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Do You Use Deoderant Or Aftershave?


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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

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This brings to mind something of my experience of returning to the UK after 3 years in Thailand.

I recall feeling quite nauseous as a result of the stench of women's perfume on the train going to work in the morning.


Do I use deodorant/antiperspirant/after shave? - Yes.... Sparingly.

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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

Regarding your statement that you have never used deoderant for 15 years, may I ask if you are a single person? I have worked with some people who don't use deoderant and they stink and I think it's horrible.

Regarding aftershave, I use a moisturizer (sp) for my face.

But in the end, I think if you did a poll of Thai people as to which they hate more, it would probably be people who haven't used deoderant in 15 years.

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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

Regarding your statement that you have never used deoderant for 15 years, may I ask if you are a single person? I have worked with some people who don't use deoderant and they stink and I think it's horrible.

Regarding aftershave, I use a moisturizer (sp) for my face.

But in the end, I think if you did a poll of Thai people as to which they hate more, it would probably be people who haven't used deoderant in 15 years.

I'm married. I guess I'm just lucky that I'm not smelly and need to use artificial things to prevent it or hide a smell.

Maybe you could try changing your diet.

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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

Regarding your statement that you have never used deoderant for 15 years, may I ask if you are a single person? I have worked with some people who don't use deoderant and they stink and I think it's horrible.

Regarding aftershave, I use a moisturizer (sp) for my face.

But in the end, I think if you did a poll of Thai people as to which they hate more, it would probably be people who haven't used deoderant in 15 years.

I'm married. I guess I'm just lucky that I'm not smelly and need to use artificial things to prevent it or hide a smell.

Maybe you could try changing your diet.

Well, most moisturizers (good ones) are only very lightly scented and I don't use it to please/displease anyone, including my wife. But I think you may be confusing aftershave with cologne, try changing your definitions or at least take the time to look up the difference.

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I rarely use either and notice no difference when I don't bother (My wife, who is the first to tell if I am a bit on the nose, confirms that it makes no difference.).

If a person smells bad they are still going to smell bad with deodorant although with an added fragrance on top (Which reminds of the old saying in regards to scented toilet sprays - "If you shit in a pine forest it still stinks").

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Well I must be an unreconstructed man with a wife who is equally out of touch. I use deodorant moisturizer and aftershave. I also shower 4 times a day. I use these products because I like the smell and so does my wife!! When i was single I never met a thai who didn't like the smell but maybe they were lying!!!

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I rarely use either and notice no difference when I don't bother (My wife, who is the first to tell if I am a bit on the nose, confirms that it makes no difference.).

If a person smells bad they are still going to smell bad with deodorant although with an added fragrance on top (Which reminds of the old saying in regards to scented toilet sprays - "If you shit in a pine forest it still stinks").

Smells like somebody shit a christmas tree.....

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Well I must be an unreconstructed man with a wife who is equally out of touch. I use deodorant moisturizer and aftershave. I also shower 4 times a day. I use these products because I like the smell and so does my wife!! When i was single I never met a thai who didn't like the smell but maybe they were lying!!!

Maybe if you have Somtum breath, it will make you less offensive to those with the refined olfactory abilities of the OP.

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On the contrary I must say some Thai females seem to be obsessed with "good smell" (hair rinse, conditioner, fabric softener, scented talcum powder) sometimes it's so intense that I can taste it!

BUT, better a soapy taste on the palate, then the stench of body odors, specially this of Caucasian male armpits!

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"I've never used deoderant in 15 years..."

Thanks for the warning. I've had the unpleasant experience of meeting farangs who think that it is unmanly to bathe and use deodorant. If God meant them to smell like that, He would have given them antlers.

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No aftershave, moistueriser and roll on (Gillete)

IMHO, there are ALOT of ppl in BKK who should use deodorant. I cant believe they cant smell themselves, some are so bad you can literally taste it.

Edited by mmushr00m
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Cologne and scented deodorants are SOOOOO twentieth century!

I use only a moisturizer after shaving and the Thai crystal deodorant which has no scent at all and only tastes a bit salty when licked.

I'm glad to hear I'll be able to get crystal deodorant when I move to BKK in a few weeks (although I won't need a new one for at least a year I reckon)

Crystal deodorant sticks are the best ever

Are they easy to find in BKK ?

