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Whiskey Snobbery In Thailand.


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Any of you noticed some thais walking into a restaurant with an expensive whiskey box,inside of which is a not so expensive brand bottle?

Last night i was impressed to see a group of thais sitting down for a meal near me,& opening a bottle of cheap & cheerful Mekong whiskey,which brought back hazy memories of holidays in thailand around 15 years ago.

Surely its going to be hard to appreciate the difference between whiskey brands once they have been diluted by soda & ice,so is it only image?

The same thing with Jack Daniels & coke in the west.After you put the sugary stuff in can you really tell whiskey apart?

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Ummm never noticed with the whiskey, but I did with Hennessy cognac in some male friends, and also the tipical glass of champaign or wine in a club.. haha.. well, Dom Pérignon is always welcome...

I do enjoy any, cheap or expensive depending of the situation, place, and company.. in the end the effect is the same, isn't?"

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the irony being sometimes, when people drink johhnny walker black label (because it gives them face, blah blah blah cough cough splutter)..that it is often the fake stuff from Laos.

I see that quite often as well. I stick to the J Red or Vodka and get the J Blue at the airport. But in the end I have the same splitting headache.

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Are you talking about whisky or whiskey? There's a big difference!

What even if you mix them with coke? :o

being a old grandpa might mean that you lose your taste. but as a youngster. i do not.

Coke does not dilute the taste of any kind of whiskey. of course if you'Re a light weight, you will put too much cola but 1/3 whiskey and 2/3 cola (or more whiskey) is enough to taste the difference

There is a HUGE difference in quality over the 350 baht whiskey at 7/11, the 800baht (100 piper) sewer whiskey, and the delightfull Chivas 12years old whiskey.

im not sure which blue label is the cheapest. but one time with my friend they ordered it(blue i think) without me knowning since i asked for the average or expensive one, well i got sick after 1 glass.. had to buy my own bottle.

of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

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of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

I nominate this as a candidate for Thai Visa "post of the day" :o

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Ummm never noticed with the whiskey, but I did with Hennessy cognac in some male friends, and also the tipical glass of champaign or wine in a club.. haha.. well, Dom Pérignon is always welcome...

I do enjoy any, cheap or expensive depending of the situation, place, and company.. in the end the effect is the same, isn't?"

skirt around your ears and vomiting?

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Are you talking about whisky or whiskey? There's a big difference!

What even if you mix them with coke? :o

being a old grandpa might mean that you lose your taste. but as a youngster. i do not.

Coke does not dilute the taste of any kind of whiskey. of course if you'Re a light weight, you will put too much cola but 1/3 whiskey and 2/3 cola (or more whiskey) is enough to taste the difference

Still think that if you take whiskey that seriously or claim to be a connoisseur you aint gonna be sticking coke in it.In fact i still doubt many whiskey experts could tell the difference to any degree worth noting if mixing with coke.Would you put cola in a remy brandy?

There is a HUGE difference in quality over the 350 baht whiskey at 7/11, the 800baht (100 piper) sewer whiskey, and the delightfull Chivas 12years old whiskey.

Drinking it straight,yes i agree.

im not sure which blue label is the cheapest. but one time with my friend they ordered it(blue i think) without me knowning since i asked for the average or expensive one, well i got sick after 1 glass.. had to buy my own bottle.

of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

So i cant drink a good wine with a good burger?

i believe snobbery is insisting on one set of values too loudly.

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im not sure which blue label is the cheapest. but one time with my friend they ordered it(blue i think) without me knowning since i asked for the average or expensive one, well i got sick after 1 glass.. had to buy my own bottle.

My word! One glass?! Are you for real?! What a delicate little petal you must be - as well as a snob.

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of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

I nominate this as a candidate for Thai Visa "post of the day" :D

Best example of warped thinking. :o

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of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

I nominate this as a candidate for Thai Visa "post of the day" :D

Best example of warped thinking. :o

Best example of completely transparent lie. Talk about amateur hour. How many high-rolling, Monte Carlo types have a grasp of English that poor? Or did his parents just spend so much money on magnums of champagne and buckets of foie gras that there wasn't anything left over to pay for poor Jimmy to go to school?

