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Traffic Policeman Killed By Road Racers


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Traffic policeman killed by road racers

BANGKOK: -- A traffic policeman was killed while trying to stop teenagers to race their motorcycle on Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road early Wednesday.

Pol Senior Sgt-Maj Samrit Taemthong, 51, died of sustained injuries at the Vibhavadi Hospital. He was hit by a hard object on the left side of his forehead.

Pol Lt Sayan Janthapanya of Phaholyothin police station said the attack happened around 3 am.

A motorist was quoted as saying that he saw Samrit checking a van after the van parked on the road and some five to six teenagers unloaded motorcycles from the back of the van.

The motorist said when he drove past the van and looked back through the rear mirror, he saw the police already lying down on the road, apparently attacked by the teenagers.

-- The Nation 2008-08-13

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A few years back the police launched a sting opperation agains these racers on the Sri Nakarin road. Many were caught in the net and along with their suped up ' mopeds ' dragged down to the local police station. Within hours the place was surrounded br angry parents abusing the police and demanding the release of their sons and their illegal mopeds. What a thankless job the traffic police have.

Oh yes, and the winner of these illegal races gets to shag some dumb bimboes who want to give themselves to the ' hero '.

Luckily, the teenagers in our own countries are perfect little citizens, just like we were when we were in our teens.

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These racers closed Vibhavadi-Rangsit to traffic for a couple of hours while they were in action. I was listening to a woman who was on her way to work saying how incredible that they could completely take control of one of the city's major roads. This officer responded to a call on his own and the gang apparently set on him with baseball bats. Vermin.

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These racers closed Vibhavadi-Rangsit to traffic for a couple of hours while they were in action. I was listening to a woman who was on her way to work saying how incredible that they could completely take control of one of the city's major roads. This officer responded to a call on his own and the gang apparently set on him with baseball bats. Vermin.

Been there on my way home a couple of times when they are driving. One more than one occasion there has been some very close calls between them and the taxi I am in.

I see no reason why the police cannot call in the army to roll out so IFV's to clear the streets of this vermin.

If they wanna race they can build tracks or rent some parking lots.

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Its indeed sad that the BiB had to find out the hard way that crime is out of control here. RIP. As to motorbike gangs, Thailand is nothing compared to the organizations in Japan, thousands of teens block whole roads while police are powerless to control them. They are there in Japan as they are here perhaps, breeding grounds for future Yakuza underlings. Its nothing to do with a video game, but big business. I spent a few years teaching English to these 'youth', they have about as much say in what they do as any gang member in the US. Do or die. I can't imagine it being any different here.

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Oh yes, and the winner of these illegal races gets to shag some dumb bimboes who want to give themselves to the ' hero '.

Luckily, the teenagers in our own countries are perfect little citizens, just like we were when we were in our teens.

Where to sign up for the races.

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Oh yes, and the winner of these illegal races gets to shag some dumb bimboes who want to give themselves to the ' hero '.

Luckily, the teenagers in our own countries are perfect little citizens, just like we were when we were in our teens.

Where to sign up for the races.

Can't tell you untill I've squeezed out a few more kph from my moped.

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Its indeed sad that the BiB had to find out the hard way that crime is out of control here. RIP. As to motorbike gangs, Thailand is nothing compared to the organizations in Japan, thousands of teens block whole roads while police are powerless to control them. They are there in Japan as they are here perhaps, breeding grounds for future Yakuza underlings. Its nothing to do with a video game, but big business. I spent a few years teaching English to these 'youth', they have about as much say in what they do as any gang member in the US. Do or die. I can't imagine it being any different here.

The BiB ARE the reason why crime is out of control, the majority of them are in on it as well.

There is no one else to blame but themselves.

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Why the sympathy for the police? a bigger bunch of unpleasant rogues you'd be pushed to find what with their stealing money from motorists and poor manners.

They should be leading by example, how many times do they pick on moped riders to line their pockets?

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Why the sympathy for the police? a bigger bunch of unpleasant rogues you'd be pushed to find what with their stealing money from motorists and poor manners.

They should be leading by example, how many times do they pick on moped riders to line their pockets?

So, it OK than if they get killed. :o

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It comes with the territory, lets limit our sympathy, I havn't watched Deathrace 2000 for a while but how many points was it for a cop?

Well I guess you are beyond " repair" if you live by movies. It explains a lot ..

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Why the sympathy for the police? a bigger bunch of unpleasant rogues you'd be pushed to find what with their stealing money from motorists and poor manners.

They should be leading by example, how many times do they pick on moped riders to line their pockets?

So, it OK than if they get killed. :o

No...but they are little different from the criminals they are supposed to protect us from. If they EARNED the respect of the public then maybe they will be treated as police. These thugs have no respect at all for the police...the majority of whom are a disgrace to their uniform.

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Dude. This scum killed a cop.

There is no justification in this world for that to happen.

Where I come from they would move heaven & earth to track down the killers & hopefully TOP THEM.

Get me? Execute the vermin scum. Thank God Thailand has capital punishment!!!!!!!!!!

I meet traffic police all the time & they aren't bad guys.

Unamed above.

I hope someday if you are plastered all over the road that these cops you so despise treat you better than you respect them.

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These racers closed Vibhavadi-Rangsit to traffic for a couple of hours while they were in action. I was listening to a woman who was on her way to work saying how incredible that they could completely take control of one of the city's major roads. This officer responded to a call on his own and the gang apparently set on him with baseball bats.

