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What?......With the conditions already?

Well I wouldn’t even look at your picture with that kind of offers.

So sweeten up your deal darling……otherwise you can eat the popcorns by yourself!!! :D

i'm a simple guy with simple needs. not your typical farang, so what kind of wedding you want?

no mansion for us, just a simple home with basic necessities. remember, you love me and money is not important, right? :o:D

gee, and I have so much homemade popcorn to share. :D


I was hoping for you to say……..along w/….unparallel brain and fabulous personality

and "simple guy with simple needs" - BORING!!!.........This just killed the deal!!!

Sadly to say….I’m fairly disappointed !!!!

Oh well…..better stick w/ my old man -

GQ look

Sense of humour & sarcasm

Magna Cumlau brain


his romanticism is intoxicating, etcs

Oii….too many to list…..you get my drift :(

Chok dee

Yeh, you're probably right, I would be tooo boring for you, as I rarely drink, don't smoke, do simple activities like meditation, yoga, exercise, mountain biking, cook vegetarian spicy dishes, write love sonnets, give great sensual massages, I could go on but this reply has made me quite hungry and I've got a lots of fresh delicious popcorn to devour. :D

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......I could go on but this reply has made me quite hungry and I've got a lots of fresh delicious popcorn to devour. :D

This will teach you not to close the gate before the horse is in, ...and don't ever buy in BULK!! :o

......I could go on but this reply has made me quite hungry and I've got a lots of fresh delicious popcorn to devour. :D

This will teach you not to close the gate before the horse is in, ...and don't ever buy in BULK!! :D

Please, PLEASE you two :o

Do we not have a "Lonely hearts" forum ? :D


my view; unlike teacup, is to warn farangs about Thai land laws,sinsod and possible scam marriage(which she does not do) THEN encourage guys to marry with this in mind ,......instead of playing the "blame game".....regular readers of Thaivisa will know my views of these sort of "marriage for wealth" scenario's so come on teacup stand up and join my crusade !!!.....i.e sinsod doesn't apply to farang's .....right teacup?



The point is that the Daily Mail is not known for the reliability of their reporting and already holes are appearing in this story (e.g the suggestion that she was Cambodian). I personally don't just believe something just because it appears in a newspaper, and I try to see through the bias that is present in all newspapers. At the end of the day these people are just about selling newspapers and sensationalism sells. Of course, some people prefer to be just 'fed' the news.


Come on Garro, name your favourite paper that IS known for reliable reporting and lack of bias.

Wouldn't be An Phoblacht would it? And if you are a teacher why don't you teach some of these gits on here how to spell?

......I could go on but this reply has made me quite hungry and I've got a lots of fresh delicious popcorn to devour. :D

This will teach you not to close the gate before the horse is in, ...and don't ever buy in BULK!! :D

Please, PLEASE you two :o

Do we not have a "Lonely hearts" forum ? :D

If you can read between the lines.

Well it’s quite relevance to the subject actually, as we are trying to prove 'each of our point" that…..not all farang guys and thai girls are the same.

He - a farang - doesn’t have to get marry to be happy or not lonely - therefore might be saving his own life at the same time too……unless he meet the right & compatible person.

I - a thai woman - don’t always fit the stereotyped of ….greedy bitch or serial killer, and only marrying a farang just for the money……..like many farangs think of most thai women.

I and many of my friends that are still married to their farang partner, we do care very much about husband’s well being and married to them because of love and compatibility.

Any problem?


luckily newspapers are a dying trade......and in future the news wil lbe led by the people/readers online and not the conservative press baron's of each country....

my view; unlike teacup, is to warn farangs about Thai land laws,sinsod and possible scam marriage(which she does not do) THEN encourage guys to marry with this in mind ,......instead of playing the "blame game".....regular readers of Thaivisa will know my views of these sort of "marriage for wealth" scenario's so come on teacup stand up and join my crusade !!!.....i.e sinsod doesn't apply to farang's .....right teacup?

