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Name And Shame - The Avenue


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We all have our gripes about this place, but the "Planners" :o have gone one better this time.

Have you tried to DRIVE OUT the back entrance? OK, I know they want to have a Pay Booth, but it could not be located in a worse position. The "Planner" must have a motorcycle, as he has never tried driving out that way.

I have a Mitsubishi Strada, which like most trucks, has the turning circle of the Queen Mary! In order to exit the car park towards Soi Buakhao, I have to turn hard right and then loop hard left, which takes the width of Soi 15, to make the turn. In effect I take up the full road width in the turn, blocking it for other users.

Any LOGICAL person would see the chaos caused and either put the Pay Booth elsewhere, or take out the concrete kerb in front of the Booth and have both and "In" and "Out" entrances, as the have at the Front.....

OK - I have had my Rant !! :D Maybe they will read this and do something about it.

(Remember they had the fancy front entrance / pathway, which was unusable, so they had to ripped it all out and lay a brick pathway. The entrence to McD was up a heap of bricks until last week when they put in welded metal steps... - Really smart looking (That was sarcasm!)

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The best way not to get annoyed about the way thais think is just laugh it off as they are hilarious at making huge cock-ups.My 7 yo kid could do better at organising Pattaya infa structure.

The education system must be realy poor here as a retard could do better with some of the planning here.

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Have you tried to DRIVE OUT the back entrance?

How about driving in ? with the horrible blind curve where a motorcycle is bound to be roaring around head first.

I just returned from WOW and can report that they are tearing out all the bricks again at the front entrance between McCafe and Au Bon Pain. I am not sure they know what to do with the entrance - they have torn it out and replaced it a number of times and they are at it again. Not sure if child labor laws exist in Thailand but 3 people were tearing out the old bricks - one male adult and 2 kids - pre-teens it appeared to me.

Edited by buckeroo2
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Have you tried to DRIVE OUT the back entrance?

How about driving in ? with the horrible blind curve where a motorcycle is bound to be roaring around head first.

I just returned from WOW and can report that they are tearing out all the bricks again at the front entrance between McCafe and Au Bon Pain. I am not sure they know what to do with the entrance - they have torn it out and replaced it a number of times and they are at it again. Not sure if child labor laws exist in Thailand but 3 people were tearing out the old bricks - one male adult and 2 kids - pre-teens it appeared to me.

You sure they were not stealing them :o

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Not sure if child labor laws exist in Thailand but 3 people were tearing out the old bricks - one male adult and 2 kids - pre-teens it appeared to me.

Were the pre-teens by any chance wearing short tartan skirts with a skimpy white top ? :o

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The best way not to get annoyed about the way thais think is just laugh it off as they are hilarious at making huge cock-ups.My 7 yo kid could do better at organising Pattaya infa structure.

The education system must be realy poor here as a retard could do better with some of the planning here.

Thais do only 2 things very well:


2.messing things up

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I have a Mitsubishi Strada, which like most trucks, has the turning circle of the Queen Mary! In order to exit the car park towards Soi Buakhao, I have to turn hard right and then loop hard left, which takes the width of Soi 15, to make the turn. In effect I take up the full road width in the turn, blocking it for other users.

they wanted to hint you that Pattaya is going metropolitan and off-road trucks are no longer required.... :o

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I've also noticed that the back entrance of 'The Avenue' is very hard to drive out of if turning to Soi Bua Khao. The way they have designed it is awful. I don't know why they have made the entrance/exit so small there, they should remove the sidewalk where there are food carts and have an exit space there.

Due to this, and due to the mall being deadly quiet and boring, I've never been there again. Its a failure! Looking forward to the new one opening on Beach Road.

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I enjoy the Avenue, the terrilbe design keeps people away and makes it pleasant to walk

around without the droves of tourists a-la royal garden.

The only thing that pisses me off about the place is the artistic floor and paving design,

It's only a matter of time before someone trips and does serious injury to themselves.

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they wanted to hint you that Pattaya is going metropolitan and off-road trucks are no longer required.... :D

Your comment is very valid, but mine is NOT a 4WD Mega truck. It is a 4 door Strada Grandis 2 wheel drive and the size of many cars in Thailand, and smaller that the new Camry, which Up Market Pattaya :D wants as a Normal HiSo :D residents car (I really must get a driver :D )

Joking aside, I find the truck useful due to Pattayas flooded roads and 3rd world raod surfaces (Take the road to Jomtien for example!!). I also use it to drive up-Country, and feel safer from other drivers than in a flimsy Jazz or similar.

