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Please, Pleas For More Intelligent Discussions On Thai Visa

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which song title by the Eagles is most fitting of Thailand - Lyin' Eyes or New Kid in Town?

Even to ask such a question smacks of disrespect for the hallowed informal Thai National Anthem, "Hotel California." Careful! However, you might with better safety re-cast the debate topic as one between "Hotel California" and "Zombie" by the Cranberries. I say "Hotel California" because many Thais do understand one line of it, namely, "Welcome to the Hotel California."

Duly noted and being considered. Thanks.

Add my vote for the "Poll" forum!

P.S. I just got the joke in the title - "Please pleas..."

(I thought it was a typo at first :o)


There is clearly a need for a "crap" area. This area should be for all moronic posts. Let's face it, one does not need a Spanish Inquisition to tell if a post is moronic or not. Therefore, I hereby grant TV moderators to deem unintellectual posts as "moronic" & therefore be moved to this area without question or deletion. For business purposes, hide this area from the "world" (search engines).

As a further suggestion for the "crap" area, all posts will be automatically deleted after a period of time. There shall be no restriction upon what is discussed within the "crap" area.

Wait a minute! Doesn't a crap area currently exist? Is it not called "Bedlam"? If so, there is no need to re-invent the wheel.

Agreed. I think this forum's been crying out for a "games room" or "miscellaneous banter" type forum for ages.

We have been here before Dan, but it went nowhere,

The Pubbing and Nightlife forum has become swamped with these word games and meaningless, pointless threads for some unknown reason and now it seems the problem is spreading to the General forum too.

Agree with that

Bedlam has long been plagued with these threads also, but I guess the general randomness of that forum means that they're more suited there.

Agree with the first part, but not with the second, Bedlam should have a certain amount of Discretion, obviously with value added comedic interludes and a certain 'Je ne sais quoi', but not just an associated add on to the games room or a hi-jacked Pub. In my opinion, of course

And, anyway, we can't really move these game threads in there because many members won't have the prerequisite 500 posts needed to continue participating in them.


hese vacuous threads can't be good for potential advertisers or for the Adsense. Why not move them into their own designated area where, if need be, you could even stop the Search Engine robots from reading them and let them concentrate on the much more relevant Thai related content from the main forums, instead of diluting the content with this other bumph?
By the way, as is always the case when this subject comes up, I'll add the caveat that I'm not suggesting stopping or closing these threads, just to move them into a more appropriate area of the site.

Agree and Agree.

There is clearly a need for a "crap" area.

OK I can run with this........

s a further suggestion for the "crap" area, all posts will be automatically deleted after a period of time. There shall be no restriction upon what is discussed within the "crap" area.

Along with a negative post count, this might sound churlish, but people do see a post count and assume a 'value added' to the statement.

There has always got to be restrictions I am afraid, or the place could get shut down or outrage decency,

Wait a minute! Doesn't a crap area currently exist? Is it not called "Bedlam"? If so, there is no need to re-invent the wheel.

It's not so bad, it just gets over taken on occasion by nonsense, why not try a thread of your own and see where it runs.........?



It's hard to find a serious topic these days that isn't frowned upon by the moderators in one way or another.

The constant warnings, suspensions and bannings has led to an exodus of people.

ThaiVisa is what it is because of the restrictions placed upon the members.

Even Bedlam, which is supposedly a forum where members have more freedom,

is a bland and sterile enviroment where members are in fear of posting anything deemed controversial and worthy of disciplinary action.

TV has become a vehicle for advertising, nothing more.


Half the fun at Thai Visa is checking the general topics forum to see the 800th iteration of "Me missus done run off wiv all me dosh!!! How could dis 'appen?!? She weren't no dancer, she were just a waitress when I met 'er so I reckoned she were a good sort :o and p.s. the bloke livin' wiv us in the house is 'er bruvver who 'elps wiv me gardenin'." Not to make light of other people's misfortune, it's just that with the 799 other posts on the topic, the airport racks full of books about the topic and the 10,000 other web sites that make mention of the topic it's become simply comical that it keeps happening over and over again. This is the best place I know of to see the stories unfold live. I'd hate to see that go away in the name of cleaning up the forum.