Err....I guess so.....coz my husband didn't pay any.

It's part of "old" thai cuture and tradition, but not many families are practicing them any more - some do...some don't ....just depends on each family values and beliefs.

But of course my family is quite MODERN

Dee, Did your husband pay any?


....but to answer your question ,sinsod was not much involved in my marriage,although I had a bungalow built for 4k........in deepest Issan some 18 years ago......there was not any readily available advice in those days....but ownership did become an issue....I am still married but it took quite a few years to reconise the genuine Thai lady's from the "not so genuine"


Before or after the operation? :D

Anyway, did you pay any?

edit: ohh never mind.....just saw the above post

Guess we were typing at the same time, but my processor seems to be slower than yours :o

....but to answer your question ,sinsod was not much involved in my marriage,although I had a bungalow built for 4k........in deepest Issan some 18 years ago......there was not any readily available advice in those days....but ownership did become an issue....I am still married but it took quite a few years to reconise the genuine Thai lady's from the "not so genuine"

Nowadays the more money you have, or appear to have,..... the more difficult to seperate the "REAL", from the "FAKE"

Not just only thailand tho


...the point is if I pay sinsod I should expect it back when my time comes right?,......but as you know its against Thai law to own land,....even with the loopholes etc the law might change.....and over 25 years exp tells me farang doesn't get sinsod back when he is the "father in law" so not only theoretically but practically it is now outdated/void or whatever way you want to put it........."The parrot is dead".......RIP....so that is why sinsod does not apply to farangs....but long may the old Thai tradition of fighting with your ex continue......


Rott said,

Come on Garro, name your favourite paper that IS known for reliable reporting and lack of bias.

Wouldn't be An Phoblacht would it? And if you are a teacher why don't you teach some of these gits on here how to spell?

An Phoblacht, isn't that for IRA supporters? I would sooner believe Fox news.

The truth is that most of the Thai ladies married to farang have Thai boyfriends(pimps) hanging around to spend the farangs cash. Thai men are happy with the arrangement as long as they get their slice of the cake. When the farang's money runs out, well that farang can leave without his money or face many problems. There's plenty of greed in Thailand, even the parents encourage them to rip off farang and sell their bodies. One Thai person recently said to me that money is god! Well it sometimes seems that way in Thailand.

I am not aware of any survey that has arrived at the conclusion that most Thai women, married to westerners, have pimps - this sounds like the ramblings of a misogynist to me. This is the sort of story that you normally hear from a lecherous drunk who is trying to tell you his theory of women while he dribbles on your shoulder.

garro, The truth seems to hurt you here! That must be the reason for the brainless attempt of a insult. I've never been hurt by a Thai girl and I don't drink, that's why I see the real situation. Do your own survey, look around you and see things that are in front of your own eyes. Take off your rose tinted glasses and find the facts, do you really think that most of the Thai women love their farang husbands? It's rare to find one who does, but you probably think most of them do, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just repeating a worn cliche will not make it reality. To assume that most Thai women with a westerner also have a pimp is just moronic.

The truth is that most of the Thai ladies married to farang have Thai boyfriends(pimps) hanging around to spend the farangs cash. Thai men are happy with the arrangement as long as they get their slice of the cake. When the farang's money runs out, well that farang can leave without his money or face many problems. There's plenty of greed in Thailand, even the parents encourage them to rip off farang and sell their bodies. One Thai person recently said to me that money is god! Well it sometimes seems that way in Thailand.

I am not aware of any survey that has arrived at the conclusion that most Thai women, married to westerners, have pimps - this sounds like the ramblings of a misogynist to me. This is the sort of story that you normally hear from a lecherous drunk who is trying to tell you his theory of women while he dribbles on your shoulder.

garro, The truth seems to hurt you here! That must be the reason for the brainless attempt of a insult. I've never been hurt by a Thai girl and I don't drink, that's why I see the real situation. Do your own survey, look around you and see things that are in front of your own eyes. Take off your rose tinted glasses and find the facts, do you really think that most of the Thai women love their farang husbands? It's rare to find one who does, but you probably think most of them do, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inside.. Garro needs no waking. You are in need of waking.

