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Would You Have Handled This Differently?

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Last night as I am leaving work I see this SUV driving a bit erratically into our center.

The driver then parks the vehicle perpendicular to everything, so that it is blocking the parking for my neighbor businesses in the center. As our shop and restaurant at times is busy, and certain times of the year we take up the whole lot with events, I tend to like to try and take care of these neighboring businesses as they are really patient and cooperative. Also, there is a handicapped ramp, for there is a guy in a wheelchair in one of the businesses. The SUV driver parks, blocking all.

When the driver gets out I as politely as possible say hi, and then mention the neighboring businesses, and that the next time he comes if he would please consider parking as everyone else does, and not block the adjoining parking.

What was really sort of strange is that his Thai wife or girlfriend and about six kids in another vehicle were able to park like everyone else and actually there was a ton of parking available.

Anyway, he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff. Makes me feel badly as I am in the customer service business.

Should I have just left it alone? Not tactful? What do you think? Huggy's an a**h*le? Flame away !

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What was the problem? He parked incorrectly, you pointed it out and he moved his vehicle. He left in a huff because he got caught not because you did anything wrong.

Well, nothing actually happened, right? He moved his car and that was the end of it. Maybe he just had a bad day.

No, he up and split.......my intention was not to run him off.......


Not all customers are desirable, some are more trouble than they are worth. He didn't leave because you spoke to him he left because he is a sociopath.

Was the SUV a black Fortuner?

Yes, I believe it was..........

Just seems to me that sometimes here the spirit of cooperation is lost on people. I made it clear that he was blocking the other businesses from being able to park, and you think a reasonable person would say "you're right, I didn't notice" or "o.k., next time I come I'll park like everyone else". I wasn't asking him to move then.


I never make suggestions to anyone. I always assume people are sociopathic basket cases and the slightest thing will set them off. It however would have been worthwhile to secretly let the air out of his tires or pay a tuk tuk driver to do so.

I never make suggestions to anyone. I always assume people are sociopathic basket cases and the slightest thing will set them off. It however would have been worthwhile to secretly let the air out of his tires or pay a tuk tuk driver to do so.

Well said. My exact thoughts, especially air out of tyres. That's the way Thais do it to show their displeasure. No confrontation. Just sneak attack. Works for me.

Was the SUV a black Fortuner? If so it's a power thing. If you were polite then there was no problem just a guy with a bad attitude.

I know that guy. Watch it!

Anyway, he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff. Makes me feel badly as I am in the customer service business.

IMHO you needn't feel bad about this - you are in the customer service business and this has to include challenging behaviour that disadvantages other customers. Wouldn't it have been worse if a disabled person came along, saw he couldn't access your place and moved on?

More power to your elbow.

Was the SUV a black Fortuner? If so it's a power thing. If you were polite then there was no problem just a guy with a bad attitude.

I know that guy. Watch it!

Which guy?  There seems to be hundreds of black fortuners these days.  You handled it right as the guy was a clown for not thinking about anyone else except his own lazy A**.


Seems like you handled it ok, but be very careful in the future. With 6 billion people on the planet, someone is always going to be doing something that you don't think is the most skillful behavior. It is not mandatory that you comment everytime, or even most times you see this. Sometimes internal reflection reveals far more than external projection.


HB, you did swell, mate.

Ya must remember, guys who drive various large SUVs are generally of the penile, phallicular challenged type, needing assurance, hence large vehicle.

Poor wee fella.


Another option is to appeal to self interest.

You might want to move that because there's this old guy in a wheelchair and he's got limited control over his chair and he might put a nasty dent or scratch in that. Happened to me and what could I do, since it's someone in a wheelchair.

Failing that get someone to roll the chair into the Fortuner. What's he going to do? Would serve the bugger right, knowingly blocking access to a handicapped ramp. That's really pathetic and he deserves what he gets.


It's unfortunate that people act this way.

My 1st thought usually is that their parents didn't bring them up right.

No respect for others.

In the past, i've been jogging on the beach and every once in a while, i see a tourist with a wicked sunburn going on, yet still walking shirtless on the beach. I have mentioned it to 2 or 3 of them that they really should get out of the sun or at least put a shirt on because it's really gonna hurt.

