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American Election Results 2004


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The IamMaiC Show

It's time to play the music

It's time to light the lights

t's time to meet IamMaiC on the IamMaiC Show tonight.

It's time to put on makeup

It's time to dress up right

It's time to raise the curtain on the IamMaiC Show tonight.

Why do we always come here

I guess we'll never know

It's like a kind of torture

To have to watch the show

And now let's get things started

Why don't you get things started

It's time to get things started

On the most sensational inspirational celebrational IamMaiCtational

This is what we call the IamMaiC Show!

(Gonzo blows his trumpet)

:o Breathe between posting fellows. Breathe!

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I have been following BBC and CNN today with great interest. Isn't it time for US to change the constitution to count popular votes instead of electorital votes?

Bush is the true winner with more than 3,000,000 votes!


This simple fact about the American voting system using the electoral college, is part of what makes America great. That is, whether people like it or not, every facet of the American government is built with systems of checks and balances. This was the most amazing foresight on the part of the people who wrote the constitution.

What the current electoral college system, even the smallest states can have a say in the presidential decision, every bit as much as the largest states.

This simple fact is what separates the US from most of the other so-called "democracies" around the world. It prevents a larger population group from bullying-around another smaller population group.

To do away with the electoral college system, would be the first step in moving the country closer toward the socialist and communist regimes in other parts of the world. That is just my opinion of course.

But back to the realities of the matter, indicates that the likelihood of doing away with the electoral college is virtually infinitesimal. To do so would require a constitutional amendment, approval for which requires approximately 2/3 of the states in the nation. There is no way that lesser populated states like Maine, Alaska, Wyoming, Rhode Island, et al, are ever going to go for it.

By the way, requiring this large of a majority for a constitutional amendment is also part of the system of checks and balances. It helps to ensure that while allowing for change, the whole system remains effectively stable.

As for people voting for the losing side, all I can say is that is just sour grapes and not focusing on the real deal. The real deal is that even without Bush defeating Kerry, quite handily by the looks of things, the Republican party still made huge gains in this election. That is, the Reublican majorities in the Senate and House got even larger than they were before.

For people who are truly set on the Democrat Party in the US, this should send a clear message. That is, the Democrat Party is in chaos and has no real goal or leadership. This is the legacy of the Clinton and McAuliffe years. Everything was designed to take advantage of the many to benefit the few, and when all is said and done, their legacy is one of waste and ruin for the party they have led. They have lost and lost big. It will take a minimum of one or two decades for the Democrat Party to recover.

I hope the people who tend to vote along Democrat Party lines, will keep this in mind when the Ice Queen Clinton announces her presidential candidacy in a couple of years. In the meantime, I would hope the Democrat Party would develop some sort of realistic game plan to benefit its supporters. While I tend to vote the other way, having this happen would also benefit the USA in the long run.

In conclusion, for things to change, the Democrat Party has to change. It has to really do something to help the Rainbow Coalition that it pretends to represent and support, rather than just saying such. It has to have a long term game plan, something that it very clearly does not have in the present time. In the end, making this change sooner rather than later, will benefit the people of the US.

Just my 2TB worth.



With that being said, all I have to say now is woo-hoo, way to go Bush! I picked up my winning bet from the bookies last night and had a celebratory night out.

Kerry was not electable. The Democratic Party knew this but lied to their constituency by making him the candidate. All of this is part of a larger strategy to open the door for the Ice Queen Clinton in 2008.

If she wins, may "God" help us all. The thought is simply too scary to imagine.

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I have been following BBC and CNN today with great interest. Isn't it time for US to change the constitution to count popular votes instead of electorital votes?

Bush is the true winner with more than 3,000,000 votes!

Kerry was not electable. The Democratic Party knew this but lied to their constituency by making him the candidate. All of this is part of a larger strategy to open the door for the Ice Queen Clinton in 2008.

If she wins, may "God" help us all. The thought is simply too scary to imagine.

Hve to agree with this.

Be very interested to see the results next election. if the Ice Queen gets in with a large majority...I wonder what Bush supporters will be saying then?? :o

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Be very interested to see the results next election. if the Ice Queen gets in  with a large majority...I wonder what Bush supporters will be saying then?? :o

The response will be very simple.

The Republican held House and Senate will tell Ms. Clinton something along these lines:

"Madam President, let us be frank. We don't like you. We had quite enough of you in the 1990's. You will not get a single piece of your agenda passed, unless you play ball by our rules. Period. Understood? Good!"

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Well, keep it coming. I must say, most hilarious reading, educational and a good insight in the local customs, traditions and mentality of the USA.

I will not comment pro- or con for US-interior questions, but as said before, his job, as far as I understand is President of the U.S.A. So that's where he should work for the best of the people who elected him and for those who did not, as well.