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I rarely use either and notice no difference when I don't bother (My wife, who is the first to tell if I am a bit on the nose, confirms that it makes no difference.).

If a person smells bad they are still going to smell bad with deodorant although with an added fragrance on top (Which reminds of the old saying in regards to scented toilet sprays - "If you shit in a pine forest it still stinks").

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There are a lot of stinky farang in Thailand, some quite revoltingly so. If I had to commute on crowded vehicles with them I think I would be tempted to carry a water-pistol loaded with cologne, dettol, pine-o-clean, anything! :o And if I notice it, then the Thais notice it twice as much. My mother-in-law has a traditional Thai massage shop and certainly this is a subject that her staff comment on quite frequently.

I sometimes ponder why this is so, given that many farang that live here have a similar diet to the Thais, and have similar bathing habits. I think the answer is at least partly that farang tend to be more physically active, even in the middle of the day. We walk faster ("like a buffalo" I am told) and further, and are often carrying things (e.g. suitcases, shopping, etc).

I find the deodorants on sale here to be ineffective and bring the good old 'rexona sport' in from Oz. Many products here seem to be only deodorants and not anti-persirant/deodorants - maybe that's all the average Thai needs?

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I use a crystal deodorant called Crystal Stick, the only crystal stick deodorant I have ever seen anywhere. The product is manufactured in Thailand and packaged in the US. It says "A product of THAILAND" on the product. I have never seen it for sale in Thailand. I emailed the manufacturer a few years ago and he said it is not sold in Thailand. Go figure. The best deodorant I ever used. It works incredibly well. No scent. Lasts at least a year, sometimes two at a cost of about 5 dollars.

Maybe someone should contact VILLA MARKET?

Aftershave? Yuck!

Edited by Jingthing
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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

Are you from France, Germany or India?

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"And if I notice it, then the Thais notice it twice as much."

And if the Thais notice it, I bet u the soi dogs really notice it with their 25x that of humans smelling power. Funny thing is, i only ever see them running away from / barking at Thais who looked like they haven't showered in a month - not farangs. Must be their aftershave.

You know what they say, a skunk smells his own smell first. After 15 years of it, I guess (like garbagemen) they learn to tune-it-out.

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The deos and aftersahves I used in the States don't mix well with my chemistry here. It is the food , water and conditions. There are some local brands that can be okay or even Nivia now has some good men's products.

Sticks and rollons will destroy shirts so beware.

Years ago I used Eau de Cologne, but now scrub with bubbles and dust myself. Seems to work. It draws the right kind of attention. No comments of "you stink" or worse.


Edited by ilyushin
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This is a laugh. My French colleague told me he never used a deoderant as he read that the aluminium content was bad for your system. In short, the office smelled like he stepped in dogshit when he walked in the room.

For the learned members above, a deoderant does not mask/cover the smell, it inhibits the growth of bacteria.

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If i don't use deodorant i start to stink within the hour. If i went 15 hours without deodorant i would probably be arrested and have my visa revoked! Perhaps after 15 years of thinking you don't need deodorant you should go to the doctors to get your nose checked! I bet your farts don't smell either!

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What is meant here by aftershave?

I use Nivia's "balzam milk" or something, its smell is very very mild, only people who get really really close can notice it, and only for the first five minutes before it dries out.

Deodorants indeed mostly kill/prevent bacteria from growing, and their smell doesn't penetrate clothing very well, too. No problems at all. Except they do ruin the shirts after a while, especially rollons.

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It's pretty simple: shower, shave, dry completely, put on anti-perspirant, put on deodorant, put on after shave or cologne. Just don't put excessive amounts of anything on. Agree with the snake powder round the swingers.

The idea that Thais hate the smell of after shave is patently ridiculous. Also the idea that Thais are more responsive to bad smells.

There are some stinky farangs around these here parts and I guess a fair few are posting on here. Body odour is disgusting and largely avoidable.

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I have noticed that obese people sweat more so are more likely to stink. Seriously though, non-scented underarm deoderant is essential in a tropical climate, and anyone who does not use it would have to bathe several times a day and scrub their armpits. That is not practical.

Aftershave? Who bothers with that? It is a bit 1980's. Men who stink of aftershave are either dodgy or have a personality disorder.

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