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University Invokes Ban On Student's Short Skirts & Tight Blouses

sriracha john

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Bangkok Uni off Rama IV is bloody shocking!

I rode by one afternoon on my Duc and nearly ended up in the klong. dam_n dangerous.

And those stilettos. Jeseus H. Christ!

I'll take a taxi next time.

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Bangkok Uni off Rama IV is bloody shocking!

I rode by one afternoon on my Duc and nearly ended up in the klong. dam_n dangerous.

And those stilettos. Jeseus H. Christ!

I'll take a taxi next time.

And a camera! :o

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Yet for the third time I check on this thread's progress and still there are no new pictures.

Stop yakking, guys, don't bump it up unless you have something to show.

I agree.

After all, without new pictures, how are we to know if the problem has been corrected or not ?

Has the ban been effective ?

Have the skirts gotten longer, or shorter (in rebellion against the ban) ?

Have the blouses gotten looser, or tighter (in rebellion against the ban) ?

Without pictures as evidence, we've naught to do but ponder and speculate (and blame kayo for the ban in the first place). :o

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hope she is a beauty.
With that attitude?

I doubt it! :o

Hmmm so beautiful women can't have attitude? What next...beautiful women can't voice their opinion? Beautiful women sound pretty boring to me if they have no attitude or spunk! :D

Now you're talking !!! :D

Many beautiful women in Thailand do have spunk. We call them ladyboys! :D

Then they are boys not ladies.

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After much deliberation and close examination, I feel that this thread is both childish and degrading to women.

Willing to keep an open mind however, I have decided to re-examine the images posted with a male work-colleague of mine and discuss each image thoroughly and at length with him.

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  • 2 months later...

All these pictures kind of makes me sad that I have a girlfriend, haha... Although we see this girls all around the country, on a everyday basis, how many of us have actually "picked" one up? I mean, they might as well dress in a tight nurse uniform as these girls enrage the male hormons. But, try to pull up to one of them and ask them out for a date? Not only does it take freaking loads of guts to do that sober, but to do it in front of all her friends and in public, will only scare her of stamping you as a weirdo, unless you are part of the friend circle and speak fluent Thai...

And, moreover, how often have you seen these girls in their uniforms on the nightscene? umm? And - A nice note for concideration; Are most of these girls still as pretty without their uniform? :o

Btw - Does anyone got the phonenumber for this one? :


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All these pictures kind of makes me sad that I have a girlfriend, haha... Although we see this girls all around the country, on a everyday basis, how many of us have actually "picked" one up? I mean, they might as well dress in a tight nurse uniform as these girls enrage the male hormons. But, try to pull up to one of them and ask them out for a date? Not only does it take freaking loads of guts to do that sober, but to do it in front of all her friends and in public, will only scare her of stamping you as a weirdo, unless you are part of the friend circle and speak fluent Thai...

And, moreover, how often have you seen these girls in their uniforms on the nightscene? umm? And - A nice note for concideration; Are most of these girls still as pretty without their uniform? :o

Btw - Does anyone got the phonenumber for this one? :

I have a girlfriend too, who is a university student in BKK and will soon graduate (2009).

Yes, I have picked my gf from university where I used to teach. I am 33, she is 21. We get along very well. However, she does not wear tight shirts or short skirts.

So, at least there is one person who has actually picked up a girl from thai university. :D

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Oh why oh why am I not a super-human-robotic creature with camera within my eyes. The pictures I could share, muaha :D Well... Id would have to come with built-in memory, otherwise my girlfriend would get a hold of the memorycard and freaking slaughter me :o

Have any of you guys ever been out for lunch in one of the open cafeterias in MBK? Schoolgirl FRENZY that is :D You do not know which way to turn you head and you feel like running of with all of them, all the time.. he... And no, I'm not an old pathetic guy looking for young poontang... I'm at the prime of my life, 25... So why do I have a girlfriend when I like to stare (yes, stare, not look) at these girls? Well... Love and sex are two different things my friends... :D

I guess I got a bit of topic and shared too much personal information... Oh well... Good wednessday to you all!

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Wait a sec, you are saying that they wear their clothes really tight on purpose? ? ? ?

:D:D :D :o

Maybe it is like my daughter was at high school (Australia). I kept trying to buy her new school skirt as it was getting rather tatty (and also short) and she kept refusing. When I finally asked why found out it was because she didnt wnat to be thought of as a year 8 girl. Ended up by having to compromise and get her a second hand skirt that was faded and short but at least didnt have holes in it.

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