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What about the stereotype English man who is now no more.

The only reason these women feel they can comment is not, I suspect, because they are fat or ugly but because they know right from wrong (men are not going to admit to the world the set up in Thailand). I have travelled there plenty, the badness, greed and underlying corruption cannot and should not go without comment.

This man and others like him deserves pity as do his friends and family at this time.

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Wow! 27 year age difference!

that must have been the reason why he built a "palatial" home. poor chap, may he rest in peace.

It looks like a lovely, modest home. He didn't deserve it and it would seem his only mistakes were gullibility and unawareness. Still, those can be big ones. Yes, may he RIP.

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Never, ever buy real estate in your Thai mate's name, no matter how much you think the love and trust is real.

If it was in your name, your wife would get it anyway in the case of an accident wouldn't she ?

I think maybe it's safer to be in her name from the start! :o

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Never, ever buy real estate in your Thai mate's name, no matter how much you think the love and trust is real.

If it was in your name, your wife would get it anyway in the case of an accident wouldn't she ?

I think maybe it's safer to be in her name from the start! :o

Good point, which brings up the topic of WILLS.

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In other words....Not one female has the moral high ground. They are what their husband earns, or is worth when he dies, whether natural or not.

And the reverse is not true :o ?


"Yes", totally agree the reverse is true on the moral stand, apologies if I was infering women do not have morals or cannot attain any high ground. My grammar not quite apt, so apologies again to you ladies.

On the earning angle, unfortunately "No" owing to respective earning power of either gender. A few cases maybe "Yes" but if you are looking at a mirror image then I think you know the answer...... "No"

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Let us hope this poor man didn't die in vain. Please learn a lesson from this tragedy. Never, ever buy real estate in your Thai mate's name, no matter how much you think the love and trust is real.

It is not our fault the Thai government policies make it impossible to own land in our names, but we certainly can protect ourselves, and if your mate doesn't understand, maybe they don't really love you as much as you think they do.

A related question I have is how often do you think farangs are murdered by their Thai mates when the Thai mate knows or thinks they are named in the farang's will? I don't have an easy answer for that one as many of us reasonably want to help out our Thai mates this way.

Let us hope this poor man didn't die in vain.

if you look at the OP, it took him 7 hours to die..............

but with some of the above posts, please keep this topic in line, and not revert to the stupid posts in the UK papers from there readers, as the victims family may well pic up on this thread...


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It comes as no surprise that many would use this man's death to bash Thailand. This type of thing happens all around the world and is related to human greed gone to extremes. You do not need to travel to Thailand to be killed be your wife or her lover.

The Daily Mail is tabloid that appeals to a certain section of the British public who revel in stories which involve a moral component. The moral component here is that silly old English man goes to Thailand gets involved in a native and is murdered for his wealth. This gives the Daily Mail reader something to tut-tut about into their tea. The truth is that this story is probably much more complex and could happen anywhere.

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Christ knows what the stats are in USA.

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homicide Intimates

Interpolating the graph appears for 2005 (last year the statistics show on that page) is 1200 female, 300 male. Though note that "intimates are defined to include spouses, ex-spouses, boyfriends, and girlfriends".

All homicides,


Percent Number

Total 100.0% 594,276

Intimate 10.9% 64,529

Non-intimate 53.9% 320,554

Undetermined 35.2% 209,194

Are those figures right, nearly 1.2 Million Homicides in USA in 30 years !!! :o

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Rank Crime Statistics > Murders (most recent) by country


Amount (top to bottom) #1 India:37,170 #2 Russia:28,904 #3 Colombia:26,539 #4 South Africa:21,553 #5 United States:16,204 #6 Mexico:13,144 #7 Venezuela:8,022 #8 Philippines:6,553 #9 Thailand:5,140 #10 Ukraine:4,418 #11 Argentina:3,453 #12 Indonesia:2,204 #13 El Salvador:2,024 #14 United Kingdom:1,201 #15 Peru:1,136 #16 France:1,051 #17 Belarus:989 #18 Korea, South:955 #19 Germany:914 #20 Zimbabwe:912 #21 Jamaica:887 #22 Nepal:826 #23 Zambia:797 #24 Poland:716 #25 Yemen:697 #26 Italy:644 #27 Japan:637 #28 Romania:563 #29 Malaysia:551 #30 Canada:523 #31 Spain:494 #32 Papua New Guinea:465 #33 Kyrgyzstan:413 #34 Moldova:340 #35 Bulgaria:332 #36 Australia:302 #37 Lithuania:293 #38 Panama:281 #39 Costa Rica:254 #40 Bolivia:248 #41 Portugal:247 #42 Georgia:239 #43 Chile:235 #44 Czech Republic:234 #45 Sweden:219 #46 Uruguay:217 #47 Latvia:214 #48 Switzerland:213 #49 Azerbaijan:212 #50 Hungary:203 #51 Saudi Arabia:202 #52 Albania:179 #53 Netherlands:157 #54 Belgium:155 #55 Estonia:143 #56 Morocco:143 #57 Slovakia:138 #58 Finland:132 #59 Armenia:127 #60 Namibia:126 #61 Tunisia:119 #62 Burma:92 #63 Greece:81 #64 Croatia:80 #65 Austria:65 #66 Denmark:56 #67 New Zealand:51 #68 Norway:49 #69 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of:47 #70 Hong Kong:38 #71 Ireland:38 #72 Slovenia:36 #73 Mauritius:26 #74 Kuwait:23 #75 Oman:15 #76 Maldives:8 #77 Malta:6 #78 Seychelles:6 #79 Luxembourg:4 #80 Iceland:4 #81 Dominica:2 #82 Cyprus:2 #83 Qatar:1 Total:197,333 Weighted average:2,377.5

