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Who Goes With You To The Airport?

joe strummer

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I always like my ex gf or a friend to come to BKK airport to see me off back home to Germany...

I'm wondering how many other guys here take someone to see them leave or it is just lonesome you?

I suppose if you’re a butterfly you only have yourself to blame when you step into the airport alone. No kisses, hugs and goodbyes etc.

I suppose it's better that way, at least you know your so called gf ain't going to the arrivals lounge after seeing you off to see her next farang ATM arrive.

I need someone to hold my hand when I leave.

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I don't like going to the airport with someone!

My daughter once said when I was off to work in the Middle East," Dad why do you come home when it is so hard for me to say goodbye to you?"

It was very difficult to get on the plane that day!!

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I always like my ex gf or a friend to come to BKK airport to see me off back home to Germany...

I'm wondering how many other guys here take someone to see them leave or it is just lonesome you?

I suppose if you’re a butterfly you only have yourself to blame when you step into the airport alone. No kisses, hugs and goodbyes etc.

I suppose it's better that way, at least you know your so called gf ain't going to the arrivals lounge after seeing you off to see her next farang ATM arrive.

I need someone to hold my hand when I leave.

My fiancée sees me off at the airport and is there when I arrive. Not sure if I prefer it that way or not. It is a very sad walking through the immigration entrance after paying my departure tax looking back and seeing my gf crying. At times it seems it would be better to go it alone. But I know if i did that, it would make me just as sad not to have spent those last few minutes with her.

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No one. As i live here and dont have to leave. Though i did go back the Uk for my dads b/day in April. Then the gf came to the aireport. If that counts. I was only away for 5 days.When i eventually leave. Then my gf(wife by then) will be coming with me.

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The whole lot of them see me off and pick me up when I get back from working overseas.

My wife, our daughter, In-laws and any relative that was hanging around at the time. Sometimes we take the hour and a half drive to BKK in two cars to fit everyone in. I guess I like it, but it is always sad walking away.

I wish they wouldn't pick me up though, I would prefer to get an airport limo to take me home after the long haul back to LoS.

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I always like my ex gf or a friend to come to BKK airport to see me off back home to Germany...

Why does your ex go with you? Do you not have gf now?Does she go with you still beacuse she has always done that? Just curious.

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i usually take a girl with me but they dont usually want to do kissing in public as its just not done by thais . they are too shy for that , but hugs in moderation out of the way are ok.

we usually go upstairs for a leaving meal in one of the restaurants overlooking the runway , nice views and relaxing ...

these places are tucked away round the back ..

its the usual stuff of see you next time ,, bla bla bla and some tears from her ...

then its down to SMSs

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Back in my traveling days, I used to take girlfriends (whoever they happened to be at the time), and then later my wife (now ex-wife). They wanted to go with me to the airport because, I'm pretty sure, they were looking for:


Finally determined it was better and cheaper to go alone!

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Ugh is there nothing worse than the pathetic scenes made by sex tourists and their whores at airports?

Not saying you guys are sex tourists mind. Just talking about them others, who don't use stimulating forums like this.

"Yair, orright darlin', I'll sen ya sum moolah uz soon uz I git 'ome"

"You velly kind man and hansum too"

"Fangks for everytin, yer no wadImeen, huh huh"

"I miss you long time"

By all means do as thy will in Bangkok but fer Christ's sake leave out of the airport!!

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Ugh is there nothing worse than the pathetic scenes made by sex tourists and their whores at airports?

Not saying you guys are sex tourists mind. Just talking about them others, who don't use stimulating forums like this.

"Yair, orright darlin', I'll sen ya sum moolah uz soon uz I git 'ome"

"You velly kind man and hansum too"

"Fangks for everytin, yer no wadImeen, huh huh"

"I miss you long time"

By all means do as thy will in Bangkok but fer Christ's sake leave out of the airport!!

While groping their arse!

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Ugh is there nothing worse than the pathetic scenes made by sex tourists and their whores at airports?

I hate seeing the guys that sit crumpled on the floor crying their eyes out near the immigration counter. :o

These guys are the perfect contenders for cordless bungee jumps available at all high rise buildings. :D

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I have been to the airport many times to see friends and family off. They have commented many times about the amount of farang with Thais. Nothing against this myself. But it is pathetic to see the whore(most of them are) with the big fat old farang. He loves her and misses her because he knows hes going back to his miserable life back in his own country. He'll be back of course. Will save up to come back but will also send money to his bird so that she wont forget about him. Shes like. I wait for you. Come back soon. Call me. Starts crying. Oh why oh why do they think that a pro will wait on them. go figure.

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That's what I love about this forum! Some of you never miss a chance to take a whack at the sex tourist, even though most of you started out as one!!! :o:D

As the relationship with the falang ex neared it's end, she complained about dropping me off at the airport and never picked me up. Dumped her nine years ago and started traveling to Thailand nearly the same month!

Used to take a TG along to the airport but I haven't the last several trips. I'm in and out of Thailand about three times a year for one month visits now and I guess I've growth out of that. I don't lie to them and I don't believe their shit anymore either. Hopefully I'll retire to Thailand in the next 2-10 years before I'm completely jaded.


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That's what I love about this forum! Some of you never miss a chance to take a whack at the sex tourist, even though most of you started out as one!!! biggrin.gif

Not me mate. Maybe you dont like people having a go at YOU! (as sex tourist)

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