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Which Way To Go/come! Agggggggggggghhhh

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OK - First the easy part. I want to retire to Thailand - bear with me please! :D

I have the funds as set out by the regs received from UK Thai Consulate to meet the requirements for retirement visa - ie 65,000 THB monthly income. I exceed that several times over. I have a couple of UK pensions, and income from A few web sites - Advertising etc. So, no problem with the mechanics of retirement to Thailand.

However, I am not the 'sit on the beach and have a G&T type' I am one of those poor old s*** that has to be doing something all the time!

I understand that with Retirement, it means precisely that - Do NO WORK!!! Though I assume that I could still email through to UK and nudge staff (1) from time to time, to make sure that income is still there for next 20-30 years (I am only 67!).

Then I have the problem of wanting to build another web site - paying or not - about Thailand - Some retirement this lol! (Not to compete with ThaiVisa so no problems there :o ). This I can do as an unpaid person - because of my other income, and ideally employ or 'use' two companions as Researcher and Designer etc for the new web site. I would be happy to assist them is setting up their own business to run the web site. I would finance then in return for them showing me around Thailand. It is all semi-arranged in principle, and even if the new venture does not pay, it is no big deal because of my residual incomes that I have.

A/ What are view on this being feasible re the 'Non working' clause of the Retirement visa

B/Anything inventive and helpful for me to decide which way to 'come and go' would be really appreciated.

In my naivety, I would assume that the Thai authorities would welcome my input (Web site) to help put Thailand on the map! However, as a realist I also accept that it would probably count for nothing if a rule were broken or even slightly bent!

Needless to say, I have trawled through various official and non-official web sites trying to find answers, but I think that real men - and ladies of course - on the ground might have the spark of inventiveness that will (if nothing else) put the ball firmly back in my own court.

Thanks to all.


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Ah! That's a new dimension - Thanks for that! :-)

I have already got further here in five mins that a week of 'consul-hopping'

really appreciated.


Going on from my last "thank you" post, I cannot find any info about possibility of a work permit whilst on Retirement stay in Thailand! Any experience on this anyone?

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The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

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Don't really know much about work permits but do know that Thailands rules are very flexible and change constantly. A few baht (tea money) to the right person can get most anything accomplished.

In my opinion retirement is great. In time you will get the hang of doing nothing or whatever you want when you want. So I would say go for it. If you are wrong and can't take the life style you can always go back, money permitting.

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The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

Thanks for that - Learning all the time.


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The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

Thanks for that - Learning all the time.


Just to demonstrate what has already been said, this Q&A was published in the Phuket Gazette as recently as August 1st:


Do I need to change my visa to work?

I am retired in Thailand, have a non-immigrant O visa and I am married to a Thai. I have been offered a job in Thailand. Can I change my visa to one with which I can obtain a work permit?

Kjell, Thailand. Friday, August 1, 2008


“People who are in the country on a non-immigrant O retirement visa or staying on a permit-to-stay on the basis they have retired are prohibited to work and cannot be issued a work permit.

However, if you apply to Immigration to have your permit-to-stay issued on the basis that are supporting a Thai wife, you are allowed to work and can apply for a work permit from the employment office based on your visa type.

Alternatively, you can apply to Immigration to have your retirement visa changed to a business visa (non-immigrant B ).

You can then apply for a work permit at the employment office.

You can then contact our office to find out what other documents are needed to be issued a work permit.

Our office is on Rattanakosin 200 Pi Rd. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Tel.076-219660-1.”

Friday, August 1, 2008 Janya Yingyong, of the Work Permit Section at the Phuket Provincial Employment Office.

So yes, it will probably depend on the employment office you deal with.


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The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

Thanks for that - Learning all the time.


Just to demonstrate what has already been said, this Q&A was published in the Phuket Gazette as recently as August 1st:


Do I need to change my visa to work?

I am retired in Thailand, have a non-immigrant O visa and I am married to a Thai. I have been offered a job in Thailand. Can I change my visa to one with which I can obtain a work permit?

Kjell, Thailand. Friday, August 1, 2008


"People who are in the country on a non-immigrant O retirement visa or staying on a permit-to-stay on the basis they have retired are prohibited to work and cannot be issued a work permit.

However, if you apply to Immigration to have your permit-to-stay issued on the basis that are supporting a Thai wife, you are allowed to work and can apply for a work permit from the employment office based on your visa type.

Alternatively, you can apply to Immigration to have your retirement visa changed to a business visa (non-immigrant B ).

You can then apply for a work permit at the employment office.

You can then contact our office to find out what other documents are needed to be issued a work permit.

