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SOURCE: Pattaya One News: July 26th 2008

Underage Bar Workers as young as 8 years old found in Sunee Plaza Police Operation.

In the early hours of Saturday Morning, Police Colonel Nopadon, the Chief of Pattaya Police, who was joined by Khun Itipon, the Mayor of Pattaya, conducted a raid of a number of bars located in the Sunee Plaza area in South Pattaya which is well known for its gay bars and for the availability of underage boys, who, for a fee, will engage in sexual activities with foreign tourists.

It is for this reason that regular raids by Police take place in the area and on Saturday Morning, a total of 80 underage bar workers were found, many were performing on stages wearing only underwear.

It is also well known that drug taking and dealing is prevalent in the area. During the operation, a total of 80 underage workers, 3 of the young boys were aged only 15 and one was aged only 8 years which shocked the Mayor who joined the Police to see for himself, the problem of underage bar workers in the area.

Urine tests were performed on a random selection of the detainees and 32 of the young men failed the test, confirming the presence of meth-amphetamine in their systems. The bars involved in employing underage boys will now face legal action and the possibility their licenses will be revoked.


SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: July 26th 2008


The Mayor of Pattaya, Mr.Itthipol Khun-pluem, intent on cracking down on illegal operations and under-age sex in one of Pattaya‘s most popular gay venues, Sunee Plaza, South Pattaya, on July 26, 2008, co-operated with police to mobilize in strength and thoroughly search the area. They were especially concerned to eradicate the prolific gangs of teenagers who sell sexual services, amongst whom there is a high illegal drug usage.

At 00.30 AM, on July 26, Pol.Col.Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya Superintendent, organized a 70-man squad of regular and volunteer police to raid Sunee Plaza, where many foreigners go to find willing young boys. The squad checked 50 gay beer bars, pubs and go-go bars on the lookout for business licence lawbreakers, overly-explicit sex shows and staff under 20 years old. However, no premises were found to be breaking the law on any of these three counts.

Police volunteers, nevertheless, did manage to detain over 100 rent-boys who were soliciting in the plaza. Of these, six were under 15, 40 were using Yah Bah (amphetamines) and four were illegal Burmese immigrants. All the offenders were detained at Pattaya police station.

Pol.Col.Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya Superintendent, stated that because Pattaya is a prominent international tourist city, with millions of Thai and foreign visitors annually, it has long been a favourite venue of criminals, sex tourists and paedophiles. As a result, Pattaya's new mayor, Mr. Itthipol Khun-pluem and Pattaya Police have decided it is high time that illicit activities were eradicated and a good reputation be created for the city.

Consequently, police have started a surveillance campaign and crack-down on non-compliant entertainment owners and sexual abusers. The authorities are particularly concerned about the large number of young boys, mainly from up-country and largely uneducated; many of whom have no legal guardians, forcing social services to send them to rehabilitation centres. However, because of the demand for their sexual service and the easy money available, the teenagers escape from the rehabilitation centres to return to Sunee Plaza to ply their trade. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that many teenagers use their immoral earnings to buy drugs to share among their friends.

Mr. Itthipol Khun-pluem stated that he was relatively satisfied with the level of arrests and optimistic about the ongoing combined attempts to eradicate crime and give Pattaya a good name.

Photographs of homosexuals and young boys withheld for Thai Visa decency reasons


This is really sad.

If they really wanted to they could stop all this dead in it's tracks. Close down the bars put the owners in jail after confiscating the bar and all their property.

Then put the young boys in care or re-hab.

Very very sad state of affairs that seems to be on going.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I assume the main reason why so many young boys are made available, is because there is a demand for them.

This isn't something new either, it's been going on for years mostly in and around the gay bars.

Are these practices considered normal and acceptable behaviour by the gay community? If not, then why hasn't there been more police involvement in eradicating the problem? Are gay Farang tourists turning a blind eye to fellow gays procuring young boys for sex?

Too many questions, not enough answers.


Apparently, despite being raided fairly often (and getting caught with underaged "staff", and large numbers of staff testing positive for drugs), the penalties are obviously not enough to deter the owners/managers from carrying on with business as per normal the second the police turn to walk away.

This isn't (by far) the first time this has happened. Maybe the new Mayor (and his brother) will actually crack down on the owners for a change, but will it make any difference ?

Lets say the owner(s) gets slapped with a fine and a closure. They then sells business to a partner/friend/cohort. Bar reopens a couple days later, new name, same business.

The underaged kid thing is sad. Once in awhile there'll be an article about a farang getting busted for this, but rarely do I hear about the procurers (the ones that recruit and bring the underage kids there in the first place) ever getting busted. I think I've heard/seen two stories in the last 3+ years.