For you to make that blatant retarded, BS statement, is not only an insult to the general thai female population, but to women also. Perhaps you would like to rephrase your statement to.. some/most of the prostitutes or bar girls, who have been in the system for a very long time, MIGHT not really love their farang husbands. But to lump all Thai women in one category is ludicrist, and you obviously need to mingle with more expats perhaps with wives closer to their ages.

Would it be fair to say that most farang men do not love their thai wives, as for them this is just a trophy to show that they can "obtain" a woman in an age group that would never give them the time of the day in their home countries?

But this poor guy had transport and must have been getting a British State pension plus,quite likely,a pension from Fords as well.

So why was he described as penniless,living on mashed potatoes and food handouts from friends ?

Maybe he thought he could stick it out and win,maybe he had just given up.

Something doesnt ring quite true with this story.Quite possibly we'll find out more later.

That is actually a good point. He could not have been penniless. However, having lost the bulk of his savings he must have considered himself "penniless".

The thought of leaving it behind is what made him stay to fight.

I - a thai woman - don't always fit the stereotyped of ….greedy bitch or serial killer, and only marrying a farang just for the money……..like many farangs think of most thai women.

I and many of my friends that are still married to their farang partner, we do care very much about husband's well being and married to them because of love and compatibility.

Yes, many Thai woman/girls make an outstanding marriage partner, wether this marriage/cohabitation is between a Thai-Thai or a Thai-fahrang.

But the problems start when the family and the neighborhood get's an air that daughter "x" married a fahrang.

The family and neighborhood will start to ask money from her for all kinds of good's ranging from a simple "(non-existing) sick buffalo" to a sick and dying mother with all the diseases you can find in this world. And it gets worse in the square root if the partners decides to go living near the family. All of a sudden, distant relatives who haven't shown their face for ages, will be calling the fahrang wife to "share" their wealth with the family.

That is a THAI REQUEST and should be fullfilled without questioning.

Most of these cases where a fahrang gets murdered for his "wealth", mostly involving a Thai boyfirend/husband, can be related to the sentences above.

A relative or a friend who demands the wife to fulfill the "unwritten law that the woman MUST share her wealth with everybody in the community" and if she cannot do that on her own, they well be glad to "help" her out.

but as you know its against Thai law to own land,....


Yes, it's against the Thai laws for a fahrang to own land in Thailand.

Even with all the loopholes a fahrang can think off, owning land remains against the Thai laws.


A lot of fahrangs, children of a Thai-Fahrang marriage are living in Thailand and they CAN OWN LAND LEGALLY.

Some fahrangs have obtained the Thai citizenship and CAN OWN LAND LEGALLY.

I can't find the exact numbers of fahrangs living in Thailand who have obtained Thai citizenship trough marriage between a Thai-fahrang or by applying for Thai citizenship, but this number is growing every year as more and more fahrangs are marrying a Thai wife and get children.

Only in my neighborhood, I know 5 fahrangs who have a Thai ID-Card and own LEGALLY a house.

The number of fahrangs (future Thais) is even more if I look at the number of students who are studying at the school of my child.

How long will Thailand be able to sustain this law that forbids fahrangs to own land, when a fast growing part of their population have fahrang roots?

I - a thai woman - don't always fit the stereotyped of ….greedy bitch or serial killer, and only marrying a farang just for the money……..like many farangs think of most thai women.

I and many of my friends that are still married to their farang partner, we do care very much about husband's well being and married to them because of love and compatibility.

Yes, many Thai woman/girls make an outstanding marriage partner, wether this marriage/cohabitation is between a Thai-Thai or a Thai-fahrang.


But the problems start when the family and the neighborhood get's an air that daughter "x" married a fahrang.

