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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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I do find the Thai woman in average more childies during the sex than the average Western woman... :o

Also when i watch the Thai TV I find it all a bit childies.

Are you meaning " Childish" ?

But I've often thought that could also be a large part of the attraction, many Thai women are built very small ,tiny like children .

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I do find the Thai woman in average more childies during the sex than the average Western woman... :o

Also when i watch the Thai TV I find it all a bit childies.

Are you meaning " Childish" ?

But I've often thought that could also be a large part of the attraction, many Thai women are built very small ,tiny like children .

Yes, I meaned that word. I think your right in that...

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Im sure it has been said before in this thread (I forget now, as its only recently been re-bumped and too many pages to read), but isnt it generally natural to want to be somewhere there is an availability of sex, especially for men.

I imagine it just depends on what kind of sex you want and with whom (im not talking positions here btw :D ). If you are looking for no strings attached sex, with pretty girls/boys/or something in between, in an easily accessible friendly environment, then it does seem that Thailand provides that. Areas here are well known to be "boys playgrounds".

Men, from what im told, find it easier to detach sex from emotions than women. So I can see the attraction from the male point of view. However, for men who stay here, I find it hard to believe they want this lifestyle long term. I think men, after spending a lot of time in the candy store, begin to crave something more comforting. There is a vast difference between no-strings sex and the comfort (and discomfort) of having a long-term relationship. Having someone looking out for you, caring for you, laughing at your (terrible :D ) jokes, making your meals, and washing your smelly socks and undies, surely must be something all men want in the end. Or am I deluded........? :o

Not really, it depends on the personality of the person and if they like the individual(singleton) over the group (married with kids/family) which is what it boils down to.

A guy in the army, a buddy of mine actually swore blind that all men have a biological clock and his hit home in his late 20s ( he was a married stay at home type, loved kids etc). He didn't seem to realise that not everyone is the same. 'you too Jim will hit this biological clock' he repeatedly chirped.

Well I've yet to 'hit' this biological 'sphere' and I don't think I will, not everyone is the same.

The group-minded types usually start topics like this one off to learn more about the individuals IMO, which is no bad thing.

You have to remember that the 'settling down sometime' is a womans perspective and usually one that entails some degree of control over the man (especially in the west).

Well, I've been coming to Thailand for nearly ten years an even after living here for months on end I don't really see the major attraction to living 24/7 with a Thai woman, unless she is not a meddler and happy to give me my space. Trouble is this is not usually the 'Thai-way' because they are asian and are group-minded (usually).

Me, I prefer to keep things fresh and have my own life where I can do my own thing. It boils down to freedom at the end of the day and quite a few of my friends have traded that in for the genie in the bottle, only they find getting it back in is impossible and more than once they've admitted they crave the bachelor lifestyle.

For me a bit of graft to take care of yourself and wash and clean your own place and things is really not that hard. In fact I'd go as far to say that if someone gets hooked up just for the housekeeping aspect then they are seriously needy, desperate or just a lazy so and so IMO.

Just to re-afirm, being a bachelor in Thailand does not mean fcking everything that moves, you'd end up broke, off a balcony or just burnt out (usually the case) with a percentage of the dudes I hang with, but that's not to be ashamed of as people are people and sex is just one of the great aspects of LOS living.

Too many of the goody-two-shoes types seem to totally be out of touch and see an out-of-date stereotype sexpat male as the definitive singleton here in Thailand. Ladies and puritans, the days of old-folks being the majority are over, you'll find in a lot of areas now the age range is more in the 20s to 40s. Viable age for courting young Thai ladies.

The whole bar scene is a different style now, some nice girls there, but for the most part Thailand has moved on a bit and the girls in the bars are not the big thing they once were.

Thai women (at least in Bangkok) are more 'foreigner friendly' so where the groove was once in the bar scene, for me just meeting ordinary thai girls and seeing what the groove is works.

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Just to re-afirm, being a bachelor in Thailand does not mean fcking everything that moves, you'd end up broke, off a balcony or just burnt out (usually the case) with a percentage of the dudes I hang with, but that's not to be ashamed of as people are people and sex is just one of the great aspects of LOS living.

Too many of the goody-two-shoes types seem to totally be out of touch and see an out-of-date stereotype sexpat male as the definitive singleton here in Thailand. Ladies and puritans, the days of old-folks being the majority are over, you'll find in a lot of areas now the age range is more in the 20s to 40s. Viable age for courting young Thai ladies.

The whole bar scene is a different style now, some nice girls there, but for the most part Thailand has moved on a bit and the girls in the bars are not the big thing they once were.

Thai women (at least in Bangkok) are more 'foreigner friendly' so where the groove was once in the bar scene, for me just meeting ordinary thai girls and seeing what the groove is works.