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Crime Statistics > Prisoners > Female (most recent) by country

Rank Countries Amount (top to bottom) #1 Thailand:20.3% #2 Bolivia:16.7% #3 Qatar:11.8% #4 Paraguay:11.3% #5 Costa Rica:10.8% #6 Singapore:10.4% #7 Argentina:9.5% #8 Malaysia:9% #9 United States:8.5% #10 Peru:8.1% #11 Spain:7.8% #12 Andorra:7.3% #13 Jamaica:7.3% #14 Portugal:7.2% #15 Nepal:7.1% #16 Panama:6.9% #17 Netherlands:6.8% #18 Guatemala:6.8% #19 Australia:6.7% #20 Saudi Arabia:6.6% #21 Belize:6.4% #22 Mozambique:6.3% #23 Chile:6.3% #24 Switzerland:6.2% #25 Belarus:6.1% #26 Luxembourg:6.1% #27 Colombia:6.1% #28 Hungary:6% #29 Suriname:5.9% #30 Ukraine:5.9% #31 Russia:5.8% #32 Cyprus:5.8% #33 Austria:5.7% #34 Venezuela:5.7% #35 Japan:5.7% #36 Finland:5.6% #37 Kiribati:5.5% #38 Vietnam:5.5% #39 Sweden:5.4% #40 Vanuatu:5.4% #41 Cambodia:5.3% #42 Latvia:5.3% #43 Norway:5.3% #44 Estonia:5.2% #45 Canada:5% #46 Germany:5% #47 Oman:5% #48 Greece:4.9% #49 El Salvador:4.8% #50 Denmark:4.7% #51 Iceland:4.7% #52 Romania:4.7% #53 New Zealand:4.6% #54 Swaziland:4.6% #55 Barbados:4.5% #56 Czech Republic:4.5% #57 Albania:4.4% #58 China:4.4% #59 Italy:4.4% #60 Mexico:4.4% #61 Uganda:4.3% #62 Botswana:4.2% #63 Kazakhstan:4.2% #64 Papua New Guinea:4.2% #65 Mauritius:4.1% #66 Belgium:4.1% #67 Brazil:4.1% #68 Mongolia:4.1% #69 Croatia:4.1% #70 Philippines:4% #71 Lesotho:3.9% #72 Malta:3.9% #73 France:3.8% #74 Indonesia:3.7% #75 Senegal:3.7% #76 Saint Lucia:3.7% #77 Turkey:3.7% #78 Kyrgyzstan:3.6% #79 Slovenia:3.6% #80 Kenya:3.6% #81 Zimbabwe:3.5% #82 Sri Lanka:3.5% #83 Iran:3.5% #84 Benin:3.5% #85 Morocco:3.3% #86 Angola:3.3% #87 Guyana:3.1% #88 Trinidad and Tobago:3.1% #89 Dominican Republic:3.1% #90 Bulgaria:3.1% #91 Madagascar:3.1% #92 Grenada:3% #93 India:3% #94 Lithuania:3% #95 Libya:2.9% #96 Bangladesh:2.8% #97 Lebanon:2.7% #98 Poland:2.7% #99 Rwanda:2.6% #100 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:2.6% #101 Burundi:2.5% #102 Slovakia:2.5% #103 Chad:2.4% #104 Sao Tome and Principe:2.3% #105 Togo:2.3% #106 Armenia:2.2% #107 South Africa:2.2% #108 Dominica:2.1% #109 Guinea:2% #110 Ghana:2% #111 Mali:2% #112 Honduras:2% #113 Nigeria:1.9% #114 Namibia:1.8% #115 Bahamas, The:1.8% #116 Algeria:1.8% #117 Tonga:1.8% #118 Pakistan:1.7% #119 Georgia:1.7% #120 Israel:1.7% #121 Azerbaijan:1.7% #122 Jordan:1.6% #123 Fiji:1.5% #124 Zambia:1.5% #125 Malawi:1.2% #126 Gambia, The:1.2% #127 Burkina Faso:1% #128 Tanzania:0.9% #129 Saint Kitts and Nevis:0.9% #130 Solomon Islands:0.7% #131 Sudan:0% #132 Liechtenstein:0% #133 Seychelles:0% #134 Tuvalu:0% Weighted average:4.4%

Stats from nationmaster.com. Can't vouch for their accuracy and open to all forms of interpretation, but interesting.

