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2 Rottweilers Maul 2-year-old Girl To Death


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there are cases of poodles injuring and killing people

Please enlighten me on when this has occurred and how often. I am ignorant on this ever happening unless someone had stepped in a pile of poodle dodo and broke their neck.

Has anyone heard whether or not the Father has spoken to the public on this matter or is planning a soon to be trip back to LOS to console his wife?

Also what repercussions are there in Thailand for this kind of incident? I mean in the USA the parents would probably be charged with child abuse or endangerment.

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there are cases of poodles injuring and killing people

Please enlighten me on when this has occurred and how often. I am ignorant on this ever happening unless someone had stepped in a pile of poodle dodo and broke their neck.

You can search this forum for topics regarding dangerous dogs, it has been up before. Or google bite statistics yourself.

The most common dogs people get bitten by are the normal family dogs. Since there are more of them. And yes, it happens.

I've been mostly bitten by smaller dogs. The kind woman like to have on the knee. They are usually the kind of dogs with lowest level of training in comparison to the exposure to kids they have. I.e. woman, since it usually are, have these small dogs and treat them like furry kids and not like dogs and they end up taking control. Which includes claiming masterhood of house/bed/sofa/the woman and biting especially men/kids trying to 'invade'.

Bigger dogs usually are more stable in the sense that a normal dog person can read them and anticipate their next move. Smaller dogs not so much. Not surprising since they wasn't breed for brains or stability but looks and size.

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there are cases of poodles injuring and killing people

Please enlighten me on when this has occurred and how often. I am ignorant on this ever happening unless someone had stepped in a pile of poodle dodo and broke their neck.

You can search this forum for topics regarding dangerous dogs, it has been up before. Or google bite statistics yourself.

The most common dogs people get bitten by are the normal family dogs. Since there are more of them. And yes, it happens.

I've been mostly bitten by smaller dogs. The kind woman like to have on the knee. They are usually the kind of dogs with lowest level of training in comparison to the exposure to kids they have. I.e. woman, since it usually are, have these small dogs and treat them like furry kids and not like dogs and they end up taking control. Which includes claiming masterhood of house/bed/sofa/the woman and biting especially men/kids trying to 'invade'.

Bigger dogs usually are more stable in the sense that a normal dog person can read them and anticipate their next move. Smaller dogs not so much. Not surprising since they wasn't breed for brains or stability but looks and size.

I think I will Google it soon just to satisfy my curiosity. But I wasn't really referring to the biting of the poodle I was wanting more clarification on how many times a poodle has killed. Sorry for not being clear on the matter as I am full aware that even small dogs do bite. Being a proud Cocker Spaniel owner for many years I can attest to this firsthand.

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Very terrible for sure. I have three questions:

1. Why was the little girl up and around at 1:00 am?

2. Who was the mother opening the door for at 1:00 am?

3. If they are supposed to be guard dogs, why are they inside the house?

Condolences to the family.

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there are cases of poodles injuring and killing people

Please enlighten me on when this has occurred and how often. I am ignorant on this ever happening unless someone had stepped in a pile of poodle dodo and broke their neck.

You can search this forum for topics regarding dangerous dogs, it has been up before. Or google bite statistics yourself.

The most common dogs people get bitten by are the normal family dogs. Since there are more of them. And yes, it happens.

I've been mostly bitten by smaller dogs. The kind woman like to have on the knee. They are usually the kind of dogs with lowest level of training in comparison to the exposure to kids they have. I.e. woman, since it usually are, have these small dogs and treat them like furry kids and not like dogs and they end up taking control. Which includes claiming masterhood of house/bed/sofa/the woman and biting especially men/kids trying to 'invade'.

Bigger dogs usually are more stable in the sense that a normal dog person can read them and anticipate their next move. Smaller dogs not so much. Not surprising since they wasn't breed for brains or stability but looks and size.

I think I will Google it soon just to satisfy my curiosity. But I wasn't really referring to the biting of the poodle I was wanting more clarification on how many times a poodle has killed. Sorry for not being clear on the matter as I am full aware that even small dogs do bite. Being a proud Cocker Spaniel owner for many years I can attest to this firsthand.

Okay, I did a little researching and here are a few clips of what I found. Attached are also the links if you would like to help show me how ferocious poodles can be.