Half the fun at Thai Visa is checking the general topics forum to see the 800th iteration of "Me missus done run off wiv all me dosh!!! How could dis 'appen?!? She weren't no dancer, she were just a waitress when I met 'er so I reckoned she were a good sort :o and p.s. the bloke livin' wiv us in the house is 'er bruvver who 'elps wiv me gardenin'." Not to make light of other people's misfortune, it's just that with the 799 other posts on the topic, the airport racks full of books about the topic and the 10,000 other web sites that make mention of the topic it's become simply comical that it keeps happening over and over again. This is the best place I know of to see the stories unfold live. I'd hate to see that go away in the name of cleaning up the forum.

Exactly why I log in.

I don't want serious reading.

But I still say there are too few contributors and too many dissatisfied readers.

Agreed. I think this forum's been crying out for a "games room" or "miscellaneous banter" type forum for ages.

We have been here before Dan, but it went nowhere,

True, but note that when we discussed this before the Administrator who was kind of agreeing with the poor state of the pubbing forum, Totster, has since lost his job as Admin - perhaps that's contributed in part to the idea fizzling out. Or maybe not...

It's hard to find a serious topic these days that isn't frowned upon by the moderators in one way or another.

True, and the irony is that this very thread, started by a moderator, will soon end up being closed due to discussion of moderation. I can sense that a warning and the usual accompanying link to the forum rules isn't too far off...

It's hard to find a serious topic these days that isn't frowned upon by the moderators in one way or another.

The constant warnings, suspensions and bannings has led to an exodus of people.

ThaiVisa is what it is because of the restrictions placed upon the members.

Even Bedlam, which is supposedly a forum where members have more freedom,

is a bland and sterile enviroment where members are in fear of posting anything deemed controversial and worthy of disciplinary action.

This all sounds very well thought out and sensible, but the truth is that Thai Visa is a much better Thai forum than any of the ones that are less moderated - despite any type of restrictions.

Thai Visa isn't perfect, but it has all kinds of great travel, food and visa information and lots of friendly banter and happy chit-chat. They go out of their way not be nasty or to offend anybody. Thai Visa is the number one forum in this part of the world. If it isn't broken, why fix it? :o


I agree that ThaiVisa does serve it's purpose very well and I appreciate much of the information that can be found here.

However the blandness that PeaceBlondie refers to in his OP is due to the very restrictive nature of the rules and how those rules are interpreted.

When one constantly treads a narrow line between acceptability and punishment, and sees other contributive members get banned for infringing the rules or falling out of favor with certain people, those other forums with a wider spectrum of discussion and a less obsesive interpretaion of the rules become more attractive.

If there is a problem with a lack of imagination here perhaps it would be better not to ask us how to do it better, but to ask themselves.

I will leave my point of view at that, because as Dantilley has pointed out, this thread will no doubt start take a turn for the worse.

I agree that ThaiVisa does serve it's purpose very well and I appreciate much of the information that can be found here.

However the blandness that PeaceBlondie refers to in his OP is due to the very restrictive nature of the rules and how those rules are interpreted.

When one constantly treads a narrow line between acceptability and punishment, and sees other contributive members get banned for infringing the rules or falling out of favor with certain people, those other forums with a wider spectrum of discussion and a less obsesive interpretaion of the rules become more attractive.

I appreciate your point and know that you are right. However, put aside the subject of moderation for a minute and consider this; You operate a website that is directed at a certain country. That country has various rules and regulations in respect to online content that can be applied in a capricious manner with limited recourse. If the website goes down, alot of people will be disappointed and more importantly, revenue will be stopped. This forces you to work within a set of parameters. Everyday someone comes and acts outside the parameters or does something that may bring unnecessary attention. Over time you realize that the people that hold the power of life and death over your clients' accessibility have become even more erratic in their interpretation of rules and regulations. You try to impress upon people that there are parameters, but there are some that just can't function within them. So there you are squeezed by an uncompromising authority, and a desire to put out a popular and profitable product. It's a difficult balancing act. As you try to keep within the parameters, the result is that you end up with a product that isn't what it could be but ontinues to exist because of what it is.