Well said! :o

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Just to re-afirm, being a bachelor in Thailand does not mean fcking everything that moves, you'd end up broke, off a balcony or just burnt out (usually the case) with a percentage of the dudes I hang with, but that's not to be ashamed of as people are people and sex is just one of the great aspects of LOS living.

Too many of the goody-two-shoes types seem to totally be out of touch and see an out-of-date stereotype sexpat male as the definitive singleton here in Thailand. Ladies and puritans, the days of old-folks being the majority are over, you'll find in a lot of areas now the age range is more in the 20s to 40s. Viable age for courting young Thai ladies.

The whole bar scene is a different style now, some nice girls there, but for the most part Thailand has moved on a bit and the girls in the bars are not the big thing they once were.

Thai women (at least in Bangkok) are more 'foreigner friendly' so where the groove was once in the bar scene, for me just meeting ordinary thai girls and seeing what the groove is works.

Well said! :o

Since when did the words 'how much?' constitute 'courting'? :D

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I`m here for sex, but no one fancies me.

Are you male or female?

I`m male and if you are female, I`m yours.

Thats the great thing about Thailand you can pull as easy as that.

I'm devastatingly good looking, make lots of money, am extremely generous, have a personality that men aspire to and women can only blushingly admire, am renowned for being a great lovemaker and am so very modest.......yet still i find it a pain in the ass to get a sweet slim feminie size 8 aged about 24 in the UK whereas in LOS i dont have these problems.

Saying that id prefer a perfect looking English girl to a Thai one, but it means putting in more work and i really cant be bothered blowing smoke up some chicks ass for the small possibility of a bunk up.

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I`m here for sex, but no one fancies me.

Are you male or female?

I`m male and if you are female, I`m yours.

Thanks, but no thanks .

Knowing how Thais' feel about " Falong" I'd rather be alone -I'd be embarrassed to have a Thai boyfriend.

Plus, I don't clean up after whisky circles and have no desire to be murdered for my savings - I can do without sex ( with others) just fine.

But I"m realizing something else that predisposes men to relationships with Thai women is the foreign business laws too.

I"m finding it very difficult to open a business wheras , reading this forum before I moved here I was under the impression it was quite easy.

Yeah, if you puy everything under a Thais' name . NO WAY

Yet another Two-faced aspect of Thailand . Land of Bait and Switch.

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wow...HorseDoctor.. i have to say you seem to have a rather blinkered view of Thailand and Thai people. I agree that sometimes the bureaucracy can be frustrating and I also truly hope things change regarding working here/having a business/obtaining a visa. But, even so, im here and thats my choice, so despite things that I do not like, the good outweighs the bad for me. If i recall correct, i think i read that you have been in Asia for 5 years (or am i mixing you up with someone else?), so I guess I can understand if you have lived in other Asian countries such as Singapore and Malaysia which are much easier to gain visas etc for. But just as i wouldnt compare one European country with another, i dont do the same with Asian countries. I take each one as it comes, and adapt.

Personally im not at all embarrassed to have a Thai boyfriend. Why on earth would i be? I even forget to see him as Thai much of the time, I see him purely as a man. Its only when something cultural comes up for either of us that i realise there is a gap at times in our cultural understanding or practices. I am also much more understanding if we have any problems that arise, because I remind myself we come from very different backgrounds. Neither of us drink alcohol, and both of us are very private people, so certainly no "whiskey circles to clean up". Financially, he has MUCH more money than I, so if im murdered for my meagres savings, it would be a drop in the ocean for him (but frankly the concept is laughable. I realise it happens of course. But usually the background and situation of the people involved is MUCH different).

I dont really understand why you think that dating a Thai man (or a western man dating a Thai woman) would incur all of these negative presumptions. Do you really think these things when you see a western woman with a Thai man? Frankly, if you, or anyone else does, its something I dont see, because im just too busy getting on with my life to worry about others speculation.

But anyway, best of luck to you, i hope things smooth out for you in Thailand..or at least you adapt to the way things are. Chok dii! :o

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wow...HorseDoctor.. i have to say you seem to have a rather blinkered view of Thailand and Thai people. I agree that sometimes the bureaucracy can be frustrating and I also truly hope things change regarding working here/having a business/obtaining a visa. But, even so, im here and thats my choice, so despite things that I do not like, the good outweighs the bad for me. If i recall correct, i think i read that you have been in Asia for 5 years (or am i mixing you up with someone else?), so I guess I can understand if you have lived in other Asian countries such as Singapore and Malaysia which are much easier to gain visas etc for. But just as i wouldnt compare one European country with another, i dont do the same with Asian countries. I take each one as it comes, and adapt.