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Excellent post, Spee.  You've done more to educate folks with that one than the previous 15 pages of ???

BTW, Hillery's nick is "Hildebeast" and boy, does she live up to that one! :o

I forgot to add one more thing that further illustrates the whole situation with the Democrat Party.

Their own Senate minority leader Tom Dacshle (sp?), or as he is known on Capitol Hill "Tom Dash-hole", could not even win re-election in his home state.

That is a huge political statement with respect to indicating what a sorry state the Democrat Party is in.

All I can add is "Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

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While I was there(iraq)  a terrorist  I'm not sure if he was involved with the achille Laro  (hope i spelled that right) or the hijacking of an airline where he killed a leon klinghoffer (A jewish man in a wheelchair)  But he gave himslef up to military forces and Saddam had no terrorist ties!!!!

Wonderful! Over 1,000 Americans dead and billions of dollars spent -- net result: one tinpot dictator deposed and one terrorist who killed a guy twenty-five years ago apprehended. Lives and money well-spent, I'd say!

Meanwhile, the guy who killed 3,000 Americans with an investment of less than half a million dollars is still at large (and not living in any cave, from the looks of his most recent video). Nice!

your a piece of work DICK :o

"You're". Keep working at it: you'll be capable of reading "My Pet Goat" before you know it -- maybe even without having to move your lips!

sorry typing too fast had to go back to work excuse my typo :D

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i just want a US President that can spell, know the Capital of Canada and most of all know he needs my permission to bring his votes from Alaska across BC to the good old USA to be counted. now that ive got that out of my system  for all Canadians like it or not GO BUSH GO!!! a us PRESIDENT that wont cow tow to middle asean leaders or Aribic countrys that use what ever means to get world attention. As for weather he is the ri

looks like nokmdk needs the President to help him with his own spelling:-








you amaze me and the rest. can not count how many private pm's saying they get the joke of the note, but then again, theres always one who types the answer without reading the what was really being said. poof your a goat :o

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I will not comment pro- or con for US-interior questions, but as said before, his job, as far as I understand is President of the U.S.A. So that's where he should work for the best of the people who elected him and for those who did not, as well.

Axel, your point is really spot on!

There is a very vocal and strong far-right wing element within the Republican Party. For many people like me, who tend to lean Republican but are not fanatical Republican, the possibility of this element gaining stronger control and moving the Republican Party even further to the right, is just as scary a thought as having the Ice Queen elected to the White House.

The fact is that as a whole, the American population is generally centrist but more to the right of center (ie., conservative) than to the left.

With all of their recent successes, the biggest mistake the Republicans could make at this point is allowing their party to slide further to the right. This would make people want to vote the other way.

On the other hand, this is also part of what makes America great. People don't like it when the pendulum swings too far left or too far right. It if does, then people will vote to swing it back the other way.

Again just my own wrong opinion.

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Excellent post, Spee.  You've done more to educate folks with that one than the previous 15 pages of ???

BTW, Hillery's nick is "Hildebeast" and boy, does she live up to that one! :o

I forgot to add one more thing that further illustrates the whole situation with the Democrat Party.

Their own Senate minority leader Tom Dacshle (sp?), or as he is known on Capitol Hill "Tom Dash-hole", could not even win re-election in his home state.

That is a huge political statement with respect to indicating what a sorry state the Democrat Party is in.

All I can add is "Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

Now I used to think that Americans were all good guys got behind anybody who was voted President? :D

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The IamMaiC Show

It's time to play the music

It's time to light the lights

t's time to meet IamMaiC on the IamMaiC Show tonight.

It's time to put on makeup

It's time to dress up right

It's time to raise the curtain on the IamMaiC Show tonight.

Why do we always come here

I guess we'll never know

It's like a kind of torture

To have to watch the show

And now let's get things started

Why don't you get things started

It's time to get things started

On the most sensational inspirational celebrational IamMaiCtational

This is what we call the IamMaiC Show!

(Gonzo blows his trumpet)

:D Breathe between posting fellows. Breathe!

did you write that FTH?? or did Pvt Dick do it?? :o

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I have been following BBC and CNN today with great interest.

I also followed the CNN live broadcasts, which did nothing to further opinions that CNN is known as the Clinton News Network or the Communist News Network.

I found is disgusting and at the same time hysterical that when it was getting down to the end, and FoxNews and MSNBC had already given Ohio and the election to Bush, that there was ol' Wolf Blitzer calling naming Ohio as a "too close to call" state.

(Having that idiot Larry King as a "lead" political analyst was also a joke.)

