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Anytime You Hear The Word Thailand In A Film


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you watch a movie if thailand comes up its 99% of the time at the end of a prostitute or pedophile joke

do the Thai people care about this reputation?

go to any asia country and mention Thai and its always wink wink

why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

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Hiso Thais, Thai politicians, the Thai aspiring classes definitely don't like it. But where is the will to do anything about it? Close all massage places, beer bars, brothels, go gos, etc. and what jobs are going to replace all that in this land of poor education?

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Hiso Thais, Thai politicians, the Thai aspiring classes definitely don't like it.

They might not like the reputation, but it's certainly deserved.

But where is the will to do anything about it?

Exactly! If they were not themselves the biggest consumers and beneficiaries of said services, the more visible tourist side would be gone.

Close all massage places, beer bars, brothels, go gos, etc. and what jobs are going to replace all that in this land of poor education?

Maybe...better education and then better jobs?

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I can only do a short version on some of your concerns, based on“my own points of view”.

-Except for sex slave , forced sex, and child sex-

Here goes….

Niether education nor better job will solved the problem, if people of the world over, including the thais are still judging people and their profession based on “their own” moral “goody” standard.

Who should say the act of sweating and grinding of the fresh is something bad or to be looked down upon, or be ashamed of - between 2 consented adults?

Or….aren’t we all in somewhat prostituting and sweating ourselves in our own job or career wise?

Or….aren’t we all selling ourselves to the highest bidder in order to earn the amount we seek?

“I think”.......the answer is those traditionally and morally conservative ones, of course.

And there are the issue of STD or AID associated with the possy profession, but what about the percentage of other “good standing” professions that are dying of stresses or heart deceases related to their job?

Unless people can accept that others too have the right to live their own lives that they deem fit for their circumstances, as long as they do not hurt others in the process. Until then, live with it and do what you can to ensure that your sanity is well protected against those prejudices and stay away from the nonsense media that are full of biased that always depicts Thailand in a negative light, or people who are full of prejudices against the thai women or their “certain profession”.

Well….. right or wrong, these are some of my opinions.

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

There's nothing stopping you from moving to Singapore or Hong Kong if you feel so offended by grandpa farang, is there?

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I can only do a short version on some of your concerns, based on"my own points of view".

-Except for sex slave , forced sex, and child sex-

Here goes….

Niether education nor better job will solved the problem, if people of the world over, including the thais are still judging people and their profession based on "their own" moral "goody" standard.

Who should say the act of sweating and grinding of the fresh is something bad or to be looked down upon, or be ashamed of - between 2 consented adults?

Or….aren't we all in somewhat prostituting and sweating ourselves in our own job or career wise?

Or….aren't we all selling ourselves to the highest bidder in order to earn the amount we seek?

"I think".......the answer is those traditionally and morally conservative ones, of course.

And there are the issue of STD or AID associated with the possy profession, but what about the percentage of other "good standing" professions that are dying of stresses or heart deceases related to their job?

Unless people can accept that others too have the right to live their own lives that they deem fit for their circumstances, as long as they do not hurt others in the process. Until then, live with it and do what you can to ensure that your sanity is well protected against those prejudices and stay away from the nonsense media that are full of biased that always depicts Thailand in a negative light, or people who are full of prejudices against the thai women or their "certain profession".

Well….. right or wrong, these are some of my opinions.

I do for the most agree with you Teacup, but that doesnot take away the fact that wherever you are in the world ( I am close to south-america now) and you mention Thailand, there is always the same reaction more or less like: Mmmmm Thailand Oh la la....woman ...easy girls .. you lucky bastard.

Most people donot know <deleted> about Thailand or even where it is on the map, but they `think` they do know about the sex part in the country. It is easy, cheap and absolutely available everywhere and countrywide...

I hate it when people do that. I defend Thailand and by doing so, also the one I love.

But wherever I go, and I do mean absolutely worldwide, I always get the same reaction.

Thailand is looked upon as brothel number one in the world, I think maybe that is what the OP is talking about.

It is sad, really sad.