Edited by HS Mauberley
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of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

I nominate this as a candidate for Thai Visa "post of the day" :D

Best example of warped thinking. :o

Best example of completely transparent lie. Talk about amateur hour. How many high-rolling, Monte Carlo types have a grasp of English that poor? Or did his parents just spend so much money on magnums of champagne and buckets of foie gras that there wasn't anything left over to pay for poor Jimmy to go to school?

Exactly! :D

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being a old grandpa might mean that you lose your taste. but as a youngster. i do not.

Coke does not dilute the taste of any kind of whiskey. of course if you'Re a light weight, you will put too much cola but 1/3 whiskey and 2/3 cola (or more whiskey) is enough to taste the difference

There is a HUGE difference in quality over the 350 baht whiskey at 7/11, the 800baht (100 piper) sewer whiskey, and the delightfull Chivas 12years old whiskey.

im not sure which blue label is the cheapest. but one time with my friend they ordered it(blue i think) without me knowning since i asked for the average or expensive one, well i got sick after 1 glass.. had to buy my own bottle.

of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

What a whiskey snob. You

  1. only drink low - mid quality blended whiskeys, 12 years max.
  2. apparently have no idea what blue label is.
  3. mix your whiskey 2/3 cola 1/3 whiskey. ( :o )

Just FYI, watering down whiskey with water or soda is common practice. It allows you to taste the quality of the whiskey easier as the alcohol is not so overpowering. Whiskey is sweet enough for me, but some people tell me they can taste it even better with a splash of cola.

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Well, I think the restaurants are the snobs. I can't get Lao Kao in any of them so I don't go anymore. I drink it straight but after two glasses I have got to go home. Any more than that and I can't find my house anymore.

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Ummm never noticed with the whiskey, but I did with Hennessy cognac in some male friends, and also the tipical glass of champaign or wine in a club.. haha.. well, Dom Pérignon is always welcome...

I do enjoy any, cheap or expensive depending of the situation, place, and company.. in the end the effect is the same, isn't?"

correct the effect and end result is the same, however the effect the following morning is not the same.

drink cheap blends mixed with fizzy mixers and see how you feel the next day ( like crap ), drink quality single malts on the rocks or with water, will still get you pretty f****d up, but what a difference the following morning, no hangover, depending of course on how much you consumed.

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Well, I think the restaurants are the snobs. I can't get Lao Kao in any of them so I don't go anymore. I drink it straight but after two glasses I have got to go home. Any more than that and I can't find my house anymore.

A few years ago I couldn't even get a bottle of Mae Khong at a nightclub. Not wanting to drink that rock gut blended "Scotch" so mysteriously favored by so many younger Thai men, they sent someone down the street to purchase a bottle for me and then they poured my favored Mae Khong into an empty bottle of "Scotch" to maintain appearances. A slightly less pathetic instance occurred at a slightly upscale Thai eatery, but at least, after having me run down the soi in search of a bottle, they allowed me to display the bottle on the drink cart at the end of the table without having to resort to subterfuge.

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I understand the ego side of a cheap bottle in an expensive package, but some people do like a decent whisky. Now where can I buy (and for how much) a bottle of Oban?


I presume a trip to Bangkok is needed

If you stay in Chiang Mai I know one shop that might have it in stock will not be cheap ,traveling back to Chiang Mai tomorrow morning from Pai

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date='2008-06-11 18:23:50']Are you talking about whisky or whiskey? There's a big difference!

What even if you mix them with coke? :o

being a old grandpa might mean that you lose your taste. but as a youngster. i do not.