Personally im not at all embarrassed to have a Thai boyfriend. Why on earth would i be? I even forget to see him as Thai much of the time, I see him purely as a man. Its only when something cultural comes up for either of us that i realise there is a gap at times in our cultural understanding or practices. I am also much more understanding if we have any problems that arise, because I remind myself we come from very different backgrounds. Neither of us drink alcohol, and both of us are very private people, so certainly no "whiskey circles to clean up". Financially, he has MUCH more money than I, so if im murdered for my meagres savings, it would be a drop in the ocean for him (but frankly the concept is laughable. I realise it happens of course. But usually the background and situation of the people involved is MUCH different).

I dont really understand why you think that dating a Thai man (or a western man dating a Thai woman) would incur all of these negative presumptions. Do you really think these things when you see a western woman with a Thai man? Frankly, if you, or anyone else does, its something I dont see, because im just too busy getting on with my life to worry about others speculation.

But anyway, best of luck to you, i hope things smooth out for you in Thailand..or at least you adapt to the way things are. Chok dii! :o

I'd be embarrassed as I have a deep suspicion that Thais' dislike us " Falang" intensely and I would most likely be buying him.

And from what I've seen of Thai men , they expect the woman to do all the housework, (of course men all over the world are like that.)

Seeing you are in Chang Mai, I'm wondering if Phuket is different from the rest of Thailand? I've had Thais' tell me that it is full of more con-artists and skanks...

However, men are being ripped off every day by Thai women, why would a reverse situation be any different except that it's not acceptable to me to be used for money ?

I have a visa , and I have plenty of money , I just got suckered into thinking it was easy to have a business when it's all about putting everything into a Thai partners name.

Lying pisses me off

Even at Immigration whan I was first jumping through visa hoops the officer RECCOMMENDED fraud , " Just get married" There's something really wrong with that , no?

I find a large proportion Thais to be two faced scammers, if it weren't for them, I'd like Thailand So I go to onlinle forums to write out my aggressions.

I just wish I could at least SEE some good looking men, my thread searching for male strip bars was shut down within minutes !!

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Hi HorseDoctor, I understand that it can be good to voice frustration on a forum. Better here than in real life! I have never been to Phuket, so i cannot comment on that. Although my understanding is that generally the beach places have a lot of beach boys out for a good time, rather than looking for a long term commitment. Many western girls who visit there are on holiday, and just looking for a fun time too. I imagine if they hook up with a local guy, they probably are the ones paying for many things, because they want a good time, and their guy probably earns a lot less. Plus she has holiday money to spend, right? This might give the locals a wrong impression or at least a warped impression of foreign women. Apologies if im VERY wrong on various points, have really just garnered this from reading posts on Thaivisa and other resources over time.

Although CM has its fair share of tourists,i think it generally attracts a different kind of tourist and expat than the beach resorts. Many families come here and backpackers and trekkers and such. The vibe is quite tame and chilled and the expats are friendly (from what i have experienced). I dont see many tourists and expats coming here for a wild time. (Again, im only going on what little i know. Im not trying to put down the south areas at all.) The only south area I have been to was Coral Island (across from Pattaya), and it felt like at every turn someone wanted to try scam..turning on the mock charm to gain a sale or rip me off or get a freebie item (ie: "can see your sunglasses? where you get? Oh nice, i like." *smiling a lot* "can i have?..as souvenir?" (again, just my own experience, and was only for 1 day).

Whenever I have to go to Bangkok, I feel hassled and stressed by the big city environment. Mainly the feeling that i get from the Thai people, that im just a foreigner. I dont feel at home. Only when i speak Thai (not that i speak it great, but enough to gain smiles and compliments on my ability) do i feel that i am suddenly 'seen' as a person. In Chiang Mai, i feel at home whether i speak Thai or English. I just feel the people are more welcoming.

As for Thai men, I can only comment on my own experiences. I have met a lot of really lovely Thai men ( i dont mean dating, i just mean interactions). I have only dated one Thai man (still am) and like any relationship it has its ups and downs. And, if you are curious, he is taller than me (i am around 5'7"), he does cleaning (without me asking!), and he even puts the toilet seat down! :o

It sounds like you are feeling pretty wound up about things, and i dont blame you, but I dont know what to suggest. Too easy for me to say learn to have a "mai pen rai" attitude, but im sure thats not helpful. I just wanted to try give you a different perspective and hope that you will have some positive experiences in the future.

Best of luck.

Edited by eek
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Oops kinda got way off topic from the OP's original question. Sorry!

Off-topic and argumentative posts have been deleted from this thread.

I think it's time some of you went back to read the Forum Rules to which you agreed to abide by when you joined the forum.

Further flaming and trolling will result in suspensions.

Aww..I miss out on all the fun :o

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Thank you Eek for post # 357 . Very thoughtful

YOu're right I do get wound up and I'm really not so awful , just write about what frustrates me , so sorry MOD still OT ..

Anyway , SEE Guys this is how to disagree on things, no name calling no trying to put down because of beliefs ...

So no, I"m not here for sex .

Edited by HorseDoctor
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