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Tell your vipassanna meditation group in England or America about your recent trip to Thailand and they will be thinking one thing. Tell your alcoholic mates down at the pub about your recent trip to Thailand and you'll get a different reaction. The reaction to Thailand has far more to do with who is reacting than to Thailand. As far as the original post, I do not stay awake at night trying to remember if I've ever heard Thailand mentioned in Hollywood-produced trashy films before.

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you dont see that stuff in singapore
You obviously haven't been to Geylang Road.
Well my wife hates it, when we went to Pattaya for the first time she was discusted, going down walking street she wanted to go home as she was pissed off some many of her country girls are whores
So she'd rather they be hidden away behind glass in massage parlours, huh? Out of sight, out of mind.
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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

Yes you do, ever been to Geylang? ever visited the Four floors (oops I mean Orchard Towers) how about the good old Wan Chai district in HK?

"Farang" are the same breed the world over.

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its not a pretty site to see grandpa farang and his catch of the night strolling home. you dont see that stuff in singapore or hong kong. the farang there are a different breed.

Yes you do, ever been to Geylang? ever visited the Four floors (oops I mean Orchard Towers) how about the good old Wan Chai district in HK?

"Farang" are the same breed the world over.

Exactly, there is plenty of prostitution in both places and Malaysia and Indonesia as well.

I would say that MEN are the same the world over.

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Thailand is looked upon as brothel number one in the world, I think maybe that is what the OP is talking about.

It is sad, really sad.

Yes it is unfortunate.

Blame it on the biased shallowed global media and the “certain” visiting foreigners for making it appears that the whole country is doing a BOOM BOOM behind every bushes.

It’s not the amount of prostitution in thailand, but the real problem is that certain few farangs give Thai women in general a very bad name.

One major factor is because of “the exchange rate“, this makes therefore any low life scum sex tourists with colorful behaviors and boasting features can afford the comparatively cheap prostitution that they might not otherwise be able to purchase these services in their countries. It is quite common and not so difficult to see these cetain type farangs “showing off” their catch walking down the street together hand-in-hand. Most thais are very discreet, and the practices are very muted compared to what westerners do. Thai men would never be seen in public with a prostitute, and if he were to be seen with one, he would have a major loss of face. It is of “these certain groups” of the foreigners who go to Thailand and practically abuse the sensitivity of this part of the thai culture, and the global media happened to pick up on this or happened to be talking to those certain type of foriegners. So it is too much hyped up by these guys.

Also I can understand why the western media seem to justify and look down on Thai women, because I assume that they have only visited the famous places like: Pattaya, Patong, Patpong, or Hat Yai - mostly.

As far as changing it, that will take a very long time, because also the economy benefits from it.

But as the standard of living for the thais increases on par with the Western World, may be the problem will slowly disappear.

And it is also quite unfortunate reality that just only a very small percentage of thai women with high education is noticed.

Edited by teacup
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It has been a while since I have seen this movie, but I can think of one Hollywood film that did not make reference to sex worker, prostitute, etc. where the story took place in Thailand. "The Beach". Although "The Beach" was not a great movie and failed at the box office, it did do well when it was released on DVD. :o

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why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

Because for a generation or more Thailand has marketed itself on the basis of the sex industry.

If Thailand wanted to put an end to that image the Thais would act to do so.

They do not - Thailand has prostituted it's young people and the wider world is not so dumb not to have noticed.

(and like ever foreigner you see in Thailand is there for the culture, the food and the landscape)

The OP makes the same mistake the Thais do - He blames others for noticing the obvious.

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It has been a while since I have seen this movie, but I can think of one Hollywood film that did not make reference to sex worker, prostitute, etc. where the story took place in Thailand. "The Beach". Although "The Beach" was not a great movie and failed at the box office, it did do well when it was released on DVD. :o

i thought the beach was actually a great movie. I believe it did well in Australia

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I remember seeing "The Matador" here in Bangkok at a theatre. Aside from the fact that no one understood the movie's humor, there were a couple jokes aimed at teenage Thai prostitutes. At first, I thought the movie was funny. I would laugh and notice on one else was laughing. Then, slowly, other people understood it was supposed to be funny. However, when Pierce made the jokes directed at Thailand, no one laughed, and I cringed. It was a little uncomfortable.