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All homicides,


Percent Number

Total 100.0% 594,276

Intimate 10.9% 64,529

Non-intimate 53.9% 320,554

Undetermined 35.2% 209,194

Are those figures right, nearly 1.2 Million Homicides in USA in 30 years !!! :o

Total is 594,276 then that 100% is broken down into categories.

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Evil fuc_kers hope they rot in prison for a long time, if she had half the money from the sales of the property then their was no need, theyd won what is important to these types i.e the money.

After working at Ford for many years id have thought he be on a nice pension and wouldnt be in the dire straits that article portrays.

I wonder if he knew what was going to happen why he didnt leave.

What amazes me is how the hel_l do they think they can get away with it. Hardly the perfect crime,


This is the scary bit about thais,they done seem to think about the consequences,. it never ceases to amaze me ow consumed by greed some are,..disgusting, im waiting for all the thai supporters to post it was his fault or something, :o
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It comes as no surprise that many would use this man's death to bash Thailand. This type of thing happens all around the world and is related to human greed gone to extremes. You do not need to travel to Thailand to be killed be your wife or her lover.

The Daily Mail is tabloid that appeals to a certain section of the British public who revel in stories which involve a moral component. The moral component here is that silly old English man goes to Thailand gets involved in a native and is murdered for his wealth. This gives the Daily Mail reader something to tut-tut about into their tea. The truth is that this story is probably much more complex and could happen anywhere.

Weekly occurance down in Singa's & Malaysia eh? :o

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All homicides,


Percent Number

Total 100.0% 594,276

Intimate 10.9% 64,529

Non-intimate 53.9% 320,554

Undetermined 35.2% 209,194

Are those figures right, nearly 1.2 Million Homicides in USA in 30 years !!! :D

Total is 594,276 then that 100% is broken down into categories.

Oh yea... stupid me. :D

Only nearly 600,000 Homicides, kinda makes me want to move to USA now. :o

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Evil fuc_kers hope they rot in prison for a long time, if she had half the money from the sales of the property then their was no need, theyd won what is important to these types i.e the money.

After working at Ford for many years id have thought he be on a nice pension and wouldnt be in the dire straits that article portrays.

I wonder if he knew what was going to happen why he didnt leave.

What amazes me is how the hel_l do they think they can get away with it. Hardly the perfect crime,


This is the scary bit about thais,they done seem to think about the consequences,. it never ceases to amaze me ow consumed by greed some are,..disgusting, im waiting for all the thai supporters to post it was his fault or something, :o

Scary indeed! If you look at numerous evil crimes commited by Thais from all levels of society you will see that they lack any form of planning. Thais seem to have an inability to think in terms of the future. This makes them dangerous as they will do things which seem unpredictable - or predictable!!

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It comes as no surprise that many would use this man's death to bash Thailand. This type of thing happens all around the world and is related to human greed gone to extremes. You do not need to travel to Thailand to be killed be your wife or her lover.

The Daily Mail is tabloid that appeals to a certain section of the British public who revel in stories which involve a moral component. The moral component here is that silly old English man goes to Thailand gets involved in a native and is murdered for his wealth. This gives the Daily Mail reader something to tut-tut about into their tea. The truth is that this story is probably much more complex and could happen anywhere.

Weekly occurance down in Singa's & Malaysia eh? :o

I am not really the type of person who keeps up on the weekly murder rates in different countries, but I feel fairly safe in assuming that murder due to human greed is not in anyway unique to Thailand.

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The pattern is there and always has been there, for these guys

Short romance/courtship,

Read and seen too many times……just about same same pattern

Hed been married nearly a decade !!!

errrr.....why did you just cut and paste only the partial?

and.....Am I suppose to say something back? :o

Mods have warned me in the past not top simply quote entire posts but to edit them to the relevant part I am replying to.. Dont ask me.. Take it up with them.

As a response, yeah sure.. How long do you propose someone waits if a 9 year marriage is considered a short romance / courtship ??

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A terrible end for that guy.

When relationships fizzle out there is always the grab for cash so nothing unusual there. But 50% plus the house just wasn't enough for her.

I think the problem is when a lot of older guys marry they just don't have the decency to die quickly, hence the desire to hasten their departure. Maybe there is something to be said for the "rent-a-girlfriend" mob, no cash in on death to tempt fate.

