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Thaksin Done Not Hardly


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I read three articles about him today alone. One where in he ha filed legal action against the Pad leaders. One where the in a Constitution change in the works that would cause the cases against to be dismissed. The last where a web site has now been etblished to support his stay in Britain. This isn't over by a long shot.

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I read three articles about him today alone. One where in he ha filed legal action against the Pad leaders. One where the in a Constitution change in the works that would cause the cases against to be dismissed. The last where a web site has now been etblished to support his stay in Britain. This isn't over by a long shot.

Nope, he's waiting until he gets a pardon and invited back to Thailand to take over again.

In spite of all the criticism, at least he was an astute and powerful business man, built up a huge telecoms industry, launched satellites, built a university, had clear policies, had a massive backing outside of the main cities, a plan to bring Thailand into the modern world, kept the party bickering down to a minimal level. Just got a little too greedy along the way. But you can't claim he was an underachiever

Now we have endless bickering, no clear policies, everything is contested as being anti-constitutional, a plan to replace mechanised farming with "get back to using buffaloes" and living on the farm, and a PM who, to be honest, rates fairly low on the zero to hero scale of international politics.

Bring back Frank, at least he had a vision for a future and you, or at least I, felt that progress was being made, even if his personal wealth was also progressing at a fair old rate.

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Bring back Frank, at least he had a vision for a future and you, or at least I, felt that progress was being made, even if his personal wealth was also progressing at a fair old rate.

As was his headcount. No doubt if he was still in power we would have witnessed the War on Drugs II, and perhaps III.

Another 4 or 5000 extra-judicial murders possibly.

And then we could talk about his rate in the south.

Have another drink :o

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To top it all off the PPP called Samak to trial for allowing arrest warrants to be issued and disgracing Thaksin name. If had a shred of crediblity it is being destroyed. Heck the PPP does more for the PAD then anything else. Not complaining just observing, not one thing has changed in my life.

An interesting point my first trip to the P.I. Marcus was in charge he wasn't skimming he was using a shovel, but it was a lot nicer place then today.

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In spite of all the criticism, at least he was an astute and powerful business man, built up a huge telecoms industry, launched satellites, built a university, had clear policies,

astute - bwhahahahaha

until he married into connections who could provide him with no lose deals he was a failure.

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Shame that Thaksin let his square head get a little too big for his boots, and the countries' most revered institution, as he started off with a plan at least... And he gave the majority of people in this country a glimmer of hope, wrapped admittedly in a series of cynical and unworkable policies.

Unfortunately, the same old faces and surnames always crop up Thai politics. And now their progeny also have their snouts in the trough. Spouting Nationalistic claptrap whilst milking the coffers is usually the modus operandi. And going nowhere fast. :o

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I read three articles about him today alone. One where in he ha filed legal action against the Pad leaders. One where the in a Constitution change in the works that would cause the cases against to be dismissed. The last where a web site has now been etblished to support his stay in Britain. This isn't over by a long shot.

Nope, he's waiting until he gets a pardon and invited back to Thailand to take over again.

In spite of all the criticism, at least he was an astute and powerful business man, built up a huge telecoms industry, launched satellites, built a university, had clear policies, had a massive backing outside of the main cities, a plan to bring Thailand into the modern world, kept the party bickering down to a minimal level. Just got a little too greedy along the way. But you can't claim he was an underachiever

Now we have endless bickering, no clear policies, everything is contested as being anti-constitutional, a plan to replace mechanised farming with "get back to using buffaloes" and living on the farm, and a PM who, to be honest, rates fairly low on the zero to hero scale of international politics.

Bring back Frank, at least he had a vision for a future and you, or at least I, felt that progress was being made, even if his personal wealth was also progressing at a fair old rate.

He built his businesses mainly on the back of his political connections. This is well documented.

He used populist policies as a subtle form of vote buying where he did not have to use his own money. As a charismatic person of ability, with some good policies, he had a unique chance to establish the 1997 constitution and develop Thailand's political system as no other has before him. But because of his greed and quest for absolute power he blew it. All that is an outrage.