Yes, we're all whores, and the mention of "the act of sweating and grinding of the fresh" got me horny.

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Well my wife hates it, when we went to Pattaya for the first time she was discusted, going down walking street she wanted to go home as she was pissed off some many of her country girls are whores

Was she also disgusted at the Fact that so many western men travel thousands of miles to keep walking street venues open ?

Look at it this way, I doubt you have travelled much, but go to Tokyo for example, there are many many working women of all colours and creeds, the hostess bars are full of European, US, Aus, NZ girls, along with a multitude of Japanese and women from all over Asia.

Anything a man could want is in Tokyo in Abundance, so why is it not a Sex Tourism destination ? Cos it's way too expensive for the average Joe to even contemplate.

Thailand is a cheap destination with many poor people who are drawn into the business not out of want, but out of poverty and a no hope life, it's very easy for Farangs on this board to wink wink, nod nod, but if there was no Social Security in UK for example, how would all those poorly educated single mothers get money ?

If Thailand was a rich country, 90% of Farangs would never have settled here in the first place, if Japan was a Poor country, it would also have it's own Pattaya, and a multitude of the sort of guys that keep Pattaya running.

Don't go to a developing or poor country and expect to find Geneva, if you want that, go to Switzerland, and pay Swiss prices.

If visiting a poorer country has sights you don't agree with, then you really ought to travel a little more, get some worldly experience under your belt. :o

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why does thailand have to be known as the worlds whorehouse???

The whole problem comes into play when people like the OP start to confuse stereotype with reality and start getting all uppity and judgmental as a result.

Young women (and men and children) are prostituted all over the world. Anyone who doesn't accept that fact is in complete denial. I've lived in, worked in and visited more than a dozen countries in North America, Europe and Asia and the hit rate is 100% for these activities. I would suspect that the sample size and results are sufficient to draw reasonably accurate conclusions.

The problems arise because child trafficking is tolerated in many areas of the world and because illegal activities are effectively treated as legal activities. These things keep the whole activity controlled by organized crime in conjunction with corrupt law enforcement. The problems are exacerbated because of lack safe sex practices and lack of adequate or required medical care.

Child traffickers and their clients should be locked up for life, period, end of story. Any business worth doing is worth doing right, and the sex trade is no different. Make it legal. Make good medical care available and mandatory. Tax and regulate it. And for heaven's sake, get it out from under the control of the criminals and corrupt officials, who will do nothing except make it worse from increasing control and power.

Tough tasks perhaps, but it is what it is. As for the stereotype, it could just as easily be applied to numerous other countries. Anyone who doesn't believe it probably hasn't ventured too far from the crib.

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aren’t we all in somewhat prostituting and sweating ourselves in our own job or career wise?

i hate this argument. not everyone is a prostitute. i work from home on my own terms. but even when i was working in an office with people i didn't like, i wasn't giving up control of my body to someone else for 1000b. there is a big difference between the choices a prostitute makes and the choices others make.

It’s not the amount of prostitution in thailand, but the real problem is that certain few farangs give Thai women in general a very bad name.

oh so it's the farangs' fault eh? never mind that prostitution is deeply ingrained in thai culture, and as guesthouse says, is widely marketed by thais themselves.

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Teacup, i donot think you can just blame it on a certain type of farang. Yes it is hyped up by the media, but what does Thailand do to hype it down ?? If there was no prostitution, or on a different level or scale, those farang and the shallow media wouldnot be interested.

Not defending anybody, but it is a fact.

High education people are noticed, but ....if a country sells apples and sex, i think nobody will notice the apples if they are not properly advertised, the sex advertisement for Thailand is HUGE.

And what does Thailand do to defend it`s reputation? Thailand says that it is against the law, so...it doesnot really excist. That is about it.

The economical part is far more important and that is where the damage is based on.

That makes others in Thailand sometimes pay a price for it, by being ashamed for their countries reputation which is based on economics and denial .

As you said, it will take a long time changing it.

