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Security Tightens At Government House To Block Anti-govt Protesters


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There is a nice interview with Supinya (free speech activist) in today's Nation where she tears into the hyper-conservative and nationalistic PAD and its right-wing mouthpiece ASTV. Have a look!

But you know that some of the PAD leader have a communist background?

When you are there, it is full with communists "in the spirit of Che" etc. but also right wings, it seems to attract both sides, definitly not only right wing.

Yes, many forms of detritus in that PAD alright!

Phew... good to know you'll now be changing your mantra of right-wing, right wing, right wing... look forward to your new rendition.

Hey, it's Supinya, the free-speech activist, who is calling the PAD "ultra-conservative and nationalistic". I'm just repeating her view as I've been for some time now. Of course, I agree with her characterization.

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There is a nice interview with Supinya (free speech activist) in today's Nation where she tears into the hyper-conservative and nationalistic PAD and its right-wing mouthpiece ASTV. Have a look!

But you know that some of the PAD leader have a communist background?

When you are there, it is full with communists "in the spirit of Che" etc. but also right wings, it seems to attract both sides, definitly not only right wing.

Yes, many forms of detritus in that PAD alright!

Phew... good to know you'll now be changing your mantra of right-wing, right wing, right wing... look forward to your new rendition.

Hey, it's Supinya, the free-speech activist, who is calling the PAD "ultra-conservative and nationalistic". I'm just repeating her view as I've been for some time now. Of course, I agree with her characterization.

Did she call them right wing, right wing, right wing?

btw, how did she characterize PTV?

Edited by sriracha john
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As soon as PAD reduced pressure, Samak started talking about rewriting the constitution. PAD appears to be the only entity that has influence over him.

PAD really didn't have much choice. Dwindling public support and the courts ruling that they were a disruptive force against the public interest. And to top it off their bizarre proposal that the Thai government should be largely appointed rather than democratically elected. PAD has really shown its true colours recently as a force against democracy and its supporters are deserting it in droves as a result. Their anti-Thaksin mantra is wearing a little thin now that the courts are dealing with it and the PADS true agendas are becoming apparent.

You seriously don't believe that do you? Samak's ambition to *still* try and amend the constitution in a blatant attempt to get Thaksin's allies of the hook as got people talking today - mainly in disbelief he's still pressing on this one after the street protests of last month.

Can any of his supporters on here attempt to defend this move? Why the h_ell bring it back up again? Is it plain arrogance, or stupidity, or a good deal of both? What a poor choice of PM, no matter which side of the fence you are on.

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As soon as the new charter drive starts taking shape, PAD will see its support growing again.

The same was with Samak's threat of breakdown - government creates an agenda for protesters itself.

I don't think he seriously wants to try his luck again, he probably spoke out of desperation, there's so much opposition to unilateral "save you ass" amendments even Samak must have noticed it.

Had a discussion with my wife (PAD supporter)

If Samak is going to change the constitution what PAD is going to do.

Masses will be on the street against it.

If he let the masses on the street, anyway they are peace-full, and just change it.

What can you do???

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Now that the Democrat Party is facing dissolution due to corruption, it does seem like the PAD will have to fabricate a new agenda against the elected government. We can all watch the ultra-conservative circus bloom on ASTV, the FOX NEWS of Thailand!

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Now that the Democrat Party is facing dissolution due to corruption, it does seem like the PAD will have to fabricate a new agenda against the elected government. We can all watch the ultra-conservative circus bloom on ASTV, the FOX NEWS of Thailand!


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Now that the Democrat Party is facing dissolution due to corruption, it does seem like the PAD will have to fabricate a new agenda against the elected government. We can all watch the ultra-conservative circus bloom on ASTV, the FOX NEWS of Thailand!

Distributing movie tickets. :Dhttp://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Democrat-Par...ml#entry2087074

Shocking news or desperate accusations? :o

Reminds me of TRT's if we go down you go down attitude before dissolution, they did made false accusations back then as well, it's PPP's turn now.

After running two parties into the ground they're talking about a creating a third one already :D Disposable money hungry and submissive fools.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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Well Tony, it's the EC who seem to think the case had enough merit to take on, and being a Red Card rather than Yellow it would seem to indicate some seriousness. Still, innocent until proven guilty.

Just for my guide though, what level of bribery would you deem to be the cut-off point between legal/illegal? Somewhere between the price of a movie ticket and the oft-quoted "few hundred baht" obviously.

What surprises me about this case is that until Samak brought it up on Sunday, the English language press seem to have totally ignored it. Odd considering the amount of column inches dedicated to highlighting EC cases against the coalition.

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Not only English press ignored it, Thai as well.

What seems strange is that Samak knows about it. EC itself is waiting for a report from the regional office, there was a leak somewhere.

Initially the case was burried until some further evidence came up.