It's like something out of an ancient Greek tragedy.

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Anyone see a hot potato here :o

"PM to decide whether to cancel Thaksin's passports : Tej

By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

The Nation

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej would have a final say on whether to revoke passports held by deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Foreign Minister Tej Bunnag said Thursday.

"It is a national issue, so the Foreign Ministry needs an instruction from the prime minister," Tej told reporters.

It is not unprecendented for a Thai PM to revoke diplomatic passport of former premier, he said.

Thaksin are now holding diplomatic and ordinary passports.

Tej made the statements protesters led by People's Alliance for Democracy rallied in front of the ministry, demanding the ministry to cancel all passports held by Thaksin and his wife; Pojaman. They said the couple were now criminal fugitives and were seeking asylum in England."

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Yes, he was successful at robbing the country............for a while, now it's all gone pear shaped.

The pair of them are criminals, (my definition is a person who commits a crime) and have managed to get out of Thailand because of their connections and the fact that the elite don't want them here. Whether they get extradited from the U.K. is anyone's guess.

In the meantime I am waiting for Man.City F.C. to meltdown. :o

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Intersting I read another article today where in some radio reporter had a warant issued for him Le Majeste, he fled to China and they said they couldn't touvh him. The treaty with China only allows extradtion for murder. So they couldn't touch him there why the move to the UK?

Another one of lifes mysteries :o

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A square headed Thai PM went to the US to visit a senator. When the senator invited him home for dinner, the PM was very impressed by the lavish mansion, grounds and the costly furnishings.

He asked "How can you afford all this on a meagre senator's salary?"

The senator smiled knowingly and took him to the window.

"Can you see the river?"


"Can you see the bridge over it?"

"Of course", said the Thai PM.

"10 percent", said the senator smugly.

Some time later, he had occasion to pay a return visit. The Thai PM lavished all hospitality on him.

When they came to his house,the American was stunned by the huge palace the minister had built, glittering with precious art, hundreds of servants, big haired wife, sexy mia noi's etc etc.

"How can you possibly afford this, on a salary in Thai baht", he asked.

Square head called him to the window.

"See the river over there?"

"Sure", cried the senator.

"Can you see the bridge over it?"

The senator looked, was confused, peered closely and said

"No, I don't see any bridge."

"100 percent", said the Thai PM !!

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To top it all off the PPP called Samak to trial for allowing arrest warrants to be issued and disgracing Thaksin name. If had a shred of crediblity it is being destroyed. Heck the PPP does more for the PAD then anything else. Not complaining just observing, not one thing has changed in my life.

An interesting point my first trip to the P.I. Marcus was in charge he wasn't skimming he was using a shovel, but it was a lot nicer place then today.

An estimated 100,000 Filipinos who "disappeared" during his regime might disagree... if they were around today.

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Anyone surprised it was a no win for Samak, he followed the courts ruling and the PPP would have been after him, with this decesion it will be the PAD. It's interesting though how can you have a functioning society, if the Supreme court rules on the law and the Government refuses to enforce it. Lots of problems ahead I'm afraid

"No plan to revoke Thaksin's passport or seek his extradition

By The Nation

Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej said Friday that he has no plans to revoke passports of fugitive prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra or to ask Britain to extradite him.

Thaksin jumped bails on a trial which he was accused of abusing his power to help his wife; Pojaman, to purchase a plot of land. The couple and fled to England last week.

About 2,000 protesters rallied outside the Foreign Ministry on Thursday, demanding that it cancel his passport and work to extradite him from Britain, where the multimillionaire owns several properties and the Manchester City football club.

Foreign Minister Tej Bunnag said on Thursday that Samak will have a final say whether to revoke Thaksin's passports or not.

Responding on questions whether he will revoke Thaksin's passport or seek his extradition, Samak said on Friday, "I have no policy to revoke his passport or doing anything on that.

