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I haven't seen rain in so long I can't remember. I'm not counting snow.

I've been back in the UK for just over a week and it's not rained.

Hat Yai's had a little rain, so maybe I'll see some in Thailand.



No rain BKK ! What is this thread all about - can be bothered to read all the pages ? Is this the longest thread in TV history ?


No rain BKK ! What is this thread all about - can be bothered to read all the pages ? Is this the longest thread in TV history ?

Sshhh! Don't wake up the Doc.

P.S. It rained for 4 minutes last last in Phuket.

Where is the rain?

You've seen 'The Day After Tomorrow'? The film was not a joke, or science fiction... That is where the rain has gone... and will keep on going... until 'sudden' world-wide disater strikes. And it may be as close as 10 years away... and more likely 'less'.

It has to do with ocean currents and global temperatures. Read more here...


It is scarry. :D

I read somewhere once that if the oceans warmed by a couple of degrees, northern Europe, including Britain, would enter another ice age. The theory being that the flow of ice bergs from the Arctic travelling south cause a huge circulation of the Atlantic Ocean thus bringing in warmer waters from the south. If, due to global warming, the waters warm and the ice bergs melt, then the flow halts. In real terms, the output of the current (no pun intended) circulation is equivalent to 20 million power stations. So those thinking that the UK could do with a couple of degrees temperature rise, think again, because we, or rather those who live there because I'm here, would freeze their nuts off. :o

No rain in Chiang Mai btw but the temperature's just right.


I read somewhere once that if the oceans warmed by a couple of degrees, northern Europe, including Britain, would enter another ice age. The theory being that the flow of ice bergs from the Arctic travelling south cause a huge circulation of the Atlantic Ocean thus bringing in warmer waters from the south. If, due to global warming, the waters warm and the ice bergs melt, then the flow halts. In real terms, the output of the current (no pun intended) circulation is equivalent to 20 million power stations. So those thinking that the UK could do with a couple of degrees temperature rise, think again, because we, or rather those who live there because I'm here, would freeze their nuts off. :o

What you read is similar to what I read... and I don't think it is freeze their nuts off... more likely die. World climates change... forests die, being too hot or too dry (no rain) crops die and cannot grow, animals die, world wide shortage of foods... and water due to lack of rains. Not to worry, we'll keep driving our cars, travelling by plane, use our air con's, fridges, burning fossil fules......... oh and don't forget the damage 'us' smokers are doing :D:D

Yep, like the saying goes...'you don't know what you've got til it's gone!'. Too true, but unfortunately we'll not know because we'll all be gone, with the exception of the powers that be (the instigators) eeking out a pathetic little existence in a cave.


...sorry, getting a bit heavy there. Still no rain in lovely Chiang Mai and had to water the greedy bitch of a garden again.


I read somewhere once that if the oceans warmed by a couple of degrees, northern Europe, including Britain, would enter another ice age. The theory being that the flow of ice bergs from the Arctic travelling south cause a huge circulation of the Atlantic Ocean thus bringing in warmer waters from the south. If, due to global warming, the waters warm and the ice bergs melt, then the flow halts. In real terms, the output of the current (no pun intended) circulation is equivalent to 20 million power stations. So those thinking that the UK could do with a couple of degrees temperature rise, think again, because we, or rather those who live there because I'm here, would freeze their nuts off. :o

What you read is similar to what I read... and I don't think it is freeze their nuts off... more likely die. World climates change... forests die, being too hot or too dry (no rain) crops die and cannot grow, animals die, world wide shortage of foods... and water due to lack of rains. Not to worry, we'll keep driving our cars, travelling by plane, use our air con's, fridges, burning fossil fules......... oh and don't forget the damage 'us' smokers are doing :D:D

And the root cause of all these? Over population? Anyway, that's another topic for a rainy day. :D

Oh, and there's no rain nor sun here. Getting a bit cooler by the hour. Can smell abit of smoke in the air from slash and burning. :D

Still no rain in BKK and its 11.47pm

Again! definite lack of precipitation in Chiang Mai.

It's so bloody cold at night that you could pee in bed and kick it out in the morning. :o

I think you will find that was not a Pee you did in bed.

No rain here in Phrae. Dropped to 12c last night


waterless winter, weeds wilt,wither,

winds without water wend their way,

when winter wanes, water vapour wells,

weighty, widespread, washing way woes.

E.J. Thribbs(aged 17)



Dry in sunny :o Essex. Dry, boring, dry, boring. This must be how it feels in those hot places like South USA where it's just dry, boring, dry, boring (or so I've heard). Except it isn't hot and there are no hurricanes.

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