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The Grumpiest Ex-pat In Bangkok


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So I live in Koh Lanta and cannot really go to occupy that seat as I would love to. Do they have Internet there?? Can someone set up a webcam so I can enjoy the fun from my dreamy island? Please let me know if you do this, when prime time is 10am or 12pm? Maybe you could repeat the highlights on Sunday evenings.

Shame he is a Brit, I dont like us letting the side down.

Hey don't be lazy. Find your own Mr Grumpy in your area. :o

CarlBkk.............. wake up......... wakeup............... get your running boots on boy, we're expecting big things from you today. What are we now, 3-0 GOM and 2 no-shows, it's about time you turned the tide here or the playoffs will be finished before you make a score....... whhhhoooo haaaa whoooo haaa, "C" "A" "R" "L" "GO CARL" ...............

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I was there, no GOM today, so thats a string of no-shows.... me thinks he is a reader now, in which case Mission Accomplished!! The staff had placed a large flower vase in HIS spot this morning at 10, maybe they are mourning :o . I took up a possie across the way at Starbucks, and a few girls came in at half 10, seemed to be clued in on the spot and sat there. No GOM


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I was there, no GOM today, so thats a string of no-shows.... me thinks he is a reader now, in which case Mission Accomplished!! The staff had placed a large flower vase in HIS spot this morning at 10, maybe they are mourning :o . I took up a possie across the way at Starbucks, and a few girls came in at half 10, seemed to be clued in on the spot and sat there. No GOM


Sod's law that the days people turn up he doesn't! Yes, the girls were from facebook and told me the same thing just now.

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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking, no matter how unlikable said individual in this case may be. I recommend all pages of the thread be printed out by some good TV member and presented to the local cop shop in the area just to make sure, and in case any untoward actions happen by any of the parties here,…..perhaps we will see a take down on the net….

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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking, no matter how unlikable said individual in this case may be. I recommend all pages of the thread be printed out by some good TV member and presented to the local cop shop in the area just to make sure, and in case any untoward actions happen by any of the parties here,…..perhaps we will see a take down on the net….

You could take any thread on TV, print it out, take it to local cop shop and the reaction would be the same, "Farang, bah!" Maybe they're right!

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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking

The guy hasn't even shown up for something like a week. It seems to me that he is coming out on top of this situation, not "the stalkers". :o

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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking

The guy hasn't even shown up for something like a week. It seems to me that he is coming out on top of this situation, not "the stalkers". :o

And it seems the shop has lost a regular customer.

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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking, no matter how unlikable said individual in this case may be. I recommend all pages of the thread be printed out by some good TV member and presented to the local cop shop in the area just to make sure, and in case any untoward actions happen by any of the parties here,…..perhaps we will see a take down on the net….

Dear Mr.Cop.

It was jellymeister that started all the harassment,his real name is..................and you can find him in............................

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The Emporium, 4th floor, is a regular place for me when in BKK.

If I was there, I would discreetly, have my cybershot ready at the hip.

If I managed to get an MPEG, it would be posted here.

Two or three TVers could set him up, well jump in the seat just as he arrives and sees it empty........... LOL

Unfortunately, it will be October before I return.

Seems he is not a poster in here, would be fun to see/read what his reaction would be.

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The Emporium, 4th floor, is a regular place for me when in BKK.

If I was there, I would discreetly, have my cybershot ready at the hip.

If I managed to get an MPEG, it would be posted here.

Two or three TVers could set him up, well jump in the seat just as he arrives and sees it empty........... LOL

Unfortunately, it will be October before I return.

Seems he is not a poster in here, would be fun to see/read what his reaction would be.

are you a wanna be stalker?

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Some of you people out there have totally overreacted to what is a completely harmless thread, where no one has been hurt and no one ever will be.

Infantile? probably

Childish? Why not?

A bit of nonsensical fun? For sure

But this is internet land where such things happen, and there are no lynch mobs he..ll bent on doing damage to someone. It's just a big joke

I'm sure that the worst that will happen to GOM is that he might not be able to sit on his cherished seat one day and might realise his boorishness. So far the opposite is the case so good luck to him.