Thaksin's ouster by the military followed months of huge street protests which accused him of massive corruption and trying to subvert the country's fledgling democracy"

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I think he probably deserves to be jailed and probably won't be. I also find it funny that the very same people who want severe prison sentences for common Thai criminals (farang and Thai) somehow turn into bleeding heart liberals when it comes to rich dictator types.

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Could someone explain why the leaders of the coup aren't on trial in the supreme court. Is tax evasion a more heinous crime.

I ask as in some countries overturning an elected government with tanks and guns is frowned on.

Is it that Taksin has no support from the common people?

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Post# 11 got it dam_n' straight right! No frills attached, straight forward!

All the rest revocation of their PPs, or not, further court orders or not... arrest warrant or not. exile or not, all just part of the long standing games called Thai-National-Politics....

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I read three articles about him today alone. One where in he ha filed legal action against the Pad leaders.

Why is he asking his solicitor to filed lawsuit against the People Alliance for Democracy for displacing a big banner wanted list. Doesnโ€™t he say that the Thai judiciary was unbiased toward to him?

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Is it that Taksin has no support from the common people?

He does have a lot of supporters from north and northeast when he was splashing money, but now he is gone those rural folks are craving him like drug addict.

Edited by Thaising
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Could someone explain why the leaders of the coup aren't on trial in the supreme court. Is tax evasion a more heinous crime.

I ask as in some countries overturning an elected government with tanks and guns is frowned on.

Those who support Thaksin only seem to have one defence for all that he did wrong, and that is that others have commited worse. Fine, if you believe that the leaders of the coup should be on trial, campaign for that, but don't use this as a reasoning for letting someone else off from facing justice.

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Could someone explain why the leaders of the coup aren't on trial in the supreme court. Is tax evasion a more heinous crime.

I ask as in some countries overturning an elected government with tanks and guns is frowned on.

Those who support Thaksin only seem to have one defence for all that he did wrong, and that is that others have commited worse. Fine, if you believe that the leaders of the coup should be on trial, campaign for that, but don't use this as a reasoning for letting someone else off from facing justice.

That is probably why they don't want him back. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. He might bring the whole house of cards tumbling down.

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Hmm!!!!!!! embarrassed, what you think is he or is he raising money :o

"Embarrassed" Thaksin offers to leave Man City

(BangkokPost.com) - Deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has offered to step down from the board of Manchester City Football Club, according to clubโ€™s executive chairman Gary Cook.

Mr Thaksin and his wife, Khunying Potjaman, skipped bail on Ratchadaphisek land deal case and flew from Beijing to London on August 11 after attending the opening of the Olympic Games. The court then issued warrant for their arrests and also seized bail totalling 13 million baht on the same day.

โ€œDoctor Thaksin has been really open about this,โ€ according to Mr Cook's comments quoted in the British press.

โ€œThe man is embarrassed about the indignity brought on the club and on the league. He never intended for this to be the case,โ€ he revealed.

"He has said to me: 'If you need me to resign as a director to serve the needs of the Premier League, I'm fine with that as long as it doesn't change anything else.'"

"We're talking about a lot of things. We've talked about restructuring the board and selling part of his stake to an equity partner, who could come in and take some of the pressure away," he added.

Mr Cook said security experts advised the ousted premier not to attend the home games of Manchester City during this period."

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Could someone explain why the leaders of the coup aren't on trial in the supreme court. Is tax evasion a more heinous crime.

I ask as in some countries overturning an elected government with tanks and guns is frowned on.

Those who support Thaksin only seem to have one defence for all that he did wrong, and that is that others have commited worse. Fine, if you believe that the leaders of the coup should be on trial, campaign for that, but don't use this as a reasoning for letting someone else off from facing justice.

Be real, his only offence is to be the most popular person in this country.

He hasn't be defeated by a democratic vote but by a military coup.

Facing justice ? When the judges are appointed by people who don't believe in democracy ?