When the Thai boyfriend is involved, I suspect he is using her just as she is using the foreign husband. He doesn't want to wait around having to sleep with her with so many young things down at the local karaoke, so the pressure is also on there for a quick resolution. He will later extract his share from her one way or another.

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I am not really the type of person who keeps up on the weekly murder rates in different countries, but I feel fairly safe in assuming that murder due to human greed is not in anyway unique to Thailand.

No however the numbers as a % of population are very high here.

Death by firearm Thailand is what, no 3 in the world IIRC.

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I am not really the type of person who keeps up on the weekly murder rates in different countries, but I feel fairly safe in assuming that murder due to human greed is not in anyway unique to Thailand.

No however the numbers as a % of population are very high here.

Death by firearm Thailand is what, no 3 in the world IIRC.

I am aware that gun violence is high and I am against gun ownership, but this poor man was not killed by a gun.

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Perhaps the evil woman did think it over. Perhaps she thought, kill the husband, put my hands up, get out of jail after a few years, and keep most of the money.

If loosing face is the worst kind of punishment in Thailand, then, maybe they should bring, the old fashioned stocks into the villages.

Might be a better deterrent.

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It comes as no surprise that many would use this man's death to bash Thailand. This type of thing happens all around the world and is related to human greed gone to extremes. You do not need to travel to Thailand to be killed be your wife or her lover.

But you have to go to Thailand to get tipped off by the local police that your mate is going to be killed, so this doesnt happen all over the world.

The Daily Mail is tabloid that appeals to a certain section of the British public who revel in stories which involve a moral component. The moral component here is that silly old English man goes to Thailand gets involved in a native and is murdered for his wealth. This gives the Daily Mail reader something to tut-tut about into their tea. The truth is that this story is probably much more complex and could happen anywhere.

So you are one of them ultra intelligent people who know the difference between papers i am in awe, did the FT or Independent have a more open view on this brutal murder?

The Mail got the story out what is your problem with that??????

By the way i dont subscribe to any newspaper, though i enjoy the Daily Sport.

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A more introspective question to incidents like this is why farang men have such terrible taste in women and why do they go absolutely braindead when it comes to a person's character in another culture?

It's not rocket science to piece together that your lovely wife is a scheming liar.

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It comes as no surprise that many would use this man's death to bash Thailand. This type of thing happens all around the world and is related to human greed gone to extremes. You do not need to travel to Thailand to be killed be your wife or her lover.

But you have to go to Thailand to get tipped off by the local police that your mate is going to be killed, so this doesnt happen all over the world.

The Daily Mail is tabloid that appeals to a certain section of the British public who revel in stories which involve a moral component. The moral component here is that silly old English man goes to Thailand gets involved in a native and is murdered for his wealth. This gives the Daily Mail reader something to tut-tut about into their tea. The truth is that this story is probably much more complex and could happen anywhere.

So you are one of them ultra intelligent people who know the difference between papers i am in awe, did the FT or Independent have a more open view on this brutal murder?

The Mail got the story out what is your problem with that??????

By the way i dont subscribe to any newspaper, though i enjoy the Daily Sport.

The point is that the Daily Mail is not known for the reliability of their reporting and already holes are appearing in this story (e.g the suggestion that she was Cambodian). I personally don't just believe something just because it appears in a newspaper, and I try to see through the bias that is present in all newspapers. At the end of the day these people are just about selling newspapers and sensationalism sells. Of course, some people prefer to be just 'fed' the news.

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Some girls have been treated like crap all their lives by local guys (not saying that's the case here) and then they get treated like crap by foreign guys (not saying that's the case here). In the latter case, the potential insurance/property/etc. windfall is just a little too tempting for uneducated gals (and guys) who never had anything and had long ago decided that shortcuts instead of hard work was the key to a comfortable life.


Post a distasteful slur on a murder victim (with a weak disclaimer) AND THEN put a smiley face as a bizarre talisman against any criticism that may ensue.


Wasn't talking about the victim or suspect in question. Hence the disclaimers. Mine is a friendly (like most of posts in general, hence the smiley face) general warning to those who might be in similar positions.


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I personally don't just believe something just because it appears in a newspaper, and I try to see through the bias that is present in all newspapers. At the end of the day these people are just about selling newspapers and sensationalism sells. Of course, some people prefer to be just 'fed' the news.

He was killed by his wifes lover who has confessed this point is "just news", a witness was told by police that he was going to be killed, if he is to be believed this is "just news", he was in court trying to claim assets back that his wife ALLEGEDLY sold without his knowledge this is "just news"(easily verified), and he sent samples of a drink to be tested for poison this is "just news"(easily verified).

Im not too sure in what way they can write an article of this nature that wouldnt come across as sensational.

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