Talk about grasping at straws when these facts were plainly evident. Bush held a majority vote of about 135,000 in Ohio. The Dems were prepared to challenge based on their claim (supported by CNN) that there were as many as 250,000 "provisional" ballots still left to be counted.

Well, actual facts were that there was only a maximum potential of about 140,000 provisional ballots authorized and of that amount, only about a third were used. So even in the remote possibility that all 30-40,000 provisional voted went in favor of Kerry, there still was no change of overcoming the present majority.

Yet the Communist News Network went on for hours and hours basing their election coverage on this lame claim. What a joke! I hope their sponsors hit them right where it counts, in the wallet, by running quickly to the competing networks, as CNN's future political coverage ratings fall into the abyss.

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What is remarkable in the post election arena is how unhinged the Bush-haters have become.

There is a high level of civility(except the notable exception of tornado/gent) here compared to some other forums.

I'm relieved the most liberal US senator who lied about his vietnam record was soundly put in his place of ignominy.

I can understand why so many are so sorely misinformed about GWB because the mainstream media is systematically against him. Just look at the crew on CNN and you would think someone ran over their collective dog.

The reason Bush got re-elected is that he has proven himself tough on terrorism.

With his leadership everyone should be breathing a sigh of relief. These murderous scum suckers, like the ones here in southern thailand have their days numbered.

How there is possibly any justification for flying an airliner full of people into a skyscraper???

If there is anything GWB stands for he stands for the annihilation of the dirt who would commit such acts.

The rest of you can do your group Bush is a monkey acts, but the truth is that the mandate of the american people is to squash these terrorists.

YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE IT! Because as Americans and victims of 9/11 our foreign policy will not be dictated by the myopic nitwit who walks the streets of Paris!

I celebrate the decisive victory of president George Walker Bush.

I am content to let anyone who want's to steep in their ignorant hateful myopia simmer

cheers! :o

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Kerry was not electable. The Democratic Party knew this but lied to their constituency by making him the candidate. All of this is part of a larger strategy to open the door for the Ice Queen Clinton in 2008.

If she wins, may "God" help us all. The thought is simply too scary to imagine.

"Ice Queen" :o Appropriate name in a country where the men crave power and the women crave the next best thing, an erect p*n*s :D

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What is remarkable in the post election arena is how unhinged the Bush-haters have become.

There is a high level of civility(except the notable exception of tornado/gent) here compared to some other forums.

I'm relieved the most liberal US senator who lied about his vietnam record was soundly put in his  place of ignominy.

I can understand why so many are so sorely misinformed about GWB because the mainstream media is systematically against him. Just look at the crew on CNN and you would think someone ran over their collective dog.

The reason Bush got re-elected is that he has proven himself tough on terrorism.

With his leadership everyone should be breathing a sigh of relief. These murderous scum suckers, like the ones here in southern thailand have their days numbered.

How there is possibly any justification for flying an airliner full of people into a skyscraper???

If there is anything GWB stands for he stands for the annihilation of the dirt who would commit such acts.

The rest of you can do your group Bush is a monkey acts, but the truth is that the mandate of the american people is to squash these terrorists.

YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE IT! Because as Americans and victims of 9/11 our foreign policy will not be dictated by the myopic nitwit who walks the streets of Paris!

I celebrate the decisive victory of  president George Walker Bush.

I am content to let anyone who want's to steep in their ignorant hateful myopia simmer

cheers! :o

I like this guy ! ( If your not a guy , sorry )

Well said .

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I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

If you think these states you refer to are the 'educated states' especially California, you don't get out much. I lived in California and Texas. The high school graduates in Texas run circles around the folks in California as do most of the high school graduates from the supposedly 'stupid-states.' One of the very reasons Bush won is many Americans in the coastal states have the same stupid opinion of middle in the heartland and ultimately, the folks in fly-over country finally got tired of the generalization.

You'd be lucky to really meet a lot of these people, even luckier if many were your friend.

That said, you and others with similar views in the states will probably keep up the same silly rethoric and guarantee the next Republican the Whitehouse as well.

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I think it comes down to the un educated/red neck states. If you noticed where Kerry won his votes, they were all from the educated/business sector, like California - 55 college votes, New York - 85% and the list goes on.

The majority of Bush's support comes from the non passport holders, who havent travelled, watch Fox news, donate to TV evangalists and generally lie around taking up space.

If you think these states you refer to are the 'educated states' especially California, you don't get out much. I lived in California and Texas. The high school graduates in Texas run circles around the folks in California as do most of the high school graduates from the supposedly 'stupid-states.' One of the very reasons Bush won is many Americans in the coastal states have the same stupid opinion of middle in the heartland and ultimately, the folks in fly-over country finally got tired of the generalization.