Every time, they have given me a dirty look as if to say "mind your own business" So, i don't say anything anymore.

People don't like others to do their thinking for them i guess.

But in your case, you had every right to point out his hogging the parking lot.

I never make suggestions to anyone. I always assume people are sociopathic basket cases and the slightest thing will set them off. It however would have been worthwhile to secretly let the air out of his tires or pay a tuk tuk driver to do so.

Well said. My exact thoughts, especially air out of tyres. That's the way Thais do it to show their displeasure. No confrontation. Just sneak attack. Works for me.

In Patong they actually knife your tyres if you park where they dont like.. My buddy had to replace 2 brand new fortuna tyres becuase the MB taxis thought that he was blocking a tiny slice of thier view down the road..

Last night as I am leaving work I see this SUV driving a bit erratically into our center.

The driver then parks the vehicle perpendicular to everything, so that it is blocking the parking for my neighbor businesses in the center. As our shop and restaurant at times is busy, and certain times of the year we take up the whole lot with events, I tend to like to try and take care of these neighboring businesses as they are really patient and cooperative. Also, there is a handicapped ramp, for there is a guy in a wheelchair in one of the businesses. The SUV driver parks, blocking all.

When the driver gets out I as politely as possible say hi, and then mention the neighboring businesses, and that the next time he comes if he would please consider parking as everyone else does, and not block the adjoining parking.

What was really sort of strange is that his Thai wife or girlfriend and about six kids in another vehicle were able to park like everyone else and actually there was a ton of parking available.

Anyway, he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff. Makes me feel badly as I am in the customer service business.

Should I have just left it alone? Not tactful? What do you think? Huggy's an a**h*le? Flame away !

I was in the customer service busines for over forty years, mosty on Cruise ship. The saying "The Customer is Always right" has an addendum "Except when he is wrong". Within reason this is the right way, being polte, but firm can work wonders. The guy you had sounds obnoxious, and you dealt with it the right way. If he never comes back, nobody in your area will lose a customer, you may well have lost a PIA, but he would have probably cost you a lot more customers :-)


you should of confronted him way harder imo, cursing would of been good..

These idiots are the kind of people who do not understand anything in life unless they are completely humiliated. I mean he definitely knows that is parking is completely retarded but hes one of those idiots who only thinks on level 0 after that it goes numb

But when he gets humiliated, level 1 comes aorund in a blur shadow and might trigger his dumb brains to park correctly


A polite question,

Why is a black Fortuner a power thing?

I bought one because it is value for money, 4 wheel drive if needed and has some presence on the road if my wife drives it.

Perhaps to be truly accepted here you need a 125 wave with an illegal sidecar and drive with no concern for your own or others safety. Why have rear view mirrors? They only get used for fixing the hair and squeezing spots.

I drive my black fortuner looking after me and and my passengers, I try to let other other road users out which confuses the f*** out of everyone and makes things worse.

Instead of putting somenone down with an ok [ish] car you might address the problem to to the 99% of people on the road that have no training.

And to be honest the farangs that have been here for a few years are even worse than the Thai's.


HB in customer service - isn't that an oxymoron? Nonetheless, of course you did the right thing. Funnily enough, some posters suggest the person's a sociopath on the basis of one foolish/inconsiderate incident; while others suggest letting the air out of his tyres/slashing his tyres/denting or scratching his car. Who's the sociopath?

HB, you did swell, mate.

Ya must remember, guys who drive various large SUVs are generally of the penile, phallicular challenged type, needing assurance, hence large vehicle.

Poor wee fella.

And you drive a pink daihatsu, I suppose.

Why don't you keep your peurile assumptions to yourself.

Was the SUV a black Fortuner? If so it's a power thing. If you were polite then there was no problem just a guy with a bad attitude.

What is wrong with black fortuners, they happen to be a nice ride with good visability, and just because one inconsiderate person drives one does,nt mean every owner is the same.


I'm just amazed that the guy actually moved his vehicle. You must have presented yourself as a threat to him. Perhaps he was afraid that his tires would be slashed in the usual peaceful, cool-hearted Thai Buddhist manner.

As much as like Thailand, the constant lack of consideration for others displayed by Thai people really gets to me sometimes, especially with regard to the way Thais drive and park motor vehicles.

HB, you did swell, mate.