I don't know what will come out of it, perhaps it's PPP's new strategy in response to dissolution threat - drag as many people down with them as possible, hoping that someone blinks and drops it.

They also included NCCC in their list of targets, screaming that they act unconstitutionally.

Looks like the Empire strikes back.

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The case has been on the cards for ages. I heard about it a week or two ago on a blog - it's why I was asking on an earlier thread if there was anywhere online I could get a list of the remaining cases before the EC, as I didn't want to post anything until I knew it was true. The English language press also totally ignored the 10 other cases that were dropped at the time too (5 PPP, 4 Dem and 1 Chart Thai I think from memory), but it was written about in Matichon.

I agree with you that the PPP's trying to bring down the Dems with them, but not specifically with this case as it was already under consideration. You've now got the 60-odd MPs and Senators being accused of holding shares in breach of the Constitution. Perhaps what Samak's trying to do is show the Dems how unworkable it is, in an effort to get the rewrite.

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Yeah, I haven't read all the details of that "shareholding" scandal yet.

I remember they accuse Suthep of holding 50k worth of shares in True. They True is a media company and so politicians can't hold ANY shares in it.

Would be interesting to see how it develops. True Corp isn't really a media company, only their subsidiary True Visions (former UBC is).

Let's see how it develops in the next few days, I doubt this new strategy will play off, at least publicly, though they might get some backdoor concessions from NCCC or OAG or DSI.

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Yeah, I haven't read all the details of that "shareholding" scandal yet.

I remember they accuse Suthep of holding 50k worth of shares in True. They True is a media company and so politicians can't hold ANY shares in it.

Would be interesting to see how it develops. True Corp isn't really a media company, only their subsidiary True Visions (former UBC is).

Let's see how it develops in the next few days, I doubt this new strategy will play off, at least publicly, though they might get some backdoor concessions from NCCC or OAG or DSI.

Personally I dont blame the PPP for trying to take the opposition down in this way. Its all politics. Eye for a eye and its the only way to show the Dems, that the Coup's Charter is total rubbish and needs to be urgently changed. They are only demonstrating the weaknesses by using the Dems tactics. Nothing wrong with that.

I have got a question. Why when ever I go to read the BKK post online do they always have a picture of PAD even though every other paper has cut back on its coverage of them. Every single day they have a photo of their supporters or their leaders on their page. I now that the paper is obvously Anti-gov and politcally biased from the content, but why do they make it so obvious?. Is it part of the Sondhi media empire like ASTV? .

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BP is owned by the same family that owns Central dept stores.

Back in March-April they were VERY anti-PAD in their editorials and opinions.

Perhaps they are realizing just how bad the current government is for their business. For any type of business for that matter.

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BP is owned by the same family that owns Central dept stores.

Back in March-April they were VERY anti-PAD in their editorials and opinions.

Perhaps they are realizing just how bad the current government is for their business. For any type of business for that matter.

One of the theories of how the seemingly invincible PPP falls apart is absed on its financial backers (and it has more than just T) pulling the plug because of their pure incompetence and inability to deliver a stable climate for these people to prosper. Its as likely as anything else I guess especially when considering Thailand is rapidly falling behind the rest of Asia in its responses to the world economic situation which is probably not helped by PPP seemingly not having any capable economist or financier it can position in the important portfolios or maybe its just the feudal warlord factions that now run the party arent willing to allow anyone qualified to actually take a post incase they lose out on some graft. It is not a good government to have around in a time of economic crisis that is for sure. No policy beyond handouts.

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They need a good deal on SRT land for their flagship Lad Prao store, but the paper itself had other problems to tackle - tremendous lawsuits, meddling with editorial board and on. It's not that simple.

BP can't be easily "bought" by talking to its owners - it has its credibility at stake, any visible change in direction coupled with allegations of backroom sweeteners and it's done. They are forced stay with the pack that includes not only English but Thai newspapers as well, any aberration would stand out.

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Hammered, is Vietnam doing any better than Thailand now? What about Chinese inflation? Indians also had a piece of some very bad news served recently, though I don't remember what it was exactly.

The point is these countries have governments trying to address the issues whereas Thailand definitely does not. All are in a bad position but to sit and fiddle while Rome burns puts you into a relatively worse one. Shawn Crispins last piece touched on this too.

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Hammered, is Vietnam doing any better than Thailand now? What about Chinese inflation? Indians also had a piece of some very bad news served recently, though I don't remember what it was exactly.

The point is these countries have governments trying to address the issues whereas Thailand definitely does not. All are in a bad position but to sit and fiddle while Rome burns puts you into a relatively worse one. Shawn Crispins last piece touched on this too.

Rome is not burning. You have been attending to many PAD rallies and watching to much propaganda on ASTV. Everything is alright still. The Governemnt could be doing much better if the charter was changed.