Once again I cannot even fathom how ‘Fefe’ can be more of a deadly dog than ‘Killer’. Or even a killer.



* NOTE: These are only stats for the USA. I am sure that the Aussies and Brits have a much better breed of fatal killing poodles.



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The dog family, note what some people think about domestic dogs and the grey wolf.

Kingdom - Animalia (all animals)

Phylum - chordata (animals with notochords)

Subphylum - Vertebrata (animals with a skeleton of bone or cartilage)

Class - Mammalia (Mammals)

subclass - Eutheria (placental mammals)

Order - Carnivora (carnivores. Eg: cats, dogs,bears.)

Family - Canidae (dog family)

Genus - Canis (dogs)

Grey Wolf - Canis Lupis

Red Wolf - Canis Rufus

Domestic Dog - Canis Familiaris. (Some believe the domestic dog is the same as the Grey Wolf (Canis lupus))

Dingo - Canis familiaris dingo

Coyote - Canis latrans

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My deepest condolences to the family of the victim.

All dogs have the potential of being dangerous. I have had dogs all my life and nothing surprises me. I grew up on a farm and we had the most wonderful, protective collie mixed dog for many years. He saved more me from a charging bull--jumped on it, got thrown off and then the bull was after the dog. He found a lost cousin, etc. etc. He would carry a baby chick that strayed from the mother hen in its mouth. One day, my little cousin went up to pet it and it nearly tore her face off. It had never ever bitten anyone. The dog wasn't put down, but great care was taken to keep it away from kids.

My dog here in Thailand--a mixed breed, never bites. She's a good guard dog, as far as barking, but once I let someone in, she's fine (she might lick them to death), but still a few weeks ago, a friend came by she didn't know and I thought she was going to rip him apart. She didn't bite, but probably because I grabbed her. No idea what that was all about, except he's one of the only farang's whose been to the house--and he's a dog person that dog's usually take to right away!

It's so sad that these difficult lessons have to be learned over and over again. If you have a young child and a dog, just take great care with both.

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As far as I am concerned, this is a case of criminally negligent homicide. This guy is directly responsible for the death of the child. There is no excuse for having dogs of this type around a small child unless they are VERY well trained, and even then I would not recommend it. In US he could have been charged with at least endangering welfare of a child or maybe terminal stupidity. Why is it that people get so irate and upset about someone having a gun in the house but have no problem with big killer dogs? You can unload the gun. You can lock it up and keep it away from small children, and it does not go off on its own. Dogs on the other hand are living things with instincts and behavior of their own.If you know what you are doing, a gun is perfectly safe. I am not looking to debate gun control, only stating a comparison. If the guy keeps getting burglarized, then get a burglar alarm or at least a small harmless dog who can bark and alert the owners. I have to say there appears to be an abundance of rottweilers and other dangerous dogs in this country. If Thailand is so dangerous that one must have 2 rottweilers to feel safe, then why stay here?

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As far as I am concerned, this is a case of criminally negligent homicide. This guy is directly responsible for the death of the child. There is no excuse for having dogs of this type around a small child unless they are VERY well trained, and even then I would not recommend it. In US he could have been charged with at least endangering welfare of a child or maybe terminal stupidity. Why is it that people get so irate and upset about someone having a gun in the house but have no problem with big killer dogs? You can unload the gun. You can lock it up and keep it away from small children, and it does not go off on its own. Dogs on the other hand are living things with instincts and behavior of their own.If you know what you are doing, a gun is perfectly safe. I am not looking to debate gun control, only stating a comparison. If the guy keeps getting burglarized, then get a burglar alarm or at least a small harmless dog who can bark and alert the owners. I have to say there appears to be an abundance of rottweilers and other dangerous dogs in this country. If Thailand is so dangerous that one must have 2 rottweilers to feel safe, then why stay here?

Have you no compassion? I am sure there is nothing that anybody can do to make this father feel any worse. He has paid the highest price you can pay.

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Very terrible for sure. I have three questions:

1. Why was the little girl up and around at 1:00 am?

2. Who was the mother opening the door for at 1:00 am?

3. If they are supposed to be guard dogs, why are they inside the house?

Condolences to the family.