I agree with everything you write, but I also know what it's like to work within oppressive parameters. There are days when I would like to write certain government ministers to point out their inptness, but all that would get me is a polite reply along the lines of yo fatso, who asked you and if you don't like it, hop on the next plane and don't bother showing your face here again.

I agree that ThaiVisa does serve it's purpose very well and I appreciate much of the information that can be found here.

However the blandness that PeaceBlondie refers to in his OP is due to the very restrictive nature of the rules and how those rules are interpreted.

When one constantly treads a narrow line between acceptability and punishment, and sees other contributive members get banned for infringing the rules or falling out of favor with certain people, those other forums with a wider spectrum of discussion and a less obsesive interpretaion of the rules become more attractive.

I appreciate your point and know that you are right. However, put aside the subject of moderation for a minute and consider this; You operate a website that is directed at a certain country. That country has various rules and regulations in respect to online content that can be applied in a capricious manner with limited recourse. If the website goes down, alot of people will be disappointed and more importantly, revenue will be stopped. This forces you to work within a set of parameters. Everyday someone comes and acts outside the parameters or does something that may bring unnecessary attention. Over time you realize that the people that hold the power of life and death over your clients' accessibility have become even more erratic in their interpretation of rules and regulations. You try to impress upon people that there are parameters, but there are some that just can't function within them. So there you are squeezed by an uncompromising authority, and a desire to put out a popular and profitable product. It's a difficult balancing act. As you try to keep within the parameters, the result is that you end up with a product that isn't what it could be but ontinues to exist because of what it is.

I agree with everything you write, but I also know what it's like to work within oppressive parameters. There are days when I would like to write certain government ministers to point out their inptness, but all that would get me is a polite reply along the lines of yo fatso, who asked you and if you don't like it, hop on the next plane and don't bother showing your face here again.

A well thought out and balanced counter to my post, I understand exactly the point you are making and I fully agree. :o

You operate a website that is directed at a certain country. That country has various rules and regulations in respect to online content that can be applied in a capricious manner with limited recourse. If the website goes down, alot of people will be disappointed and more importantly, revenue will be stopped. This forces you to work within a set of parameters. Everyday someone comes and acts outside the parameters or does something that may bring unnecessary attention. Over time you realize that the people that hold the power of life and death over your clients' accessibility have become even more erratic in their interpretation of rules and regulations. You try to impress upon people that there are parameters, but there are some that just can't function within them. So there you are squeezed by an uncompromising authority, and a desire to put out a popular and profitable product. It's a difficult balancing act. As you try to keep within the parameters, the result is that you end up with a product that isn't what it could be but ontinues to exist because of what it is.

That 'kid is one impressive post.

We often complain about the strictures we have to comply within, but the other side of the coin is the straight-jacket that we make for ourselves and each other. Within these constraints we may have reason to lament certain responses, but have we formulated Frankenstein's creation, possibly, that is a moot point, but what cannot be disputed is that when transgressions arise, there is a regimen in place to deal with the infraction, if you continue to cross the tracks, you get hit by the train. Sure as eggs are eggs, no matter how well you can cook an omelette or any other chow.

That should not negate the fact that it is fairly easy to create some interesting topics on most forums if not all, the problem is the inanity of threads and posts within, group them into a specialist Forum, that will keep all groups happy, notice I say not to have them at all, and I would suggest more topics of import will flourish.

Once the tangent of posts has gone awry, there is little that can be done to keep it on track, hence the slide into banal rubbish, a business will go through, perhaps many life cycles, part of which is growth, plateau and decline, an alternative is to take a view on Occam's Razor

"All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best."

I'll just get my coat

Seems quite obvious why the level of discourse tends to run to the silly, escapist and nonsensical.

We have all these guys here on TV married to virgin (or almost), white skinned, rich, multiple PHD women where the evening discussions would leave a Mensa member floundering. These couples find Steven Hawkins infantile and laborious.

Posting here is just a way to relax and let go.