The family and neighborhood will start to ask money from her for all kinds of good's ranging from a simple "(non-existing) sick buffalo" to a sick and dying mother with all the diseases you can find in this world. And it gets worse in the square root if the partners decides to go living near the family. All of a sudden, distant relatives who haven't shown their face for ages, will be calling the fahrang wife to "share" their wealth with the family.

That is a THAI REQUEST and should be fullfilled without questioning.

Let's say I'm a farang husband: I would say ......it's not my problem, if the wife has been broadcasting her wealth, then it's her problem. I'm not going give away my hard earned money, and if she wants to "because" of the face thing, then go right ahead with her own money or go out and work for herself - then it will be her money to give away freely.

If she doesn't care about my feeling also, then we definity have a problem.

PS: The last thing I would want to do is to live near her family in the bush somewhere - where I'm outnumberd by them - noooo waay. What if something would happen to me, or going to happen to me, then none of my friends would know the true about it.

Most of these cases where a fahrang gets murdered for his "wealth", mostly involving a Thai boyfirend/husband, can be related to the sentences above.

A relative or a friend who demands the wife to fulfill the "unwritten law that the woman MUST share her wealth with everybody in the community" and if she cannot do that on her own, they well be glad to "help" her out.

Stay away from these people, move out of the area, or choose the right partner who has a stronger backbone !!!

but as you know its against Thai law to own land,....


Yes, it's against the Thai laws for a fahrang to own land in Thailand.

Even with all the loopholes a fahrang can think off, owning land remains against the Thai laws.


A lot of fahrangs, children of a Thai-Fahrang marriage are living in Thailand and they CAN OWN LAND LEGALLY.

Some fahrangs have obtained the Thai citizenship and CAN OWN LAND LEGALLY.

I can't find the exact numbers of fahrangs living in Thailand who have obtained Thai citizenship trough marriage between a Thai-fahrang or by applying for Thai citizenship, but this number is growing every year as more and more fahrangs are marrying a Thai wife and get children.

Only in my neighborhood, I know 5 fahrangs who have a Thai ID-Card and own LEGALLY a house.

The number of fahrangs (future Thais) is even more if I look at the number of students who are studying at the school of my child.

How long will Thailand be able to sustain this law that forbids fahrangs to own land, when a fast growing part of their population have fahrang roots?

Just to clarify here as there may be people reading this and getting the wrong impression about Thai Law:

Thai law is not racist. It does not prevent “Farangs” (Caucasians) from owning land. It prevents people who are not Thai nationals from owning land it really doesn’t matter if they are Negroid, Caucasian, Hispanic or Mongoloid. It is purely to do with nationality.


I'm not going to spend time reading all the comments on this thread but I just have to say stories like this just make me shake my head in horror everytime. Got nothing to do with where it happened for me. Husbands and wives kill each other all the time in my country and it gives me the same reaction. People can do the most horrible, evil things but we already knew that. I guess we just wish the world could be perfect but there are always selfish animals out there who will keep that from happening.


has this turned into a love story between teacup and vagabond?

Back to the thread.It is a warning for all of us falangs,maybe better not to reside in gf/wife's village out of site out of mind!

Husbands and wives kill each other all the time in my country and it gives me the same reaction.

The numbers of men vs. women killing their spouses and the motives do seem to vary, though.

"The United States is the most gender-equitable nation in the world-homicidally speaking. For every 100 American men who murder their wives, about 75 women kill their husbands.

American women may kill their husbands almost as often as the reverse, but their motives and actions are far different from those of their male counterparts, report psychologists Margo I. Wilson, Ph.D., and Martin Daly, Ph.D., of McMaster University. Even so, these differences fail to explain why America's spousal "sex ratio of killing" or SROK, is more than double that of other Western countries.

The team examined police files of spousal homicides occurring over the past three decades in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. The sleuths found that while husbands kill in response to revelations of wifely infidelity, women rarely do - even though their spouses are usually more adulterous. Men will also kill their wives as part of a carefully planned murder-suicide or a familicidal massacre.

