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Deep Dark Secrets?


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Since this is an anonymous forum, do you have any deep dark secrets that you've never told anyone? I do. In my early teens I used to steal "March of Dimes" containers at the check-out stands of grocery stores. They were full of coins donated by customers and meant to help fund cures for childhood diseases. Have always felt pretty crummy about that.... :o

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I found a ladyboy rather attractive last night in Crazy Horse when we were showing visitors the delights of the 4 floors as they always expect us to do :o

Thing is one of the visitors did not know it was a bloke!

Edited by Prakanong
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As teenagers, me and a few friends supplemented our meagre pocket money funds by doing a mixture of legit and other odd jobs after school. We thought we were onto a winner when some bright spark suggested stealing lead flashing from derelict textile mill roofs on a night time. After a few successful and quite easy hauls we contacted a bent scrap dealer (are there any other kind?), and were paid in cash for our thieving endeavors. We obviously thought we were onto a real winner with this one, and continued until one night we were challenged by the police to get down off the roof! They had been watching us on this particular run, and had us bang to rights; carrying rolled-up strips of lead.

Unfortunately, one of our number panicked and tried to do a runner across the middle of this old mill roof. (You should stick to the edges, where the supports are still ok). He disappeared suddenly through a glass skylight, and us on the roof could hear the sickening thud as he hit the floor inside the building... :o

The upshot was that he was paralyzed from the fall, after he landed on some textile machinery inside the mill, and seriously messed up his spine. (He later was able to walk unassisted after a lot of surgery and therapy, but was never exactly the same healthy kid again ever). As "juvenile" offenders, we escaped with stern warnings from the cops only. They deemed that the shock (and shame) of seeing our friend almost killed was punishment enough.... They were right. It still makes me cringe to think of this incident now. :D

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i did pretty well out of the collection plate as a member of an altarboy embezzlement syndicate.

tips for weddings and funerals wern't too shabby either

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As teenagers, me and a few friends supplemented our meagre pocket money funds by doing a mixture of legit and other odd jobs after school. We thought we were onto a winner when some bright spark suggested stealing lead flashing from derelict textile mill roofs on a night time. After a few successful and quite easy hauls we contacted a bent scrap dealer (are there any other kind?), and were paid in cash for our thieving endeavors. We obviously thought we were onto a real winner with this one, and continued until one night we were challenged by the police to get down off the roof! They had been watching us on this particular run, and had us bang to rights; carrying rolled-up strips of lead.

Unfortunately, one of our number panicked and tried to do a runner across the middle of this old mill roof. (You should stick to the edges, where the supports are still ok). He disappeared suddenly through a glass skylight, and us on the roof could hear the sickening thud as he hit the floor inside the building... :o

The upshot was that he was paralyzed from the fall, after he landed on some textile machinery inside the mill, and seriously messed up his spine. (He later was able to walk unassisted after a lot of surgery and therapy, but was never exactly the same healthy kid again ever). As "juvenile" offenders, we escaped with stern warnings from the cops only. They deemed that the shock (and shame) of seeing our friend almost killed was punishment enough.... They were right. It still makes me cringe to think of this incident now. :D


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back in the days when there was a milkman and he delivered glass bottle pints to your letterbox, i used to steal my neighbors milk regularly. I was 5.I was never caught. I feel the gates of hel_l are opening as I type :o

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i did pretty well out of the collection plate as a member of an altarboy embezzlement syndicate.

tips for weddings and funerals wern't too shabby either

:o:D I also did well from the "Poor Box" and the "Catholic Herarld" newpaper rack. We'd wait until the last Mass and tip the rack upsidedown and let the dimes falll! "Altarboy embezzlement syndicate." Has a nice ring to it. We had a pretty good outfit as well. Even stole a 45 pound tabernacle (we thought it was made of gold). It was worthless but one of the funiest memories of my life.

Maybe it's time for a Bad Altarboy Syndicate club! You sinner!