It's kind of like busting the junkies for having/using drugs, but not doing anything about the pushers that are selling the drugs.

Old Chinese (?) saying: "Cut the head off the snake and the body will die"


Are these practices considered normal and acceptable behaviour by the gay community? If not, then why hasn't there been more police involvement in eradicating the problem? Are gay Farang tourists turning a blind eye to fellow gays procuring young boys for sex?

I haven't seen too many straight dudes take the high road while out whoring around either, I might add!


Is this real? 80 people worked there? I'd really rather not know. Can all these articles posted on the Pattaya Forum be titled something else? The headline itself is obscene. How about they just have a general heading of News From Pattaya with no further details? I understand these horrors happen, but do I have to be exposed to it 3 or 4 times a day. I try to avoid the Pattaya Forum, but I can't avoid the topic headline. If I wanted to read the paper, I'd buy one. It may sound selfish, but seeing that can fuc_k up my night.

Are these practices considered normal and acceptable behaviour by the gay community? If not, then why hasn't there been more police involvement in eradicating the problem? Are gay Farang tourists turning a blind eye to fellow gays procuring young boys for sex?

I haven't seen too many straight dudes take the high road while out whoring around either, I might add!

Ive never seen straight men walking hand in hand with clearly underage girls, where as ive seen gay men with boys who could have been no older then 14, i wanted to break his jaw but was advised to say and do nothing by the girl i was with.

Is this real? 80 people worked there? I'd really rather not know.

I understand these horrors happen, but do I have to be exposed to it 3 or 4 times a day.

Attitudes similar to yours are part of the problem.

Sticking your head in the sand will not make these problems go away. If the people who see these activities taking place took positive action, you wouldn't need to be 'exposed to it 3 or 4 times a day' because it would soon disappear from the bar scene.

Yes, it might then go underground and be more difficult to police but again, continued positive action will eventually reduce/eliminate the activity.

I well understand that there is an onus of proof required for a successful prosecution. Merely observing paedophiles (or those who could be paedophiles) walking hand in hand with young children may not be enough proof for the courts, but for the sexual act to take place, the children would have to be led to a home or hotel. It's here that police can obtain their evidence.

If you suspect it, report it to the proper authorities. It's the least you can do and it's much better than sticking your head in the sand.

Having said all that, I also well understand that many Farangs marry into Thai families and it can be expected that Farangs will often walk hand in hand with their Thai children. It doesn't take much however, for an observer to recognize a genuine family relationship as opposed to a sinister relationship.


The first report says 80 underage bar workers were found. The second report said no bars were found to be violating the staff under 20 law, but dozens of boys/guys were detained for soliciting in the plaza...

Those two accounts would seem to be pretty clearly opposite of each other. The first account would put the liability on the owners of those bars, at least in theory. The second account would not necessarily implicate the owners/operators of bars there.

That question doesn't bear on the issue of minors selling sex services. But it does bear on whether those particular bar owners are legally liable when the police come knocking...

Is this real? 80 people worked there? I'd really rather not know.

I understand these horrors happen, but do I have to be exposed to it 3 or 4 times a day.

Attitudes similar to yours are part of the problem.

Sticking your head in the sand will not make these problems go away. If the people who see these activities taking place took positive action, you wouldn't need to be 'exposed to it 3 or 4 times a day' because it would soon disappear from the bar scene.

Yes, it might then go underground and be more difficult to police but again, continued positive action will eventually reduce/eliminate the activity.

I well understand that there is an onus of proof required for a successful prosecution. Merely observing paedophiles (or those who could be paedophiles) walking hand in hand with young children may not be enough proof for the courts, but for the sexual act to take place, the children would have to be led to a home or hotel. It's here that police can obtain their evidence.

If you suspect it, report it to the proper authorities. It's the least you can do and it's much better than sticking your head in the sand.

Having said all that, I also well understand that many Farangs marry into Thai families and it can be expected that Farangs will often walk hand in hand with their Thai children. It doesn't take much however, for an observer to recognize a genuine family relationship as opposed to a sinister relationship.

I'm not going to use this horror to get into a dispute with you about my attitude. It sounds like you needed to get that off your chest. Just curious to know what you've done lately to make these sinister problems go away other than reading TV.

Are these practices considered normal and acceptable behaviour by the gay community? If not, then why hasn't there been more police involvement in eradicating the problem? Are gay Farang tourists turning a blind eye to fellow gays procuring young boys for sex?

I haven't seen too many straight dudes take the high road while out whoring around either, I might add!

Ive never seen straight men walking hand in hand with clearly underage girls, where as ive seen gay men with boys who could have been no older then 14, i wanted to break his jaw but was advised to say and do nothing by the girl i was with.