Women, on the other hand, murder in self-defense. "Unlike men, women kill male partners after years of suffering physical violence, after they have exhausted all available sources of assistance," say Wilson and Daly in Criminology (Vol. 30, No. 2).

So why are women so much more likely to murder their spouses in the U. S. than anywhere else? Contrary to the so-called "old equalizer" hypothesis, which suggests that the availability of guns in U.S. homes neutralizes men's size and strength advantages in lethal marital spats, American SROK rates tend to be lower for shootings than for other spousal homicides.

Nor has the abolition of traditional sex roles led to increased male-like crimes by women. The peculiar symmetry of male and female spouse-killing in America existed 40 years ago, before such social changes.

The spousal SROK is higher in de facto unions than in registered marriages, more prevalent among blacks than among whites, and more common among couples who lived together than apart. Wilson and Daly also discovered that homicide rates increased among couples with significant age differences. And while they can't explain why these factors give wives more than husbands murderous clout, they have a few ideas about what does.

Women who are surrounded by matrilineal relatives may feel more empowered to take drastic action than if they live among their husband's kin. Women may also kill when they feel the need to defend the children of former unions against their current mates.

Conclude Wilson and Daly: A full understanding of marital violence won't happen until America confronts the differences in male and female conceptions of marriage and figures out when betraying this understanding leads to no other way out."

Psychology Today, Mar/Apr 93

Article ID: 1705




Ian Beeston with his second wife Wacheerawan Beeston in Thailand before their relationship fell apart.

A man who was brought up in Harborough has been murdered in what appears to have been a cold-blooded plot hatched by his Thai wife and her lover.

Ian Beeston (69) was found clubbed and stabbed to death on Saturday at his home in Thailand.

His wife – 27 years his junior – has been charged with masterminding the brutal killing alongside her Thai lover. Following normal Thai police procedure, the suspects were led to the scene and gave a graphic demonstration of how he had been killed.


Lover shows police how he clubbed victim

It emerged on Tuesday that tragic Mr Beeston was brought up in Great Bowden and went to Market Harborough Grammar School.

Mr Beeston had forecast his own murder in Thailand weeks before in a letter sent to divorce lawyers.

The body of the 69-year-old, who was brought up in Knights End Road, Great Bowden, was found in a blood-soaked room in his house in the north-eastern Thai province of Roi-Et.

Police have charged his 42-year-old Thai wife Wacheerawan Beeston and her lover Somchit Janong (48) with the murder.


The accused...Wacheerawan Beeston and Somchit Janong.

In a letter lodged with lawyers, Mr Beeston had written: "It is just a matter of time now. I am in real fear for my own life."

He had even been given a stun gun by friends to help him fend off any attackers.

Mr Beeston had been married to his Thai bride – nicknamed Wanna – for nine years although it is unclear when they set up home in Roi-Et.

Reports say Mr Beeston invested his £350,000 life savings in more than an acre of property in a village called Suwannaphum where his home, a guesthouse and a restaurant were built.


The home Mr Beeston built in Thailand

It is believed that Wanna wanted Mr Beeston dead so she could inherit the site.

Under Thai law foreigners are barred from owning property so Mr Beeston had put the landholdings in his wife's name.

But divorce proceedings were due to start on Monday this week, which would have entitled him under Thai law to 50 per cent of the assets.

Four months ago Wanna is said to have cashed in the property at a local bank and Mr Beeston reportedly told neighbours: "I thought she loved me but she just wanted my cash."

Neighbours said Mr Beeston believed his wife had already tried to poison him in the weeks before his death and he had sent a beer to a lab for toxicology tests.

Mr Beeston, who used to work at Ford's Dagenham plant in Essex, is said to have asked his wife to leave the home after which she moved to a nearby shack.


... and the shack he banished his wife to.

On Monday, Wanna and her lover were arrested and charged with Mr Beeston's murder.

