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The Grumpiest Ex-pat In Bangkok


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I am a bit confused, you mention the Emporium food hall and also the fourth floor?

But as far as I am concerned the Food floor is the ground floor, admit I have only once been to a higher level when it first opened. So can someone clarify?

Not in the LOS at moment but admit I would like to pay a visit to this site of a potential international incident. Hmmm yes I do like a nice quiche! :o

Childish I know but good innit


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Interesting stance Burman and I could try it, but when I think about it on the first time (Friday) I and my wife happened to be sitting in the middle seats quite innocently (the only people in the cafe!!) leaving "his" end seat free. As it was so close he still got mad and then slammed his stuff down the other side of me. It took a while before we realised that we had made him mad.

Every little mannerism I've noticed with this guy from his body language talking to the staff, the needless pushing away of my bag to the telephone manner he used in English and Thai while working ensured me that this is no nice guy.

If it wasn't me sitting in this area it would be someone else, as the staff said it's a regular occurance (with their tolerant smiles). I do actually feel a bit guilty for causing them a little more indirect abuse than they normally have with this guy though.

You sure this is not a German?

He seems to have a "Stammtisch" fixation. (That's a table clearly marked as reserved for regular customers in German pubs).

On the other hand, Basil Fawlty having a bad hair day....

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I'll arrive in Bangkok 20 june so I would like to reserve that seat for about 7 days if possible.

Free shows daily , what more can you ask for?

This must be the newest tourist attraction in Bangkok, I'll bring my camera.


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You sure this is not a German?

He seems to have a "Stammtisch" fixation. (That's a table clearly marked as reserved for regular customers in German pubs).

On the other hand, Basil Fawlty having a bad hair day....




You shouldnot have given the link, i am hooked all over again.

And sorry that i am not in Bangkok, would abolutely love to join in" Keeping it occupied"

If there is a need to chip in for chocolates/flowers or whatever for the staff working there, i will be happy to do that. :D


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right - if I don't get one of those cool emoticons announcing me as Thai Visa Quote of the Day - or something similar, I am going to be very cross :o

LIMERICK - The Grumpiest Expat in Bangkok....

A grumpy expatriate geezer

was keen for his coffee and pizza

said he 'you great fool!

- you've sat on my stool!'

and now it's the talk of Thai Visa...

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I forgot to say, this chap wants his place EVERY morning until lunchtime, including weekends. If he can't get it (after the outbursts) he does downstairs to the Salon cafe and comes up on a regular basis to get his seat. If unavailable, outburst. Repeated until he gets his seat.

Actually sounds like classic OCD, obsessive compulsives (like Jack Nicholson in "Good as it Gets"), daily routines are ritualized, any break from the norm throws these people into a tailspin. :o

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I forgot to say, this chap wants his place EVERY morning until lunchtime, including weekends. If he can't get it (after the outbursts) he does downstairs to the Salon cafe and comes up on a regular basis to get his seat. If unavailable, outburst. Repeated until he gets his seat.

Actually sounds like classic OCD, obsessive compulsives (like Jack Nicholson in "Good as it Gets"), daily routines are ritualized, any break from the norm throws these people into a tailspin. :o

I once shared an apartment with a guy who had it - I know I should not laugh but 17 years laters I still find some of his antics hilarious

Showering up to 6 times a day (in Scotland) and often pouring a whole bottle of dettol over himself to get "Really clean".

Eating 6 chicken pies at once but all upside down on the plate and making a hole in the bottom to eat the insides first and pastry last

Plug on bathroom sink wrapped around once to the right

loads more :D

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It does sound like OCD to me as well. If so, it presents an interesting situation. If considered to have a medical problem, is it still alright to "push his buttons"?

I say yes it is. We've all got a bit of the kid in us and this kind of thing is good fun for those of us not afflicted.

But since the OP has taken the time to write about it here, why not write a note to the offender and leave it with the staff to give to him.

In not unfriendly manner, point out the illogic of his actions and give him the link here so he can read for himself how his actions are perceived. :o

God give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us.

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You'd think a guy that had a job that gave him the time to sit in a coffee shop from breakfast thru lunch EVERY day would be feeling good enough about his station in life to sit anywhere available. Maybe the perks are better than the profits.

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If you check out Oriental Cafe at 9.50 you will see the staff have placed a plate of quiche at his place. They gladly move it if you want to sit there.

Leave it where it is, wait till he appears and then start to eat it.

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Suprised nobody has mentioned As Good As It Gets - there's a very similar situation in that film where Jack Nicholson plays an obsessive compulsive who must sit in exactly the same seat each every day at the same restaurant. He winds up the staff and the customers no end when he can't get things his way.

Got to say, though, this sounds a bit more entertaining...

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