We have all these guys here on TV married to virgin (or almost), white skinned, rich, multiple PHD women who are all good girls! :o

Yes a couple of us are, why whats the problem? Jealous, with a body like mine they all melt when I walk past, They have nicked named me MOL, it stands for Master of Love. I'm a very very good looking man

Masquerading old lady, Dong?

We have had complaints that the topics are becoming even more moronic lately, and the replies to such topics do not resemble the dialog in Plato's Republic.

I am completely underwhelmed!

If you read posts, you will see misspelled words, incorrect grammar and other errors but the spirit and assistance is what is sought here (hardly a higher thinking philosophical forum). Some post for fun, others post to help others find their way out of the hole they were once in...But to expect this to be what it simply is not ( a MENSA discussion) seems to defeat the purpose of its existence. What is the purpose of TV, after all?

Plato's Republic on ThaiVisa? Perhaps there is a better website to fulfill Thaivisa's stated purpose.

Just my view having read this forum for some time.


This is not a "black & white" situation, needless to say that morons are morons & that's that.

A discussion may not be up to M.E.N.S.A standards but that does not mean that it is without merit. I think the main gripe is about the endless & inane polls along with the "bar girl" or "girl" topics et al.

Pay a visit to the "Gay people in Thailand" section. Do you find a zillion "My boyfriend wants my <insert appropriate phrase/noun here>." I think not. Why don't you find such idiotic posts their? Very simply;

1] gay people are smarter than the "average bear".

2] gay people are smart enough to realise that such problems are not solved on the internet


The latest inane poll: Do You Remove Your Shoes Before Entering Your Home?


After a 20 minute peruse of this forum, I found the following threads to be a waste of fresh air;

General Forum.

Beware Of Taxi Meters!

Do You Remove Your Shoes Before Entering Your Home?

Opium Eating Turtles

Where Do You Live Right Now?

100 Things You Didn't Know About Thailand

Rats - How To Get Rid Of Them ? Or Make Their Life Unpleasant

Dengue Fever Epidemic


What Language Do You Speak?

Chips In Thailand

Movies In Chiang Mai

Where To Find The Most British People In Thailand

Where Are You From?

Ex Wants Me To Have Our Child

I Met The 'don' (this thread is quite funny)

Any Info Please... (this person could've contacted their Department of Foreign Affairs & gained "conclusive" info about their plight.

Help :o

Real Estate & Housing forum.

How Much Do You Pay For Electricity Per Month?

Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum

Trolleys On Escalators... Near Disaster! (thank god the OP has been banned)

Can Anyone Recommend A Hotel Near Bkk Airport

Suvarnabhumi Airport You Owe Me £250

Health, Body & Medicine.

Sleeping On The Plane

Motor Forum

Car Cults

Internet, computers, communication, technology in Thailand

Slow Bittorrent Speeds In True

The Curse Of Two Weeks

This is merely the tip of the "inane" iceberg.

After a 20 minute peruse of this forum, I found the following threads to be a waste of fresh air;

General Forum.

Beware Of Taxi Meters!

Do You Remove Your Shoes Before Entering Your Home?

Opium Eating Turtles

Where Do You Live Right Now?

100 Things You Didn't Know About Thailand

Rats - How To Get Rid Of Them ? Or Make Their Life Unpleasant

Dengue Fever Epidemic


What Language Do You Speak?

Chips In Thailand

Movies In Chiang Mai

Where To Find The Most British People In Thailand

Where Are You From?

Ex Wants Me To Have Our Child

I Met The 'don' (this thread is quite funny)

Any Info Please... (this person could've contacted their Department of Foreign Affairs & gained "conclusive" info about their plight.

Help :o

Real Estate & Housing forum.

How Much Do You Pay For Electricity Per Month?

Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum

Trolleys On Escalators... Near Disaster! (thank god the OP has been banned)

Can Anyone Recommend A Hotel Near Bkk Airport

Suvarnabhumi Airport You Owe Me £250

Health, Body & Medicine.

Sleeping On The Plane

Motor Forum

Car Cults

Internet, computers, communication, technology in Thailand

Slow Bittorrent Speeds In True

The Curse Of Two Weeks

This is merely the tip of the "inane" iceberg.