PS: I do use Baht buses and pay 10 Baht a trip - But that is another thread..... :o

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We know already that most thais are not really intelligent, but do we have to open another thousand topics like this.

Maybe we can open another one about:

-Theppraya road.

-Theppraya road

-Beach road.

-Bali hai pier.


-maybe even another one about the Avenue!!

The post is about something that affects more people than "Diving on Samet" or "Discounted Fortuners" :o .

A Forum is a discussion place. You do not have to agree with my views. :D . No-one has forced you to READ THIS POST. Just chill out and pass on to something that interests you, like fires on boats on Pattaya....... [These are a selection of Jared's post]

Actually, you have a good topic there - Theppraya road. Lets have one about accident staticstics on this bomb site. That affects 1,000's of motor bikes and other vehicles a DAY

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uses and pay 10 Baht a trip - But that is another thread..... :o

I thought the fare was 5 baht. Why do you pay double? :D

They have removed the old blocks at the front entrance - the ones that were sort of open faced blocks and now replaced them with solid tiles - they were cementing them in place yesterday afternoon. So far just the right half near Au Bon Pain has been upgraded - the other half towards McCafe is still as b4

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The best way not to get annoyed about the way thais think is just laugh it off as they are hilarious at making huge cock-ups.My 7 yo kid could do better at organising Pattaya infa structure.

The education system must be realy poor here as a retard could do better with some of the planning here.

I was told by a long term expat that most have the mentality of a 5 year old, the more i see the more i think hes right, ..the tantrums, the always thinking about food and the silence when critisised,, :o
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The best way not to get annoyed about the way thais think is just laugh it off as they are hilarious at making huge cock-ups.My 7 yo kid could do better at organising Pattaya infa structure.

The education system must be realy poor here as a retard could do better with some of the planning here.

Thais do only 2 things very well:


2.messing things up

Farangs do only 2 things well:

1. complaining

2. looking down on thais

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The best way not to get annoyed about the way thais think is just laugh it off as they are hilarious at making huge cock-ups.My 7 yo kid could do better at organising Pattaya infa structure.

The education system must be realy poor here as a retard could do better with some of the planning here.

I was told by a long term expat that most have the mentality of a 5 year old, the more i see the more i think hes right, ..the tantrums, the always thinking about food and the silence when critisised,, :o

please dont say that you are a brit...

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Farangs do only 2 things well:

1. complaining

2. looking down on thais

It all depends what you call "Complaining". Pointing out stupid things that should not happen is not complaining. Those stupid people can be anywhere in the world, even in my home country town.

The difference between Thailand and the West, is that we express out views to our leaders, be it our boss at work or someone else. Sadly may Thais are brought up to "Respect their supiours and not question what they do".

As an example, I was listening to some exchange teachers, who said that their students whould not answer questions, as normally, they were nor allowed to ask questions of their teachers or give an opions, just repeat parrot fashion.

On you final part of "Farang" looking down on Thais, sadly this is also true, but by a minority, thank goodness.

BTW, why did you use the word "FARANG" and not "FOREIGNER" ? - That sounded like racial prejudice to me. I call Thais "Thai" not "Natives", as correct but taken as disrespectful! (I am a native of my home country.)

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  • 2 months later...
The best way not to get annoyed about the way thais think is just laugh it off as they are hilarious at making huge cock-ups.My 7 yo kid could do better at organising Pattaya infa structure.

The education system must be realy poor here as a retard could do better with some of the planning here.

I was told by a long term expat that most have the mentality of a 5 year old, the more i see the more i think hes right, ..the tantrums, the always thinking about food and the silence when critisised,, :o

please dont say that you are a brit...

alright then,...
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  • 4 weeks later...
The Avenue Management have been at it again. This time a 100 Baht surcharge for parking after midnight on top of normal parking fees.


With all of the Avenue's faults related to the design and such I really don't see charging the party makers some baht to use they facility as a easy and safe way to park while they go off and spend god only knows how much on wine, women and song.

As for the extra charge to park after midnight? It's a business and they are in it to make money. If you choose to use their facility for the safety and convenience then you should pay. A few extra baht for a decent place to park? Why not?

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thai's are this...

farangs are that...

are we all desending into total racisim/discrimination on TV?

is it only the usual complaints, and no solutions, are all TV member still in the playground? ( not all most)

thats the easy road to take- the road chosen by the herd, or the sheep.. moan, moan, moan, followed by massive generalistion, etc, etc

by looking deeper into the cause's perhaps we can be a just a little more constuctive and suggest a postive way forward

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