Coke does not dilute the taste of any kind of whiskey. of course if you'Re a light weight, you will put too much cola but 1/3 whiskey and 2/3 cola (or more whiskey) is enough to taste the difference

There is a HUGE difference in quality over the 350 baht whiskey at 7/11, the 800baht (100 piper) sewer whiskey, and the delightfull Chivas 12years old whiskey.

im not sure which blue label is the cheapest. but one time with my friend they ordered it(blue i think) without me knowning since i asked for the average or expensive one, well i got sick after 1 glass.. had to buy my own bottle.

of course ive never been poor and have always drank or ate great food, so my taste is developed. if you come from a regular american family eating cheap hamburger steaks nightly, its normal that you dont and are just jealous of people with more money than you enjoying themselves to a nice alchool.

jeez, weve got a live one here,

coke does dilute the taste of whisky, suggest you try a bottle of johnny walker green label, pour 2 glasses, mix one with coke and tell me you can taste it, god forbid you ever got your hands on a decent bottle of whisky, who knows what you would do to it.

you mention 100 piper sewer whisky, i take it you are talking about the 800 baht a bottle 8 year old blend, well whats the difference apart from price with 100 piper and chivas regal which is a 12 year old blend, and certainly wouldnt be considered a top shelf whisky any where in the world, i personally think the 100 piper tastes better, but then i am drinking the contents, others are only wanting to be seen drinking the bottles label.

which blue label is the cheapest, if you are talking whisky, there is only johnny walker blue label, however seeing as you dont appear to know much about whisky maybe you are getting confused with smirnoff blue label, which is a vodka.

i certainly am not jealous of people with more money than i, nor am i jealous of people enjoying nice alcohol, i enjoy nice alcohol myself. however it amuses me when i see philistines wasting a good bottle of whisky, but then again i console myself with the fact they probably suffer from some sort of inferiority or persecution complex, after reading your post i havent yet formed an opinion as to which complex you are suffering.

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I'm not a connoisseur of whiskeys, and am not particularly fond of scotch. I started drinking JD because most places didn't carry my favourite brand (Canadian Club).

I remember one time (years ago), asking a certain bar if they could get me a bottle of CC. Took them awhile but they did find one. I compared it to a bottle of Thai whiskey (not Mekong). The two were almost identical, except the Thai whiskey was a little lighter. Mixed with coke, tasted pretty much the same.

But because CC isn't a common brand, I switched to JD. I've found that even mixed with coke, it's pretty easy to distinguish the taste (which I've done on occasion when a bar has tried to switch to a cheaper brand and bill me for JD).

I mix my drinks with coke (and ice) so I don't end up getting plastered after 4-5 drinks. If I were to drink it "straight up and neat", with the way I normally drink, I'd barely last an hour on a night out ! :o

Mixing it lets me go from relaxed to pleasantly buzzed to somewhat hammered to (if I stick around long enough) "staggering blindly home so I can spend the rest of the night praying to the porcelain queen" (which is usually followed by the thundering hang-over soon after).

I've rarely had a hang-over in Thailand though. There have been a few occasions where I've gotten to the point that I just knew I was going to be hurting the next day, but most times I have a good sense of when it's time to call it a night, and that's it. Pay the bin and go home. It may be early, it may be late. The party may just be getting going, but if I don't feel like paying the piper in the morning, I'm out of there.

(only a mere 49 days to go before I can even think about having a whiskey !) :D

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I do enjoy any, cheap or expensive depending of the situation, place, and company.. in the end the effect is the same, isn't?"

Far from it.. The hangovers I get from cheap spirits, non single malts etc.. Far far worse.

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Islay malts .... mmmm

you can shove your blended JW's - Jamesons is much better value and taste for your money.

Agree.. Always like Irish whiskeys so much more..

We can get Tullamore here locally and I find that a great tipple.. Very low on the hangovers.

Been a long time but I remember enjoying powers gold label a lot too..

I will drink whiskey on the rocks, with ice water or even soda.. Nothing with more added taste / sweeteners than that.

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It is true that different people have different palates. For some, expensive gourmet foods, wines, and spirits are a complete waste of money because they lack the genetics combined with experience to appreciate them. For the super tasters among us (I am somewhere in between) low quality food and drink is a kind of torture.

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