The pinnacle of irony. Video of Thai police using baseball bats to stop motorcycle racers....


Edited by sriracha john
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I think we have 3 separate and distinct things going on in this thread.

First, the death of a father and a husband. This is very sad and my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim. An unnecessary loss of life is always tragic and is especially tragic when it happens to a person attempting to bring about some semblance of public order.

Secondly, the issue of street racing, which is extremely dangerous and the BIB could do a lot more. It's a common occurrence where I live and there is the occasional, obligatory crackdown and then everything is back to normal. It requires a constant and sustained effort. There are a lot of people who need to cross the roads, push their trolleys down the road etc. Roads here are multi-purpose and this makes it even more dangerous. Rigorous enforcement is needed.

Third, these young thugs--and the ones who aren't thugs yet, need to be dealt with sternly. Racing should never be allowed on public roads--it only encourages the misuse of the roads. Someone should develop a race strip (I think there would be money to be made) and let them race away. Maybe Don Muang airport--use one of the airstrips or some other unused place.

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I think we have 3 separate and distinct things going on in this thread.

First, the death of a father and a husband. This is very sad and my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim. An unnecessary loss of life is always tragic and is especially tragic when it happens to a person attempting to bring about some semblance of public order.

Secondly, the issue of street racing, which is extremely dangerous and the BIB could do a lot more. It's a common occurrence where I live and there is the occasional, obligatory crackdown and then everything is back to normal. It requires a constant and sustained effort. There are a lot of people who need to cross the roads, push their trolleys down the road etc. Roads here are multi-purpose and this makes it even more dangerous. Rigorous enforcement is needed.

Third, these young thugs--and the ones who aren't thugs yet, need to be dealt with sternly. Racing should never be allowed on public roads--it only encourages the misuse of the roads. Someone should develop a race strip (I think there would be money to be made) and let them race away. Maybe Don Muang airport--use one of the airstrips or some other unused place.

I think you forgot one.

First a policeman murdered in the line of duty.

If there were ever an arguement for the death penalty this is it. To serve. To Protect. Any questions?

I would hunt these guys down & they would be killed "resisting arrest".

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My gf informs me that some time ago , when Ratchadapisek was a newly opened road,it was very popular with these racing morons. Local residents frequently complained to the Sutisarn police but not enough was done to curb the racing. So a few angry residents took matters into their own hands and stretched a nylon cable across the street. Two decapitations later and with more threatened the races moved away to another area.

Have to agree with dotcom on this one. I have also had dealings with traffic police. There are straight ones and bent ones but there can never be any justification for murder. Hope they catch the bastards and lock them away for a long time.

My sympathies also to the guys family.

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Two belt fed machine guns spaced about 200 meters apart (ala the Discovery Channel explanation of the advantages there of) with criss-crossing fields of fire should take care of the motorcycle races right quick.


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Usual violent reaction by the Thai police.....baseball bats to knock the thugs, and they are thugs/apprentice gangsters, off their bikes and hopefully cause as much injury as they can.

Would it not be easier to "spike" the road with a few stingers?? No, that would be too effective and not much fun for head bashing.

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I think we have 3 separate and distinct things going on in this thread.

First, the death of a father and a husband. This is very sad and my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim. An unnecessary loss of life is always tragic and is especially tragic when it happens to a person attempting to bring about some semblance of public order.

Secondly, the issue of street racing, which is extremely dangerous and the BIB could do a lot more. It's a common occurrence where I live and there is the occasional, obligatory crackdown and then everything is back to normal. It requires a constant and sustained effort. There are a lot of people who need to cross the roads, push their trolleys down the road etc. Roads here are multi-purpose and this makes it even more dangerous. Rigorous enforcement is needed.

Third, these young thugs--and the ones who aren't thugs yet, need to be dealt with sternly. Racing should never be allowed on public roads--it only encourages the misuse of the roads. Someone should develop a race strip (I think there would be money to be made) and let them race away. Maybe Don Muang airport--use one of the airstrips or some other unused place.

A race strip won't work, they do it on public roads because that's part of the thrill, knowing it's illegal.

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I think we have 3 separate and distinct things going on in this thread.

First, the death of a father and a husband. This is very sad and my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the victim. An unnecessary loss of life is always tragic and is especially tragic when it happens to a person attempting to bring about some semblance of public order.

Secondly, the issue of street racing, which is extremely dangerous and the BIB could do a lot more. It's a common occurrence where I live and there is the occasional, obligatory crackdown and then everything is back to normal. It requires a constant and sustained effort. There are a lot of people who need to cross the roads, push their trolleys down the road etc. Roads here are multi-purpose and this makes it even more dangerous. Rigorous enforcement is needed.

Third, these young thugs--and the ones who aren't thugs yet, need to be dealt with sternly. Racing should never be allowed on public roads--it only encourages the misuse of the roads. Someone should develop a race strip (I think there would be money to be made) and let them race away. Maybe Don Muang airport--use one of the airstrips or some other unused place.

A race strip won't work, they do it on public roads because that's part of the thrill, knowing it's illegal.

Not quite right. Experience in other countries has shown great success with what are quaintly called "joy riders" (call me old fashioned but I prefer to know them as car/bike thieves) and (in this case) boy racers. Direct their energy and clear love of cars/bikes/engines into productive ares and it works. This means a workshop with professional help where they can, and do, rebuild cars/bikes and then a place to race them. Yes, it has worked really well.

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