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90-day Address Reporting At Cm


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As from 1st August, CM Immigration now require the following in addition to your completed TM47:

From your passport, copies of

- Picture page

- Visa

- TM6 (departure card)

- Permit to stay up until stamp

Last receipt of address notification

As usual, all copies should be signed by you. No big deal if you don't have the copies in advance of going to CM Immigration; as most people know, there is a 2 baht per page photocopy service at the rear of the compound......... although I notice the lady who runs it doesn't smile any more with the extra business now than she did before :o.

Same list applies to mail notification - plus addressed envelope & stamp.

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I noticed that they stopped stapling tbe "Last receipt of address notification" into passports about the same time they started requiring it be presented at the next 90 day reporting. A friend was "fined"(long story) for not having the original.

I'm not saying.....I'm just saying....

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I noticed that they stopped stapling tbe "Last receipt of address notification" into passports about the same time they started requiring it be presented at the next 90 day reporting. A friend was "fined"(long story) for not having the original.

I'm not saying.....I'm just saying....

I stapled my receipt in, after they didn't staple it in, last time.... :o

Thanks to the OP for the info; will make the needed copies for my 90 day check-in end of August.

A mild suggestion if Thai Imm monitors this forum- do you really need to keep more towering stacks of paper files, threatening to fall over and crush staff? There are these things called "computers", and "RFID ID cards" and "database systems" that would make your job sooooooo much easier! Just a kind reminder. :D

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Oh my..


I left Thailand in June and returned 2 weeks later, when I left the immigration officer at Swampy removed my 90 day slip and threw it away. Who was I to think anything but...

New 90 day date on return in LOS.

Will I be subject to a spanking because I don't have my previous slip anymore?

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Whew....gpdjohn escaped the clutches of the law, once again..... :D

Na, not really...

I had the pleasure of taking some time out of my busy day yesterday by hanging out at the traffic police station and giving them 200Bt. The first officer wanted me to give him 400Bt., but after giving him a hard time, he lowered it to the correct amount.

Next time the wife will wear her helmet. :o

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As from 1st August, CM Immigration now require the following in addition to your completed TM47:

From your passport, copies of

- Picture page

- Visa

- TM6 (departure card)

- Permit to stay up until stamp

Last receipt of address notification

As usual, all copies should be signed by you. No big deal if you don't have the copies in advance of going to CM Immigration; as most people know, there is a 2 baht per page photocopy service at the rear of the compound......... although I notice the lady who runs it doesn't smile any more with the extra business now than she did before :o .

Same list applies to mail notification - plus addressed envelope & stamp.

Exactly how many copies of the above are required? 1,2,3 or more?

Kind regards,


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Will I be subject to a spanking because I don't have my previous slip anymore?

Your 90 day clock for reporting restarts from your new entry date, so you are fine. The spanking is optional. :o

I am (fairly) sure you are correct on this so far as people re-entering are concerned. However, if one re-news in-country as i do (here in CM) one MUST stick to the 90 days calculated from the last 90 day signing. The in-country re-newal has no effect on that.

I asked a young kid at the window last year and got the wrong advice.

Only escaped a fine on my next 90 day signing when i told them of the wrong advice.

If you don't leave Thailand and re-new here, DO stick to the original 90 day timescale!

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If you don't leave Thailand and re-new here, DO stick to the original 90 day timescale!

Correct. Guess the easier way to look at it is if you are in-country for more then 90 days you are required to report.

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I just did the 90 day thing. They stamp the next day for reporting in red on the form./ But its a Sunday!!! Im sure they are not open on Sundays so do I go on Monday and show them the stamp for Sunday or go on the Friday before?

Same thing happened to me, of course I went on the Friday, but why do Immigration do these daft things?

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I've been doing the 90 day reporting "in country" for a couple of years now and never got a stamp in my passport, only get the bottom bit of the form with the next reporting date written by hand.

I was told there is a window of 7 days either side of the date and have in fact reported a couple of days late without any problem. They still only gave 90 days from the actual report date. :o

This is Krabi immigration.


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I just did the 90 day thing. They stamp the next day for reporting in red on the form./ But its a Sunday!!! Im sure they are not open on Sundays so do I go on Monday and show them the stamp for Sunday or go on the Friday before?

Same thing happened to me, of course I went on the Friday, but why do Immigration do these daft things?

Exactly! If your visa or whatever is calculated by immigration to end on a Saturday or Sunday, when they know they are not open; why then do they not automatically extend it to the following Monday?

Indeed, why not. Because in my experience we are played like puppets by immigration. Creates more inner stress for farangs, keep toying with them. Can not, for the life of me, comprehend the laudatory comments on an accompanying thread about how gracious the CMai Immigration staff are? They are as far from gracious as one could be. It's illusory, or delusional. And the farang who is allegedly 'helping' us: Like the farang assistants to the police their so called help is self-help program.IMHO :o

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I just did the 90 day thing. They stamp the next day for reporting in red on the form./ But its a Sunday!!! Im sure they are not open on Sundays so do I go on Monday and show them the stamp for Sunday or go on the Friday before?