In the newspaper of today, 3 pictures are displayed of the naked dead child, the dog and the mother and her 2 children in better times.

The postmortem analyze count 100 dog bites according to the newspaper.

Looking at the pictures if the dead child makes anyone with a little bit of humanity want to throw up.

I can imagine how the child was carnaged to death by 2 dogs while screaming at her mother for help.

About your questions, as far as I can read Thai, the mother and the girls were returning from a birthday party. They were also accompanied by the grandmother.

The mother was opening the door to let the children and herself in, returning from a birthday party.

The dogs were inside the house because the house have been visited by burglars a few times.

The father of the child is contacted and will be traveling to Thailand ASAP (according my reading skils, he will be expected somewhere Sunday night).

The dogs have been transferred to a Military Base where they will be trained and serve the Military on orders from the father.

RIP little one

This is the way you should remain

Never feeling any pain

Never growing old

Sleep little one, your night is here

Mine is growing very near

Oh, it's getting cold

Only the very best by Peter Kingsbury

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Very terrible for sure. I have three questions:

1. Why was the little girl up and around at 1:00 am?

2. Who was the mother opening the door for at 1:00 am?

3. If they are supposed to be guard dogs, why are they inside the house?

Condolences to the family.

In the newspaper of today, 3 pictures are displayed of the naked dead child, the dog and the mother and her 2 children in better times.

The postmortem analyze count 100 dog bites according to the newspaper.

Looking at the pictures if the dead child makes anyone with a little bit of humanity want to throw up.

I can imagine how the child was carnaged to death by 2 dogs while screaming at her mother for help.

About your questions, as far as I can read Thai, the mother and the girls were returning from a birthday party. They were also accompanied by the grandmother.

The mother was opening the door to let the children and herself in, returning from a birthday party.

The dogs were inside the house because the house have been visited by burglars a few times.

The father of the child is contacted and will be traveling to Thailand ASAP (according my reading skils, he will be expected somewhere Sunday night).

The dogs have been transferred to a Military Base where they will be trained and serve the Military on orders from the father.

RIP little one

This is the way you should remain

Never feeling any pain

Never growing old

Sleep little one, your night is here

Mine is growing very near

Oh, it's getting cold

Only the very best by Peter Kingsbury

I saw the pictures in Thai Rath and found them very upsetting.

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Very terrible for sure. I have three questions:

1. Why was the little girl up and around at 1:00 am?

2. Who was the mother opening the door for at 1:00 am?

3. If they are supposed to be guard dogs, why are they inside the house?

Condolences to the family.

In the newspaper of today, 3 pictures are displayed of the naked dead child, the dog and the mother and her 2 children in better times.

The postmortem analyze count 100 dog bites according to the newspaper.

Looking at the pictures if the dead child makes anyone with a little bit of humanity want to throw up.

I can imagine how the child was carnaged to death by 2 dogs while screaming at her mother for help.

About your questions, as far as I can read Thai, the mother and the girls were returning from a birthday party. They were also accompanied by the grandmother.

The mother was opening the door to let the children and herself in, returning from a birthday party.

Maybe people will learn a lesson from this about raising vicious animals. I'm amazed that the dogs haven't been shot already.

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Maybe people will learn a lesson from this about raising vicious animals. I'm amazed that the dogs haven't been shot already.

Although I agree the dogs should be put down, I think the parents should be jailed for their gross stupidity in not understanding the heavy responsibilities involved in keeping a guard dog. Having a guard dog in your house is not much different than keeping a loaded pistol laying around in the sense that they are normally very benign but can accidentally go off under the wrong circumstances. Guard dogs and accessible guns have a proper place but that place is never around small children or in the hands of responsible people that are not totally trained in their use.

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I have a lot of pity for the father and I'm sure his life is completely destroyed. I don't think there is any need to accuse him of anything because he will likely always blame himself. The article says that his house was robbed a few times and he likely got the dogs to protect his family while he was away - fairly reasonable. I personally wouldn't allow a dog like that near my son. We have a gentle Shih Tzu and I wouldn't leave her alone with my son until he is well able to protect himself, but that is just me.

This is probably one of the most upsetting stories I have read on here. When I think of how frightened that poor baby must have been it makes me shudder. That poor man will have to live with those type of images. My deepest sympathy to him and his wife.