To all those who have supported positively to this thread - including me - what a bunch of sad buggers :D

To all those who have responded negatively to this thread - get a life and a sense of humour :o

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this thread should have been closed a long time ago let alone running 28 pages

and especially when some more interesting topics get deleted after 5 posts something not right on TV these days

"Stop internet censorship - free speech" is what your avatar says, in case you forgot what you stand for.

Nothing has actually happened despite several of us "attempting" to provoke the GOM's angry reaction by trying to get to a public space in a cafe before him. He's golfing some days of the week so it's not an everyday occurance as I had thought, but the Oriental certainly haven't lost a customer...everything has remained the same. When he does show he's got there first. GOM 3-0 and I'm sure still no idea what's going on.

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this thread should have been closed a long time ago let alone running 28 pages

and especially when some more interesting topics get deleted after 5 posts something not right on TV these days

You don't get it, it's generating traffic and that helps to keep the lights on, :o
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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking, no matter how unlikable said individual in this case may be. I recommend all pages of the thread be printed out by some good TV member and presented to the local cop shop in the area just to make sure, and in case any untoward actions happen by any of the parties here,…..perhaps we will see a take down on the net….

:o:D :D :D

Officer, please have a look at this horrible injustice being committed. People are conspiring to sit on a man's favorite stool.

Edited by pumpuiman
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Someone should stack all the chairs up in a big pile at the spot where his breakfast has been laid out, with all arriving customers asked to take chairs from the pile and place them wherever they like as they enter.

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At what point does this ongoing joke by OP and his cronies cross the line between being a playful joke and constitute criminal harassment of another individual or vigilante style reactionism and/or stalking, no matter how unlikable said individual in this case may be. I recommend all pages of the thread be printed out by some good TV member and presented to the local cop shop in the area just to make sure, and in case any untoward actions happen by any of the parties here,…..perhaps we will see a take down on the net….

:o:D :D :D

Officer, please have a look at this horrible injustice being committed. People are conspiring to sit on a man's favorite stool.

Actually a stake out in a coffee shop is right up the BiB's street. Sitting around all day drinking lattes and eating buns? Yeah, no training necessary and with a bit of luck they'll choose the hot seat. :D

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No reports today?

Sad....I hope clandestine activities haven't ceased.

Please keep up the good fight.

Perhaps a weekly attack, as opposed to daily?

Thanks go out to the covert operatives....hope to see you here again soon.

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Now I will be the first to admit that it probably isn't PC to try to take someone's seat every morning. Then again we don't live in a PC world so I don't really care if it is or isn't correct in other people's eyes.

I suffer from OCD (which for people who don't know what that is; I tend to repeat things, have set routines, etc) but. .. I only went to the Emporium twice to try to take the GOM seat.

However, this morning when I showed up at my 'spot' to drink my coffee and read my paper someone was in MY chair!! Now I go to a food court that opens at 9 and has over 120 chairs, I know that because I counted them today. (Part of my OCD is a counting disorder; floor/ceiling tiles, light fixtures, etc). This food court is usually deserted with only the staff of the various food vendors in there at that time of the morning. True believers may attribute it to 'karma' but I think it was just dumb luck that of all the seats in the entire food court a foreigner decided to sit in the chair I've sat in nearly every morning for 3 years?

As an aside: I DIDN'T slam my paper down, curse loudly, speak rudely or make any scene when I found 'my' chair was taken. I sat in another seat, but freely admit to glancing at him several times.

It's almost enough to make me renew my interest in trying to get GOM's seat at the shop in The Emporium.

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I've been at Emporium the last two afternoons - but NOT at the CRITICAL time! :D However, BOTH times the seat has been taken... I wonder if it has become a hot seat by virtue of its fame on here :D .

Yesterday, whilst having a piece of the spinach quiche - delicious by the way.... I met a lovely Italian guy and we struck up conversation so at least if nothing else, I think it has made me more interested in others. I was waiting to see if he would mention Thai Visa & GOM but sadly he didn't, so I didn;t either. Still we had a good ole chat talking about living here etc. :o

Perhaps there's an opportunity for some marketing savvy individual to jump on the bandwagon for a sponsership deal at Thai Visa......... 'GOM Thread, Thai Visa & The Oriental - Bringing Fellow Expats Together' :D

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