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Do You Use Deoderant Or Aftershave?


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You may sweat a lot meaning that you need lots of deoderant, but I don't. I think it's to do with my low pulse(35) and I don't smell partly due to my vegetarian diet.

If you need copious amounts of deoderantant cologne/aftershave because you smell don't insult those of us who don't.

Or maybe you just stink, grown used to it, and everyone is afraid to tell you??? :o

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You may sweat a lot meaning that you need lots of deoderant, but I don't. I think it's to do with my low pulse(35) and I don't smell partly due to my vegetarian diet.

If you need copious amounts of deoderantant cologne/aftershave because you smell don't insult those of us who don't.

Or maybe you just stink, grown used to it, and everyone is afraid to tell you??? :o

Thats pretty rich coming from an overweight beer drinking Pattaya resident, :D

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You may sweat a lot meaning that you need lots of deoderant, but I don't. I think it's to do with my low pulse(35) and I don't smell partly due to my vegetarian diet.

If you need copious amounts of deoderantant cologne/aftershave because you smell don't insult those of us who don't.

Or maybe you just stink, grown used to it, and everyone is afraid to tell you??? :o

Thats pretty rich coming from an overweight beer drinking Pattaya resident, :D

One of THE hardest things I've ever had to do was tell a work collegue that he had a 'problem'. He truly didn't realise but it was so bad that the locals (Italians) were referring to 'Nosferatu, the Smell of Death'. I drew the short straw and in the process lost a friend :D It did however have the desired effect :D

I shower 3 times a day (more if I've been on-site), and yes, I use a deodorant (Lynx / Axe or the like) in moderation. Unfortunately I have an allergy to many of the anti-perspirants so I just have to go with the smelly.

Working in the 'Hub of B.O.' (a large triangular country 3 hours west of Thailand) makes you appreciate those who take excessive (once a week) showers :D

Edited by Crossy
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PARIS (AP) - French Authorities arrested Lance Armstrong and disqualified him from this year's Tour de France on Friday after cleaning personnel discovered 3 substances in his motel room that are explicitly banned in France. Tour Officials are saddened by this turn of events and Lance Armstrong was not available for comment. When asked by reporters as to the identification of the substances, Police Crime Lab Investigators confirmed that the substances were in fact, toothpaste, deodorant and soap.

Breaking news? I had to check I hadn't accidentally started reading a three-year-old thread.

Do try to keep up at the back ...

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Do not ever use cheap deodorant like Axe or Rexona, anyone can smell it from a mile away and can tell how cheap you are. Better use the ones that are not strong scented.

and yes, i always use deodorant first thing in the morning

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Or? I use both. I also heard that brits only shower once a week or was it once a month.

We take a bath once a week, whether we need it or not :o

but they should use special detergent and Comfort while bathing; not deodorant and aftershave ;especially if they would use the machine that your lovely gorgeous son is showing the demo for . :D

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One of THE hardest things I've ever had to do was tell a work collegue that he had a 'problem'. He truly didn't realise but it was so bad that the locals (Italians) were referring to 'Nosferatu, the Smell of Death'.

When i was a schoolboy i had an evening job as a cleaner and the bloke running the show stunk of BO, however he hired some fat lady who suffered as bad as what he did from BO the problem being that he didnt realise he stunk, he had to tell the fat smelly lady to clean up her act or get the sack, blind leading the blind i think they call it.

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This is a laugh. My French colleague told me he never used a deoderant as he read that the aluminium content was bad for your system. In short, the office smelled like he stepped in dogshit when he walked in the room.

For the learned members above, a deoderant does not mask/cover the smell, it inhibits the growth of bacteria.

That is true oh learned master but deodorant is rarely used on the whole body. :o

Yes, the armpits are one of the warmer areas of the body. Hence the increase in bacteria. Have a whiff of someones crotch after walking in the sun for a few hours.

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This is a laugh. My French colleague told me he never used a deoderant as he read that the aluminium content was bad for your system. In short, the office smelled like he stepped in dogshit when he walked in the room.

For the learned members above, a deoderant does not mask/cover the smell, it inhibits the growth of bacteria.

That is true oh learned master but deodorant is rarely used on the whole body. :o

Yes, the armpits are one of the warmer areas of the body. Hence the increase in bacteria. Have a whiff of someones crotch after walking in the sun for a few hours.

Last time I tried that I was arrested :D

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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

only talcum powder in areas that tend to perspire ie: armpits

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I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

Are you from France, Germany or India?

why ?

Hahahaha its funny because its true! And even funnier because they don't know it!

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There are a lot of stinky farang in Thailand, some quite revoltingly so.

Ain't that the truth? It's quite an embarrassment.

However, the comments about aftershaves resonate, too. Trouble is, your average farang is either too cheap or too obtuse to buy a high-quality aftershave. Cheap drugstore crap smells like what it is.

But Thais, now, do very much appreciate expensive, tasteful, high-quality scents, if not overdone of course. You can easily prove that by taking one around to the perfume counters of major department stores to sample some of them. Even so, a lot of the best aren't to be found in Thailand or in dept. stores.

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Only deodorant and mild but as orderless as they get. Aftershave attracts the mosquitoes so I try not to use it. Living in Chiang Mai its not as much of an issue. When visiting Bangkok, strong deodorant, and at least two or three showers a day.

Edited by swain
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This is a zen moment I now understand why Thai girls carry the ubiquitous nose "sniffer"(poy sian). It gives them the means to override the 15 year deodorant-free and gamey smelling farang....I'm betting this guy's wife is packing one for each nostril, just to make sure ;-) I have to confes that I also use this amazing device when a smelly 'un is about.....

I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :o

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Cologne and scented deodorants are SOOOOO twentieth century!

I use only a moisturizer after shaving and the Thai crystal deodorant which has no scent at all and only tastes a bit salty when licked.

i use the crystal too, but my real question is did you lick it before you used it or after?

I guess after, as it tastes salty :o

No, just reporting from my fan club :D

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This is a zen moment I now understand why Thai girls carry the ubiquitous nose "sniffer"(poy sian). It gives them the means to override the 15 year deodorant-free and gamey smelling farang....I'm betting this guy's wife is packing one for each nostril, just to make sure ;-) I have to confes that I also use this amazing device when a smelly 'un is about.....
I have worked with some people who stink of aftershave and I think it's horrible. Maybe because I've been here too long.

I've never used deoderant in 15 years, do you?

Occasionally I use aftershave in the evening for a special occasion, but in moderation.

Generally Thai people hate the smell of aftershave, be careful with it. :D

What complete garbage - you're saying that ANYONE who doesn't wear deoderant stinks!

Understandable I suppose if you are one of the 'belly brigade'.

I'd be willing to wager that your wife pokes you in the belly and says "poong" :o

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Neeranam, you still don't get it, even ppl who aren't fat smell when not using deo... Most asians sweat less than Farang, and a few rare Farangs hardly sweat in BKK at all... Altho I haven't really met any... So for the vast majority of Farangs: Deo please.

Most Thais will tell you that Farangs smell... not of deo or perfume, but of sweat !

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It is not that farangs sweat, of course we do, it is that we smell differently than Thai people. Different races smell differently, probably a combo of genetics and diet. Take more showers and sure use deodorant. But I still don't get the mania with aftershave. OK, I can see high class cologne having a certain panache on special occasions, but I think aftershave fans are just being sold a bill of goods. I also think it is actually BAD for your skin. Again, you can never go far wrong with MOISTURIZER.

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