And typically, or coincidentally, none was started by you.

Why not take a little time out from your grammar lessons, give us a treat, start a thread so we can

all learn from you how not to waste air?

After a 20 minute peruse of this forum, I found the following threads to be a waste of fresh air;

General Forum.

Beware Of Taxi Meters!

Do You Remove Your Shoes Before Entering Your Home?

Opium Eating Turtles

Where Do You Live Right Now?

100 Things You Didn't Know About Thailand

Rats - How To Get Rid Of Them ? Or Make Their Life Unpleasant

Dengue Fever Epidemic


What Language Do You Speak?

Chips In Thailand

Movies In Chiang Mai

Where To Find The Most British People In Thailand

Where Are You From?

Ex Wants Me To Have Our Child

I Met The 'don' (this thread is quite funny)

Any Info Please... (this person could've contacted their Department of Foreign Affairs & gained "conclusive" info about their plight.

Help :D

Real Estate & Housing forum.

How Much Do You Pay For Electricity Per Month?

Suvarnabhumi Airport Forum

Trolleys On Escalators... Near Disaster! (thank god the OP has been banned)

Can Anyone Recommend A Hotel Near Bkk Airport

Suvarnabhumi Airport You Owe Me £250

Health, Body & Medicine.

Sleeping On The Plane

Motor Forum

Car Cults

Internet, computers, communication, technology in Thailand

Slow Bittorrent Speeds In True

The Curse Of Two Weeks

This is merely the tip of the "inane" iceberg.

Hey! What about my thread..


I can be inane too you know! :o

And typically, or coincidentally, none was started by you.

Why not take a little time out from your grammar lessons, give us a treat, start a thread so we can

all learn from you how not to waste air?

I have learnt from people like yourself about how to not waste air. BTW, you have already exceeded your quota of air. Hold your breath for the next 2 hours.

And typically, or coincidentally, none was started by you.

Why not take a little time out from your grammar lessons, give us a treat, start a thread so we can

all learn from you how not to waste air?

I have learnt from people like yourself about how to not waste air. BTW, you have already exceeded your quota of air. Hold your breath for the next 2 hours.

My wish is your command, o wise one.

Go on, give us a thread or I'll keep on posting.

And typically, or coincidentally, none was started by you.

Why not take a little time out from your grammar lessons, give us a treat, start a thread so we can

all learn from you how not to waste air?

I have learnt from people like yourself about how to not waste air. BTW, you have already exceeded your quota of air. Hold your breath for the next 2 hours.

My wish is your command, o wise one.

Go on, give us a thread or I'll keep on posting.

Post away to your little hearts content. About threads...well, I've started my fair share.

Anyway, this thread is about to be closed due to inanity & lack of relationship to Thailand.


And typically, or coincidentally, none was started by you.

Why not take a little time out from your grammar lessons, give us a treat, start a thread so we can

all learn from you how not to waste air?

I have learnt from people like yourself about how to not waste air. BTW, you have already exceeded your quota of air. Hold your breath for the next 2 hours.

My wish is your command, o wise one.

Go on, give us a thread or I'll keep on posting.

Post away to your little hearts content. About threads...well, I've started my fair share.

Anyway, this thread is about to be closed due to inanity & lack of relationship to Thailand.


That would be an inane thread on which you chose to post 16 times :D

I guess we could look forward to something less inane, like.. err, err ASBESTOS :o

And typically, or coincidentally, none was started by you.

Why not take a little time out from your grammar lessons, give us a treat, start a thread so we can

all learn from you how not to waste air?

I have learnt from people like yourself about how to not waste air. BTW, you have already exceeded your quota of air. Hold your breath for the next 2 hours.

My wish is your command, o wise one.

Go on, give us a thread or I'll keep on posting.

Post away to your little hearts content. About threads...well, I've started my fair share.

Anyway, this thread is about to be closed due to inanity & lack of relationship to Thailand.


That would be an inane thread on which you chose to post 16 times :D

I guess we could look forward to something less inane, like.. err, err ASBESTOS :o

Okay, I give up. Who's Asbestos?

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