Well maybe it doesn't happen in Pattaya, but it certainly does in BKK. To the best of my knowledge, most of the underage gals are either taken to a pre-selected place or in the short-time rooms of the establishment.

In the past, these sights were common (gay and straight), then the police cracked down. There's not a lot the police can do if they aren't working in the bars, they have to catch people reasonably close to being in the act or at least in a compromised position. But rest assured, it's not just underage boys that selling themselves.


The gay community (at least, those I know, who are not in Pattaya) are even more strongly opposed to pedophilia than straight men are, for one obvious reason. At least among Westerners, all gay men are tarred and feathered by the tiny minority of their people who are pedophiles. Generally, it never enters anybody's mind to condemn all straight men for the straight pedophiles. Nor to blame all women for the women pedophiles.

Gay men condemn pedophiles of all kinds.

Just curious to know what you've done lately to make these sinister problems go away other than reading TV.

I haven't done anything lately as I don't live in LOS. I come to Pattaya for a holiday every year but I never socialize in Sunee Plaza. The newspaper article named Sunee Plaza as the hot spot for underage kids so my question was aimed at those who frequent this location.

If the same situation was openly taking place along Walking Street, then I would be reporting my observations and fears to the proper authorities.

The gay community (at least, those I know, who are not in Pattaya) are even more strongly opposed to pedophilia than straight men are....(snip)

It was not my intention to start a slinging match between gays and straights. I think that the wording of my previous posts reflected that.

It is reassuring to note that gays and straights stand united in trying to stomp out paedophilia. The facts of this thread are that paedophilia regularly takes place in Sunee Plaza, the gay area. It therefore stands to reason that some of those who frequent the area would be aware of these activities and it also stands to reason that some would also witness underage kids being picked up by adults.

Others in this thread have stated that this practice has been going on for years. This has also been reported in the past in the various newspapers. So, if everyone is vehemently opposed to these disgusting activities, why do they still continue to occur with apparent impunity?

If it's a strong gay area then we all have to rely on the gays to take the necessary action.


Two very worthwhile posts 'saudiroyalflush' It's a shame it had to be on such a sad topic, but thankyou and welcome to ThaiVisa.


"In closing, there is no easy solution to this problem - as long as police here will take tea money, and there are farangs who want boys, and there are boys who are willing to go, and a MAFIA who profit from it, this will go on and on an on. I wish there was an easy solution, but there just isn't. I feel as a foreigner living in a different country, it is not my place to interfere with the inner-working of any country, so I, sadly have to turn a blind eye to it, for my own safety."

Don't worry, Mighty Mouse is on the way. He'll be here soon to save the day.


Good informative post, Saudiroyalflush.

...but this is the bit that I find disturbing.

In closing, there is no easy solution to this problem - as long as police here will take tea money, and there are farangs who want boys, and there are boys who are willing to go, and a MAFIA who profit from it, this will go on and on an on. I wish there was an easy solution, but there just isn't. I feel as a foreigner living in a different country, it is not my place to interfere with the inner-working of any country, so I, sadly have to turn a blind eye to it, for my own safety.

You, together with your drinking buddies (and Shotime too) are aware of paedophile activity in Sunee Plaza. I appreciate that the BIB are corrupt, the Mafia may be involved and you have real fears for your own safety, but to turn a blind eye will just allow these activities to go on forever.

If you are genuinely concerned it may only require a combined effort from all of you to write to the newspapers, informing them of your knowledge. Let the newspapers take up the fight on your behalf, print the story and maybe City Hall will respond positively...or perhaps a letter direct to City Hall, or the Chief of Police, or the Prime Minister.

If, as you state in your post, the BIB are using the underage kids to trap paedophiles so that they (the BIB) can make an arrest, why not short circuit the procedure by informing the police directly if and when you can identify a paedophile and have knowledge of where he might be staying....or why not take certain steps to discourage the paedophile. Group pressure. (The word 'discourage' takes all forms.)

You state that many of these kids are willing targets. Are they forced to be willing by a pimp, a parent or a business owner? I'm suggesting that they are much too young to be willing. They are victims and pawns in a lurid sex trade. Their lives could be totally stuffed up as a result.

I have watched documentaries of young paedophile victims who are now adults yet still trying to come to terms with what they were forced to do as children. Many find it impossible to enjoy a normal adult relationship. Some are unable to cope and commit suicide.

Whilst you and your friends sit back in Sunee Plaza late at night, enjoying a few ales whilst observing these young kids being approached by adults, do you ever wonder how their lives may be affected in the years to come and if so, are you concerned?

Inaction achieves nothing.


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