Source: Harborough Mail - 14 August 2008

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

Thai law is not racist. It does not prevent "Farangs" (Caucasians) from owning land. It prevents people who are not Thai nationals from owning land it really doesn't matter if they are Negroid, Caucasian, Hispanic or Mongoloid. It is purely to do with nationality.

I was going to write "aliens" instead of "fahrangs".

But I was not sure about a treaty that I read somewhere that would give Americans (including "negroids") some "special" rights about owning land and/or starting a business in Thailand.

Thai law is not racist. It does not prevent "Farangs" (Caucasians) from owning land. It prevents people who are not Thai nationals from owning land it really doesn't matter if they are Negroid, Caucasian, Hispanic or Mongoloid. It is purely to do with nationality.

I was going to write "aliens" instead of "fahrangs".

But I was not sure about a treaty that I read somewhere that would give Americans (including "negroids") some "special" rights about owning land and/or starting a business in Thailand.

I started to respond to the fact that you are correct about the treaty which allows Americans the same rights as Thais should they want to start a buisness in Thailand.. but then what the <deleted>??

You refer to Americans and then have to clarify that that includes Black People?? Would you like to go ahead and include hispanics and asian americans too??

May I also ask you what back ass country you are from originaly?

Husbands and wives kill each other all the time in my country and it gives me the same reaction.

The numbers of men vs. women killing their spouses and the motives do seem to vary, though.

"The United States is the most gender-equitable nation in the world-homicidally speaking. For every 100 American men who murder their wives, about 75 women kill their husbands.

American women may kill their husbands almost as often as the reverse, but their motives and actions are far different from those of their male counterparts, report psychologists Margo I. Wilson, Ph.D., and Martin Daly, Ph.D., of McMaster University. Even so, these differences fail to explain why America's spousal "sex ratio of killing" or SROK, is more than double that of other Western countries.

The team examined police files of spousal homicides occurring over the past three decades in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. The sleuths found that while husbands kill in response to revelations of wifely infidelity, women rarely do - even though their spouses are usually more adulterous. Men will also kill their wives as part of a carefully planned murder-suicide or a familicidal massacre.

Women, on the other hand, murder in self-defense. "Unlike men, women kill male partners after years of suffering physical violence, after they have exhausted all available sources of assistance," say Wilson and Daly in Criminology (Vol. 30, No. 2).

Psychology Today, Mar/Apr 93

Article ID: 1705

I think your article is a little off or slightly out dated in that if I am not mistaken most murders commited in the US by husbands,, are quite similar to those commited in Thailand by Women. For money.

Men tend to take out huge life insurance policies on their wives, and then take them on that romantic hiking trip, where the wife falls off the cliff, or on a boating trip where the wife falls off the boat, or gets her pregnant and then shoots her using the catch all.. "A black man did it" excuse.

The other big factor is when she decides to leave him.. and then all hel_l breaks loose. Quite like Thailand, she will report her fears to the police, who will then ask her "Well, how do you know your husband wants to kill you?" A couple of weeks later, he will kill her, it will hit the news, and then be forgotten by all but her family.

The statistics for this should be higher as it should apply to people dating, as the "if I cant have you then no-one else can mentality" applies to them also.

With regards to women killing to protect their kids?? Isnt that more fictional, movie based?? Women who know their children are being abused tend to ignore the signs, and their children only talk about it, when they are much older.

But one thing is for certain. Owning guns does equalize the power in American households.

Thai law is not racist. It does not prevent "Farangs" (Caucasians) from owning land. It prevents people who are not Thai nationals from owning land it really doesn't matter if they are Negroid, Caucasian, Hispanic or Mongoloid. It is purely to do with nationality.

I was going to write "aliens" instead of "fahrangs".

But I was not sure about a treaty that I read somewhere that would give Americans (including "negroids") some "special" rights about owning land and/or starting a business in Thailand.

Yep, when it comes to the Land Code, the term "Alien" seems to be used in the English version. This little site has it all:


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