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back in the days when there was a milkman and he delivered glass bottle pints to your letterbox, i used to steal my neighbors milk regularly. I was 5.I was never caught. I feel the gates of hel_l are opening as I type :o

The gates have opened... He is waiting for you. Gonna be hot.... :D:D:D:D

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A Kodak van crashed at the end of our road 'spewing' millions of photo's accross the street. I stole loads of 'interesting pictures :D ' and then burnt the remaining evidence. That fire swept over an abandoned wasteland and then burnt down a factory. I hid up a tree for 5 hours until the coppers and dogs went home! :o


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I lived and worked at "Shakespeare & Company" bookstore in Paris in 1980. Every morning I would open up the bookstore and steal 10 or 20 francs out of the till for a couple espresso and chocolate croissants and wine. The owner, George Whitman, really liked me, so I felt bad about it. He's a real character, must be in his 90's now.

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Top this one. God what a horrible thing it was. OK, I was raised a Catholic and attended a very strict Catholic school in Sacramento, California. I will name the school: Saint Ignatius - it still exists. In the old days, the nuns and priests were, to put it midly, "firm." I, on the other hand hand was, well ... "unruly", for lack of a better word. Thus, I bacame a punching bag (with my parents' blessings!!!) The nuns & priests slapped me around with glee. Oh, I exacted revenge by coming at night and setting off the fire alarms, breaking a few windows, stuff like that. But it wasn't until a certain Thanksgiving Day that true revenge reared it beautiful, evil head. The nuns had a brand new convent (paid for by the parishernors, of course). In the convent was a beautiful dining room - long table to accomodate 30 plus nuns. This particular Thanksgiving eve was a typical Sacramento November day with fog so thick you couldn't see a foot in front of you. I enlisted the help of my friend, Bill, also a punching bag, and we set out on a mission.

We arrived at the convent at dusk, peeked over the convent fence into the dining room. There it was behind the long glass window: a long gleaming table with some 30 nuns in their penguin suits sitting at the table - no doubt talking nun-talk. At the center of the table was a huge freshly cooked turkey. Lit candles were everywhere. Bill and I had already picked out our rather large stones and waited for the nuns to start their pre-dinner prayer. As they begun, we, wounded and bitter nun haters by this time, let hurl our payback. Two huge stones crashed through the plate glass window, shattering glass everywhere and got 30 nuns screaming in terror. Oh did we run...laughing so hard we nearly pissed out pants.

Poetry, it was. Pure

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When I was about 12-13 I used to throw stones at the british army saracens (sp?) at they drove around our estate. Sometimes they'd get out and chase us. BIG kick in the arse if they caught you. I remember lying under a hedge while a soldier prodded around with his rifle - scared me shitless.

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If I got if off my chest, then it wouldn't be a deep dark secret any more.

Right - that's the point -be ulcer-free! :o

Think of your health!!

Au contraire mon ami. Secrets do not necessarily cause ulcers or other health concerns. Being able to keep secrets or not tell specifics can be one of the worst things one can do in life, but it can also be one of the best. Many of the best and worst things in recent history have been accomplished because of deep dark secrets. When it starts to cause things like guilt complex which in turn leads to stress or other things, then perhaps one has a problem. Personally, it's easy for me to simply admit that I've never been perfect, never will be perfect, and all the things I've done or not done in my llife form the essentials of what and who I am today, and I would not change who I am today for anything in the world.

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An embarrassment of riches. I was once suspended from TV for 3 days for being a bad boy. The weight's been crushing me. Glad to relieve myself of that. I just changed my signature to help.

I scammed a bank 20K USD when I was 23. walked in with all fake documents. Fake address fake ID with a fake job and 2 days later there was 20 K in that Bank account . That persons been dead for 2 years so it looks like they will be chasseing a ghost. Sorry if this will offend people but desperate times call for desperate masseurs .

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