Id rather take a chance on being robbed than have one of these horrid time bomb breeds, any parent having a dog like this anywhere near kids is totally irresponsible,.terrible sad loss of a little princess,for what ?
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As far as I am concerned, this is a case of criminally negligent homicide. This guy is directly responsible for the death of the child. There is no excuse for having dogs of this type around a small child unless they are VERY well trained, and even then I would not recommend it. In US he could have been charged with at least endangering welfare of a child or maybe terminal stupidity. Why is it that people get so irate and upset about someone having a gun in the house but have no problem with big killer dogs? You can unload the gun. You can lock it up and keep it away from small children, and it does not go off on its own. Dogs on the other hand are living things with instincts and behavior of their own.If you know what you are doing, a gun is perfectly safe. I am not looking to debate gun control, only stating a comparison. If the guy keeps getting burglarized, then get a burglar alarm or at least a small harmless dog who can bark and alert the owners. I have to say there appears to be an abundance of rottweilers and other dangerous dogs in this country. If Thailand is so dangerous that one must have 2 rottweilers to feel safe, then why stay here?
Spot on, as a father of a 5 year old i am close to tears and consumed with rage, this little life has been lost through total stupidity,.and the father has asked that they go serve in the military ! ..id have shot them instantly, and im a dog lover, owners are a different breed altogether :o
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..id have shot them instantly, and im a dog lover

You would have shot them instantly with what?

A Fawking Peashooter ?

Or are you yet another farang with connections who can have a loaded gun on the premises.... Mike , if you don't mind me saying,. you're full of <deleted>. You're just like every other Farang in Pattaya pal, you jump through hoops and bow and grovel to get your 1 Year Visa, then spend the next 11 months bitching and moaning about how bad Thailand is, yet...still you stay.

Edited by Maigo6
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There is not one vet in Thailand that will put an animal down. Been there done that. Pathetic.

Which is why they take their unwanted animals to the nearest Wat & dump them.

Mike will shoot them instantly if thats any help...

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I am not heartless, I feel bad when a child dies from stupidity of parents. If the guy left a gun around, everyone would want to hang the guy,and rightly so.I don't think that is any stupider than this guy with his killer dogs. Of course I feel bad for the parents. Nothing is worse than losing a child. But now the guy also has to live with the fact that his child died from his stupidity.

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These are dangerous dogs that should never be around children. Ditto Dobermans & Pit Bulls.

Same same loaded gun.

Agreed. Every day when I go for my exercise-walk, there is a rotweiller which moves into attack position every time I pass the private dormitory he guards. He moves right up on my rear until I pick up a stone to throw. If I forget my stone, I can count on an attack from the rear. The owner is often outside and watches in total disinterest, despite my frequent protests to put this killer behind a fence. No backup from the police available. Owner has more clout.

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These are dangerous dogs that should never be around children. Ditto Dobermans & Pit Bulls.

Same same loaded gun.

Agreed. Every day when I go for my exercise-walk, there is a rotweiller which moves into attack position every time I pass the private dormitory he guards. He moves right up on my rear until I pick up a stone to throw. If I forget my stone, I can count on an attack from the rear. The owner is often outside and watches in total disinterest, despite my frequent protests to put this killer behind a fence. No backup from the police available. Owner has more clout.

I would avoid that route, why don't you?

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These are dangerous dogs that should never be around children. Ditto Dobermans & Pit Bulls.

Same same loaded gun.

Agreed. Every day when I go for my exercise-walk, there is a rotweiller which moves into attack position every time I pass the private dormitory he guards. He moves right up on my rear until I pick up a stone to throw. If I forget my stone, I can count on an attack from the rear. The owner is often outside and watches in total disinterest, despite my frequent protests to put this killer behind a fence. No backup from the police available. Owner has more clout.

I would avoid that route, why don't you?

Well, yes, not being a total fool, I did consider that very clever suggestion of yours. However, I'm really not up to the only other route: climbing over a 6-foot broken-glass encrusted cement wall every morning.

Would rather face the Rotweiller. :o

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On an awful lot of home security threads on this forum and as well as more than a few others, there are just about always enthusiastic suggestions that 'rotweilers' are the best choice. Maybe this fellow was just taking some of this 'good' advice.


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