Same thing happened to me, of course I went on the Friday, but why do Immigration do these daft things?

Exactly! If your visa or whatever is calculated by immigration to end on a Saturday or Sunday, when they know they are not open; why then do they not automatically extend it to the following Monday?

Indeed, why not? Well, because in my experience, we are played like puppets by immigration. Creates more inner stress for farangs, keep toying with them. Can not, for the life of me, comprehend the laudatory comments on an accompanying thread about how gracious the CMai Immigration staff are? They are as far from gracious as one could be. It's illusory, or delusional. And the farang who is allegedly 'helping' us; like the farang assistants to the police, their so called help is a self-help program.IMHO :o

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I just did the 90 day thing. They stamp the next day for reporting in red on the form./ But its a Sunday!!! Im sure they are not open on Sundays so do I go on Monday and show them the stamp for Sunday or go on the Friday before?

Same thing happened to me, of course I went on the Friday, but why do Immigration do these daft things?

Exactly! If your visa or whatever is calculated by immigration to end on a Saturday or Sunday, when they know they are not open; why then do they not automatically extend it to the following Monday?

Indeed, why not. Because in my experience we are played like puppets by immigration. Creates more inner stress for farangs, keep toying with them. Can not, for the life of me, comprehend the laudatory comments on an accompanying thread about how gracious the CMai Immigration staff are? They are as far from gracious as one could be. It's illusory, or delusional. And the farang who is allegedly 'helping' us: Like the farang assistants to the police their so called help is self-help program.IMHO :o

You can leave Thailand on a Saturday or Sunday and enjoy your visa until those days as stamped. They also figure if you can not understand that, they are happy to frustrate you with little puzzles or better yet just have you leave and take your silly complaints elsewhere. That is what the guy at immigration told me anyway.

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Exactly! If your visa or whatever is calculated by immigration to end on a Saturday or Sunday, when they know they are not open; why then do they not automatically extend it to the following Monday?

Indeed, why not. Because in my experience we are played like puppets by immigration. Creates more inner stress for farangs, keep toying with them. Can not, for the life of me, comprehend the laudatory comments on an accompanying thread about how gracious the CMai Immigration staff are? They are as far from gracious as one could be. It's illusory, or delusional. And the farang who is allegedly 'helping' us: Like the farang assistants to the police their so called help is self-help program.IMHO :o

What a troubling world you must live in.......... :D....... Good choice of nickname, though. :D

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OK with Daffy D...

One time I was 2 days late, and I begun to apologise. But "they" told me one week before or after the date, no problem.

But I agree too: better to be safe with immigration service IMHO...

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Wonder if any of the posters, stating that if your 'next day' is on a Sunday - you're next to dead if you don't go on the Friday before, have ever tried to go there the Monday after? --- In my experience the officials at immigration aren't any different than the guys at the tax-office - they are too used to guys being a bit late to consider that as neither an issue nor an "excuse" for kicking some farang in a special manner. But feel free, be as paranoid as you prefer.

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Wonder if any of the posters, stating that if your 'next day' is on a Sunday - you're next to dead if you don't go on the Friday before, have ever tried to go there the Monday after? --- In my experience the officials at immigration aren't any different than the guys at the tax-office - they are too used to guys being a bit late to consider that as neither an issue nor an "excuse" for kicking some farang in a special manner. But feel free, be as paranoid as you prefer.

Yes and on the odd chance that a random policeman discovers that your visa has expired at a road check, an accident or somehow and follows the law by putting you through the deportation process, it is an interesting experience and nothing to get paranoid about.

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Wonder if any of the posters, stating that if your 'next day' is on a Sunday - you're next to dead if you don't go on the Friday before, have ever tried to go there the Monday after? --- In my experience the officials at immigration aren't any different than the guys at the tax-office - they are too used to guys being a bit late to consider that as neither an issue nor an "excuse" for kicking some farang in a special manner. But feel free, be as paranoid as you prefer.

Better safe than (very) sorry! :o

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I won't disagree rishi...seems like much ado about nothing.

The truth is that Imm moves the goalposts so often, some of us prefer to err on the side of caution.

This is not really paranoia....it's more like realism.

The laissez-faire policy of yesterday can turn into the Draconian policy of tomorrow, in the blink of an eye. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why don't they publish their changes [surprises] on an official website or better yet, mail these whimisical changes of policy to us...they have our 'official addresses', right?

WHY DO THAIS LIKE TO SURPRISE US?? and we only get the info by reading from fellow thaivisa posters who experience their surprises and pass them on to us.

Thanks OP for the info....would have had to make two trips in if you had not posted.

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