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Tv Censoring


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I rarely watch Thai TV at all. However I have caught a few programs recently and noticed the extreme extent of the censorship. Whilst in a family home recently I watched a Japanese cartoon dubbed to Thai. In it one cartoon character was holding a gun. Incredibly the gun was pixilated out! I was most surprised. In the past I have seen cigarettes pixilated too. Then this morning my wife was watching a Japanese show in which a man was attacking another man with either an axe or a shovel I’m not sure which. The axe, or shovel, head was pixilated out! It was clear that he was trying to hit the guy with something it just wasn’t clear what. I fail to see the point in this sort of thing. I think the man employed to do the pixilation is after some over time. I wonder what they will find to censor next?

It’s been said before but it seems strange that anyone can see the real results of an axe or a bullet in full detail on the front of the paper, but you can’t see the actual axe or gun on the TV. Still, as we say TiT.

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There is another thread on this, but I will add my 2 satang anyway.

What beggars belief is that the gun is not pixellated until it is pointed at someone (ummm...I wonder what that is), the cigarette is not pixellated until it reaches the mouth (ummm....agian), and the tits are not pixellated until they come out.

I watched '300' on UBC the other night, I saw it first on pirate DVD (not in the cinema as they censor that too). I couldn't believe how much of it they simply cut out (not blurred, but cut). I dug out the DVD and fast-forwarded to the end. It was 12 minutes longer!!

Well TIT as they say. I see Rambo: First blood is on UBC tonight. I want the missus to see that as we watched the new one (again on DVD - I think the movie was banned completely as after editing it was 6 minutes long :o ), but she has never seen the prequels. Should be fun to see how they chop that one down.

It is the same with internet censorship, alcohol bans etc, etc. The Thais are brainwashed into believing they live in a democracy.

I sound like a whinging expat now, which I am not, but this does get my goat slightly.

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It's an age old topic, but one which repeatedly has us all mystified...

I had the misfortune to glance at a silly soap opera the wife was watching last night. One of the actresses was wearing a wedding dress, so needless to say she was completely covered up, yet they still decided to pixel/blur out her whole breast region.

Very likely reason why according to the wife? She had a tit job done.

Be warned girls - silicone induces blocky breasts.

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I had the misfortune to glance at a silly soap opera the wife was watching last night. One of the actresses was wearing a wedding dress, so needless to say she was completely covered up, yet they still decided to pixel/blur out her whole breast region.

Be warned girls - silicone induces blocky breasts.

Funny, I saw the exact same show, thought the same, and was about to post here, got beaten to it :o

The lady in question appeard to be showing 0.1mm of cleavage.

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All this pixelating of breasts, cigs, and violence, and yet you can still see an unedited scene of a middle-aged womanizer back-handing his wife on just about every soap opera! TIT

Of course, they are only censoring immoral behaviour, bitchslapping is positively encouraged :o

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...I wonder what they will find to censor next?...

Tom and Jerry?

Probably! :o

Don't laugh... Good old Tom & Jerry were taken off kid's telly in the UK by Mary Whitehouse back in the day... :D "Too violent" in her estimation. :D

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Recent reports of new Board of Censorship not controlled by the police - for movies will give an age related cert similar to the ones we are used to from the west. Supposedly this will reduce the cuts necessary. And of course all Thai parents will do the responsible thing and make sure their children do not view unsuitable material. After this great scheme has been a success, surely it will transfer to TV....

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Hi :o

Best thing is still - they censor the cigarette, the glass or bottle of beer in hand or on table, and the gun pointed at someone.

BUT the next scene - guy just got shot, pan in on the hole in his chest and the "blood" coming out of his mouth (always the same regardless where the shot hit, chest, head or left foot) and have him say his last words before collapsing..... in great detail!

So seeing the gun is bad for The Children but the consequences of the obvious (what looks like a pixellated gun, makes a loud "boom" sort of noise and generates a hole in someone's body??) will do all good, yes?

Another reason i never watch Thai TV (and generally very little TV at all, apart from F1 races. Wonder how long until TRUE starts showing the races time-lapsed to allow for censoring of the crashes??

Best regards.....


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It's not just b--- slapping that makes it thru...under the present set-up...

With apologies in advance to the ladies... it's rape also... There was a recent deal in the BKK Post with a Thai columnist complaining that rape has been/become a virtual staple of Thai TV dramas... And, while of course they don't actually show the purported act, they certainly show enough to be clear just what's happening... None of it pixelated, of course...

Personally...I HATE smoking... But it's always mystified me to see the Thai censors pixelating out the smoking of a cigarette on TV, but then having no problem with women getting slapped around and assaulted on the nightly drama...

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...I wonder what they will find to censor next?...

Tom and Jerry?

Probably! :o

Don't laugh... Good old Tom & Jerry were taken off kid's telly in the UK by Mary Whitehouse back in the day... :D "Too violent" in her estimation. :D

Actually saw this happen in Saudi when I worked there many moons ago. Know as the Aramco kiss you see people staring to get close and then moving away from each other. Quite amusing when the scene involved two cartoon characters.

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One of my favorite television programs is "ER", but they now pixalate the operations! I have no idea what that's all about, but you have no idea if it's a ruptured blood vessel or if they are massaging a heart--it's all gone!

We wouldn't want children learning anything about anatomy--even on the interior of the body, I guess!

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I think that in many situations, including this one, someone makes a decision and that sticks for a long time without anyone ever questioning the logic behind it (if there ever was any). It’s just a case of following without question. I guess this is the case in many countries but here it seems more prevalent. I think their moto should be ‘do, but don’t think’ or some such. We could have a whole topic on things that have been implemented seemingly without any thought at all.

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Japanese porn censorship mystifies me.. They pixellate genitals, but not other orifices or bodily emissions.

The internet legend "Tub Girl" being the best example of this.... :o

i did a google image search for "tub girl" (without safe search on).

the first result almost made me vomit. the thumbnail was enough for me. i didn't need to open it. probably one of the worst things i've ever seen. i now see why some people like censorship. my nightmares will be haunted forever.


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Japanese porn censorship mystifies me.. They pixellate genitals, but not other orifices or bodily emissions.

The internet legend "Tub Girl" being the best example of this.... :D

i did a google image search for "tub girl" (without safe search on).

the first result almost made me vomit. the thumbnail was enough for me. i didn't need to open it. probably one of the worst things i've ever seen. i now see why some people like censorship. my nightmares will be haunted forever.


With a line like that "tub girl" will be the most popular search of the day!


I remember almost losing my lunch when originally seeing that!

First and last scat experience I'm afraid. :D

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i see that this thread went dead after the mention of 'tub girl'. i thought i'd bring it to the fore front (after coming home from quite a few drinks) to have a discussion on censorship and whether or not these type of images should be out right banned, or should they still be allowed in public domain for purposes of causing your friends to go into seizures and epileptic shock.

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