Ya must remember, guys who drive various large SUVs are generally of the penile, phallicular challenged type, needing assurance, hence large vehicle.

Poor wee fella.

And you drive a pink daihatsu, I suppose.

Why don't you keep your peurile assumptions to yourself.

This is so funny.

Oh dear, I have touched a sore spot, do not advertise it.

FYI, I normally drive a Honda Odyssey, 4x4, 2.4 litre..

My other vehicle is a 1971 FORD Fairlane 500. 503 litre.

A bit of each.

........ and I am quite normal..........hahahaha.

Your nic says it all.

HB, you did swell, mate.

Ya must remember, guys who drive various large SUVs are generally of the penile, phallicular challenged type, needing assurance, hence large vehicle.

Poor wee fella.

And you drive a pink daihatsu, I suppose.

Why don't you keep your peurile assumptions to yourself.

This is so funny.

Oh dear, I have touched a sore spot, do not advertise it.

FYI, I normally drive a Honda Odyssey, 4x4, 2.4 litre..

My other vehicle is a 1971 FORD Fairlane 500. 503

A bit of each.

........ and I am quite normal..........hahahaha.

Your nic says it all.

The driver then parks the vehicle perpendicular to everything, so that it is blocking the parking for my neighbor businesses in the center. As our shop and restaurant at times is busy, and certain times of the year we take up the whole lot with events, I tend to like to try and take care of these neighboring businesses as they are really patient and cooperative. Also, there is a handicapped ramp, for there is a guy in a wheelchair in one of the businesses. The SUV driver parks, blocking all.

When the driver gets out I as politely as possible say hi, and then mention the neighboring businesses, and that the next time he comes if he would please consider parking as everyone else does, and not block the adjoining parking.

What was really sort of strange is that his Thai wife or girlfriend and about six kids in another vehicle were able to park like everyone else and actually there was a ton of parking available.

Anyway, he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff.

Should I have just left it alone? YES

Sorry to have quote all of this folks, but "huggybear" I would have asked a Thai to sort it out and deal with this and not confront the person.

1. Did you see the number plate of the car? Was the car from Phuket or elsewhere? If Phuket, then you should have left it at that.

How many times have I seen the " handicapped parking" places at supermarkets filled with "NON handicapped persons cars".

2. For sure, I would also help my neighbours like you did, but in a different way. Let the Thais talk to Thais, that is my thinking and do not put your nose into it :o , that is why he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff. Niffed at some non-Thai telling him how to park his car, in his country. :D

3. How long and for what reason would they (2 cars = his Thai wife or girlfriend and about six kids in another vehicle) have parked there if you had not told him to "park correctly"? :D

Mind boggles sometimes, when things are so simple and yet so complicated to understand. :D

To summarise, you did what was in your view the very best for the community and hats off to you, but I would never have done it your way. Let the Thais deal with Thais.

Yours as always

Kan Win :D


Should I have just left it alone? YES

Sorry to have quote all of this folks, but "huggybear" I would have asked a Thai to sort it out and deal with this and not confront the person.

1. Did you see the number plate of the car? Was the car from Phuket or elsewhere? If Phuket, then you should have left it at that.

How many times have I seen the " handicapped parking" places at supermarkets filled with "NON handicapped persons cars".

2. For sure, I would also help my neighbours like you did, but in a different way. Let the Thais talk to Thais, that is my thinking and do not put your nose into it :o , that is why he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff. Niffed at some non-Thai telling him how to park his car, in his country. :D

3. How long and for what reason would they (2 cars = his Thai wife or girlfriend and about six kids in another vehicle) have parked there if you had not told him to "park correctly"? :D

Mind boggles sometimes, when things are so simple and yet so complicated to understand. :D

To summarise, you did what was in your view the very best for the community and hats off to you, but I would never have done it your way. Let the Thais deal with Thais.

Yours as always

Kan Win :D

Farang guy KW, I apologize for the ambiguity.


I for one applaud your introspection. If more people were to occasionally question their own behavior, I think we'd have a more respectful society.

I think you did the right thing. Some people are jerks and just hate have their errors and impoliteness pointed out. This person was obviously doing something wrong and as long as it wasn't pointed out in a rude or aggressive manner, I don't think you were wrong.

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