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Exercise Stuff..


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Well, I am tired of being a retired cream puff..

I have been retired for 13 months now and swore I'd do nothing for a year post employed..

Well, the year has been great and for the first time in my adult life I awake without having to do situps, pushups and run, and oh boy have I taken advantage of it.

Now I have purchased the "mother of all" PT programs to get my lazy butt back into shape.


What I need now is a workout mat, like a yoga mat ( which would most likely work just as well ) push-up bars, dumb bells ( no, not me and some friends..) or some excersise bands.

Anybody have a clue on if I can aquire these in town here?

The fat man will be leaving soon..

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It's a super intense workout to last over a 90 day period. 6 days per week.

Check it out either on You Tube or google "Beachbody" or "Tony Horton".

Beachbody is the company that produces it.

It seems to be the "in" thing currently in the US Army's SOCOM community and US police academys.

It IS a butt kicker. If ya wanna get into shape, this IS it.

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I just started the hard core myself. Went in for an annual physical; nurses were barely able to suppress mirth at my weight number....now I understand why 2 Thais on a Wave 100 can beat me in a drag off a green light. :D

Luckily, the 3-up version still loses. :o

I just ordered some nutrients from US, and went to Limping today- bought enough asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli to choke a goat. Combination of aerobic, free weights, swimming is the plan. Plain tuna fish is my new dietary friend; mayo/cheese/bread is banished.

My goal is 10 K in the next 2 months or so.

Do Or Die!

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Say what?!

Hello, "fry up" freaks!! Anything wrong with exercise (without gimmicks or equipment), moderation, and --- well --- not eating too much ?! ......................

Why am I writing this???!!! Why do I respond to such emotional and intellectual avoirdupois? Maybe I need to sell my exercise bike!

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I just started the hard core myself. Went in for an annual physical; nurses were barely able to suppress mirth at my weight number....now I understand why 2 Thais on a Wave 100 can beat me in a drag off a green light. :D

Luckily, the 3-up version still loses. :o

I just ordered some nutrients from US, and went to Limping today- bought enough asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli to choke a goat. Combination of aerobic, free weights, swimming is the plan. Plain tuna fish is my new dietary friend; mayo/cheese/bread is banished.

My goal is 10 K in the next 2 months or so.

Do Or Die!

It can be done. When I had my physical at Ram a few months ago, it turned out that I was too short for my weight. So I decided to do something about it. :D

I weighed in at 98.4 kilo (216 lbs.) That was three months ago. I just went to the hospital last Friday (I ripped some cartilage in my knee but should live through it. Barely) and wanted some stronger anti-inflammatory meds. While there, I weighed myself again.....

87.1 kilo (191 lbs) Between a healthy diet, exercise, and supergluing my tongue to my eyebrows, I have managed to drop 25 pounds! Another 11 lbs and I'll be just where I want to be. I used to fence in competition at 175 lbs. but I figure being older and wiser, my brain must be larger and weigh more, so I'll settle for 180. I go back to the hospital to have my knee checked again on Friday. I expect that during this past two weeks I've lost another kilo or more. :D

I used to eat 4-5 Rimping croissants for my breakfast. Now I eat musili wet down with natural fruit juice. (Yes, I miss the croissants, but not all that much.) Keeps me satisfied until lunch. That is usually some veggie dish made with very little oil, or Thai curry. Coconut milk does have a lot of fat in it, but it's "good fat." I just don't eat too much of it. When I make a Thai curry at home I don't add the coconut milk. I use chicken soup. Not quite the same, but tasty anyway. Dinner is also mostly veg, but with a bit of meat thrown in just to satisfy the carnivore in me. But it's not a meat dish with some veggies. It's a veggie dish with some meat. And the meat is pretty lean, either pork or chicken grilled. Lots of spices but not lots of fat. For fat (which the body does need to digest foods,) I rely on olive oil, almonds, eggs, fish, etc. I also eat a lot of fresh fish. Almost no fried food, no pasta, very little rice, no added sugars. I treat myself to a pizza every couple of weeks, a bowl of salted (not buttered) freshly popped popcorn at night while watching a movie, (no more microwaved popcorn) and even have a small bit of dark chocolate when the mood hits me. Basically, low fat meals, only complex carbohydrates and lots of them, no simple sugars. and reduced protein. My snacks are either fresh fruits, nuts, or hard boiled egges. Sort of a diet a diabetic might be eating but with a few treats thrown in just because I can!

It's not a rough as I though it was going to be. But the exercising is making up for it....

This is NOT fun. I'm doing most of the exercises that are shown in the P90-X videos. (hel_l, if I knew people would have bought them, I would have tried selling them. I just figured everyone knew these!) I don't do them to the extremes that the P90-X program seems to demand though. I didn't go out and buy dumbbells. I use one gallon plastic fabric softener jugs. (I really should fill them some day...) There is a ledge outside my door that I use for pull-ups. I use a couple of wooden blocks for my press-ups. And I only do some of the exercises every other day. My goal is to burn fat by increasing muscle mass, not to turn myself into a body builder. The more muscle you have working, the more fat is being burned off, and the more you can increase your food intake. If you are taking in more calories than you are burning off, you ain't gonna lose anything. I want to be able to eat pizza and ice cream and Tim Tams every day! :D

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Even though I'm not retired yet I decided a few weeks back that I would work out much more. So instead of the usual couple 12 ounce curls a few times a week I have been doing them every day now.

Ah yes, this was my workout for this last year...

That was the problem. I enjoyed it way to much... :o

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