only discovered two years ago, we believe the photographs were taken between April 2000 and May 2001 so clearly this man will be older than he appears in the pictures.”

Please have this in mind , he should look older today.

II saw a picture of a wanted guy on the internet that is the spitting image of an acquaintance. I showed the picture to my staff and they all think it is him too.

I have nothing against this person. He has done nothing to me and the internet does not describe what he has done other than some kind of sex charges with underage boys. If he forced them, he is a monster, and I don't mind telling on him, but, if they were willing, I am not sure that it is any of my business. I need to know more.

Should I rat this guy out or just ignore his resemblance to the fugitive? What do other TV posters think?

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UG, it's simple. Turn him in, if it's the wrong person no problem (he'll be free to go) , but these are exactly the sort of people that we all need to be vigilant about. We aren't talking about a vandal, we are talking about a person who abuses children. End of as far as I'm concerned, a simple decision.

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Interpol would now be receiving reports from around the world on this case.

You report that you are acquainted with a man who resembles the man in the picture, together with any other information you might have about this person; no more, no less.

Interpol will assess the information and proceed accordingly.

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II saw a picture of a wanted guy on the internet that is the spitting image of an acquaintance. I showed the picture to my staff and they all think it is him too.

I have nothing against this person. He has done nothing to me and the internet does not describe what he has done other than some kind of sex charges with underage boys. If he forced them, he is a monster, and I don't mind telling on him, but, if they were willing, I am not sure that it is any of my business. I need to know more.

Should I rat this guy out or just ignore his resemblance to the fugitive? What do other TV posters think?

If it is defiantly him, RAT HIM OUT !!! get trash like that off the streets-

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