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It has been a while since I have seen this movie, but I can think of one Hollywood film that did not make reference to sex worker, prostitute, etc. where the story took place in Thailand. "The Beach". Although "The Beach" was not a great movie and failed at the box office, it did do well when it was released on DVD. :D

i thought the beach was actually a great movie. I believe it did well in Australia

Edit: What I should have said was that "The Beach " was not a big hit when it came out in the theatres. I actually enjoyed the movie too (and the book). :o

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"but even when i was working in an office with people i didn't like, i wasn't giving up control of my body to someone else for 1000b. there is a big difference between the choices a prostitute makes and the choices others make."

I don't get it. Is this just a matter of how much? Being in the office isn't giving up control of your body? Would you be there if they weren't paying you? A lot of working girls enjoy their profession. The generalization that we're all whores just means we're selling our time for money. The difference in choices seems to be just a matter of how much.

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I like a lot of things about Thailand. But whether you agree with the sex industry or not, Thailand unfortunately deserves its reputation, particularly Bangkok and Pattaya, although its endemic across the whole country, and those are just the 2 main provinces "indiscrete" foreigners visit and make it most visible...

The biggest factors why the sex industry is so prevalent and well-known in Thailand, are that the Thais themselves do not acknowledge responsibility for it, combined with a tolerance for just letting people get on and do whatever they want regardless of whether they consider it is "right or wrong". Their tolerance is a double edged sword, and at times something that really has a positive affect on life here, unfortunately in this area the repercussions seem more negative...

Ask most Thais and they will blame someone else, whether the foreigners, Chinese, mafia, greedy kon baan nok etc etc. Even for the most visible part of the industry - the farang sector - they don't acknowledge their own part they play. They blame sex tourists, the foreign media, mafia, blah blah blah... Omitting that there wouldn't be a single foreign whoremonger male or female, going about their activities in Thailand, if Thais didn't sell their services. The foreign aspect is an easy excuse, and the foreign element is dwarfed by Thai activities. The vast majority of people involved in the Thai sex industry are Thais.

If Thais really wanted to lose their image, they have the power to do so almost overnight. Thai men/women stop visiting prostitutes. Thai women/men stop selling their bodies. Families stop pressuring their children for money. Thai police stop taking their cut, and instead arrest the rings. Society in general speak out where they see forced prostitution.

Let's face it most Thais don't like the face and image aspect and would like to be rid of it, but don't feel strongly enough to do anything about it. Most Thais don't actually take any responsibility or accept any accountability on this issue and hence don't do anything about it. Easier to just blame someone else or deny.

The difference in most other countries, is that people acknowledge their own roles and accountability in society, and take action about the things they don't like.

Saying it happens everywhere is also a poor excuse for something you disagree with. The comparison of Singapore and Geylang with Thailand and the whole of the country is laughable... :o One country's society has acknowledged the issue and done something practical about it; the other is still blaming other people and saying it's unfair, untrue and making excuses... :D

It's very unfair to lable all Thai women as hookers, and obviously it's untrue. On the other hand, if the majority of them don't feel strongly enough to actually do anything about it, the rest of the world simply sees it as silent acceptance and condoning it. Closely linked to that is saying they "can't" do anything about it. Yes they can, it's all just a question of priorities. For Thais, removing the image is not high up on their priority list. If it were, they're a clever enough people to have removed it... :D

Living here, I'd be very happy if Thailand lost it's image on this issue, and followed say a Singapore style approach... The problem is I can't do this for them. Nor do I particularly want to tell them how to run their lives. They have to do it for themselves... :D

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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when family and freinds visit me in thaikand they cant believe that i lead a normal life here,raise kids run a home go to the cinema etc,the stories they heard was all us expats were sex maniacs ,who lived only for tonight ,sad really

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Ultimately, I chalk it up to ignorance. When someone makes a comment about it around me I usually keep quiet because that person has obviously never been to Thailand. Of course it's easy to see the sex industry at play... if you walk around Patpong and Soi Cowboy. But tourists can just as easily spend an amazing time in Thailand and see none of it at all. If you're looking for a prostitute, regardless of what country you're in, you'll find it.

It's probably much easier to generalize Thailand in terms of the sex industry than actually do some research and learn a thing or two about the people, place, and culture. Regardless, it's their loss not mine.

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