You'd be lucky to really meet a lot of these people, even luckier if many were your friend.

That said, you and others with similar views in the states will probably keep up the same silly rethoric and guarantee the next Republican the Whitehouse as well.

Yes maybe your right. Next time Im in the US, I will befriend Bubba, Billy Joe and his wife/sister. Maybe we could start the day with Fox news, a nice breakfast of McDonalds, watch Dr Phil and Oprah and then to do a spot of huntin before dinner.

After dinner it will be down to the saloon for a bit of country and western music and discussing alkaeda and how we should be killing those useless muslims. Then home for a cuddle with sis. Im off to book my ticket! :o:D

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As long as the Democratic Party continues to marginalize the middle of America, they will lose. If they put together a cohesive platform that represents the majority of Americans instead of the special interests within their own party, they will win. Until then, they will not.

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#1 - Uninformed

#2 - Silly

#3 - This very attitude guarantees Republicans power for years to come

#4 - Enjoy

#1 - Uninformed - well I have been with many yanks from the Bush areas of the US, they are the majority of your soldiers! Well informed might be a better term.

#2 - Silly - yes!

#3 - This very attitude guarantees Republicans power for years to come - I dont care what party is in office, I could'nt give a hoot. It is'nt a party problem, it is a moron problem, your country has elected a moron, a thief, a traitor, a killer and a down right lier. Why is it that the rest of the world can see it and you cannot? Ill tell you why as you have actaully written it yourself - you think it has to do with the word "team" - it hasnt!. Do you really think the working class world is actually gunning for a particular party - NO! You yanks barrack for the same team year after year - this isnt a red sox game, it is real life. Wake up!

#4 - Enjoy - thanks - you to. :o

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Bush has made the mess America now has, so it is up to him to clean it up. After the next four years there will no one to blame or commend but him. It seems only right that he should be responsible for his actions. It's just such a shame that so many people have died and will die because of his misguided foreign and domestic policies.

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Actually, the working class is looking for a place to hang their hat. The parties are in fact very different and can effect huge change both in the states and abroad. Problem is, they spend so much time focusing on crap instead of the truth, they get all end up looking the same.

No, its not a Red Sox game, I agree, and I'm not rooting for a team, I'm rooting for someone to do a good job. Your opinions of Bush are your opinions of Bush. I'm neither a fan or a hater of the guy.

But again, all these people you are calling ignorant aren't. They just don't have your POV. Are there a lot of Bubba's in the world. Sure. Are a lot from Georgia, sure. These places are also home to some of the greatest literature, music and art to escape the soul and be expressed from America as well.

Go hang out in Los Angeles for a few months, then Omaha and get back to me. You still feel the same way, I'll cede the point.

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Bush has made the mess America now has, so it is up to him to clean it up.

Sour grapes!!

How is America a mess? What specifically has Bush himself done to make America a mess? You made the statement now back it up.

Here are some basic facts that it kills people like you to face:

The American economy is strong. The vast majority of American people are getting more money in their pocket due to Bush tax cuts. All of the leading economic indicators point to a robust economy in the future. This is quite a bit different than the recession in the making that Bush inherited from Clinton.

Bush has all the wackos on the run, because he is proactively seeking them out and sending them on their way to meet their maker. In the 8 years prior, the wackos knew the worst they could expect would be a limp-wristed response from Clinton. Now they risk getting a daisy-cutter up their gazzoo.

Democrat Party principles claim to be there to give minorities a chance, yet when did a Democrat administration put a minority into a powerful position? Never. Bush said he would and did just that (Ms. Rice, Mr. Powell, numerous senior judges, etc.)

US foreign aid has increased by leaps and bounds during the first 4 years of the Bush administration. One thing that immediately comes to mind is a new program to commit 100's of millions of dollars toward exterminating AIDS in Africa. That is another proactive step.

Like Bush said on election day, you may not agree with what he says and does, but at least you know where he stands. What's not to like about that? I never heard Kerry (or Gore or Clinton before him) make any sort of statement like that.

I could go on and on. But rather than do that, why don't you take a minute and back up your statement. How did Bush make America a "mess" in your opinion?

George, this is a great thread. Please don't lock it up yet. :o

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Bush has made the mess America now has, so it is up to him to clean it up. After the next four years there will no one to blame or commend but him. It seems only right that he should be responsible for his actions. It's just such a shame that so many people have died and will die because of his misguided foreign and domestic policies.

Actually if you take into account Saddam's body count. And took that as an average then factor in the body count under US protection you have a negative number.

GWB is saving countless lives everyday we have taken Saddam out of the picture.

So much for your whining misguided bleeding heart.

No one absolutely no one will deny Saddam was an evil individual.

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