If you believe in democracy, there is one person who should lead this county and it's a bit sad that this person needs to ask for political asylum in an other country because his rights and security couldn't be assured in his own country.

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Well personally I think he is an intreresting individual. I have no comment as to what is right or wrong. It is not my place here to make those kind of judgements, eventually the system will work that out. I prefer to be an observer not an advisor where I'm not welcome to be one.

Many times watching Democracy unfold here in whatever from it evolves to. I often wonder what it was really like in the first fifty years of my own countries democracy. Lets face it we had a major civil war, before it got to where it is today. Even today it's not perfect.

I really don't want to be so arrogant to say that in my own country that money has nothing to do with how voting goes. No one is going to become President of the United States without billions involved. If you don't have he ability to raise huge sum of money. You could be the best thing since sliced bread, your not going to nominated. Do we end up wioth the best man for the job, if we do it's luck.

Here it may be more direct. But, in both places money plays a part.

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See what I mean it isn't what you see, it's what you don't see. I don't believe I would want to play poker with him :o

"Democrat Party says Revenue Department's release of Shinawatra assets worth THB 12 Billion suspicious

The Democrat Party is calling attention to the incident in which the Revenue Department unfroze more than 10 billion Baht in assets belonging to the Shinawatra family.

Democrat Party Deputy Secretary General Korn Jatikawanit (เธเธฃเธ“เนŒ เธˆเธฒเธ•เธดเธเธงเธ“เธดเธŠ) said that the Revenue Department's release of 12 billion Baht in assets frozen by the Asset Examination Committee, and belonging to Mr. Panthongthae and Ms. Pinthongta Shinawatra (เธ™เธฒเธขเธžเธฒเธ™เธ—เธญเธ‡เนเธ—เน‰ เนเธฅเธฐ เธ™เธฒเธ‡เธชเธฒเธงเธžเธดเธ“เธ—เธญเธ‡เธ—เธฒ เธŠเธดเธ™เธงเธฑเธ•เธฃ), the children of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinwatra, was suspicious.

Mr. Korn said that the Revenue Department's claim that the assets were being unfrozen for fines and tax purposes was unusual, as the department had no authority over the assets, and only a court of law could authorize their release.

The Democrat Party Deputy Secretary General believes that the assets were released in order to allow the Shinawatra family to reclaim them. Mr. Korn is urgently calling on the Director-General of the Revenue Department to explain the matter and to address the news. He said that calls to the office of the Revenue Department's Director-General and Deputy Director-General have so far been unanswered. "

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Look at the facts, and how incredibly insignificant these whipped up charges against Thaksin are, even if they are true! It's disgraceful, I think Thailand desperately needs a proper government back. Time to mature from the power structures that keep the beginnings of popular democracy down, and Thailand stuck at a third world level.

Personally I think it's only a matter of time before the next brilliant, business minded and populist politician stands up.. There will be a storm then.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Be real, his only offence is to be the most popular person in this country.

Just what uniformed dillusionary planet are you on?! I don't think even his staunchest admirers could deny he did wrong, but i obviously underestimated the degree of brain-washing that has occured in some.

He hasn't be defeated by a democratic vote but by a military coup.

He was defeated by his own greed and arrogance. The military stepped in because Thaksin had diluted and weakened all the checks and balances that were in place to stop a state of dictatorship, which is essentially what we had, albeit dressed up in a frilly "democracy" dress.

Facing justice ? When the judges are appointed by people who don't believe in democracy ?

You are obviously well informed so please enlighten me as to just who exactly you are refering to with your "people" comment. Let's have names please, rather than vague accusations.

If you believe in democracy, there is one person who should lead this county and it's a bit sad that this person needs to ask for political asylum in an other country because his rights and security couldn't be assured in his own country.

For democracy to work it has to be open, free and fair. Without these things it's not really democracy at all. Thaksin only believes in a democracy that he has complete control of. He did as much to move the democratic cause forward as Than Shwe.

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