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Hammered, is Vietnam doing any better than Thailand now? What about Chinese inflation? Indians also had a piece of some very bad news served recently, though I don't remember what it was exactly.

The point is these countries have governments trying to address the issues whereas Thailand definitely does not. All are in a bad position but to sit and fiddle while Rome burns puts you into a relatively worse one. Shawn Crispins last piece touched on this too.

Rome is not burning. You have been attending to many PAD rallies and watching to much propaganda on ASTV. Everything is alright still. The Governemnt could be doing much better if the charter was changed.

Hey dont fixate on local issues too much. Rome is burning refers to the international economic situation. :o


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Hammered, is Vietnam doing any better than Thailand now? What about Chinese inflation? Indians also had a piece of some very bad news served recently, though I don't remember what it was exactly.

The point is these countries have governments trying to address the issues whereas Thailand definitely does not. All are in a bad position but to sit and fiddle while Rome burns puts you into a relatively worse one. Shawn Crispins last piece touched on this too.

Rome is not burning. You have been attending to many PAD rallies and watching to much propaganda on ASTV. Everything is alright still. The Governemnt could be doing much better if the charter was changed.

yeah you are right!

punishments for fake, fraud cheating should be legal than the government can do a lot better in their pockets.

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Yeah, I haven't read all the details of that "shareholding" scandal yet.

I remember they accuse Suthep of holding 50k worth of shares in True. They True is a media company and so politicians can't hold ANY shares in it.

Would be interesting to see how it develops. True Corp isn't really a media company, only their subsidiary True Visions (former UBC is).

Let's see how it develops in the next few days, I doubt this new strategy will play off, at least publicly, though they might get some backdoor concessions from NCCC or OAG or DSI.

Personally I dont blame the PPP for trying to take the opposition down in this way. Its all politics. Eye for a eye and its the only way to show the Dems, that the Coup's Charter is total rubbish and needs to be urgently changed. They are only demonstrating the weaknesses by using the Dems tactics. Nothing wrong with that.

I have got a question. Why when ever I go to read the BKK post online do they always have a picture of PAD even though every other paper has cut back on its coverage of them. Every single day they have a photo of their supporters or their leaders on their page. I now that the paper is obvously Anti-gov and politcally biased from the content, but why do they make it so obvious?. Is it part of the Sondhi media empire like ASTV? .

They tried it and failed miserably last time they were dissolved.

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How somebody can call this 'PAD" democratic ??? my wife has been asked why she don't go protesting: easy money !!!!!!!.

Very sad Didi

<br />
History shows when demonstrations of this kind build up as they seem to be inevitably there will be trouble. Despite the PAD saying it will be a peaceful march there will be those that want to cause trouble and once it starts the ending is always the same as the police have no choice but to do something. I hope it doesnt happen but that would contradict everything that has happened before.
<br />It is already not a peaceful march. That is out the window. It seems there intent is to breach police lines. Reports (from what I read) indicate the PAD is forming multiple smaller groups to make it tougher to disperse. Reportedly, the 5PM time for the big push came from ASTV, which could be a diversion. <br /><br />There is no need for all this. The Democrats are going about this 100% in the correct way. Work through the system and keep the system. Otherwise chaos prevails.<br />
<br /><br /><br />
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Couldn't find a more appropriate thread on the first page, so here it goes:

Tehre's a pieve about PAD taxi club in today's BP and at the end a few words from the original "We love Thaksin" club as well:

Mr Chinawat admitted that some pro-Thaksin taxi drivers had poorly treated passengers who objected to criticisms of the ousted prime minister.

''It's their right [to clash with passengers], but not all of us do that,'' he said.

It is the right of taxi drivers to clash with passengers?????

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Normally you'd expect a driver to lose his licence for abusing legitimate passengers, I doubt any other company would keep an employee who goes into fist fights with customers.

But, maybe as Tony said, after years of propaganda they think it's their right.

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New Lèse Majesté charges against Sonthi L. today.

Who is the plaintiff and who exactly approved of the charges?

Going for revenge and trying to iron out the charges against Jakaprob and the crazy lady Na Torpedo? :o

Edited by Tony Clifton
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New Lèse Majesté charges against Sonthi L. today.

Who is the plaintiff and who exactly approved of the charges?

Going for revenge and trying to iron out the charges against Jakaprob and the crazy lady Na Torpedo? :o

Actually, an Arrest Warrant has been issued and the Police has been ordered to arrest him on sight; hence Sonthi won't be making an apperance at the PAD Rally Site tonight.

The Police Chief did elaborate that Sonthi will be given a chance to surrender himself to the Police Station by tomorrow and further hinted that most probably Sonthi shall be denied bail as police don't practice "double standard" (that probably was referring to the recent arrest of the woman whom was also charged for lese majeste and denied bail too).

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