Our office is on Rattanakosin 200 Pi Rd. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Tel.076-219660-1."

Friday, August 1, 2008 Janya Yingyong, of the Work Permit Section at the Phuket Provincial Employment Office.

So yes, it will probably depend on the employment office you deal with.


Thanks for that. I assume that I would have to apply in the area that I reside - or perhaps the area in which I work? (Basically they will be one and the same thing). What I am really asking is "Is it possible to choose an Employment office where things seem more favourably inclined?"



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The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

Thanks for that - Learning all the time.


Just to demonstrate what has already been said, this Q&A was published in the Phuket Gazette as recently as August 1st:


Do I need to change my visa to work?

I am retired in Thailand, have a non-immigrant O visa and I am married to a Thai. I have been offered a job in Thailand. Can I change my visa to one with which I can obtain a work permit?

Kjell, Thailand. Friday, August 1, 2008


"People who are in the country on a non-immigrant O retirement visa or staying on a permit-to-stay on the basis they have retired are prohibited to work and cannot be issued a work permit.

However, if you apply to Immigration to have your permit-to-stay issued on the basis that are supporting a Thai wife, you are allowed to work and can apply for a work permit from the employment office based on your visa type.

Alternatively, you can apply to Immigration to have your retirement visa changed to a business visa (non-immigrant B ).

You can then apply for a work permit at the employment office.

You can then contact our office to find out what other documents are needed to be issued a work permit.

Our office is on Rattanakosin 200 Pi Rd. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Tel.076-219660-1."

Friday, August 1, 2008 Janya Yingyong, of the Work Permit Section at the Phuket Provincial Employment Office.

So yes, it will probably depend on the employment office you deal with.


Thanks for that. I assume that I would have to apply in the area that I reside - or perhaps the area in which I work? (Basically they will be one and the same thing). What I am really asking is "Is it possible to choose an Employment office where things seem more favourably inclined?"



Really, why are you bothering with all this? You will be working online? No one gives a dam_n. The only time people get 'grassed up' for working here is when they step on the 'grassor's' toes. Leave all your preconceptions behind and don't give yourself a heart attack over it.

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Thanks for that. I assume that I would have to apply in the area that I reside - or perhaps the area in which I work? (Basically they will be one and the same thing). What I am really asking is "Is it possible to choose an Employment office where things seem more favourably inclined?"



You apply in the area you will be working.

However, sometimes people get around a strict Labor Dept office and will apply in BKk and then transfer the work permit to another area. As Bkk has already approved the wp, that Labor Dept in that area will accept it.


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The rules have recently changed, before you couldn't get a work permit in a retirement visa, now you can. As Lite Beer said, some people get a work permit, some not. It depends on the labour office you will be dealing with. For instance Sunbelt, a legal firm, has reported that they ware able to get work permits for clients in Bangkok, but not in Nontaburi (?).

So it depends where you apply for your work permit.

Thanks for that - Learning all the time.


Just to demonstrate what has already been said, this Q&A was published in the Phuket Gazette as recently as August 1st:


Do I need to change my visa to work?

I am retired in Thailand, have a non-immigrant O visa and I am married to a Thai. I have been offered a job in Thailand. Can I change my visa to one with which I can obtain a work permit?

Kjell, Thailand. Friday, August 1, 2008


"People who are in the country on a non-immigrant O retirement visa or staying on a permit-to-stay on the basis they have retired are prohibited to work and cannot be issued a work permit.

However, if you apply to Immigration to have your permit-to-stay issued on the basis that are supporting a Thai wife, you are allowed to work and can apply for a work permit from the employment office based on your visa type.

Alternatively, you can apply to Immigration to have your retirement visa changed to a business visa (non-immigrant B ).

You can then apply for a work permit at the employment office.

You can then contact our office to find out what other documents are needed to be issued a work permit.

Our office is on Rattanakosin 200 Pi Rd. Open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Tel.076-219660-1."

Friday, August 1, 2008 Janya Yingyong, of the Work Permit Section at the Phuket Provincial Employment Office.

So yes, it will probably depend on the employment office you deal with.


Thanks for that. I assume that I would have to apply in the area that I reside - or perhaps the area in which I work? (Basically they will be one and the same thing). What I am really asking is "Is it possible to choose an Employment office where things seem more favourably inclined?"



Really, why are you bothering with all this? You will be working online? No one gives a dam_n. The only time people get 'grassed up' for working here is when they step on the 'grassor's' toes. Leave all your preconceptions behind and don't give yourself a heart attack over it.

:o That's about it I reckon. Thanks for that - Will do!



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