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Getting A Land Line At Home,, Need Some Help.


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Hi Guys!

Has anybody had an experience getting a telephone line (land line) installed in their home?

We are interested in getting DSL for internet access in our home and for that we need a phone line at home.

Which company is best and what are the costs?

Any advice would be appreciated.


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First step is go to the TOT office nearest you and ask. They will tell you if there is a line available in your area. Then you can find out how much. Depending on your location ADSL may or may not be available or work reliably.

If you are renting then the owner is the only one that can apply for a line.

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First step is go to the TOT office nearest you and ask. They will tell you if there is a line available in your area. Then you can find out how much. Depending on your location ADSL may or may not be available or work reliably.

If you are renting then the owner is the only one that can apply for a line.

I would ignore the above.

Decide which ISP you want first, unless you want to go with TOT then they will not use their line, and will install a new one (which bizzarely will still be billed through TOT).

A tenent can get a line in their name - I have....twice.

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A tenent can get a line in their name - I have....twice.

True enough !

I went with my landlady to the ToT office, more as a translator (and to confirm the proper address) than anything else. I filled in the paperwork, and the bills are addressed to me.

That was a couple of years ago now. I don't recall having to show my passport and didn't need a Residency Certificate. The new ToT office is supposed to streamline things and make it easier, but time will tell I suppose.

The kicker will be your location of course. I'd check with your landlord as well, as they would have to approve any new installations I've heard that applies to condos as well).

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You can also go to the TT&T office in Carrefour and you can get MaxNet Hi-Speed internet which is very good. Ive heard TOT's ADSL is not very good at all. Check out TT&T.. The only problem is your location.

And it is not correct that you cannot get a phone line if you don't own the property.. Yes, YOU CAN get a phone line if you are renting. Done it several times.

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Best bet would be TT&T, but they are not available everywhere, or even when available their exchange might be full.

If available, the line is around 3,000 Baht, waiting time with TT&T will be less then 2 weeks, and once you have the line they can activate ADSL within 24 hours.

For TT&T nothing but your passport is needed.

The other company is TOT, but be prepared for a very lengthy wait, you'll need much more paperwork, especially when you are renting (agreement signature from landlord along with copy of I think the house book and/or the land title deed).

On top of that, their internet service is not that good at all, with heavy slowdowns during peak times and frequent service interruptions.

TT&T office in Carrefour on the first floor, TOT office on Pattaya klang/third road junction (beneath the big antenna tower).

Another, albeit expensive option is CAT. If you are in their service area they will pull a dedicated cable to your house on which they have ADSL, but no phone number!

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Agreed. TT&T is the best. Just visit their office in Carrefour (Pattaya Klang). I got a line for 3,000 baht and a free digital SMS telephone thrown-in.

The line was up and running within five days.

It depends on where in Pattaya you live for ADSL broadband. When I was in their office, they brought out a load of drawings and connection charts and tried to work out if there was availability in my area.

After service is OK as well. Two problems in the last seven years have been cleared up quickly.

TT&T is the way to go.......

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Had two put in with TOT (neither could have TT&T). Waiting less than a week both times. Internet was crap 3 years ago and sometimes slow now but much more stable. I had a business visa but other than that just show the passport. No more paperwork apart from signing some form at their office on Pattaya Klang.

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Ok so I am wrong about renter can get line or not. I beg everyone's pardon

In my case in the house I rented for more than two years the village was wired supposedly for TOT only and when inquiring on numerous occasions about a TTT line that kept saying and insisting they cannot because no wire in that village only TOT have wire.

TOT ADSL higher speeds were crap and I was on the edge of the 3 kilometer distance that is recommended. When I downgraded to the 256 line it worked better than the 1 mb setup.

Thats it,,,,,,,good luck getting a land line, phone service and good working ADSL

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It depends where you are, if you have TT&T available it's usually a better option.

TT&T used to have an office on Naklua Rd near the intersection of Soi12, I'm not sure if they still have it or if it has been moved to the Carre4 shop.

When I wanted a line I was told there was only one available, but the previous farang had left it with a bill of 1900b still owing, and I would have to pay that if I wanted that line... I ended up with a TOT line instead, it took about three weeks and was about half the price. But every time it rained the internet connection would stop...

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